Chapter 23: Chapter 23 Part 1
There was certain rules that had to be followed by the slaves of the Uzumaki household. From the use of phones being forbidden in the dungeon, to Naruto okaying certain dangerous sexual techniques, even to stripping naked whenever they enter the house.
But the one rule Naruto had beaten into their heads was that at least one girl had to be in the same bed as Naruto until he awoke, even if he was in one of his deep sleeps, unless otherwise instructed. One of the girls had to stay, even if it meant taking turns.
Because of that, the two girls started a sort of contest - to see how long they can stay in bed before one of them is forced to get up. Naruto found it very amusing the level of competitiveness between the two - they even tried to sabotage each other! Spiking drinks with stimulatants to force each other to stay up, placing their hands in water, etc.
Of course, the time they accidentally got him with one of their pranks earned them a night with Ibiki and a lecture on thinking before acting. Needless to say, the girls both toned down their attempts.
When they had gotten back, they apologized to Naruto and he, still a little pissed, sent them to paint Kurenai's place as she was planning to repaint her place.
So far Sakura held the record for staying in bed the longest.
She is quite proud of this fact and even more that Ino usually winds up doing the morning chores but there are times when she gets up first and what was even more rare Naruto gets up first but he still hands off the chores to one of the girls.
But today wasn't one of those times.
When Sakura opened her eyes, the first thing she saw was Naruto's whiskered face. She smiled and looked up a little and smirked.
Ino was already up.
`That girl is just mad she can't beat me at this.' Sakura chuckled and settled herself. `October 10th is nearly upon us. Master still has no idea of the surprise birthday party we're going to throw him. He's going to be so happy.' Sakura let out a sudden moan as something wet attached itself to her neck, sucking and licking at the nape of her neck, right where her sweet spot was.
Sure enough, the girl started purring as that something paid more attention to it, her breaths coming out uneven as a hand reached down to her labia and lightly stroked it, causing the girl to squirm.
"How is my slave doing this morning?"
Sakura hummed in content as Naruto's hands roamed over her body. "This slave is doing well. This slave wonders if there are any services she can provide for this morning?"
Naruto chuckled. "This slave can get the bath ready and lay out my clothes like she's supposed to when I wake up."
"As you wish my master."
Sakura stood up and walked toward the shower while Naruto laid there, watching the girl. He yawned as he sat up, his lips smacking together as he stared out the window, waiting for his pet to come back.
`I love this life.' Naruto thought. `Having slaves to boss around and fuck but most of all, I love my family.' As if on cue, Sakura came back and informed Naruto that the bath was ready. Naruto nodded and got up and went to the bathroom while the girl got Naruto's clothes ready. After that, she took her place in the bathroom, right next to the door and waited.
She would be there when Naruto got out, waiting for his orders.
After Naruto got out of the shower, he ordered Sakura to retrieve Ino and clean themselves while he eat. After she left, Naruto got dressed and went downstairs for his coffee and food.
Shortly before he finished, the girls came down the stairs clean and dressed. After they all ate and brushed their teeth, they set out to meet Asuma. After meeting with him, they went to get their assignments.
" long do we have to wait?" Naruto muttered as he, and several other teams, waiting until they could go in and get their assignments. They were 3rd in line but the team currently in there took their sweet time. He sighed and looked around. Almost everybody there, he knew.
He sighed again and leaned back, his arms going around the two girl's shoulder as they leaned against him. He looked at his teacher and saw the frown on his face and chuckled.
He hates the waiting room because it's a non-smoking section.
Finally the door opened and a team stepped out. When Sakura saw who it was, Naruto felt her tense up.
"Well well...look who's stuck in the waiting room."
"What do you want?" Sakura replied with a sharp edge in her voice.
The purple haired girl only smirked. "Nothing." From behind Ami, Naruto saw Kiba sigh and shake his head. "Oh...before I forget. We just been assigned a C-rank to Wave thanks to yours truly."
"What's your point?" Sakura asked, her anger rising with each syllable. Even though she conquered her fear of her during her training, but that girl can still get her anger up easy because of her temper.
Since her training as a domme and the closeness of her and Junko, she gets angry really easy and Naruto had a hell of a time training her to keep that anger in check but sometimes she slips.
"The point is that because of rate your pathetic team is going, you will never advance." With that, she turned a left, a hump leaving her lips and a sway in her hips that's meant to be insulting.
Unfortunately, that insult broke Sakura's control over her anger and she lunged at the girl, only getting a few feet before Naruto put her in a head lock and knocked her knees out, placing his foot on the back of her knee while he tightened his grip on her neck, keeping her restrained while she tried to get free.
"Damnit Sakura, control your anger!" Naruto said harshly to his pet but she either didn't hear him or just ignored him. The latter made him promise her severe punishment. He didn't like being ignored. "Sakura, listen to me!" He whispered. "Remember what I taught you. Close your eyes and go to your happy place. Remember your happy place?" Sakura kept growling but closed her eyes, placing herself in Naruto's dungeon, on the wooden horse, the boy holding her and crashing the horsewhip against her back.
"I want to kill her so bad." Sakura whispered in Naruto's grip. "I want her to suffer for what she did to me. I want to torture her, to make her scream in pain."
"I know Sakura. I know." He said, feeling the girl calm down. "You'll get your chance Sakura, I promise."
" far as missions goes, this isn't bad." Sakura commented, looking at herself dressed as a mailman. `I don't think I ever role-played as a mailman before. This might be interesting to use later. I'll see if I can get master to snag some uniforms later.' She looked to the side where Naruto was adjusting his clothes and chuckled.
When their turn came for assignments, Naruto had asked about the C-rank Kurenai's team was assigned. The Hokage replied that it was a simple escorting mission to the Land of Waves.
After that, he gave them the assignment to be mailman for a couple of days and ordered them to the Post Office where they were given a crash course on being a mailman and the uniforms.
While they were given the mail, Sakura whispered in Ino's ear, giving her instructions while she was out.
Instructions to extend invitations to Naruto's surprise birthday party.
After the Postmaster General was sure they were ready, he sent them off where they each went to their individual sections separately so for Sakura and Ino, that gave them the chance to do what they needed to do.
Knock knock knock knock
There was a persistent knocking that intruded itself in Tsume's nice dream. She covered her ears with the pillow from the couch to try and get rid of it but it only muffled it. The puppies slipping away, she opened her eyes and threw the pillow away in frustration. Shooting to her feet, she stomped to the front door and slammed it open, intending on telling the person to fuck off when her eyes saw a grinning Sakura.
"Am I interrupting anything?"
Tsume groaned and relaxed her fist. "Fuck off Sakura. I was having a nice nap." It was then she noticed Sakura's getup. "What's with the outfit Sakura?"
Sakura just chuckled. "I'm on mail duty today. I already dropped off the Inuzuka mail but I wanted to talk to you and your daughter in person."
Tsume straightened up, her senses on full alert. She had seen the looks Naruto gave Hana when they pass each other on the street. "What about my daughter?"
Sakura, seeing her reacted, spoke. "Don't worry Tsume. He just wants to talk to her. Why don't you bring her here and I won't have to repeat this again." Tsume just stared at the girl, her mind still not convinced. "Trust me Tsume-chan. He has no interest in obtaining a high-end prize. He's fine with the current agreement he has with the prizes."
Tsume sighed. "Alright. Come in and I'll get her." Sakura nodded and walked in when Tsume moved to the side and sat down on the couch while Tsume went and looked for her daughter.
Tsume's dog, Kuromaru, kept Sakura company on the same couch, putting his head on her lap while the girl petted his head. Soon enough, Tsume returned with Hana and her dogs.
"Alright, what do you want?"
Sakura leaned forward a little, causing the dog on her lap to get up and take his place beside his mistress. "I know Tsume would agree with my question but before I ask, I want to give you a little bit of history of Naruto-sama. He's an orphan, that much you know, but what you don't know is just how lonely he was before us. He barely had any contact with anybody beside the Hokage and he was shunned all his life but his birthday is the worst day of his life. He always spends the day in fear and those fears are well founded."
"Even though he was protected, the insults and the jeering and all of those got worst on that day and they attacked his home. Even after his birthday, he still lived in fear. Eventually Sarutobi-sama managed to get him an apartment and make it so no one knew where it was and constructed a way for him to go in and out."
"Now Naruto-sama's birthday is coming up and this would be the first birthday with us. His last birthday...he got a unique gift in a way." Sakura chuckled at that. She was Naruto's birthday gift courtesy of Kyuubi. "Anyway, he was still alone but he's not alone anymore. He has us and my sister and I want to do something special for him."
"Interesting story Sakura..." Hana started. "But you still haven't told me why you wanted to speak to me."
"Hana, don't be impatient." Tsume chastised her daughter. "She's getting to it." Hearing no reply, the Inuzuka shook her head. Her daughter had always been impatient.
"The question I want to ask you is will you help me make my husband's birthday the happiest he ever had?"
Tsume immediate responded. "I'm all for it. Count me in."
"Why?" Hana said, turning to her mother. "The way you talk, you sound like you're fucking the boy." It took all of Tsume's effort to keep a straight face. "What's your relationship with him?"
