Different world of Naruto's sexual life

Chapter 25: Chapter 24 Part 1

If you asked Naruto what he liked most about the girls, he would reply that he loved the feeling of their skin in his hands. It's always been this way, ever since he could remember. He always loved human contact, whether it was a touch on the shoulder, holding hands with Iruka, or even the occasional ride on Sarutobi's shoulders.

When he first got Sakura, he savored his first touch with her. He knew Sakura was scared of him at that moment in time but he didn't think too much of that.

He just wanted to feel her.

He had started with her feet, slowly, very slowly working his way up. He savored her scent, memorizing every single feature of her body. He ignored her whimpers and pleas to let her go as he moved up her body, all of his senses focused on her. He smiled when he reached her face, her pleas turning into mere whimpers as he caressed her face before ending it with a long and deep kiss.

Naruto smiled as he dreamt the memory and turned over in his sleep, away from his blonde pet. He softly whispered Sakura's name as he dreamed of the events afterwards then suddenly, he woke up from his dream due to a sudden kick from Ino as she shifted.

`God damn it Ino, keep your legs to yourself. At least Sakura doesn't kick when...Sakura?' Naruto felt around and failed to find another body on the bed. He raised himself up a little and looked into the bathroom, hoping to find her in there but she wasn't and that caused him to groan as he knew EXACTLY where she was. He laid back on the bed and grabbed the intercom and pushed the button. "Sakura, I know you're living room. Answer me."

Naruto let go the button and waited to hear Sakura. A couple of seconds later, she came on. "I'm here master. Is something wrong?"

Naruto scowled. "There is something wrong. YOU are not in bed. Why is that?"

"I wanted to go over the wedding plans master." Naruto groaned out loud, smacking his head in frustration. "There was a couple of stuff that I thought needed changing."

"Sakura...the wedding is months away. What have I told you about this? Get up here and come to bed and I'll forget you ignored the rule to being in bed."

"I'll be up in a couple of minute's master. I promise."

Naruto groaned but set down the intercom, turning around and moving his arm over Ino. He `mmmed' in content as she adjusted her position as well. "You going to punish her?" She asked.

"Maybe. If I'm in a good mood when I wake up."


Naruto sighed in content as he moved over once again. He opened his eyes once and closed them again...only for them to snap open when he saw the lack of a certain object. Turning around, he looked in the bathroom again but no Sakura. He looked at the clock and saw it has been a couple of hours since he woke up.

"I'm going to kill that bitch." Naruto flung off the covers and stood up, marching out of the room, leaving a smirking Ino behind, and down the stairs. He reached the bottom and saw the living room lights on. He growled and went into the living room, seeing the pink hair on a chair with her back toward him.

He marched up and reached out, grabbing her hair painfully. Sakura screamed in surprise and pain as Naruto tugged on her hair, being dragged up the stairs. She tried to apologize but Naruto ignored her as they entered his room. She yelped as she was thrown onto the bed. She looked up, really scared.

"When I say go to bed, I mean GO TO BED!"

She whimpered and nodded, hiding herself behind Ino as he grunted and got on the bed, flinging the covers on himself. "I'm sorry." She whispered but she didn't know if Naruto heard her.

She looked at her friend as she chuckled. "Don't count on me to get you out of this." Ino said, closing her eyes and adjusting her position so she was facing Naruto's back, turning away from Sakura.

Sakura whimpered.


All throughout the night, Sakura couldn't sleep. Even though both Naruto and Ino were sleeping, she couldn't so when it was time to get up, Sakura had no choice but to get up. She couldn't wait for Ino to wake up as it would break the rules of their contest.

Hopefully, she'll be able to get some sleep later, if the master gave her mercy.

As she stood up, she went downstairs and started to fix breakfast but unfortunately, she didn't get far as she was grabbed from behind. "We need to talk darling." Naruto spoke as he dragged her outside. He went to the side of the house and threw her onto the grass, the girl whimpering as she righted herself.

She watched as Naruto sighed and bent down, looking at her. "Sakura darling..." He said, reaching out to cup her whimpering chin. "I know the idea of marriage excites you so but you shouldn't ignore the basic rules pet. When I set down the rules, the first of which is that you must be in bed by ten because I want you to get a good nights sleep every night."

"But...but the wedding..." Sakura tried to speak but Naruto wouldn't have that.

