Chapter 3: Chapter 2-( A Fiend beyond reality )
" Where did it come from ", she asks as she cuts through the winds. Whirl woman flies over 500 miles per hour so her co responder has trouble hearing her message.
" What ? "
She can see the explosions from miles away. The creature is attacking something.
" I said where did this thing come from ".
" It's a sea fiend. We didn't see any signs of a creature moving at fast speeds so it must have teleported outside one of the building ".
" Sea Fiends can't teleport?"
" No they can't mam "
As whirl woman gets close she can see the battle clearly. If you could even call it a battle. It seems more like a massacre. Whoever it is that creature keeps pounding, they keep regenerating.
The titan class is about 2.18 metres tall and weighs somewhere around 80000 kg. It's a sea type. Has no weak spots and possesses extremely powerful scales. Such a being would scare any human to death. But not her.
Whirl woman is a sentinel rank hero so actually killing a titan class is something she's done before.
She increases her speed, causing loud ripples in the air. She's moving way faster than sound. She holds out her sword ready to decapitate the creature. Gripping it hard enough to turn diamond to air molecules. Most titan class fiends can sense when a powerful opponent arrives and fight whoever is the biggest threat.
If it still hasn't paid her attention then whoever it keeps pounding must be some sort of goal
Anyways no time to think. It's a good thing he was there, took the creatures attention from the people. He must be the fastest regeneration user she's ever seen.
Whirl woman grips her white sword even harder, it glows a blinding white.
She has to be swift and accurate. Decapitate it in one smooth strike.
Yet as she flies ever nearer she senses something. Most Sentinel heroes can see the future and minutes into the past.
What she saw?
Death. She saw death.
This whole place is going to be destroyed.
Whirl woman's eyes quickly divert from the scaled fiend to the running civilians. They'll be caught in the blast.
" Something's coming ".
" What ?", her corresponder can't hear her.
She flies as fast as she can carrying as many humans before the blast occurs. She has to fly them more than 10 miles and still come back all while being careful not to hold them too hard that they break.
She could only perform one round. Sadly there's still five people remaining including a child. Doesn't matter.
She knows what she must do.
She flies gathering them all to one place and shields them with her 20 feet white feathered wings.
This blast could kill her but if it means she saves these people then it's worth it.
She opens her beautiful wings and they glow a beautiful white. The archaic energy envelopes them. It would take an atomic bomb to break this.
Whirl woman turns while holding the civilians in her arms to see what actually caused this.
No way it was the titan.
She saw it and what she saw was not of this reality.
The flesh and blood start to glow. The bones turn blue. Whoever that creature was trying to kill. If that's what she's staring at. That's not a human.
" That's a_ "
The light blinds her but she can still see just enough. This unknown human like fiend. His hair is all glowing white. Or is it black, it seems to distort the reality around it.
The whole landscape, no all of England has changed colour. It had bones protruding from its torso and turning into an exoskeleton rib cage. It's face was blurry and for wome reason she wouldn't beer to beitbhereelf to look.
That reason was fear l.
It's naked and and it's skin is peeling and rearranging itself. It's whole body transitioning between here and somewhere else. Between black and white. A diety beyond all things we know.
" What is this thing ".
Whirl woman, rank sentinel no.6. One of the most decorated heroes in England. She averted her gaze for if she looked longer inssbtiy would be all she knows for the rest of her life.
If she lives.
This was the first time in a long time that she felt fear. How strong does a being have to be to make a sentinel rank hero shiver.
A cold sweat dropped down her chin as she gritted her teeth against eachother staring at her impending death. She looks back to the child and smiles, easing her. Any second now. Any second now this place will cease to exis_
A white and black blast forms a dome like shape. The dome rose to at least 20,000 yards over the sea.
The dome destroys everything. Debris flies all directions and the blast could be seen from space but there's a small portion it doesn't affect. A part that's as if you cut a very narrow size from a pizza and didn't start from the centre. Something resisting the blast.
That's whirl woman.
She could feel the black and white energy burn through her archaic spherical barrier.
Then it erased her skin till her muscles and nerves were visible. She tried to regenerate but it was pointless.
She was losing her life faster than she could resist death.
She could feel it.
It had reached her spine. The pain was slow and intense. She felt her bones themselves being obliterated. No being erased.