"He and I became friends when he wanted some advice on training pets. After that we hit it off and we've been best friends since now are you going to answer her question?"
"Why am I being invited anyway?" Hana finally asked. "The brat doesn't know me. A birthday party is only for friends and family."
"He wants to know you Hana." She answered. "He thinks that since he managed to become friends with your mother that he'll get to be friends with you. I don't know why but he wants to be friends with you and I will do my best to make it happen."
Hana sighed, thinking about her words and looked at her mother. Sometimes she would see her and Naruto together at a restaurant, talking to each other. She seemed happy with him and Tsume happy was a rare sight since her husband died. "Alright, I'll go." Seeing Sakura's happy face, she groaned. "So what should I bring as a present?"
Sakura just shook her head. "Nothing. Naruto-sama just wants ten minutes of your time."
"I can't just show up empty-handed. That would be an insult. I'll figure something out. So when's the party?"
"Three weeks on Saturday. I won't give you a time right now because we don't know the time." Seeing their confusion, she continued. "This whole idea hinges on this being a complete surprise. Saturdays is the time where we have some private fun and we usually spend the whole day doing it. We need to get Naruto-sama out and away from the house while we set up the decorations and all that stuff. Because of his past, Naruto-sama is extremely paranoid and will suspect something if things don't go right. That's why we have help for that day. Either on Thursday and Friday, I'll be calling you with the right time and the three of you, Kiba included, and your dogs if you want, can come over."
"We'll be expecting your call." Tsume said as Sakura got up. Hana and Tsume got up as well and Hana went back to the clinic and Tsume escorted Sakura to the front door.
"By the way Tsume..." Sakura said before she left. "Ino wanted me to tell you that she enjoyed her time with you."
"Really?" Tsume said, surprised. "She even liked the biting?"
Sakura chuckled. "She loved the biting. She wanted me to tell you that she hopes that you'll ask for her when the time comes again." Tsume smiled. She'd enjoyed fucking with Ino and she really liked taking advantage of her sensitivity.
"Tell her that I enjoyed it as well. She just makes me feel wonderful."
The pinkette smiled. "I'll tell her." Tsume nodded and reached out with her hand, putting a finger under her chin and lifting some so she could bend down and capture her lips and kiss her passionately. Sakura moaned into the kiss as she grabbed the back on Tsume's head.
They shared this kiss for a few minutes before they broke apart. Sakura said goodbye to Tsume and she left, the door shutting behind her as she continued with her duties. Tsume started at the door for a couple of seconds before she chuckled, turning around in the process but stopped when she saw Kuromaru staring at her.
The dog only sighed.
Knock knock knock
"Come in." Ibiki Morino said to the person knocking on his office door. The door opened and Ibiki saw Ino, dressed in postal garb, walk in carrying a stack of mail for him.
"Your mailbox was too small for this stuff." Ino said, dumping the stack on his desk. Ibiki groaned at the size. He hates paperwork as much as the Hokage does. "So how's the torturing coming along?"
"Slow. We haven't captured anybody in a while and the only prisoner that needed to be interrogated died yesterday."
"I see. Would you mind coming to master's surprise birthday party in a couple weeks? You're the one who taught him how to break us and he'll..." Ino was cut off by Ibiki's chuckle.
"Ino you don't need to convince me. All you had to do was ask. I would be glad to go to his party. What time is it?"
"We don't know right now. We need to first get him out of the house on Saturday so me and Sakura can set things up. We'll call a couple of days before when we're sure he'll be out of the house."
"Alright, if you need help, just let me know." Ino nodded and started walked out of the room, going out of the building and to her next place.
`I hope Tenten comes to the party.' Sakura thought as she walked up to the residence of Tenten. `I know master would love to have her there, if only to capture her.' Sakura stopped to consider that thought. `Maybe that can be another birthday present from me. Knock her out, take her downstairs, and pretty her up for him. Hmm...maybe I should do that. Tenten's a smart girl. She would always be on her guard but we're friends and I can use that to my advantage. Put a drug in her drink or food and keep her in my bedroom. I can put her in that space in the floorboards in my closet but the trick is hiding her scent. I can talk to Tsume about that but still that carries risk.
Sakura leaned against the door frame, still deep in thought. `But the main problem is legal. I can't take her without a valid excuse. It has to be in master's two territories, the house and the forest. I suppose I can take her to our spot in the forest and knock her out there but then the issue becomes how to transport her.'
`Maybe Ibiki-sensei can keep her in his cells. She'll know where she is and that she's in big trouble and I could train her myself and be ready for master on his birthday but then the issue becomes if Ibiki and his goons can keep a secret or you know what? The Hyuuga have prisons at the compound for their own. That'll be a good second choice and I bet Hinata-chan would be glad to help train a new pet.'
Sakura yelped and lost her footing, falling off the steps and landing in the dirt below. Her head lifted itself from the ground, an annoyed expression on her face and she spat out some dirt that made its way into her mouth, aware of giggling in the background. `Kami I need to pay better attention to my surroundings. Master will kill me if I start to slip now.' Sakura saw a hand enter her sight and she looked up to see a smiling Tenten. Sakura chuckled and took the hand and was helped up by the girl.
When Sakura got up, she dusted herself off and looked up to the smirking girl who had her arms crossed. Sakura couldn't help but blush at that smirk. "Hi."
Tenten chuckled. "Hi yourself. So what were you thinking about that you didn't notice me when I stood in front of you?"
The pinkette chuckled sheepishly and rubbed the back of her head. "It's...complicated." The hand that was rubbing the back of her head went to her neck and adjusted her collar.
Tenten's eyes followed her hand and finally settled on her clothes. "So you got mail duty?"
"Hehe's not a bad job actually. I like it." She blinked when Tenten extended her hand, palm up. She looked back up in confusion.
"Oh." Sakura dug into her bag and withdrew Tenten's mail and placed it in her hands.
"Thanks. I've invite you in but..."
"Actually, I would like that." When Tenten looked back, she explained. "I have something to ask you and I can't really ask you outside." Tenten nodded and let Sakura in, closing the door behind her.
The rest of the day was spent for the three genin delivering mail to their designated areas. After each of them were done, they were given a break time and then reassigned another area. Both of the girls , while they were working, talked to various persons and invited them to Naruto's surprise party.
Including, at Sakura's insistence, Uchiha Sasuke.
Ino, for the life of her, had no idea why Sakura wanted him to come but obeyed her orders, thinking she knew what she was doing. To her utmost surprise, Sasuke agreed to come.
Naruto had no idea what they were doing.
By the time the girls were finished, Naruto was still working so they hung out in the break room which is empty at the moment.
"I'm not sure I convinced Tenten enough." Sakura said, causing her sister to look at her.
"What do you mean?"
Sakura took a sip of water before explaining. "I invited her to the event and I thought she was going to accept but she ends up saying no. She said that birthday parties were only for family and friends and she was neither to Naruto-sama. I had told her that he would want her to come. She's our friend and that she could come and enjoy it with us. She still wasn't convinced so I said this...
"Tenten...if you're refusing because of Naruto-sama's control over us and because you're a girl, you really don't have to worry. If you want to understand our relationship, then sit down with him and talk, ask him why he's like that. He loves it when people ask him questions and he will tell you everything and more about the subject of interest."
"I think that did it but I'm not sure. She said that she'll think about it and she'll call me."
"Does she know that the party is supposed to be a secret?" When Sakura nodded, Ino sighed. They didn't need her spilling to Naruto before everything is done. "So how do you think Naruto-sama is doing?"
Sakura chuckled. "I bet he'll be along shortly."
During the next week, things were being finalized for Naruto's birthday party. For Sakura and Ino, an evil plan was being hatched in their minds to capture Tenten. When Sakura told Ino her plan, she looked at her like she was crazy and then asked what she had in mind.
Sakura had talked to Ibiki and he agreed to store Tenten in one of his cells while he trains her and made him promise he wouldn't say anything to Naruto while she and her sister was training her.
When Sakura left the room, she failed to notice the smirk on Ibiki's lips.
She went to Azumi to get a drug that would knock Tenten out and she wouldn't be able to detect it. When she realized who it was for, she gladly gave it to her with instructions.
When she left, she also failed to notice the slight smirk on her lips.
The days passed and the day had finally come for Sakura to go through with her plan. It was simple. She would go to Tenten and invite her to a picnic. If she declined, she was prepared to tempt her with some of Tenten's favorite foods. Once she accepted, Sakura would take her to Naruto's second territory where the capturing slave rule is in effect. Once there, Sakura would give her the pre-spiked drink and wait for her to pass out.
After that, she would tie up the girl and stuff her in the suitcase that she already placed at the location and deliver her to her cell where she and Ino would train her to be Naruto's pet. Tomorrow the plan would be put into action and the hard part would begin.
Keeping Naruto away from the I/T division and manipulate their lies so not to set off Naruto's lie detector.
When the sun rose the next morning, the phone rang and Sakura got up to answer it as she was already awake. It was Asuma, letting her know that he would be having a physical, and that they had the day off. After Sakura hung up the phone, she grinned.