"I know about the wedding. It's my wedding isn't it? (Sigh) Look sweetie, I understand that being a female, you start to obsess over every little thing and I let you do that, as long as you follow the rules. This includes being in bed, telling me about your plans if it involves being away from my side, I made an exception before when you tried to capture Tenten and I was doing nothing and I was feeling lazy. You did good by telling me your plans for tomorrow but still, by staying up all night when we have months to plan is not so smart.

Naruto rapped on the side on her head with his knuckles, causing her to whimper. "Think Sakura. Space it out, both you and Ino and Tenten, who, by the way, is still afraid of coming into this household. I can't believe I'm giving this lecture and I hope it's sticking in your head."

Sakura quickly nodded, taking all of Naruto's lecture to heart. She knew she should've gone to bed but she couldn't help it, it was like the binder was calling her to it. "I...I understand master and I'm sorry. I let my desire get the better of me."

Naruto smiled and chuckled, reaching out and patted the top of her head, like a child that just did good. "I hope you remember this Sakura. Now onto the issue of your punishment." He said, standing up, smirking as he saw her eyes snap completely open and start at him.


"You did break the rules and you need to be punished for it. Look up."

Sakura did what he ordered and looked up. She suddenly gasped and shot back, away from the house, and ended up backing up into Naruto's legs and stared at the object of her horror.

The hotbox.

The hotbox is like an outhouse but without the toilet and the smell and in its place as wood so she could sit on while the seals filled the inside with heat. Also included were restraints so Naruto could lock her in there.

Of course the door itself can be locked.

"Master...please...I'll do anything, just don't put me in there." She begged, moving herself behind Naruto's legs to hopefully escape the steamy doom.

She didn't see Naruto's smirk. She felt herself being grabbed and lifted up, facing the box. "You hate the heat don't you my little cherry blossom?" He said, whispering in her ear. "Unlike Ino, you hate being burned by the coals or the red hot pokers. That's Ino's fantasy. You prefer the cold don't you?"

"Ye-yes." She whimpered out, trying to bolt but Naruto's grip held her.

Naruto smirked again. "I know. Now open the door." The pink haired slave whimpered but kept her hands where it was. "OPEN IT!" Sakura cried out and started crying as she forced her hands up and to the handle. She pulled on it and the door squeaked open. One last time, she pleaded with Naruto to spare her but as he pushed her in the box, she knew she wasn't going to be spared.

She whimpered as she landed in the outhouse. She turned around as Naruto walked up to her. He adjusted her position so she was sitting up. He reached up and grabbed the hanging keys to the locks. Unlocking the feet restraints first, he placed both of her legs in them and locked them. He did her arms next, placing them in the locks on the wall. When he was finished, her arms looked like an `L'. There was no neck restraint or any other, just the limbs.

"Now Sakura, you know the process. One bottle of water every hour. I'll see you later."

The last thing he saw was Sakura's scared face as he closed the door, locked it, and turned on the seals.


Naruto sighed as he stepped in the house. He thought Sakura was smarter then this but the blame goes to him. He's the one that let them do what they want and that caused the slaves to basically make Naruto's life a living hell.

`Why the hell am I doing this wedding again? I could just as easily go to the Hokage, fill out a couple of forms and boom, we're married.'

"You're suffering this because you love us master. You know we always wanted a big wedding."

He sighed again. "I know but still...wait...Ino?" Naruto looked up at his smirking blonde pet when she seemly answered his thoughts. "Did you just...?"

"It's not hard when you're broadcasting your thoughts when a girl like me can hear them." She said with a certain smugness in her voice.

Naruto scowled. "Ino..." His voiced carried a warning tone with it. He did not like having his private thoughts read.

"It's not my fault master. I can't help it. Both you and daddy trained me to always have an open mind, literally. It's my defense mechanism and my paranoia all rolled into one."

He sighed and rubbed his forehead. "Ino...just...I trust you to keep any information you may gleam out of my head confidential. You know what will happen if you blab don't you?"

The blonde pet gulped. "You...you cut out my tongue."

Naruto smirked and nodded. "That's right. We wouldn't want that now would we?"

Ino quickly shook her head and Naruto smiled, patting her cheek as he passed by to sit at the food filled table. Ino sat down as well and eat with him, putting the fear of being tongueless out of her mind. They spent the next half hour eating. They took their time as it was the weekend and Naruto didn't plan on doing anything today.