She held the civilians hard, shielding them from the blast. At least they would be safe
Then she looked to the little girl in her arms.
At least she could die saving_
At least
" Oh. Oh why ".
The child was already a burning skeleton.
Then like the rest she crumbled to ash drifting to become less than the wind itself for even the wind could not escape. A blast strong enough to erase people who don't touch it, potent enough to kill a sentinel.
Whirl woman held on the ashes. Her spine being burnt, she felt her life leaving and see true death, across her embracing her violeny. This is how she would leevevthie world. Failing to save a child. She took the ashes in her hands and covered her self in it.
She lost and she fell to the ashes of those who she couldn't save.
" Whirl woman "
Whirl woman!
Whirl woman !
Eren prayed. He prayed she didn't die.
It took eight weeks. Eight weeks of potent healing and round the clock medical treatment to keep one of the world's most important heroes alive.
She thought she was dead. Yet the voice calling her name was familiar. It was her corresponder. It was that same resolute voice she always heard when she fought the most fiendish of Fiends.
She opened her eyes and saw she was in a hospital. Filled with all sorts of flowers and get well soon letters.
Then she looked to her other side and saw tubes inside her pale hand. That was when it set in. When she remembered what she saw. The thing that killed those she failed to save.
" Where am I ", Whirl woman asks in a shaky voice.
She sits up and uses her left hand to feel her back. Their gone.
Her wings are gone.
" You were lucky to survive whirl woman "., the voice of a fat old man with a long grey beard. He's wearing a lab coat and smoking a cigarette. He could really use a bath.
She's guessing he's the doctor.
" Are you feeling alright?", asks her corresponder as he stops her from getting up.
She holds her head hard and then tries to get up again.
Eren the corresponder tries to help her but she raises her hands quickly saying
" I'm fine ".
She sits on the side of the bed and lowers her upper body closer to her knees.
Anna Edwin was a beautiful woman. She was taller than most men and had snow white hair which she usually styled in long braids. Her skin was extremely soft and when she stands across you as the sentinel Whirl woman it's hard to keep things professional.
At least to Eren it was hard.
He adverts his eyes from her back.
She's trying to regenerate her wings. They hear a wet cracking sound followed by a weak moan from Whirl woman as she realises it's beyond her power. It was all beyond her power.
She holds her head and stops herself from screaming as the image of that being brushes her mind.
" Your wings were severely damaged and so was the spinal column that they were attached to ", the doctor paused to take a longer sip of his cigarette, pulled it out and lets out the vapour from his hairy nose favouring each second.
" You won't be flying for a long time ".
The room is quiet. After the doctors last statement nobody has said a word. The only thing to listen to is the sickening grief and disappointment in the air.
" Doctor could you leave us ".
Eren says all while staring at Whirl woman who hasn't said a word but only grips her knees and hides her face.
She must be crying.
The doctor nods and heads to the door.
Eren waits till the door closes and then waits some more. He's waiting for Whirl woman to say something.
" What was that thing ".
She asks, her voice is deep and calm yet on the brink of tears and stricken with great anger.
" It was an omenyx ", Eren answers while sitting on a chair across Whirl woman's bed.
There's silence before he answers.
Whirl woman removes her face from her knees and looks at him with watery blue coloured eyes.
" Or at least it was supposed to be ".
" And what does that mean ".
Whirl woman says in clear anger. Sentinels are so strong that they have to keep their cool when around civilians or crowded areas other wise they release pure archaic energy that influences their surroundings. Sometimes killing people by mistake.
" That thing that caused the explosion was trying to transform. It couldn't and that explosion was proof of that ", eren says trying to ignore the tense air.
" So you mean that wasn't supposed to happen. Those people. All those people just died because it failed to transform!"
Whirl woman screams in anger. Her archaic energy causes all the windows in the 7 story hospital to shatter and brings Eren to his knees spraying his ankle.
She turns her head to him. Eren looks at her from the floor. Her eyes are red and watery and the blue iris contrast with the pain in her stare.
Whirl woman the sentinel. She always seemed to Eren to be invincible, beyond harm so he never had to worry about her.
But now..,
She looks away and turns her head to the floor.
" I am sorry ".
" It's okay ".
Eren gets up back to his feet and tries to hide his sprained ankle.