Today is the day.
`Today is Tenten's last day as a free human,' she thought, a sinister chuckle escaping her pink lips. 'Oh the things I'm going to do to her tight little ass...I just know I'm going to have a maniacal grin stuck on my face while I'm training her.'
With that thought, she set out doing the morning chores. Today was one of the lucky days as not a lot needed done, and there was could be done quickly. After finishing the chores, she got in the shower and quickly cleansed herself, shivering as she ran the loufa over her soft pussy.
After she finished cleaning herself, she dressed and headed into the kitchen to fix the master's breakfast.
She needed to butter Naruto up in order to help him decide to let her have the day free, so she quickly prepared his favorite breakfast.
Ramen and coffee.
After making the food, she set them on a serving plate and took it upstairs to find Naruto already awake and sitting up. "Naruto-sama, I brought breakfast." Naruto perked up when Sakura entered the room. She set the tray down on Naruto's lap and he looked up at her, a knowing look in his eyes.
"What about me?" Ino asked, spying the food.
"You get your own food." She snapped at her friend. She chuckled and put a smile on her face and sat down on the bed, placing her hands on her lap. "So master...I was wondering...I have some plans for today and was wondering if I could have your permission to leave your side to get them done."
"I'm not going to be long, I just...alright?" Sakura was surprised at his sudden answer. She had thought he was going to ask why but he said it was okay.
Naruto nodded as he took a sip from his coffee. "That's what I said. I know you have a life Sakura." Before Sakura could stop herself and mess everything up, she asked why. "I trust you Sakura. You wouldn't manipulate me for your own goals would you?" He asked, eyeing the pinkette.
Suddenly, Sakura felt a sharp pain in her heart. `Oh kami, he's right. I'm manipulating him. Something I swore I would never do but here I am, lying to him for my own goals...just as I used to do, but I'm doing this for his benefit.' It was then she realized something that she should've realized before.
Naruto prided himself on his skills on breaking both kuniochi and shinobi alike. He told his pets on more then one occasion is that it's the breaking he loves most about his pets. The satisfaction he feels knowing that he broke his pet through hard work.
For him to receive a pre-trained pet...would that be an insult?
`I've been so preoccupied with the birthday party that I never once stopped to think if I should do this. If I give him a trained Tenten, then how would he feel? Let out? Betrayed? Maybe I shouldn't do this, let master capture Tenten on his own schedule.'
`Sakura, you idiot!'
`If your so worried about that, then how about this as an alterenitive? Capture Tenten as planned but don't do anything. Let her rot in Ibiki's cell and give her the same treatment that we were given. Then, when it is time, go and get her and put her in the cage you're installing in the bedroom. This way, master won't be insulted and you can even offer to train her if he wants.'
`Should I do that? I mean...'
`Look Sakura, it couldn't hurt to try. Your friendship with Tenten will aid in this a lot. Make periodic visits to her and make sure she knows who she belongs to and what she should do.'
`That's actually a good idea. I'll do that. Thank Jun...OWWW!' Sakura suddenly cried out in pain as she felt a familiar sensation on the back on her head. Naruto just smacked her in the back of the head.
"You keep this up Sakura, and I'll be forced to hand you over to Inoichi for evaluation. You didn't respond when I called out to you. Quite frankly, I'm getting worried about the two of you." Naruto said when Sakura looked at her.
"Hehe, forgive me master. Is there anything else I need to do before I leave?"
The blonde shook his head. "No, you can go ahead and go do what you need to." When Sakura stood up, Naruto finally noticed Sakura's attire. "Trying to impress someone?"
Sakura merely smiled and posed. "Like you always say darling...clothes can enhance the beauty of a woman."
At this, Ino snorted. "Or make her look like a complete slut."
Sakura chuckled. "That too. Now if there is nothing else, I'll take my leave." Sakura bowed in respect before turning around and leaving the room, heading done stairs to retrieve the picnic basket and the food, drinks, and the drugged drink.
`The girl won't know what hit her.'
"Tenten open up! I know you're in there!" Sakura said, banging on the door. She just saw Gai and found out their team had the day off and that brought glee to Sakura. This makes her job easier.
"Alright, shut up!" Sakura heard her say from behind the door. Sakura heard a click and the door opened to reveal a robe-clad Tenten with a scowl on her face but when she saw Sakura, that scowl turned to confusion. "Sakura? What are you doing here? Wait...if you're here because of the party..."
"No no no...that's not it." She quickly said. "I wait paitently for your decision. The reason I'm here is because I got nothing to do today and was wondering if you would be interested in having a picnic with me."
"A picnic?" She asked, looking into the basket. She saw some of her favorite foods in there and she looked up, a small grin on her face. "You're trying to bribe me aren't you?"
"Who me? I would never." Sakura said innocently but she had a small smile on her face.
Tenten's grin turned into a smile. "Why not? Let me get dressed." Tenten disappeared behind the door and got dressed. It took no time at all for her to come back and after she locked the door, did she noticed Sakura's clothes.
Sakura, noticing her stare, smirked. "Like my choice?"
Black knee high boots covered red stockings. Not that she could see the stockings as it was covered by the black jeans. She had on a tight red shirt that showed a little of her stomach and her pink hair was pulled into a ponytail and it was tied by an orange ribbon.
But what she couldn't see was a tight shibari harness that crisscrossed her body with a vibrator lodged into her pussy. Over the months, Sakura had become quite the expert of hiding reactions that an active dildo would make her do. It's currently set on medium and Tenten had no idea what was under all that cloth.
"It's an interesting choice but over the months, I noticed you wear clothes that show different parts of your body off. Does Naruto force you to wear this or..."
"We're his pets Tenten and that means we have to look good for him. Fate has been kind to our bodies and we have a reasonable bust for our age." Here Sakura groped her chest. "Naruto-sama is a unique boy and we are happy to serve him." She then lifted her arm up, motioning for her to hook her arm around hers and Tenten smiled, saying `why not' and did exactly that and left for the picnic spot Sakura had picked out.
For the next few hours, Sakura and Tenten played with each other. They played games, talked, and even went swimming. Of course, neither one of them bothered to bring any swimwear but Tenten was fine skinny dipping. For Sakura, she stripped as well but kept the harness on and the vibrator was water proof so it could work in water.
When Tenten saw the tattoo on Sakura's back, she asked what it was. Sakura answered honestly about what it was, Tenten then asked who's idea was it and Sakura replied it was Naruto's. He liked the idea behind it and asked them to have it tattooed on their backs.
Tenten left it alone after that.
Soon after, they decided to hop out of the lake as neither of them want to look like prunes. Since they didn't plan on going swimming, they didn't bring any towels but Sakura said she was content with air drying.
Also, much to her surprise, Tenten was fine with staying naked as well. Her curiosity, aka Junko, bugging her, she asked why was she fine with it. She replied that Gai-sensei forced them to go through anti-modesty training to make sure the enemies couldn't use their bodies against them. Sakura's mouth turned into an `O' shape as she remembered her own training.
Her training was more sadistic then anybody else's.
So after that, they decided to eat as it was lunchtime. Sakura set out the food and drinks but held back on the spiked drink, wanting to let her eat a bit before drugging her so they eat and talked for a while. When Tenten emptied her water bottle, Sakura decided that it was time. She dug into the basket and withdrew the spiked drink and handed it to her.
The drug Azumi gave should be odorless and tasteless so Tenten wouldn't suspect anything until it was too late.
Tenten thanked her and opened the bottle, taking a big gulp while Sakura took a sip of her water, mostly to hide the evil smile that was trying to form on her mouth. She watched as she swallowed the liquid.
She wiped her mouth and sighed. "Refreshing...hey Sakura, I want" True to Azumi's words, the drug was fast acting and it took no time at all for Tenten to collapse.
"Tenten...are you ok?" Sakura asked, a full blown smirk on her face as she crawled over to her. "Have you been drugged sweetie?" Sakura's face neared the sleeping Tenten's. "Oh you have? Well that's too bad. Now you belong to me you little slut."
Sakura took the bottle and rescrewed it, standing up and stretching her limbs as she kicked Tenten so she was on her back. "Oh, I'm going to have so much fun training you bitch." She said as she retrieved the suitcase from behind a tree. She dumped it and unzipped it, pulling out a ring gag and walking back to the girl. She straddled her and propped her head up. "Open your mouth for me slut. Open up." She talked to her as she forced Tenten's mouth open so she could lodge the metal ring in her mouth.
Once that was done, she secured the straps behind her ears and smirked but that smirked turned downward as her senses suddenly went haywire. She stared at the ground beside Tenten and her eyes widened, her reflexes saving her as a bunch of wooden tentacles shot out from the ground and shot toward her.
Immediately, she put into action plan 32, and put her hands together and created 30+ clones in close contact. The instant the smoke appeared, she cloaked herself and bolted from the spot as soon as she could.
`What the frak is going on? Why is Tenzo attacking me? He's the only one I know who can use wooden tentacles.' She thought as she bound through the trees. She hoped that the clones can distract them long enough to get away and hide but as she soon remembered, Tenzo is a Kitsune chakra tracker. As she neared a branch of a tree, the same wooden tentacles shot out of said branch. Before Sakura could react, one wrapped around her ankle and tugged, sending her back where she came from.