As they eat, the doorbell rang. "I got it." Naruto said, standing up. He walked out of the kitchen and went to the front door and opened it. When he saw who it was, he blinked in confusion. "Tenten? What are you doing here?"

The weapon user blinked in confusion as well. "I'm here to pick up Ino." Naruto still had that look on his face. "For girls day out?" No response. "We're going to look at the dresses for the wedding?" Still no response. "Ino didn't tell you did she?"

The confused look turned to a scowl. "Apparently not." He turned around. "INO, GET OVER HERE!" Not even a second passed before Ino stood in front of Naruto in attention. "Did you forget to tell me something?"

"Umm...I don't think so." She said, confused.

Naruto frowned. "Are you sure pet?" Ino nodded and his mouth turned downwards. His hand shot out and pointed to the visitor. Ino followed the line and saw Tenten.

She stared at her for a second before she finally realized. "That's today?" She nodded. "Crap." She muttered and turned back to a fuming Naruto. "I can explain, see..."

Ino shut up when Naruto reached out with both hands fixed in a choking position but stopped short of her neck. "How many times do I need to tell you? TELL ME when you make plans. TELL ME so I can adjust my schedule. Kami, I cannot stress this enough. Ugghh." Naruto put his hands back and put a hand on his forehead. He was just about to break. This wedding stuff is undoing all of his training. "You know what...just go. Get your stuff and go."


"I SAID...go." He interrupted. "Get your backpack and binders and folders and all that shit and just go." Ino nodded and ran, quickly getting her stuff and going back to her previous place.

"Master, I'm sorr..."

"DON'T...just...just go. I'll punish you when you get back." Naruto grabbed her and pushed her out of the house before slamming the door behind her. He stood there for a few seconds before turning around and sitting down in front of the door. "God, I hate weddings."


"Kami, I can't believe I forgot to tell him." Ino muttered as she walked beside her friend. Said friend looked at her as she despaired, wondering what was with that scene earlier but she didn't ask, feeling like it wasn't her place to know. "Don't worry Tenten, we told you before, Naruto-sama gave us permission for us to talk about our daily life with you. Ask what you want."

"Did you just..."

"Hear your thoughts? Yeah, I did." Ino said, looking at her. "I've been trained by my father learning how to use the mind to my advantage. I can hear your thoughts. It's called passive telepathy. I can only hear within a certain range and is useful if someone is sneaking up on me."

"Isn't that..."

"Wrong? Not really. Like I said before, it's a defense mechanism and paranoia all rolled into one. Even Sakura has her ways to defend herself and her ways are nasty."

"I see. So what was that back there? Why was he mad that you forgot to tell him of our time out?"

"Alright, you know that our master is paranoid. He doesn't like being lied too and he wants absolute control. This includes our lives. There are laws and rules that we have. Laws are absolute, we cannot break them without extreme punishment. Rules are different, rules can be broken or bent within reason and we can get by without punishment."

"It is a law that both me and Sakura have to tell him our plans, whether it is a lunch date, sleepover, or even just a quick five minute thing. It's a law because he wants to know where we are at all times, cause he's afraid of us being taken away. This way, he can keep an eye on us, the task being easier with the crystal ball."

"I know he's paranoid but he's really THAT paranoid? I mean, I saw the three of you handcuffed to Naruto-kun on the night of his party but I was too buzzed to think more of it." Tenten said.

Ino chuckled and nodded. "Yeah. The last time Sakura forgot to tell him, she ended up being burned, literally."

Tenten gulped. "Burned? I don't want to know. So what is he going to do to you?"

The blonde shrugged. "I don't know. Unlike Sakura, who hates heat being used, I love it but I hate the ice so he may shove me in the freezer for a while. I just hope he's in a good mood when I get home."

"Well, can I help?" Tenten offered and Ino looked at her in confusion.


Tenten shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know...maybe stay for dinner, try and appeal to him to lessen your punishment?"

"You can try but I'm not sure how well it will work."

Tenten sighed and hefted her backpack over her shoulder as she followed Ino. "So where are the dresses? Neither you nor Sakura barely told me anything about them."

Ino smirked and Tenten could see that her question lifted her mood some. "Oh, you'll see. Just follow me."

