Harry Potter Isn’t Holding Back Anymore

Chapter 17: The Art of Sneaky Security

The first phase of training was to improve physical fitness, stamina, team building, and firearms training. They would start their morning at 5am with a 5km run, calisthenics and then breakfast. This was followed by training on weapons and equipment use and maintenance. After lunch they had a 1-hour break followed by another 5km run, pushups, sit-ups and pullups. Then more lectures and training on team work, followed by dinner and another 5km run. They were frequently "visited" in the middle of the night by the training Sergeants who threw firecrackers into their dorms, or stormed their dorms pretending to shoot at them.

This was to train the guards and the team on vigilance, and to keep their weapons at hand. Evan quickly learned to (wandlessly) apply a basic (and simple) caterwauling alarm ward on either side of the door outside their dorm, so as to not be caught unawares, and a tripping charm just inside the door. Nobody could figure out how the alarms were set off, or why the Sergeants fell down after entering the dorm! But it did give them the time they needed to respond accordingly. His team and the sergeants kept on talking about it that day, and Evan was concerned it might risk the secrecy of magic (and his own) if they never discovered the source of the alarm, so he plotted to devise a non-magical version.

The next day, Saturday, Evan focused on his new project during his free time. He knew the rudimentary basics of electricity from elementary school and just living in the non-magical world – electricity was conducted by wires; and don't stick your fingers in a socket. Evan decided to talk to Corry – she was in communications. She could probably help him. At breakfast, Evan made sure to sit next to Corry. "Good morning, Corry" he began. "Good morning, Evan" she replied. "You know that weird alarm that goes off when the Sergeant tries to break into our dorm?" he asked. "No" she responded. "I don't – I don't sleep in your dorm, now do I" she half giggled. "Oor mehbe yu were hoping I could?" she tacked on in a false whispered accent, bursting out laughing as Evan sputtered on the tea he was sipping.

The other team members were laughing now, watching as Evan began turning pink. "I have my own girlfriend – one is enough for me." Evan replied. "Look, here is the deal. There is this weird alarm that goes off whenever the Sergeant comes in the dorm. How would I make something like that, but make it portable?" he asked. "I suppose all you would need is a speaker with a circuit board to make the sound; batteries to provide the electrical current, wires, and a switch." Corry said. "A switch? You mean I would have to manually turn it on and off?" Evan asked incredulously. "No dummy" Corry replied as she 'knocked' on his head. "A switch is the technical term for a means of opening and closing the circuit". Evan's face scrunched up in confusion – in his mind's eye he was envisioning a man-size door connected to some wires connected to a tiny speaker; when you open or close the door the alarm goes off.

Corry began laughing again as she saw his face. "Blimey, Evan. Did they not teach that to you in school?" "Couldn't really attend school, you know." Evan responded, pink in the face. "I was hoping to study for my Key Stage Three and Four tests, and my A-levels while in Military" he added. "Ohhhh! I am soooo sorry, Evan. I didn't know!" Corry exclaimed, with tears in her eyes. "Thanks. Don't worry about it – its just something I have to struggle with." He responded. Corry took a second, took a deep breath as she straightened her shoulders, exhaled and began.

"Let's take your 'alarm' as our example. As I mentioned, we have the speaker and circuit board, the wires, and the batteries…" Corry began explaining about circuits and switches, how they worked, how the electricity flowed, and what constituted a switch. They were still talking as breakfast finished and they went back to the dorms – Corry visiting the "men's dorms" for the first time.

Towards lunch, Evan had an epiphany: he called Dobby just before leaving the dorms for lunch (all his other team mates just left). He showed Dobby some of the portable radios his team mates had, and asked Dobby if he could find one or two old portable radios. Perhaps in the trash bins or near the communications division of the base. He also asked Dobby to find two strips of thin metal 2-by-10 centimeter, a clothes pin, some speaker wire and batteries. "Dobby will find" he replied and popped off.


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