Sakura tried to escape but more tentacles wrapped around her as she was dragged. Suddenly, she was slammed against a tree and the wood wrapped around her. She grunted as the wood settled and looked up to find a trio of ANBU surrounding the sleeping Tenten and found herself face to face with Morino Ibiki.
"Ibiki-sensei, what's going on? What are you doing with Tenten?"
The torturer looked back before facing her again. "She is going to the hospital. As for you..." He reached out and grabbed Sakura's chin harshly. "What made you think drugging her is okay?"
Sakura snarled. "This is master's territory! I had every right to take her! She belongs to master now!"
Ibiki smirked and let of Sakura's chin before she bit him. "Who do you think asked us to stop you?"
Sakura paled. `Is...Is he talking about master? He couldn't be. He has no idea I'm doing this unless...' "Did you tell him Ibiki?"
The scarred jounin only chuckled. "I said I'll keep Tenten a secret but it was Azumi who told him." Ibiki then walked away while he joined two of the ANBU and they left. The last one stayed there and made a hand sign. She screamed as she was unwrapped and hung upside down from the tree, the wood tentacles wrapping themselves around her ankles and her wrists. As the last elite left, Sakura is left alone, hanging upside down and the only one that can release her is Naruto.
"What the hell did I get myself into?" She asked herself as she hung.
"Well well...what have we got here?"
Sakura jerked out of her near sleep and tried to look behind her as she heard Naruto's voice. She failed to see him although she succeeded to start swinging herself. She felt herself being steadied and soon a smirking Naruto entered her sight with her sister behind him.
"Master? Wha..." Sakura was silence by Naruto who kept a smile on his face.
"Don't speak pet. Let me speak and then you can talk. When I was first told about your plans to capture Tenten, I was surprised. I never thought that you would think I needed another pet. I mean, the two of you are more then enough for now and I am not lonely."
`Wait a minute, he thinks I did it because I thought he was lonely? He has no idea of the party? Wait...he has no idea of the party. YES! It's still a surprise!' She snapped out of her excitement when Naruto gently slapped her cheek.
"Pay attention Sakura. It's too soon for the blood to affect you. Now...while I admire the effort, I am also disappointed in you. I know you want the chance to train a slave by yourself but we do not have the time." Sakura whined as he spoke but still paid attention. Naruto grabbed her head and looked into her eyes. "You should know this. We are too busy with our career. Even though we will retire, we need to focus on our current duties. I don't need your lust getting you into trouble. Don't you remember the first law I had set for you? Do not let your lust get the better of you. Yet you did exactly."
Naruto leaned further so that his nose was a centimeter away from touching her nose. "Now I'm not going to punish you but I want you to keep that analytical voice in your head. Think about it next time. Now here's what I want you to do. Tomorrow, you will wake up and go see Tenten. You will then make sure that your friendship with her is not ruined. Do you understand?" Sakura nodded." Good, now Ino is going to let you go and you're going to spend the day together. I will see you tonight." When he finished, he patted her cheek and left the area, leaving Ino and the nude Sakura behind.
After Naruto left, Ino jumped up and landed on the branch. Ino grabbed a knife and cut the binds hanging Sakura and, with a scream, fell to the ground. She oofed as she landed on the ground. She wasn't high enough to cause any damage.
"You alright Sakura?" Ino asked, dropping down.
"Yeah I'm fine. Just a little miffed at being ruined like this. What the hell was that bitch thinking anyway? Telling master about my plan."
"I'm sure she had a good reason Sakura." Ino said, cutting off the rest of her restraints before plopping down beside her. "Your clothes are over there." She sad, thumbing behind her. She sighed, thinking about a conversation she recently had with her father. She sniffed as a tear swelled up in her eye, catching the attention of her sister. "Sakura, there's something I need to tell you."
"Ino, why are you crying?" Sakura asked, concerned about her sister. She became even more concerned when she saw more tears escape her eyes.
"My father caught up to me today. Before we left, he came to the house and asked if he could speak to me alone. Naruto agreed without a second thought and left, saying that he'll meet me at the library. When we were alone, my dad told me something that was shocking." She turned to look at her. "You remember the times when Naruto seems to disappear around the same time almost everyday don't you?"
"He still does." Sakura responded.
Ino nodded. "Turns out that he has been going to therapy with my dad."
Sakura blinked in surprise. "Therapy?"
"That's what I said. He risked his job coming to me but he felt that I need to be told." Now more tears flowed from her eyes and her voice was started to crack a little. "He told me that master was getting depressed. It turns out that master thinking of his birthday as something entirely different. Instead of being a happy day, he thinks that it is a day of pain and sorrow. He has it stuck in his mind that, because he's an orphan, he should despair and go emo and all that shit. Even though his life has changed for the better, something changed that day when he nearly died."
"Ino, what are you talking about? Master isn't that depressed."
Ino scowled. "You doubt my source?"
"No no no it's not that." Sakura quickly said. "It's just that..."
"I know Sakura." The blonde interrupted. "I didn't believe it when I heard it but daddy let me walk his mind and I saw their sessions together." Ino sniffed again, this time she was crying. "I couldn't believe what I was seeing. It was like all those events that happened so far didn't make any difference."
"Ino..." Sakura placed her arm around her sister's shoulder, bringing her closer to her. "It'll be alright. Once master sees the party, he'll realize that he's not alone." They stayed there for a while, each sister comforting the other.
"You alright Saku?"
Sakura sniffed and smiled. "Yeah. I'll go ahead and get dressed and I'll think I'll stop in on Tenten."
"You sure about that? Tenten might be a little miffed you spiked her drink."
Sakura chuckled as she put her collar on. "I'll be alright. I can handle an irate girl."
"You sure you want to do this alone?" Ino asked as they stood in front of Tenten's room.
Sakura nodded and adjusted the collar on her neck. "I'm sure. You can wait out here."
The blonde shrugged. "Alright. Good luck."
Sakura nodded and knocked on the door, waiting to get permission to come in. When she got it, she sighed and opened the door and stepped in. When Tenten saw her visitor, her mood went south. "You." She said with malice.
"Now now, is that any way to treat a friend?"
"Friends don't spike each others drinks!" She spat out, crossing her arms, watching the girl pull up a chair.
"There's a perfectly good reason for that sweetie."
Tenten crossed her arms and humped. "I'm listening."
Sakura just smiled. "You're taking this way too personal you know that? Anyway, I'm a medical student studying under Dr. Azumi. Recently, she has been teaching me how to properly spike drinks and food and gave me an assignment. Spike a assortment of food and drinks without help and bring it in the next day. I must have mixed up a couple of bottles and when I realized what I done, I threw every single piece of edible product we had but one must have got through. So you see darling, this was a complete accident."
She didn't respond at first, just stared at the girl, judging her before she spoke. "Anything toxic?" She asked, relieved when she shook her head.
"Not right now. Just sedatives and stimulants."
"The doctors are running a tox screen on me. For a while there, I was worried I was going to die because of a stupid rookie mistake."
"Have I said you're taking this too personally? It was just an accident."
Tenten groaned and laid back, her hand rubbing her forehead. "Sakura...I know you. You're a smart girl and you take your studies seriously. Why the slip-up?"
The pinkette just shrugged. "I've been known to slip up from time to time. It happens. Look Tenten, what happened to you was an accident and if you can't accept that, I don't know why I call you friend."
Tenten stared at the girl for a couple of seconds before she chuckled and smiled. "Don't worry Sakura. I forgave you a while ago."
Sakura frowned and crossed her arms. "So what? You were getting me riled up?"
Tenten laughed. "It worked didn't it?" The girls shared a laugh, all negative emotions flowing out of them. It felt good, having a friend to fight and laugh with. As they calmed down, Tenten wiped her eyes and looked at the girl. "So the birthday party is in a few weeks ehh? I think I'll come. I would like to know about the other side of your relationship."
Sakura smiled at that. Those were the words she wanted to hear. "That's great to hear. I'll call you with the right time."
Tenten smiled. "I look forward to it."
The days flew by until one day remains until the special day arrived. Plans were finalized the day before. Asuma would lure Naruto out with a short training session long enough for the girls to set everything up. Anko had offered hers and Hinata's help in setting everything up. In addition, both girls called everybody and let them know the time to come over and that they needed to be there within a specific time and fortunately there weren't any problems.
When everything is set up and everybody has arrived, Ino would go and retrieve Naruto and bring him back. For Sakura, there is a surprise she's going to unveil to everybody while Ino is bringing the guest of honor.
Sakura is going to introduce her inner self to everybody and explain who she is. At first Ino wasn't sure about that idea but she changed her mind later.
But something was wrong. Naruto wasn't his usual cheery self. In fact, he seemed to become more depressed as the minutes ticked by. When the girls asked him about it, Naruto just walked away, sulking to his bedroom and shutting the door.