Ino led Tenten down many streets until they suddenly turned into an alleyway. Tenten was about to ask why but her memory clicked on and she knew where they were going.

From in front of her, Ino smirked, feeling the emotions Tenten was feeling.

After a couple of minutes, they emerged from the alleyway and found themselves in a nexus of sorts and in the middle of it was a shop but not just any regular shop, a sex shop. Tenten gulped as she stopped, her friend stopping and looking back. "Something wrong Tenten-chan?"

"Ino...why are we here?"

She smirked. "You wanted to look at the wedding dresses. Here we are. Now am I going to have to drag you in there?"

Tenten gulped again but shook her head, taking a step forward and another until she was following Ino into the shop. The door opened and the bell rang as Ishiya looked up from her magazine and smiled. "Ino, Tenten. How are you doing?"

Ino smiled. "We're doing fine. Tenten here wants to look at the dress she's going to wear at the wedding."

She chuckled and motioned to a part of the shop. "Everything is still there. Don't forget, I need her measurements." Ino nodded and took a hold of Tenten's arm, dragging her to the leather section, passing the toys section where Tenten let her eyes wander.

Ino stopped and Tenten bumped into her while Ino dug into her backpack. "Alright, I made a couple of sketches of how it should look on us." Ino said, handing her a sketch pad, letting her look over it.

"This is good." She said, after a while. "But I don't see these outfits here." She said, looking at the selection in front of her.

"The outfits are going to be custom made but I based yours off of this one." Ino said, pointing to a sexy leather dress. It covered the private parts and almost looked like what a domme would wear during her fun. "Yours, Tsume's, and Anko's will be the same but with a couple of differences."

"Are you sure about having Anko and Tsume as a bridesmaid?" Tenten asked, still looking over the designs and liking them.

Ino chuckled. "Anko is our teacher and has taught us a lot. She's basically a part of the family and would be an insult if we didn't and Tsume is a very close friend of Naruto's. She's the one who helped teach Naruto-sama how to control a pet, along with Anko-chan."

"Who's the best man and groomsman again?"

"Kiba's the best man and Ibiki is the groomsman along with Iruka." Ino answered, looking over the outfits.

"I see. Well, I like the designs and I like the fact that you have thigh-high boots here. I always loved boots but why is there a collar around my neck?"

Ino smirked. "Naruto-sama's idea. He's a perverted bastard and wants to see some people wearing some of his favorite things. Tsume and Anko already picked out their collars and I'm going to help you pick out yours. I talked with Ishiya and she agreed that if you want to return it after the wedding, she'll give you all of your money back."

Ino walked forward and took Tenten by the arm and led her to the section that had the collars. Once she was there, Ino had to urge Tenten to choose and it took a while but Tenten picked out one that she liked. After that, they roamed the store for a little while, commenting on various toys and giving their opinions on it.

To her surprise, Ino found out that Tenten bought a few items from this place but she wouldn't tell her which items as she was embarrassed by even telling her that.

When they were done, they went to the counter and Ishiya took Tenten to the back to get her measurements. Ino followed, watching as Tenten stripped and the woman measured the girl before placing her in front of the wall that had a ruler stuck to it and took her picture of her front, side, and back for reference when she's making the outfit.

After that was done, Tenten's face was a red as a tomato. Ino couldn't help but tease her as she got dressed again but she stopped after a while, seeing she got her riled up enough. Going to the counter, Tenten bought the collar and put it in her backpack.

"Don't worry about it Tenten. With what we're planning, hardly anybody will be watching you. Now, it's a nice day so why don't we find a nice spot in the park and go over the reception plans."

Tenten sighed. "You're the leader Ino."


Ino cursed her cowardness as she and Tenten stood in the front door of Naruto's home. The reason being is that she was scared to face Naruto again, considering how mad Naruto was the last time she saw him.

"Ino?" Said blonde felt Tenten place her hand on her shoulder. "Do you want me to talk to him? Maybe I can get you out of your punishment."

Ino thought about that, I mean really thought about it. She hated the cold but loved the heat and she hated the times when she was in the freezer, but Naruto doesn't punish according to her feelings. Finally, she sighed. "As much as I would like that, it wouldn't make any difference. I need to face my punishment head on." Ino raised her hand to knock on the door but before she hit the door, the door opened and she was almost ran over by Naruto.