But off course it's pointless with a Sentinel.
Whirl woman extends her hands forward and it fires her a healing energy blast to heal his ankle all while looking away. She couldn't look at a person. The faces of the child and those people appeared on his face.
" Thanks ".
( Silence )
" You eh. You've been getting better at the healing skill ".
Whirl woman lets out a giant sigh and falls diagonally to the bed pressing both her palms on her eyes, her beautiful sun hair unfurls around the white sheet.
" Just leave. Go home to your wife and kids. I'm depressing to be around ".
Eren keeps silent. He has no children and he has no wife. He never had and he probably never will.
Yeah but she couldn't know that. She couldn't possibly know that about him.
" Im not married and..,
" And I have no kids ". He says while taking in a deep breath.
Eren walks slowly towards Whirl woman and sits by her side. Slowly.
She turns her head and looks at him.
Eren was a striking man. Not cause he was 6'6 ( two inches taller than Whirl woman ) Not because he was handsome. He has the face of an the every day 22 year old but infact he was 28. Eren was clean shaven and had very thick curled brown hair. His eyes were large and doe like. He had a visible cleft chin and slightly chubby cheeks. He looked a lot like a baby.
But what was striking about him, we're his expressions. His kind face. A face that is always beaming with great understanding of good and bad.
He turned to her and smiled as he said,
" I have no where to go. No where I can be useful but here, useful here, to you as I've always been ".
Whirl woman kept her crystal blue glare at him.
God her stare was intimidating and she was so beautiful. Her pale skin her sharp yet soft facial features. Sensually effortless.
Eren didn't even know what he was saying. He was just talking. Besides it'd be too late to pull back now.
" You're a sentinel whirl woman, you're almost invincible. But eight weeks ago, we saw something that made you temporary. Something powerful enough that it reminded the whole world, life is temporary ".
He looked down for a second.
" That scares you. It scares me too. You did what you could. There's beings on this planet in slumber that we can't stop, all we can do is not submit and you didn't Anne. That's why you're a sentinel.
All those lives that were lost had value because you tried to save them. It's trying that matters Whirl woman not winning. Not saving everyone cause no one can save the world. It's trying to save people that matters most".
Whirl woman never stopped looking at his eyes. And he was using all his will to look back. A few feet away from a person so powerful and so beautiful.
Whirl woman smiled and looked to the white ceiling.
" Can't believe I need a rousing speech ".
Then she looked down and wiped her eyes.
" It's a shame you weren't a hero. Probably would have done a better job than me ".
" No I'm, I'm too much of a scardey cat ".
" Are you ?"
Whirl woman gasped in fatigue.
" Well Eren ".
" Hmm "He turned to her beautiful eyes answering quickly as he did slways.He saw her face get flushed in a small smile.
" Can I lay down now ".
" Oh sure you can ".
Whirl woman chucked
" Well you're still in the bed ".
" Oh my ", Eren got up quickly, nervous holding his head and apologising as he always did.
Whirl woman slowly lays down clearly still weak. She lifted up her blanket and covered herself to her shoulder.
" Tell the people I'm getting better "
" Will do ".
Eren had never seen a sentinel in such a fragile state. She almost seemed like a regular human.
" Em, how long will you sleep ".
Whirl woman stared at him, both of her bushy eyebrows raised as if still trying to register his question.
" Maybe a week ".
" That's a relief. See trust me you'll be fine ".
Whirl woman turned to her right side away from Eren.
" I know and make sure no one touches me or the bed. I'll be releasing lots of Archaic energy. They could get burned ".
" Yes Mam ".
" Cover the fine for the broken windows ".
" Yes Mam ".
There was silence. Eren didn't hear whirl woman say anything else and he couldn't see her face. So he guessed she had already started her deep healing sleep.
He let out a shaky breath. Being around her was tiring. The type of fatigue that came with being away from reality.
When she stares at you, all of this. The world, the future the present. The world doesn't matter. A blue eyes glare that shook you to your bones.
He turned and stood across the door. He put his hand on the door nob and was about to twist it.
" Eren ".
" Yes "
" You're a good lad. And a great corresponder ".
A corresponder Huh.
" Thanks ". He pulled the door open and left.
Whirl woman had a vision. A vision of the past. Just as she was drifting into deep sleep.
Half these flowers were from him.