The night passed by and soon daylight appeared. The light slowly filled the room when a sudden thunk woke Naruto up. He grumbled and looked up, spying a kunai with a note attached to it. Reaching up, he took it and unwrapped the note, reading it and grumbling once he finished it. He sat up and maneuvered himself over his pink haired pet, going into the bathroom.
When he was done with his shower, he stepped out of the bathroom, steam rolling out and a grouchy look on his face.
He wasn't happy, not at all.
Not only was he woken up, he had a sad dream the other night. Not only that, today was his birthday, the most painful day of the year. The glares, the hatred, the cold looks in their eyes. It always made an effect on him but his pets helped him.
Speaking of his pets, he looked at the occupied bed and frowned. They forgot. Even though he doesn't care about his birthday, it still hurt. They never once mentioned or even asked him about his birthday...not even Sakura.
That thought caused a tear to go down his face and he sniffled.
Sakura had a special hold on his heart, whether he likes it or not. If she knew it or not, she could cause him to go insane and unleash the hell that is a pissed off Kyuubi with a simple act of betrayal.
He turned away, more tears falling down his cheeks. `Kami...why the hell did I let myself grow too attached to her? She's just a pet, a toy. Someone I can throw away when I'm tired of her. Why did I allow her to hold my heart, my very soul in those sweet hands of hers?'
`Because you love her.' A voice spoke in his mind.
Naruto tore his eyes away from the girls, walking into the closet to get dressed. When he was finished, he walked back out to the bedroom and stopped at the bed. Grabbing the underside of the mattress, he lifted it up, causing the two females to scream as they took a ride to the floor.
He smirked as he let go of the bed, walking around and looked at the now-awake girls. "Morning girls."
"Morning master..." Sakura said, moving Ino off of her. "Is there anything we can do for you?"
"Asuma wants to meet with me today for some additional work. I'll be gone for a while so I expect you to have your chores done by the time I get home."
"As you wish master."
Naruto nodded and turned around, leaving the girl to themselves as he prepares to spend another birthday alone.
The girls acted as usual while Naruto was still in the house. They went downstairs while Naruto was doing some last minute things. They kept an eye on him while he left the house. When they were sure he was gone, they smiled and got started.
While Ino started her jobs, Sakura went to the phone and started dialing. When she finished, she put the phone to her ear and waited. Finally, a voice picked up. "Hello Anko? It's Sakura. Master's gone and we're ready for you and Hinata."
The pinkette sighed. "Yeah, he's still acting like it. I don't know what the problem is. I would've thought that because he has friends and best friends and fuck buddies, that he would come to expect something when his birthday comes around."
"I know but you have to consider his past. I mean, I understand where he's coming from but still..."
Sakura snarled into the phone. "Oh you did NOT just say that. Need I remind you of your relationship with Orochimaru and the pain you went through because of that? This is exactly the same thing but on a much larger scale."
"(sigh) I'm sorry too. You know how I am with master. Is that Kurenai I hear in the background?"
"Does she want to come to the party?"
"That's great! Put her on."
"Are you serious? She's dead?" Sakura smiled but frowned. "Damnit bitch, don't get my hopes up. I was really hoping that bitch died. Next time you do that, I'm going to use the horsewhip on you. Is she in the hospital?"
"Which room number?" She asked, a evil thought forming into her mind.
Sakura gulped. "I wasn't thinking about finishing the job. What made you think that?"
"Anyway...hurry up over here. I got a couple more people to call." The line went dead and Sakura hung up, before picking it up again and dialing the Inuzuka's. Two rings went by before it was picked up. "Hi, this is Uzumaki Sakura. Can I speak to Tsume please? She's expecting my call." Sakura leaned against the wall as she waited. Finally, the voice of her most favorite female came on. "Hi Tsume, it's Sakura."
"Yeah, he's still depressed but that's what the party is supposed to do. Hopefully it'll work but you never know with him. He may just end up running away in fear but it shouldn't come to that."
"I agree. So master is gone and we're ready for you to help us set up."
"See you then."
Sakura hung up the phone and walked to the backdoor to help Ino with the supplies from the tool shed. When she stepped outside, she stopped on the grass and began a series of hand seals. When she finished, the ground in front of her shifted and rose to form the shape of a girl. It finally settled onto the naked image of Sakura but with the addition of the kanji for `inner' stamped on her forehead. "Alright Junko, please try and keep yourself stable while you're in the house. If you collapse, you're cleaning up the mud."
Junko merely waved her off. "I'll be okay. Now what do you need me to do?"
"Help me help Ino with the supplies. When the helpers come over, I have another job for you."
"You have got to be kidding me."
Junko had a look of disgust on her face as she stared at the `object' Sakura laid on the bed that she ordered her to wear.
A chastity belt.
After the helpers came over, Sakura took Junko aside and gave her new orders. Secure upstairs and put the forbidden signs on the doors. She also told her that there was something she had to wear for today but didn't tell her what.
She walked upstairs and grabbed the box of supplies. Condoms, morning after pills, hangover pills, signs and keys. The reason for the condoms and birth pills is that there is going to be sake at this party and a lot of horny adults and child virgins. Sakura didn't want any mistakes to happen while in the house so Junko laid out the supplies in each of the four guest rooms and made sure to label each one.
After she stepped out of the last room, she stopped, suddenly hearing a hissing sound. She looked up and chuckled. "Kira, what are you doing up there?" Kira hissed in response and Junko chuckled, walking up the walls and gently grabbing the snake. "Come on need to stay in your room for today. I don't want somebody slicing your head off. Ino will kill me if that happened."
After dropping to the floor, she went to Naruto's room and unlocked it, stepping in and placing the snake on the bed. "I would feed you but Ino already fed you." She stepped back and locked the door again.
After that, she grabbed the keys and signs and started to lock and label each door as either `Guest room', Forbidden', `Bathroom', and `Room in use'. The doors that are labeled forbidden Junko locked with the master key that Naruto has on his person at all times.
After that was done did Junko take a look on the bed and the disgust come onto her face. "I am not wearing that thing." Junko let out a yelp when someone smacked the back of her head.
"You're wearing that and that's an order." Sakura said when she came back into view.
Junko snarled. "I hate chastity belts."
Sakura turned around and crossed her arms. She still hasn't gotten dressed, Ino as well, even when Anko, her pet, and the Inuzuka's came over. When Hana asked why while smacking the back of Kiba's head, she replied that there would be no point in wasting clothes when they would be hopping in the shower after they were finished.
Hana was about to say something else but Tsume said to just ignore it and set the presents on the table.
"You never wore a chastity belt before. What's the problem?"
"I still felt it on you. Since I could come out, I could feel more and more and I could feel the belt on us and I hated it. You may love it but I hate it."
Sakura sighed. "Do I really need to spell it out for you? Number know how master feels about events with this many people. He fears us being drugged and taken advantage of and us confusing the real master with some one who is using a henge of him. Second...there is sake and alcohol at this party. As you might know, alcohol has random affects on us. Sometimes it doesn't take long for us to be completely drunk while sometimes it takes a lot of drinks to be fazed. Third, if we do get drunk and decide to strip and dance, only master can take off the belts."
"I thought all of us were going to strip and dance anyway?"
"That doesn't matter. What matters is that we are protected no matter what."
"Alright alright I get it." Junko said. "You don't have to insult me." She muttered.
"Good, now take a shower and put it on. Make sure you use the douche. Guests are starting to arrive and it won't be long until Ino goes off to get master."
Sakura smiled as she looked over the guests that have arrived. More people showed up then she expected. There was a healthy amount of adult males to adult females and girls to boys. With the addition of sake at the party, some of them were bound to get lucky tonight.
She looked down at her choice of clothes and she chuckled. She feels like a slut for wearing this. It was similar to what she wore when she tried to capture Tenten but with the exception of the vibrator and the shibri harness.
The chastity belt prevents that.
Ino herself has chosen an outfit that was geared more to teasing then the sluttish look but still quite powerful in terms of arousal as evident by the tent in the shorts of many a male because of those two.
As for Junko, Sakura had no idea what she was going to wear but it was still going to provide a pleasing view for Naruto when he got home but the thing they all had in common was that all of them was wearing sexy boots as Naruto loves them.
She turned her eyes toward Tenten. She was afraid that she wasn't going to come but Sakura was relieved that she showed up. They talked for a while and Tenten made a remark about her clothes, saying `You seem to be dressing sluttier every time I see you.'
Sakura had replied, `Only for the master's pleasure.' She said with a bow, causing the both of them to laugh and cause Sakura to say something about her choice of attire. `What, you trying to impress my future husband or are you hoping to be one of us?' Tenten only grinned and said `maybe.'
To put it simply, the two girls enjoyed talking to each other.
Grabbing the clipboard, she nodded to Ino and she left to go get Naruto. Now she just need to brief everybody. Calling for silence, she waited to speak. When silence finally reigned, she moved higher so everybody can see and hear her.
"First of all, I want to thank everybody for coming to Naruto-sama birthday party. It pleases me to see a lot of people that want to see him happy, despite what he been through all his life. I know some of you would prefer to be attending the festival out there." Sakura sneered when she said festival. She too remembered what happened on that day one year ago. "On that note, for those of you who don't know, Naruto-sama is an orphan. He's been alone all his life and his birthday's were less then ideal. Growing up, he has developed an extreme case of paranoia. He flinches at the slightest sound, his hand twitches toward his weapon if someone moves the wrong way."