"Master?" Ino said, quickly stepping to the side to avoid his rush.

"Ah Ino..." He finally noticed the girl. "I thought I smelled you. Sakura is in the hotbox, I just gave her water a couple of minutes ago. She has one hour left before she can come out. Make sure you run the bath before you let her out."

"Yes sir." Ino said, chuckling as Naruto reached up and kissed her on the cheek.

"I'll be out for a while but I'll be back a little after you let her out." Ino smiled as Naruto gave her another kiss, this time on the lips. "I'm still going to punish you tonight darling." Ino whimpered as he patted her cheek and turned to Tenten and gave her a peck on the lips before bolting from the spot.

Tenten, after Naruto kissed her, jerked away, a full blown blush on her face as she watched Naruto run away. `Did...did he just kiss me? That little bastard, I...well...' She stopped to think. `It was only a peck and he seemed to be running on automatic so he probably thought I was Sakura and besides...it wasn't that bad.'

"Oi! Tenten!" Tenten snapped out of it when Ino snapped her fingers in front of her. She focused on the girl in front of her as she regained her bearings. She frowned as she saw that smirk on the blonde's face. "You liked that kiss didn't you?" Tenten frowned even more and delivered a hard smack on the back of Ino's head and she smirked when Ino yelped and glared at her but that glare turned back into a smirk. "Saku-chan's right. You really are like Naruto-sama. You sure you don't want to marry him? You would be perfect for him."

This time, Tenten scowled and crossed her arms. "All that is in the future. Right now, we're just best friends."

Ino smiled. "So you're not denying that you might marry him one day?"

"If he plays his cards right, there might be something there."

Ino chuckled and led Tenten into the house. They went upstairs and Tenten saw an open door to her left and paused for a moment. Ino, noticing her pause, stopped and looked at her, smiling as she knew why. "That's Naruto-sama's bedroom. That cage you see is Sakura's other present for him." Ino suddenly smirked as an evil idea came to mind. "You want to try it out? I can put you in there for a couple of minutes."

"Mmm...sure." Tenten said, her mind not registering her question fully and her mouth answering it honestly. Ino grinned when Tenten responded, even as Tenten's eyes widened as she realized what she just said. Almost immediately, she tried to take it back but that grin never left Ino's face. "Ino-chan please, I beg of you. Please don't tell him."

The smirk never left her face. "Why should I? We tell him everything. Why is this any different?"

"I'll...I'll do whatever you want. Just...don't tell him." Tenten begged on her knees. In the back on her mind, she knew it was futile but she had to try.

She gulped when Ino walked forward. "Anything I want mmm?" Ino's hand went to the brunette's chin and she lifted the girl up and brought her body really close to hers, to the point where she can smell Tenten's hair. "What if I want something personal? What if I want your body? Are you willing to sell your body to me in return to keep me from telling master that you want to be caged?"

"This isn't something I want everybody to know." She moaned out, feeling Ino's hands explore her body. "Especially Naruto-kun."

Ino smiled and planted a kiss on Tenten's cheek. "Tell you want. Do a strip dance for me, and I'll forgo telling master. Alright?"

Tenten gulped. "Do I have your word?"

The blonde smirked. "You know me sweetie. I never break my word. I will not tell Naruto-sama."

"Alright, I'll do it." Tenten yelped when Ino grabbed both of her buttocks, looking at the smirking girl as she let go and led her to a room that had a pole. Before she went in, Ino looked up at the corner and gave a thumbs up to the hidden camera.


An hour later found Tenten, sitting on the floor, with a clapping Ino standing over her. She was really impressed on how skilled Tenten was with the pole. It made her think that she had sexual skills, skills that had been taught to her by somebody.

She stopped clapping when she saw the face Tenten wore. She smiled and bent down and lifted her face so she could speak to her. "Don't worry Tenten. I'll make sure he doesn't find out about this, but I am proud of you. You're willing to do what it takes to make sure you are safe. That's a good trait to have"

"You little bitch." Tenten finally said. "I should've remembered that you're a manipulator. You goaded me into this didn't you?" She frowned when she saw a smile on Ino's face.

"You made it easy for me. Now get dressed. I need to let Sakura out and you're going to help me."

