Chapter 4: Chapter 4. ( Mysterious Theodore)
Baran looks around the room. He ignores his mumbling brother but the scientists catch his attention. They can't help but glare at such a beautiful face. And did he really just jump. Their in the second highest floor of a 500 story building. This was the power of Baran, the second son of Vaughn Gunnes.
If only they knew how twisted he was.
He turns to the captain in a smirk. Guile has that stoic look on his face. Baran walks towards his captain preparing to be scolded for being late.
" What took you so long?", says the Guile as he stares at Theo.
Baran takes a sit beside Guile and turns to the glass barricade. His attention is undivided from Theo. He has that sickening smirk on his face. A smirk that says I've done something wrong.
" A girl. "
Guile lets out a tired breath. If there was anyone as heroic as they were twisted it had to be Baran. He massages his temples and touches the observing glass with his left finger pointing at Theo.
" That's your brother?"
Baran hesitates to answer. It had been so long since he saw his brother and he looks just like he rememberd him. The same in every way. That same pathetic look. The weakling shouldn't even be breathing.
" Yes ", he says in a stressed voice.
" How come you don't speak of him "..
Baran let out a tired sigh and rested his chin on his palms still staring at his sleeping brother. " Sir if you had an older brother who was a D rank would you mention him?"
The Captain's eyes squintted. " Well he's not a D rank anymore. He's e killed 5 people and put a sentinel in a coma ".
Baran took sometime to answer. Clearly his brother causes more harm alive than dead. All those days when he was just a kid, he could never harm Theo.
He'd scream when I burnt him but he always regenerated. I'm strong enough to burn him down to his atoms. Let's see him regenerate from that.
" I could kill him if you want ". Baran says. Eyes in a murderous glare. Guile knew he was not bluffing.
" No, he's US property now ".
Baran cant take his eyes of his brother. He looks like he's minutes away from attacking him.
" So can you explain it?", the captain asks while putting two more lollipops in his mouth.
" Explain what ".
" Why your older brother is a fiend ". Guiles voice grew serious and deeper that it almost had an echo.
" No idea ". Baran says swinging his head right to left.
" His unkillable dominion?"
" No idea ".
" Why he's now a giant 16 year old ".
" No idea ".
Captain Guile stays quiet staring at Baran clearly wanting answers.
" I don't even know him personally. The last time I saw him I was 8 and he...,"
Baran swings his head.
" I don't know he was 15 or 16 ". His face was stained with disgust as the wires left his mouth.
" He was always a disgrace. I'm surprised Father let him live. ".
The killing intent in the air has already rendered some of the scientists unconscious. The red archaic energy caused the room to get hotter. Baran was insistently tapping at the table trying to keep himself from murdering his brother.
" Calm down Baran ".
He's brought back to reality. He leooks to the unconscious bodies in the floor and smiles. " My bad ".
" So do your parents know anything about this. It should have been evident ever he was more fiend than human "
" They don't talk about him ".
Guile is shocked at the hostility that runs through one of the most powerful families in the world.
Yet he wouldn't understand what it felt like to have siblings. Maybe it was always like that. Bitter.
He grew up all alone raised by and with no one.
Now they both didn't need to look at the energy metre to know this. It was really strange. At least to Guile it was. This Theodore guy must have transformed to his true Fiendish form. Fact that he looked way younger could mean he's now fully immortal. And right now.
Guiles eyes were focused.
Right now he was mumbling in Fikeer ( the complex language that only high class Fiends communicate in and frankly it creeps everyone out )
Right now if they ranked this Theo kid he'd be an abyss class. Not because he was threat. But this kid or whatever he was had more Archaic energy than Baran
And Baran knew it. He would have loved if his brother had always been this powerful. But now he's a fiend. Even more pathetic than he ever was.
" None of these guys have answers ", Guile says refering to the scientists. He stands up, hands in pocket, lollipop in mouth. " How long has he been mumbling ".
" About two days ", replies one of the scientists who was just regaining his consciousness.
" If we want answers we are going to have to ask this Fiend boy ourselves ".
" Great ", Baran said getting up, charged with his Flame dominion.
" No ". Guile licked his lollipop. " You stay here, can't have you killing your brother. Least not now ".
Guile started flying. It's as if he was walking on nothing rather than propelling himself.
Then he moved forward easily phasing through the glass. He turned to Baran from the other side.
" Tell you what when he's set to be killed. I'll put your name out there as the guy to do it ".
Barans smile grew wider with malice. That would be enough for him to calm down and just watch.
" Sir we highly do not recommend you interact with the Fiend. We still don't know enough about it ", one of the scientists screamed into a speaker.
Guile ignored him and just kept flying slowly towards Theo. Heroes never listen to reason the scientist thought.
He wanted to out his opinion into the speaker one more time till he noticed Baran by his side.
Those blue eyes stared with such hostility that no threats needed to be said.
' Speak again and ill fucking kill you '.
When Baran knew the man got the message he looked back to his Captain.
What happens here will decide how long his brother lives.
The scientist froze up. He was like a statue who shivered from side to side swearing most of his muscles away.
The others needed to help him up and take him out of the room.
Guile whistles in slight shock at the size of Theo and the bed on which he lay. He was flying two metres above the all white concrete ground watching closely as Theo slept and mumbled in Fiendish tongues.
Slowly he descended to the ground. He taps Theo on the shoulder.
" Wake up ".