"What about a surprise birthday party?" Kiba shouted.
"He'll draw his knife and start attacking everybody." Sakura said bluntly. There were some mummers but Sakura spoke quickly. "But that's Ino's job. She'll stop him until he realizes that it is a party for him but he's a strong boy so I need all of you to be on your guard in case he slips from Ino's grip."
"Now there are a few things that I need to cover. First of all, there is alcohol here but it will not be brought out until night approaches. Now because of that, we are aware that some people may get lucky tonight. As all you genin are aware, because of ninja's relatively short life, it is often encouraged that we have the most fun we can before our lives end. That being said, sex will be allowed in this household but only behind closed doors. Upstairs, there are doors marked as guest rooms, four in total, use those rooms for your fucking. There are condoms and morning after pills in those rooms as well. We have plenty of extras so feel free to take some home if you want. If you use the rooms for sex, please try and put up the `do not disturb' sign on the knob. I don't need to be walking in and seeing two old people doing the tango and scarring myself for life."
There was laughter at that as some adults blushed at that. "Now we are reasonable adults here but I give you this warning, if any of you try to force yourself on another, whether you be male or female, keep in mind that you are in our house and are subject by our rules. If we catch you, you will be tortured by us before handed over to Ibiki-sensei. I kid you not. We do not tolerate rape in this household. Even if it is consensual and playing out a rape fantasy, do it somewhere else because I guarantee you, we will not know the difference and Naruto-sama will kill first and ask questions later. If you get our permission beforehand, maybe we can work something out."
"Now let's get onto another subject. In the past, Naruto-sama had only spent almost all of his birthdays alone. The only people he spent time with is Iruka-sensei and our Hokage and that's only if he's was very lucky. I want to thank the both of you for helping him when you could." Both of the adults nodded in response. "Now because of that, he never really had any fun. Both me and my sister want him to have the best time of his life. We are going to play games, sing songs, do whatever we can to make Naruto-sama have the best birthday ever. That means if we have to suffer for his amusement, then we will. If any of you object to this, speak up now."
To Sakura's pleasure, no one objected. They all knew that he needs to have fun. "Good, now there's one last thing. As you all know, I am the last of my family. What most of you don't know, is that my family was once a thriving clan that was once as powerful as the Uchiha or Hyuuga. I, and my family, have quite a unique bloodline." There were several gasps of shock. "It wasn't a special eye or any of that but rather it's a second personality in my mind. While some of you might think a second mind is worthless, it can help you immensely. We possessed the ability to let the mind possess our body and learn secrets. When we switch back, the first mind won't know a thing about the secret, thus allowing us to transport the secret safely. If we are captured, we can be tortured all the time and we wouldn't know the secret. We can die, taking the secret with us to the grave. In addition, our memory is excellent and we rarely forget things, thanks to the double personality. That is the reason why I excelled so much in school."
"So that's why you were always a smart-ass." Kiba shouted, earning a chuckle out of the girl.
"That's true. Anyway, the most powerful of our techniques is the ability to bring that personality out, to give her a body of her own." Sakura smirked, seeing the confusion on their faces. She turned toward the stairs. "JUNKO!"
Everybody eyes went to the stairs and they heard footsteps. Boots were seen before legs, torso and hair. Almost all sets of eyes widened in confusion as an exact copy of Sakura (save for the kanji on her forehead) took a spot next to Sakura on the table.
"This is Junko..." Sakura said, motioning to the girl beside her. "My inner persona. Thanks to the efforts of Naruto-sama and Jiraiya combing through the archives and finding the scroll that contained the techniques of my family. She is now able to experience the freedom that she desperately desired."
"And before any of you bozo's get any ideas, my loyalties lie with Naruto-sama." Junko said with authority. "And..." Junko trailed off when Sakura slapped her hand over it. She looked at her looking at the door.
"He's coming." She whispered and turned back to everybody. "He's coming! Everybody hide!"
Everybody scrambled to their hiding place, the lighting shutting off when everyone settled. Now they wait until the door opens and the guest of honor arrived.
`Damn, he seems even more depressed now.' Ino thought as she watched her master train with Asuma...if you could call it that. He was barely making an effort until Asuma gave up and settled for a lecture. When he finished with the lecture, he stood up and walked toward Ino.
"He scares me." He said to her.
Ino nodded. "He scares me too sensei. Hopefully he'll get better. I'll see you later."
Asuma nodded and left the area, heading back toward the house and the party. When he disappeared, Ino walked up to Naruto and knelt down in front of him. "Master, do you want to go home?"
Naruto didn't respond. He just sat there, staring at her with those eyes of his. He wasn't exactly staring at her but just staring into space. She reached out and touched his shoulder and he jerked at her touch, his eyes now focusing on the girl in front of her.
"Come on master. Let's go home."
Naruto didn't resist when Ino helped him up. She dusted him off and placed her arm around his shoulder, leading his down the path to their house. As they walked, they neared the main road where the Kyuubi festival was being set up. Naruto stopped suddenly as they walked on the road, his eyes staring, but not staring, at the festival, his mind taking him on a road down memory lane and several tears went down his cheek and he let out a sob and buried his face in Ino's side as she held him.
"It's alright master. I got you." Ino kept walking, leading Naruto away from the sight that saddens him so. As they neared his home, Naruto calmed down, something completely different on his mind...something he kept from his pets for the longest time.
"Pet, there's something I need to tell you." The blonde looked down at her master, wondering what he was talking about. "You know that I was attacked a year ago on this day. You know the details and all that but you don't know how they managed to get to me." Naruto sniffed, another tear going down his face as they stopped near his home. "Those widows and women and men, they planned for the longest time. I was stupid to believe them and it nearly cost me my life."
"What did they do?" Ino asked, wondering what was going on even as he walked to the door.
"They threw me a `surprise' birthday party with emphasize on surprise. I was happy, thinking things would be alright but then I was beaten, stabbed, tortured to death."
Ino froze in her spot. They really did that? They really went that low, taking advantage of what he so desperately wanted to get close to him? A tear went down her face as she realized that people are very much capable of doing stuff like this. clicked.
`The party...master.' Ino swirled around in time to see Naruto unlock the door and look up. She heard the shout of surprise coming from inside and she paled.
She could do nothing but watch as confusion appeared on his face, then shock, then horror, then complete and utter fear as the memories of that night played with crystal clear quality.
Then...he screamed.
A scream filled with horror, pain, fear. She watched as Naruto started stammering `not again' over and over again as he stumbled back. Snapping out of it, she rushed forward but he bolted before she reached him. She tried to call out to him but his screams blocked that out.
She looked inside the house at the confused expressions on everybody's face saves for Sakura who wore an expression of horror. She was the first to reach as running to the door and standing in front of her shocked sister.
"Ino, what's going on?"
"He thinks we're trying to kill him." She said, the look of horror still on her face. "That's how they cornered him a year ago. A surprise birthday party."
Sakura gasped and covered her mouth in shock. "Ino, please tell me you're lying."
Ino only shook her head. "He just confessed to me a minute ago. He really thinks we're trying to kill him."
"Oh sweet kami..." Sakura said, looking in the direction where he bolted. "I need to find him." She turned back to Ino. "I'm going to find him. You keep the guests occupied and have a clone look out for us."
Sakura didn't wait for an answer as she bolted from the spot and retraced the path Naruto took with the help of his scent. As she ran, she began to notice something. He was starting to hide himself and his smell. `Master's paranoia is taking full effect. He's starting to hide himself, to close himself off from the world. I need to find him before he disappears...before Kyuubi takes control again.'
It was a challenge but Sakura was able to keep track of him. The path led her deep into the woods and the smell started to get stronger again until she landed on a branch overlooking Naruto and his crying form but something was different this time.
He was crying out for someone but due to the additional crying, it was hard to make out what he was asking for until he shouted out one sentence.
"Mama, please help me mama."
That caused a knife to lodge itself in Sakura's heart when she heard him crying out for his mother. She hated this. She hates the village, the villagers, Kyuubi, everybody for doing this to him.
Slowly and gently, she jumped off the tree and landed on the grass, being careful not to aggravate him. She knelt down in front of him. "'s your Sakura-chan. I'm here."
The reaction she got was not what she expected.
Naruto looked up and she could see something different in his eyes. Instead of the dominate look she usually sees, she sees a child. "Mama? Is that you?"
Sakura's eyes widened at that question. "No master, it's your pet, Sakura."
"MAMA!" Sakura let out a yelp when Naruto rammed against her, knocking her to the ground. He latched onto her and curled up against her body, his hands clutching her shirt while he cried. "Mama, people are trying to hurt me."
Sakura hesitated, her eyes staring down at the small form of her master, with absolutely no idea on what to do. This never happened before, even when Naruto and she played in the nursery as mother and child.
This was a completely different experience.