Tenten nodded and gathered her clothes as Ino left the room, going down the stairs and to the downstairs bathroom. Reaching the room, she turned on the water and let cold water fill the tub. After it filled up halfway, she turned it off and exited the bathroom to find Tenten waiting for her. Gathering a cold bottle of water and the keys from her pocket, Ino led Tenten outside and to an outhouse on the side of the house.

They reached it and Ino unlocked the door, opening it and letting the steam flow out. When it cleared, however, Tenten's eyes widened at the sight of the sweaty, naked, almost passed out pinkette.

When the dim light hit Sakura's eyes, she cried out in pain and turned away from the light. "So Sakura...have you learned your lesson?" Sakura whimpered as she looked at the duo and nodded. "You're going to go to bed on time from now on aren't you?" She nodded again and Ino smiled, taking the bottle and unscrewing it, bring it to Sakura's lips and tipping it, letting the cool water flow into her mouth and down her throat.

After a bit, she stopped, chuckling as she heard her whine but got the keys and unlocked her restraints, the pink haired girl falling out of the box when Ino tugged on her. "Help me." Ino told Tenten and she nodded, bending down and taking a arm and helping her carrying Sakura in the house. They arrived at the bathroom and they gently picked her up, slowly lowering her down into the cold water, the girl in their arms letting out a shriek at the sudden cold.

"Is this alright?" Tenten asked. "I mean, is this healthy for her?"

Ino nodded as they went out of the bathroom. "Naruto-sama and we research before trying anything new. This includes the effects of heat and cold on the body. Being in the hotbox is safe as long as the body is allowed to have a break once in a while. The cold water will return her body temperature to normal and she'll be weak afterwards." They arrived at the living room and Ino forced Tenten to sit on a chair. "Now you are going to stay for supper, I insist. You just hang out here and relax while I cook." Tenten nodded as Ino walked away, walking toward the kitchen but before she stepped in, she turned back to Tenten. "Oh, if Sakura comes back out, help her if she needs it."

She disappears into the kitchen.

Tenten sighed as she was left alone in the living room. She laid back and thought. Her relationship with the Uzumaki family is a very unique relationship. A long time ago, she despised the master/slave relationship but since being friends with the pinkette and blonde, she had long since changed that opinion and for some unknown reason, every time they meet up with each other, she asks them how things are going and they always give a brief summary of what happened since the last time they meet and she listened.

Naruto, however, is a completely different story. She's best friends with the boy but he scares her. She never wants to be alone with him and refuses to step into the household if he is the only one there and he knows this.

She tries to smash that fear but she can't help it. There's just something about him that terrifies her.

Suddenly, she heard a moan and she turned around to find a wet Sakura, slowly moving. Immediately, she shot to her feet and went to her side and took a hold on her. "Couch." She said and Tenten helped her to the couch. She laid down and took ahold of the blanket but failed to move it. Tenten grabbed it and covered her. She then left and returned with a cold bottle of water. She unscrewed it and let Sakura have some water. "Are you alright Sakura?"

The girl sighed and wiped her mouth. "I'm just tired. Were you the one who helped me into the bath?" Seeing Tenten nod, she smiled. "Thanks. I hope you don't think any less of Naruto-sama after this. I know he considers you a best friend."

Tenten smiled. "Sakura, from what I've seen, nothing can surprise me."

"Really? You want to put that to the test?'

Tenten suddenly screamed and jerked back when she heard a new voice right beside her ear. She looked up and frowned when she saw a smirking Naruto. "What did you mean by testing?"

Naruto chuckled. "Sleep over for a few days."

Tenten snarled. "And wake up naked and bound because one of your pets got horny?"

"Oh you won't have to worry about them. If it helps, I'll order them to keep their hands off of you unless they had your permission. So what do you say?"

Tenten sighed and stood up. "I'll decline. Maybe later when I'm not scared to be in the same house as you."

The blonde shrugged. "I respect that. I'm going to check up on Ino. Keep Sakura company would you?"



When Naruto came back to the living room to announce supper was ready, he found himself looking at a peculiar sight.

Tenten was rubbing her hand against Sakura's cheek and said girl was humming in content.

Naruto smirked as he cleared his throat, watching Tenten jerk away, blushing. "Sakura told me to do it." She immediately said, trying to defend herself. "She said it makes her feel better."

"And it does." Sakura said, reaching out and taking the hand again, placing it back on the cheek.

