The Depressed Extra of The Academy

Chapter 8: Ch7 - Three Days Before The Academy

Two dummies lunged at me from both sides as I quickly deflected both their attacks. 

I used my art to slash horizontally at the dummy on the right and smash down the petals on the other one. 

I quickly set one of the dummies to stationary mode.

'I'm almost there just a little more and I'll have it."

I used my art once more; I took a step and slashed, then I circled around causing petals to circle around me, and for the last movement I pierced the dummy shooting a stream of petals at it. 

[1st Art acquired: Calling of The Fragrant Flower]

[Sen Blossom Style acquired - Fragrant Flower's First Dance]

'I've finally fully mastered the 1st Art. Before I was just using the basics, but now my petals last longer, are stronger, and I can manipulate them more.'

I grabbed one more dummy to test the extent of my skills.

Did I mention that all these dummies were set to medium? They all had their own weapons.

A dummy swiftly launched towards my back with a dagger while I was met with a swordsman and a brawler in front of me. 

[1st Art: Calling of The Fragrant Flower]

I blocked the dagger aimed at my back and slashed forward in a horizontal arc while the swordsman blocked, the brawler ducked.

Both the assassin and the brawler were aiming for my waist on both sides. 

I side-stepped to my right and used my sword to bombard them with a huge number of petals which knocked them both out.

'Now I can control the amount, and I can launch them forward.'

The swordsman lunged at me once more in which I easily blocked his attack. 

I launched a massive stream of petals towards the floor which made petals erupt everywhere. 

I took advantage of the dummy's confusion and slashed at him immediately knocking him out as well. 

'These dummies are really advanced. They use cameras and crazy AI to simulate real fighters.'

Seeing what I can do now I suddenly had an idea...

[1st Art: Calling of The Fragrant Flower]

I jumped and pointed my sword towards the floor and unleashed the most amount of petals I could muster. 

Petals erupted everywhere in every direction. All you could see were petals, but suddenly a loud thud resounded in the room. 

My head smacked against the ceiling and fell against the floor flat on my butt. 

"Fuck, that was not a good idea."

I held my head that burned in pain.

'The worst part is that I'm running low on mana now.'

Whenever I ran low on mana, I would simply exercise.

I ran laps around the training room until my legs gave out and then I rested. 

"Hah... Hhahh... it seems 58 is still my max."

Though the room was big, it wasn't enough to rival an entire field.

After around five minutes, I got on the floor and did a bunch of basic exercises, triceps, abs, legs.

For biceps, I had to get a little creative. I was simply lifting everything I could find.

I picked myself off the floor and picked up a practice katana.

'Let's see if this works.'

*** (I changed it; yeah, the hashtags are a little weird.)

My routine was simple:

Wake up, eat breakfast with my family, train, train, train, eat dinner with my family, sleep, and repeat.

'I get sent off to the academy in just three days. I still need to get stronger if I want to rival the main cast'

On the first day of three, I trained like crazy.

All the dummies in the training room I was using in which a few were hard, but most of them were medium. 

[Sen Blossom Style: Fragrant Flower's First Dance]

Dummies were rushing at me at all sides, but with just an enhanced second step I had annihilated half of them. 

Though in return a third of my mana was gone.

I took a step back as most of them lunged at me once more.

I lowered my sword to my side pointing towards the ground. 

[Sen Blossom Style: Petal Burst]

A new skill I acquired that allows a quick instantaneous burst of petals at the tip of my blade. 

I launched through the air as I tightened the grip on my blade and used my first art.

[1st Art: Calling of The Fragrant Flower]

Petals trailed my sword as I struck down leaving an eruption of petals in my wake. 

Only two were left out of the 25 dummies that I started with.

'Man was that cool.'

I looked at the two dummies, I didn't know if they were hard or medium.

The two rushed at me immediately in which I blocked both their swords.

One rushed at my side while the other waited for an opening. 

The dummy's blade was inches from my waist, but my sword hovered over its face. 

I was faster than it...

[Sen Blossom Style: Petal Burst]

Though of course, the other dummy didn't just stand there.

The moment I moved my blade it launched its attack and

I could feel the tip of a wooden sword pressed against my side. 

"Damnit, guess I got overconfident."

I let out a sigh and put all the dummies back where they belonged.


On the second day, my progress staggered. I was able to defeat two hard dummies, but no new skills or progress in my sword skills. To top it all off, Mikhail started banging on the door an hour and a half through.

Though the most shocking thing was the news I was given on the second day.

"Sen! Visitors from the imperial family are coming tomorrow, be prepared to meet them in the morning."

And that very morning had just arrived, I woke up and did my daily routine, but this time instead of breakfast the maid led me to the front gate. 

'If I remember correctly, the emperor and my father are long friends.'

Soon they had arrived, the emperor and one more person were standing in front of us all.

My mother and my siblings all bowed, but my father continuously stared at the emperor.

"It's been a long time you geezer."

"I'm a year older than you dimwit."

The emperor was incredibly good-looking for his age, he looked around 20 while he was actually in his 30's. He had pure white hair and emerald-like eyes as well as a sword along his back. 

Though he wasn't what caught my attention. 

'Cecilia Von Windshire, the only princess of the empire as well as the strongest female of the main cast but completely deranged. Her unique skill is completely broken, but so is her father's'

She had long white hair that cascaded down her back and those same emerald eyes. She's regarded as one of the most beautiful characters in the entire novel.

'She's a sadistic manipulator, who due to her strength and influence sees others as glorified toys. Though, Koen does eventually teach her the value of life.'

I looked towards my siblings, and I couldn't help but notice Mikhail had a grin plastered over his face.

Me and him made eye contact and I swear he winked at me. 

'I swear I'm going to beat his ass later.'

After some more banter between the emperor and my father, we went back inside, and all began waiting for a breakfast prepared by our chefs.

Of course, my father sat at the head, the emperor next to him, and my mother on the side. 

There were four chairs left, 2 on each side. 

Clara and Mikhail immediately dashed into the chairs next to our mother. 

'I hate this goddamn artifact. Who even needs a table that gets longer and adds a chair for each person?'

I sat at the very end across from my brother who had that same grin on his face.

'I swear I'm going to wipe that grin off his face.'

I let out a sigh as I quietly waited for the food to arrive, but as always

Mikhail had to ask me a question.

"So, Sen how's your training going? I hear our dummies are on life support after you got done with them."

"It's going splendid."

"I went in there one day and I couldn't help but sense mana residue everywhere."

'This damn bastard and his unique skill.'

"Guess I get around."

"Ah, is that the same for women too? I heard you snuck out a while back and mom caught you."

"Cough... Mikhail Alexander Karum."

"That is my name."

'Now this is how I truly put my information from the novel to use.'

"You've been chasing the same woman for 6 years straight."

His mouth was agape, and he was in utter shock for a moment before he spoke.

"At least I don't chase multiple."

"I don't, I snuck out for training."

"Sure, whatever you say, bro."

I looked around and the emperor, my father, my mother, Clara, and Cecilia were all staring at us. 

'This fucking idiot.'

Then my dad spoke from the end of the table.

"Cough... How about we save this for another day kids? Also, boys if you need advice on women then I'd like to say back in my day-"

"I dare you to finish that sentence."

My mother immediately stopped my father's next words because if he said them those would be his last.

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