Finally, Sakura thought `fuck this' and decided to play along. Gently she wrapped her arms around the crying boy and slowly petted his hair. "It's alright son. They won't hurt you anymore. Let it all out." Naruto did what she said and cried for all he was worth while Sakura comforted her surrogate son. After a while of crying, Naruto calmed down a little. "Talk to your mother and tell me all about it. Who was trying to kill you?"
"Everybody!" He cried out. "All of my friends, everybody I trusted. They betrayed me...even my pets."
"Your pets? Now I don't believe that. Why would the ones who dedicated themselves to you try and hurt you?"
"They never loved me." He said, causing Sakura to blink. "They were just waiting for the right time to stab me in the back." After that, Naruto burst out crying once again but his head was forced up by his `mother' and she looked in his eyes.
"That isn't true!" She said harshly. "If you really believe that they were traitors, then why did Sakura kill all those men huh? Why did she put herself in harms way to protect you if she really wanted you dead? They could've finished you off and she would be free but she protected you. Why did Ino let you desecrate her body for your amusement? Why did she let you burn her body? Tell me."
"Because...because..." Naruto trailed off, logic coming into his mind as he calmed down.
"Because they love you son." Sakura finished for him. "You broke them to be your slaves but you treated them with respect and love and in turn, they fell in love with you. They would do anything to see you happy. If it meant copping off each other's limbs, they would do it without a moment's hesitation."
"They forgot my birthday!" He countered but Sakura only smiled and shook her head.
"They didn't forget. They spent weeks and weeks planning and organizing a birthday party for you. All those people that were at your house...they were there to help you celebrate your birthday."
Naruto took a couple of moments to think about that, however childish his mind is currently, he can still think and figure things out. Finally, something clicked in Naruto's mind. "So...they weren't there to hurt me."
Sakura shook her head. "No...everybody there was there for you. All of your friends, fuck buddies...all of your family is here to support you." Naruto whimpered and laid against Sakura once more, less tears falling. Sakura continued to pet Naruto's hair as she whispered to him. "Go to sleep son. Sleep and let all the grief wash away."
Naruto followed her mother's orders and closed his eyes, sleep coming to him instantly. "Sleep my child. Your family is here for you." That was the last thing he heard before he drifted off to pleasant dreams.
Naruto groaned as he woke up, his head pounding like the drums of a rock concert. He grabbed his head as he sat up, the feeling of something between his legs. He opened his eyes to see his pink haired pet smiling at him.
"Sakura-chan...what's going on? head." Naruto leaned forward and rested himself on Sakura who chuckled. "Man I was having some weird thoughts lately."
"Really master? Do tell." She said as she placed her glowing green hands on top of his head to make the headache go away.
"I was really depressed and I was thinking of selling the both of you."
"Really?" Sakura thought, not insulted in the least. "You still want to sell us now?"
"Ah hell no! I love the both of you to do that to you. You...are...the..." Naruto trailed off, his eyes widening as the memories came back to him. The people in his house...the screaming, the crying, and crying out for his mother and Sakura acting like his mother.
Why did he think Sakura was his mother anyway? That's just plain weird.
"Something wrong master?" Sakura asked him, knowing that he just remembered what happened when he fell asleep an hour ago.
"You...why did you act like my mother?"
Sakura tensed up but relaxed. She knew he was bound to ask her sooner or later. "Because you needed a mother. What you were going through broke my heart and I wanted to do what I could to help you."
Naruto crossed his arms and just stared at the girl in front of him. To be honest, he never expected this from her. "You surprise me pet." He smiled. "You really do surprise me. Come on. Lets go home."
"Tell me something Sakura." Naruto asked as he once again neared his home. "Why were all those people in my house?"
Sakura looked at her master in confusion. If he remembers his `episode' then he should remember that they put a surprise party for him. "I thought you remembered your episode?"
The blonde just shook his head. "The only thing I remember is you acting like my mother, which, by the way, was extremely creepy seeing how easy it came to you."
Sakura smiled. "I had the practice or did you forget that you…" Naruto's reaction was faster than the blink of an eye. He grabbed her arm and pulled on it, throwing her against the base of a tree. He immediately straddled her and slammed his hand against her throat, causing the girl to gasp for breath.
"WHAT…did I tell you about that my sweet?" He whispered, causing the girl to whimper. "Didn't I tell you NEVER to mention that outside of my home?"
"I…sorry…master." Sakura choked out, realizing her mistake.
"Put a filter on that brain/mouth of yours or I'll be forced to cut out your vocal cords…understand pet? The only thing your mouth will be good for then is sucking on my dick." Sakura barely nodded but it was enough for Naruto as he let go of her. He watched her gasp for air as she tried to get some air into her lungs. He reached up and lifted up her chin, forcing her to look in his eyes. "I love you but you have to make sure you watch what you say. One slip-up could mean death for us all."
"I understand master." She said, relieved when Naruto smiled and nodded. He stood up and helped her up, dusting her off as well. They continued on the path to their home and eventually reached the front door.
"You never did tell me what all those people were doing in my house." He said, opening the door.
Naruto stared in shock as the lights came on and a lot of people jumped up from their hiding place and shouted. "Did you really think that I forgot your birthday?" He heard Sakura say. Now Naruto was even more shocked as he realized just what was happening here.
Then…he fainted.
Sakura looked down when she heard and thud and saw Naruto on the ground, unconscious and sighed. "Oi vey…master doesn't take surprises very well does he?" She bent down and picked him up with some effort and carried him inside. "It's alright everybody. He's just surprised that's all. Ino…get me some smelling salts."
"Ugh…what the hell happened?" Naruto asked as a smell woke him up. The smell was strong and his hands tried to swat it away but it kept on coming back.
"Naruto-sama wake up." Naruto opened his eyes to see quite a strange sight. Everyone he knew, including some he didn't knew, was all staring at him.
"Guys…why are you all staring at me?"
"We're just wondering if you're ok." Ino said.
"What she means is…" Kiba said. "We're waiting to see if you're going to freak again."
"Well back off…" He said, trying to sit up. "Or I really will."
Everybody backed off, letting Naruto sit up and take in his surroundings. Everybody was there, all his teachers, past and current, all his friends and best friends and fuck buddies. Everyone he knew…they were there. He looked up and saw a sign that said `Happy Birthday Naruto!' written in bright orange. He looked at Sakura and finally noticed the clothes she was wearing. "Sakura…what's going on?"
Sakura only smiled and walked up to him. "It's a birthday party…for you."
Naruto's eyes widened as he heard his pet. "For me?" He whispered, causing the girl to nod. Tears swelled in his eyes and he captured Sakura in the tightest hug he could muster. "Thank you Sakura."
"Yeah yeah…we're all very happy." Naruto looked side to side to find the voice that sounded like Sakura but her lips weren't moving. He yelped when he was yanked from Sakura's arms and pulled against a female body. He looked up and made a questioning sound when he saw another Sakura but one that had a kanji stamped on her forehead.
`Junko?' He realized when he saw the manic grin on her face.
"But a birthday party is no place for moping." She said, poking him in the cheek before slapping a party hat on top of his head. "Now crank up the tunes and lets party like there's no tomorrow!"
Naruto didn't get a chance to ask Sakura why the hell Junko was out as the games begun.
Sakura kept a smile on her face as she watched her master and inner self hobbled across the lawn to try and beat the other people in the three legged race. She and Kiba got knocked out a couple of rounds ago so they settled for cheering for Naruto to win.
She chuckled as Junko and Naruto got close to the finish line and she tripped Hana and Anko, who were bound by the legs, and crossed the finish line. Cheers burst out as they crossed the line earning glares from the two that Junko tripped.
Naruto really liked Junko, ever since the beginning. She was more aggressive…uninhibited…more controlling. Ino's first encounter with Junko was not the kind of encounter that one would wish for.
But she was partly to be blamed for leaving her in the same room with the cabinet door unlocked. The one that had the more dangerous objects.
The pinkette chuckled. After Ino got back from the hospital, she wailed on her for making her go through that, even going as far as putting her in the hotbox, which she hates, for two whole days. Naruto delivered her water as he didn't trust Ino to do it right considering her anger at that point.
She sighed and settled as the next round of races were about to begin. Naruto and Junko going head to head, or rather leg to leg, against Kiba and Ishiya (sex store owner) against Kurenai and Hinata. Her mind was going to the time when Junko first made her appearance.
Naruto chuckled as he laid beside the barely awake pink haired pet. He reached out and gently stroked her cheek, hearing the girl let out whimpers at the torture she just went through.
Naruto, however, was having the time of his life.
He never thought he would find something that he would enjoy doing as much as taking care of a pet, never mind torturing said pet. "You really are a good pet. You scream for me so much." At that, Sakura let out a loud whimper and she opened her eyes a little to stare at him but failed due to Naruto closing her eyes. "Take a break pet. We'll continue later on in a few."
At that, the girl broke out crying when she realized that he wasn't done with her...not yet. He stood up, walking away and to the door but when he got a couple of steps to the door, he stopped, his ears suddenly devoid of sound. Curious, he turned around to see a sight that shouldn't be possible.
Sakura was standing up.
That shouldn't be possible due to the torture she just went through. Not only were the wounds on her feet still burning, the marks on her legs should've removed the use of her legs for a while due to the pain.