"Sakura darling...you can feel each other up later. Supper's ready."

Sakura sighed and reluctantly let go of Tenten's hand who took it back. She threw off the covers and sat up. "Shall we sweetie?" Sakura asked as she stood up, stretching her arms as she walked, buck naked, to the kitchen. Tenten sighed but followed, wondering how Sakura came to be an exhibitionist.

While they eat, Tenten knew she was going to try and convince Naruto to lessen or completely remove Ino's punishment but the problem is how she was going to go about this. Considering what she just went through with the blackmail with Ino and the `help' from Sakura, she was worried he was going to ask her for payment in order to lessen the blonde's punishment and considering how controlling Naruto is, she was right to be worried.

`Frak this. Ino's my friend and there's no telling what he's going to do to her.' Decision decided, she placed her utensils down and stared at Naruto. "Naruto-kun, I have a favor to ask."

"Tenten...don't." Ino warned, but Tenten ignored her.

Naruto looked at Ino and to Tenten. She had determination in her eyes. Whatever she wanted, it involved Ino. "What do you want?"

"I want you to cancel Ino's punishment."

Naruto narrowed his eyes at the girl. "Why would I do that? She broke the rules and she has to be disciplined."

"I know that, but give her a break." She tried to argue. "Her wedding is coming up and she is understandably excited and it would make sense if a couple of things slip her mind."

"That is not what they have been trained for. They have trained hard, harder then you might imagine, to survive in this world. They trained their minds and their bodies. Because of that training as well as mine, I expect a certain level of preparedness from them. Not to mention, the day before, I gave Ino a lecture on following rules, so tell me this...if you drilled the rules and laws into their heads and they forgot, wouldn't you want to punish them for their mistakes."

"Well, yeah...but..."

"No buts. If you let them slide this one time, they'll think that it's okay to break rules without punishment and that is something I cannot have. I am sorry Tenten, but she will be punished, and nothing you can offer me will change that."

"Even if I offered to take her punishment?"

Now this is surprising. Naruto saw in Tenten a kind of loyalty that is familiar to him. A loyalty that he sees in his pets everyday and that makes him wonder. When he does take her, how easy would it be to train and break her? But for now...

"I'm afraid I'm going to have to decline your offer. Not only do I need to know your likes, dislikes, phobias, heath issues, etc., the main problem is legal. Unless you're willing to write a letter to the Hokage, sign it and have a witness countersign, releasing me of responsibility should anything happen to you, I can't touch you." Naruto placed his chin on his entwined fingers. "So unless you're willing to inform the Hokage that you're willing to take Ino's place, Ino is being punished tonight. Do you understand me?"

Tenten sighed in defeat. She knew where this was going and she didn't want to go down this road, at least...not now.. "Fine, but promise me she'll be fine."

Naruto chuckled. "Tenten...my darling pet is still alive isn't she? Don't worry...the first thing I do is make sure they are safe. If there is anything I drilled into their heads, it's safety. I don't want them to die because of a simple accident. We take all the precautions before we play and punish."

"I know, I know but still..." She looked over to Ino. "She's my best friend, you all are and I don't want any of you hurt."

"Tenten..." Sakura finally spoke up. "I'm flattered by your concern for us, we all are but we know what we are doing. In fact, why don't you stay here for a while? See what we do and how we do it. Observe us. I promise, none of us will touch you, no matter how horny we are."

The brunette sighed, rubbing her forehead. "Look Sakura-chan...it's not that I don't want too. Far from it, it's just that...I'm too scared to be in the same house as him." She pointed to the blonde boy. "There I said it. The only reason I'm in the same house as him is that you two are here and that Jiraiya lives in this house."

"So you think you're safe..." Ino started but was quickly silenced by a smack upside the head courtesy of Sakura.

"Alright Tenten, I understand." Naruto said. "And I respect it."

"Thank you." Tenten looked up at the clock. "I should be heading back. I got an early morning tomorrow. I'll see you tomorrow Sakura."

"See you."

Tenten wiped her mouth and stood up, followed by Ino who walked her to the front door. They said their goodbyes and Tenten left. Ino closed down the door behind her but she suddenly froze.

She just felt a wave of evil intent behind her.

"Well my pet...I wonder why Tenten tried to defend you so much. Is there something I need to know?"

