Chapter 5: Chapter 5
When I re-entered the world of the living, I felt the opposite of alive. In fact, I felt like I had just come back from the worst tea party with Death. To add to that, I was sore all over, the familiar and unwelcomed sensations that flowed through my body making me groan. My face was scrunched up in pain and annoyance, and I tried shifting in an attempt to reduce the pain. I continued changing sides, a grimace twisting my features, until I finally gave up and opened my eyes. There was no point in trying to fall back asleep, even if it was the only thing that made me forget the pain.
I blinked, trying to force my vision to focus. When it returned to its normal state, I quickly scanned the area, realizing that I was in a very dark room. Barrels and crates of varying sizes were scattered around the place, and there were also some circular windows that did little to give light.
Sitting up slowly as to not aggravate my injuries, I rubbed my eyes with the palms of my hands, blinking several times afterwards. After my eyes adapted to the lack of light, I looked around again, finding it much easier to see, before pausing.
I was on Whitebeard's ship.
The realization hit me like a splash of ice-cold water, and I paled.
I was on a ship with people that had bounties ten times bigger than my own. Not only that, they were all probably a million times stronger. I knew some had devil fruits to aid them when it came to battles, but I didn't.
So of course, I was scared.
I couldn't just stay here, since they would eventually come to check on me, unless they already had. Quickly sparing my body a glance, I noted that no, nobody had bothered to look at my wounds just yet. I didn't know whether to feel grateful, or to be pissed off at them for caring so little. I supposed it was for the best since now I had to act like the opposite gender. Besides, most if not all of them weren't deadly. It was the one on my side that was a major concern.
"…This is bad." I mumbled quietly, taking another look at the room, "This is really bad." I let out a breathy laugh, disbelief written all over my face. If it wasn't for the aches in my body, I would've believed this was just some nightmare. But of course, I didn't have such luck.
I quickly rubbed soothing circles into my temples, taking deep breaths and trying to stay calm. Seeing that the massage to my temples wasn't working, I gripped my chest, my heart pounding in my ribcage. I needed air.
I threw the sheets off me, abandoning all rational thoughts, before quickly rushing to the door and throwing it open. Shielding my eyes from the sun with one of my arms, I stumbled forward until I was gripping the railing of the ship. my nails dug into the wood painfully as I watched the waves beneath me with wide eyes, mouth slightly agape.
I didn't know how long I stayed like that, just staring, but it was quite a long time since my legs began to throb. Realizing I was out in the open where anyone could see me, I slowly turned around, my hand lingering on the railing. When I looked up from the floor, though, I almost jumped out of my skin. I quickly drew back, my back colliding with the railing behind me, staring wide eyed at the man leaning against the wall casually.
He stared at me with heavy lidded eyes, eyebrow slightly raised at my reaction. He wore a bright purple jacket that did nothing to hide his lean frame, with a light blue sash wrapped around his waist that had a belt over it. The one thing that caught my attention though was the symbol that was proudly tattooed across his chest. My observation was cut short when his deep voice met my ears.
"You're awake." He stated, looking down at the floor.
There was something about his calm demeanor that was honestly unnerving, and I unconsciously took another step away from him, just to be safe. It looked like he wasn't going to say anything else, so I opened my mouth to speak. But, before I could make a single noise, I realized that if I spoke, my real gender would be exposed. So I did the next best thing, I nodded slowly, still wary of the man.
He looked up at my lack of a response, his eyebrow raised even higher, "What? Can't talk?"
Before I could make any other gestures though, someone else showed up.
"Hey! You're awake!" Another man approached me both, his voice breaking and saving me from a rather awkward and tense silence. I gave him a look, reaching behind me before remembering that I did not have any of my guns. Letting out a frustrated sigh through my nose, I let my hand return to my side, empty and itching for a weapon.
…So much for trying to protect myself. They looked harmless enough, though.
The man continued talking, looking delighted to be speaking and also too calm for my liking, "I'm Thatch," He introduced himself with a bright grin, before adding, "Commander of the Fourth Division."
…Whatever that meant.
I continued to stare at… Thatch, sparing the other guy a couple glances. Apparently, Thatch saw me do that, because he too looked at the blond. Before he could say anything else though, I cleared my throat.
"I'm… I'm just… gonna go…" I mumbled, hoping my voice didn't sound too feminine, and took another step back.
Thatch raised an eyebrow at my words, before looking me up and down.
"Those wounds don't look like they're going to heal any time soon.. you sure you want to be walking around like that?" He asked me, and I froze. He was right. And, not only that, if I ended up having to fight someone on this ship, I was going to be in big trouble.
I bit my lip, before swallowing and taking a deep breath, "…I suppose not."
He nodded, humming, "Well, since you're part of our crew now, we can get someone to look at—"
"…Actually, I think I'll be fine." I interrupted quickly, my words rushed. Thatch stopped, his grin gone and his eyebrow raised again. The blond was still scrutinizing me, his expression almost bored.
And wait, did he say I was part of his crew? Since when did I join them?
"…guess we'll just have someone give you the supplies, then. You know how to treat wounds?" He said, grin returning to his face. I nodded, even though I knew for a fact that I was lying, before slowly shuffling to the room I exited. Luckily, they both left me be, one looking happier than the other, which I was so grateful for.
As I re-entered my room, I leaned against the door, forcing it to close behind I as I stared ahead at the wall.
I did not feel okay about all this.
First of all, I meet a blond who looks like he's done with everything. Then I have a man with a pompadour greeting me like I'm a long lost cousin or something and offering to have someone look at my injuries. Did they not realize I could attack them at any given time? Where were my chains? Why were they so calm about all this?
I made a quick mental note to avoid them at all costs as I sat back down and waited for those supplies.