Chapter 6: Mario Mania!
SMG4 Mario sits down on the table and rubs his hands in anticipation of his meal. A plate of spaghetti rises from the table in front of him. Suddenly, Speedrunner Mario BLJs through the roof, bouncing off the various places in the house.
SMG4 Mario: (Worried Mario Sounds) WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!
Suddenly, Speedrunner Mario grabs the spaghetti mid-BLJ and starts to eat it with Minecraft sound effects.
SMG4 Mario: Hey! Give that back!
He slaps the spaghetti out of his hand and catches it.
Speedrunner Mario appears behind him and then grabs the spaghetti again.
SMG4 Mario: HEY! Put him down!
Speedrunner Mario: As you wish.
Speedrunner Mario drops the plate in slow motion to the horror of SMG4 Mario and smothers it under his feet. After a few seconds of painful mourning, Mario finally brings out his bat.
SMG4 Mario: Mario's going to do something VERY Illegal!
He swings his bat toward Speedrunner Mario, who appears to be inches from the bat. After four tries, he gives up and pulls out a gun while tossing the bat aside. He shoots at Speedrunner Mario who fazes around the bullets in quick succession, before punching SMG4 Mario in the stomach. After his head shrinks in size and his eyes grow, he is sent hurtling to his house. Soon after, He jumps out of the crater he created in his wall and whips out a Bo-Bomb, but doesn't get the chance to use it as Speedruner Mario darts around, punching him in the stomach multiple times. Then Mario just starts throwing random stuff worriedly.
Speedrunner Mario continues to dodge each and everything available there. From swords to spears to a Teletubby, he evades them all. But, SMG4 Mario uses this as an opportunity as he splits from the Mario currently throwing stuff and puts on the metal cap, before appearing behind him clubbing him with Metal Mario fists and punching him upwards. After flying for a bit, Speedrunner Mario lands gracefully and starts to BLG into the air.
SMG4 Mario: Imma gonna FLY for you now!
SMG4 Mario makes poor aeroplane sounds as he levitates into the air to attempt a hit on Speedrunner Mario who phases through it. SMG4 Mario brings out his upgrade button and pushes it a few times as they fly into a portal which had just opened up.
SMG4 sees this and walks away annoyed.
SMG4: Every single week.
They fly out of a portal into a familiar-looking grassy world. As Bandana Dee shoots a beam attack at Toad, The actual Mario looks up and sees two more Marios chasing each other in the air. As they fly into the next portal, Mario just shrugs.
Black Panther walks victoriously after his win. Both Mario's fly out of the portal and T'Challa notices them.
T'Challa: HEY! WAIT!
The 2 Marios stop mid-air and fall straight to the ground.
T'Challa: I have a song to share! Would you…like to hear it?
SMG4 Mario nods profusely and cartoonishly and creates an army of SMG4 Mario's to serve as an audience, also creating chairs for them to sit on. Speedrunner Mario just rolls his eyes.
All of the SMG4 Mario's: SHOW ME WHAT YOU GOT!
T'Challa: My name is T'challa, I come from Wakanda, I drank the purple juice and became the Black Panther!
Mario's: Well that was a load of Shit.
The Black Panther is humiliated by this result as all of the SMG4 Marios laugh at him at once.
SMG4 Mario: Let me show you how. Its. Done.
He proceeds to pull the best dance moves ever, completely tearing up that stage. Like hot damn! I'm the narrator and even I enjoyed it! And so did the crowd, who hyped him up!
Speedrunner Mario rolls his eyes again and walks towards a stunned T'Challa, before throwing him into the distance, making him explode. A giant Mario silhouette appears in the background.
Mario Silhouette: Thank you so much for to playing my game!
SMG4 Mario: Hey! He was enjoying my moves!
He delivers a resounding slap to Speedrunner Mario, who slaps him back, making his head rotate like a screw. He snaps it back into place and they both clash slaps, which somehow tears a hole in reality, sucking them both in.
Somehow, the clashing slaps transported them to an alternate dimension where my very own self-made characters are now real.
