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Harry Potter Isn’t Holding Back Anymore

Harry Potter Isn’t Holding Back Anymore

Harry Potter Isn’t Holding Back Anymore

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6 days ago
Harry Potter’s fourth year at Hogwarts ends with a bang—and not in the fun, magical kind of way. Instead, he’s dragged into a Ministry of Magic trial for the heinous crime of not letting himself or a Muggle get murdered by dementors. As if that’s not bad enough, his so-called friends? Nowhere to be found. Some allies they turned out to be. But if the Ministry thinks Harry’s going to roll over and take it, they’ve got another thing coming. Fed up with the nonsense, Harry decides it’s time to ditch the drama, reclaim his life, and show the wizarding world what he’s really made of. He’s got a plan—a brilliant, bold, maybe slightly bonkers plan—and it starts with walking away from the lot of them. Watch out, wizarding world—this Harry Potter isn’t holding back anymore!

Harry Potter Isn’t Holding Back Anymore novel is a popular light novel covering Book&literature genres. Written by the Author Sonic_Spectre . Read Harry Potter Isn’t Holding Back Anymore novel online for free.