"Sakura, I said take a break. Lay back down."
The response he got was not what he wanted to hear. "I will never follow your orders again bastard."
Naruto narrowed his eyes and fully turned to her, failing to notice the tingling in his head that signaled that a lie has just been told by his pet. "What did you say slave?"
"I said..." She said, lifting up her head to look at him with her eyes. "I will never follow you again."
Again, Naruto failed to notice the tingle.
Sakura burst from her spot and rushed him, intending to knocking him down but being short has its advantages. Naruto ducked under her arm and grabbed her throat, knocking her legs out from under her and threw her down onto the ground. He quickly turned her over and held her arms.
"You have a lot of nerve saying that to me bitch." Naruto growled at her. "What has gotten into you all of a sudden?"
"I finally realized that I'm going to die by your hand. I don't want to die and I'm going to protect myself, even if it meant killing you."
Finally, Naruto noticed the tingle. `She's lying? Why would she lie about trying to hurt me and to protect herself? She knows the duty of a slave is to take the abuse of her master but why...' Something clicked in Naruto. `Oh you have got to be kidding me.' Naruto knew of Sakura's second voice and the capabilities of her but never thought that she would surface.
To be honest, it didn't sound true and he thought he was making it up.
Naruto chuckled. There's one way to prove it. "So tell me Sakura...if you really want to kill me, then do it instead of talking about it or have you forgotten what I taught you?" Naruto loosened his grip and Sakura pulled herself out from under him and stood up, her mouth twisted in a snarl. "Alright Sakura, I'm here. Come on!"
Naruto was taunting her to move. If this was her second personality, then she should be broken too but he didn't have a clue.
He was winging it at this point.
He watched her as she stood there. He could see her trying to move but she wouldn't. He smirked. "What...are you chicken or are you just weak, like you were when you were just a little child?" Sakura growled and she took a step forward causing Naruto to chuckle with an evil tone. He really shouldn't be doing this but he was having fun goading her.
"Tell you what...I'll give you a free shot." He patted his nuts. "One kick, right here. I won't stop you. I promise." She blinked in confusion before smirking, taking a few steps forward before she was in kicking distance.
"Alright, your funeral brat." She looked down at his exposed nuts and willed her leg to move. Nothing. She willed it again and it twitched before stopping. It twitched again but didn't get any further then that. She growled as she tried again and again.
Finally, she sighed and fell to her knees. "I can't do it master. I'm so sorry. Please forgive this slave." She said as she bowed her head in shame.
Naruto stared at the girl below him for a couple of moments before he chuckled, bending down so he could lift Sakura's head to look at his. "You're Sakura's inner persona aren't you?"
Sakura's eyes widened and she stared in shock at her master. "You know of me? I thought you thought I was just something she made up?"
Naruto smiled and chuckled. "At first I didn't believe but I do now. The Haruno family was a secret-keeper family wasn't they?"
The voice inside Sakura's head nodded. "During the war, we were used to protect massages and secrets. We started dying off and Kyuubi killed most of us off and now we're the only ones left."
Naruto cupped her cheek as he sat down, however, the girl placed herself on Naruto's lap when he sat down. He chuckled as she settled down. "I had thought the inner persona's were two separate personalities. Why are you broken to me pet? Did you break when I broke her?"
The girl only shook her head. "No master. I did not break when you electrocuted her. I was able to keep my sanity but..."
"But what pet?" He asked, seeing something cross over Sakura. She wouldn't say anything despite his questions, apparently deep in thought. He thought to what Sarutobi said about the Haruno clan. Suddenly, he realized something. "Sakura, despite the two of you being separate, you are still connected to her aren't you? You could feel what she felt, taste what she tasted, see what she saw."
Surprised, Sakura turned to Naruto. "How did you know that?"
"The Hokage once told me that." He answered. "I always though you were a little crazy but when I was shown proof that you were real, I began to respect you more." Naruto sighed, feeling the girl in his lap start to caress him. "Sakura, there's something I need to confess. You remember those scrolls that your family used to have? The ones that describe your history and uses?"
Sakura nodded. "Yeah, but those scrolls are buried somewhere within the endless halls of the forbidden archives. Sakura could never get permission to look for them. Wait...did you find them?"
She frowned when Naruto chuckled. "I wish but I did get permission to look for them in my spare time. With the help of my clones, I'm closing in on them and..." Naruto trailed off as his mind started racing. Sakura looked back, wondering why he trailed off. "You know what pet, I got an idea. I can create a shitload of clones. Why don't I go to the archives and find all of those scrolls right now?"
Sakura beamed as Naruto finished, the girl going up when he tried to get up and stood up after Sakura got up. "You'll do that?" He nodded. "Thank you so much. I'll help you."
"You won't be coming with me."
"I'll get dressed and..." Sakura stopped when she realized what he said. "I...won't?" She whimpered when Naruto nodded. "But why?"
"I'll do better without any distractions and besides...this is your first taste of freedom. Do you really want to spend that time in a dusty old room?"
"But...I..." Naruto silenced her.
"I'm going to keep you here, chained outside. I should be done in no time and be back in a jiffy." Sakura was tempted to argue further but the idea of being out on the outside, to breath that fresh air, and bathe in the glow of the sun was too good to pass up. "I will obey."
Naruto smiled and reached up, hooking his finger in the ring on her collar and walked out of the room, the girl following behind him. They eventually reached the backyard and Naruto sat her down on the grass near a post. He grabbed the extra long chain and attached the end to her collar. "You know how to get out of this?" She nodded. "Good, I'll call Anko-sensei and ask her to watch over you."
"I don't need watching master." She said, chuckling softly.
Naruto chuckled in return and patted her cheek. "Yes pet...yes you do."
Sakura stared out the window, hoping to sight the blonde hair belonging to her master in the darkening day. Sitting on the couch, Anko cracked an eye open from her position on the couch, sighed and turned around.
"When is he coming back Anko? It's been seven hours already." She whined once again causing the purple haired woman to sigh again.
"The archives are a very big place. It's only natural that it would take a while."
"But he has clones at his side!" She shouted at her. "It shouldn't take that long. Something must have happened to him. I'm going to look for him."
Anko's eyes snapped open and turned around to see Sakura go to the front door. She bolted from the couch and tackled her, sending them both to the floor. "You're staying here. Naruto wanted you to stay and you're staying."
"But he could be hurt and..."
"He could be standing right behind you." A new voice said, causing both females to turn around to see a dusty, dirty, scroll-carrying, smirking Naruto. Sakura gasped and dislodged herself from Anko's grip, latching herself onto Naruto and kissing his dusty face, causing him to giggle.
"You stupid fool..." Sakura removed the scrolls. "Why didn't you call?" She starts to strip him. "I was so worried about you." After that, she started to led him to the nearby shower to clean him.
Naruto smiled and let his slave do what she wanted, confident that she would follow his orders, just like her host.
When the two children disappeared, Anko chuckled and retrieved the scrolls Sakura relieved Naruto of and took the time to look over it.
As she read over it, she couldn't help but whistle in amazement.
"SAKURA!" Said girl jerked out of her trip down memory lane at the sudden shout from Ino. She looked up to see her blonde sister hover over her. "Junko wants to see us." Sakura groaned as she sat up, looking around and seeing several people set up the next event.
She followed Ino back into the house and to the back. She saw her lean against the wall, holding the itinerary. "So who won?"
"Hinata did, the little bitch. We were close but we tripped." She set down the clipboard while Sakura just chuckled. "Alright, down to business. What the hell happened after the both of you ran off?"
"Where's master?" Sakura asked.
"He's in the bathroom. Now tell us before he gets out."
Sakura sighed and took a peek at the doorway. People were drinking and talking and doesn't look like anyone was paying attention to them. "From what I understand, master confessed to Ino what exactly happened a year ago. In the present, when we burst out from our cover, he immediately thought ambush and bolted. I ran after him and found him in the woods crying his heart out."
"Then something extremely weird happened...when I dropped down and walked up to him, he looked at me and called me mama." The jaws of both of the females dropped as far as possible. "Not kidding...he looked me straight in the eyes and called me his mother. I told him I wasn't but he was insistent."
"Wait wait..." Junko interrupted. "Are you talking like the role play mama?" Her jaw dropped even further when she shook her head.
"No...he really thought I was his mother. He latched onto me and curled up on my body. Because of that, he told me that he thought that everybody he knew, especially us, betrayed him and was going to kill him."
There was silence for a bit, everybody processing the information until Junko broke the silence. "Wow...that kid really has issues." That earned a smack on the back of the head courtesy of both Sakura and Ino.
"Anyway, I managed to calm him down and convinced him that they meant no harm that they were there for him. He fell asleep afterwards and slept for about an hour. When he woke up, he was himself again but with no memory of what happened during our talk, just that I acted like his mother. Afterwards we left and the rest you know."
Ino sighed. "It's really a shame. He doesn't deserve this pain, no one should suffer this much."
"Maybe this is Kami's way to helping him? Us?" Junko suggested causing Sakura to chuckle.
"That's what I like to think. Come on...Jiraiya should be ready."