The two appear on the roads of Kanal where Max is about to blitz Leo. Speedrunner Mario appears in front of Max putting his hand up and shaking his head. They both walk up to the Atomic Blaster.
Leo: Ugh. What Stupid Power Do You Have? Get these Idiots out of my s-
They both begin to wail on Leo with heavy slaps, completely overwhelming him. One particular slap from Speedrunner Mario atomizes him. Before SMG4 Mario brings him back, before slapping him frame one into a Yamacha pose. They both nod and just kind of vanish into the air.
Max: Huh. Mission complete! Is my mom OK?
Speedrunner Mario materializes on the stage as SMG4 Mario falls face-first into it. Mario pulls his face from the smooth, grey surface and looks around. Below, a swirling nebula swirls with vibrant hues against the backdrop of distant galaxies. Stars, like scattered diamonds, glitter across the inky blackness, their gentle glow barely reaching the platform. Above, a starfield twinkles, each point of light a potential sun. Now, everything was about to end. No frills, no distractions, just Mario, Mario, and a platform suspended in the vast emptiness of space. This was the final battle.
SMG4 Mario presses his upgrade button so many times that it catches fire. He casts it aside and gets in a fighting stance, only Speedrunner Mario starts to levitate into the air with BLJs and then disappear. Suddenly, 4 of his clones appear and start to wail on SMG4 Mario, slapping him about. He feels the impact of every punch and kick, until one kicks him out into the air, causing him to remove his clothes.
2 Clones: MY EYES!
This kills the 2 of them instantly. SMG4 Mario then uses the Italian Thunderfat Z immediately after, slamming his body against the clones and causing the obliteration of the stage. This causes a planet-sized explosion, which ends in a happy naked Mario. But he has no time to rest, as Speedrunner Mario himself finally appears. SMG4 Mario eats 4 Rainbow Stars (He can do that) and whips out a Waluigi Launcher, shooting it at the other Mario, who slaps the Walugi away, sending him hurtling into infinite space forever. (He explodes)
Mario: Imma gonna send you to Satan!
Speedrunner Mario: 彼が誰だと思いますか?
SMG4 Mario raises his hands in the air as he gathers all the hoes and bitches, the universe had ever created into a super spirit bomb. No. A super nude bomb. He throws it at Speedrunner Mario, who uses the cap to deflect it back. SMG4 Mario uses a cape of his own to deflect it back. And Reality-breaking slap tennis ensues for a few moments until SMG4 Mario smacks it particularly hard. The blast eats through space, decimating everything in its way, until Speedrunner Mario grabs the blast and with the power of the game genie, throws half of the attack at SMG4 Mario. It misses, which makes him point and laugh. But what wasn't so amusing was the other Speedrunner Mario flying from behind him with the thrown-away half as they both rushed at him Rasengun style. But with both sides of the blast inches away, Mario stops time.
Mario: Some kids gonna die tonight!
He goes back in time to the start of the final battle and delivers a resounding punch. The shockwaves break the entire surrounding reality around them like glass, forcing a new one to be created. But it was all for nought.
Speedrunner Mario had blocked it.
He delivers a smile as his face suddenly becomes super detailed
Speedrunner Mario: 馬鹿野郎!私はすでにあなたより 4 つの平行世界にいます.
He crushes SMG4 Mario's hand, making him scream in auto-tune. He then slaps him, breaking the second reality behind them! He then BLJs infinite amounts of times in Milliseconds, chipping away at SMG4 Mario.
Speedrunner Mario: I told you! I'm 4 parallel universes ahead of you!
The chipping becomes more and more unbearable. SMG4 Mario makes Mario sounds of pain while crouching. After taking so much damage, he pulls out a Hyrulian Shield, which is atomized, and then a keyblade, which is vaporized. After rummaging through his hammerspace, he finally pulls out the bible as cover. This makes everything come to a record screech. Then the Speed Demon starts to scream in a glitchy voice.
He disappears from existence after painfully fading away atom by atom.
SMG4 Mario: Alrighty!
He performs a victory dance. The fight was finally over. That is until the realization dawns on him.
SMG4 Mario: Wait a second, how do I get home?
It zooms out to reveal Mario floating in the remnants of space.