The girl gulped. "Check the camera's master, shortly before you left. I think you'll be please as to what I made her do."

"I will pet, but now it is time for your punishment." Naruto said with an evil smirk.

"Oh kami...please not the freezer." She begged.

"The freezer and another."

Ino whimpered as she was grabbed and led to her punishment.


The alarm blared from the clock as the sun rose and the clock ticked 7:30. A hand shot up from underneath the covers and slammed down onto the `off' button. A groan was heard as the covers shifted and a head of pink emerged from the mess of blankets on the bed.

"Ugh...seven thirty already? God I hate waking up." Sakura flung off the covers and sat up, letting out a yawn as she stretched. Her arms flopped down as her body woke up. She looked behind her and was pleased to see Naruto still asleep.

Naruto hated it being woken up by the alarm clock. It startled him to the point where at least one of the current occupants of the bed gets punched and it was mostly her that got a bloody nose.

She yawned again and stood up, her turn to do the chores and unlike yesterday, there was more to do as it was a Sunday. First were the dirty clothes. Grabbing the almost full hamper, she exited the room and went to the other rooms and collected their dirty clothes. After getting all the upstairs clothes, she went down to the laundry room and set the hamper down.

That wasn't all of the clothes in this household as there was still the first level and the basement. There weren't many rooms in the first level that needed hampers but there were a few. After gathering the clothes, she dumped them in the laundry room and now she needed to get the clothes from downstairs.

As she went downstairs and collected the clothes in the right room, her eyes went to a small black box and chuckled. Ino really doesn't like small spaces, not unlike Tenten who has claustrophobia. Sakura turned and left, gathering the few pieces of clothes and leaving the blonde in her box for now.

She returned to the laundry room and separated the clothes. She gathered Naruto's dirty clothes and put them in the wash. Now that was done, she needed to go and start Naruto's coffee. Ino will make breakfast but she needed to start the coffee, for all of them.

After starting the coffee, she yawned again and went back downstairs and to the room where Ino was being held. She approached the box and grabbed the keys on top of it. Unlocking the box, she bent down and opened it, smiling at the cramped girl who let out a muffled whine at the sudden light. "Tell me sister...can you remember to inform the master of your plans? He was pleased with you with the way you manipulated Tenten but he has shown you no mercy." The blonde barely nodded but that was enough for her. She reached in and unlocked her leg restraints. "I got the coffee on but you need to get the food ready." She smirked as she tossed the keys a ways behind her. "Good luck."

Sakura stood up, leaving behind the blonde as she started to struggle, ending up falling out of the box, and making her way toward the keys to her restraints. Sakura went up the stairs back into the main house. There was one more thing she needed to do before she could hop into the shower.

Get all the trash.

Fortunately for her, the trash downstairs emptied daily so they were clean now but the upstairs trash needed to be cleaned out. She started to gather up the 1st level trash and quickly dumped them in a large bag before going upstairs, going to each room and dumping the trash in the bag. She quickly finished this task, as she wanted to get started on her day and hopefully see Tenten today so they can go over the menu as well as other things.

So after Sakura gathered all the trash, she dumped them outside where the trash man was going to come and collect the trash. As she waited, she leaned against the wall, the smell of the trash reminding her of her early days in Naruto's service.

She would act out and Naruto didn't tolerate that. On some days, he would grow frustrated. He tie her up and put her in one of those black bags, dumping trash after trash on her and leave her outside.

As time passed, she found she actually liked being in the trash. She would intently act out in order for him to throw her away with the trash. She managed to keep this up for a while until Naruto finally figured out that she liked being in the trash.

Of course, the fun she had teaching Ino the glory of trash topped that.

She snapped out of her daydreams when she heard the sound of horses and the squeaking of the wheels as the trash cart came around. As it stopped, she grabbed the trash bags and threw them up into the cart and talked a little bit with Jin, the trash man.

Jin is a nearly old man that knows of her trash fetish. With Naruto's permission, she told Jin about her fetish during one of their conversations and he was surprisingly accepting of it and made a point of asking each time if anybody is in the trash with a smile and laugh.

They finished their small talk and the cart went away to the next house and Sakura went back into the house just as Ino was stumbling upstairs but just ignored her. She gathered some coffee for herself as she walked upstairs to the shower. Stripping off the robe, she turned on the hot water and stepped in after a few seconds.


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