Settling the Debate

Chapter 5: Beyond Imagination

Ah yes. Here we have a picturesque field nestled amidst the usually not-so-vibrant landscapes of Mexico. The breeze blows, and the sun casts its golden rays upon the swaying, short grass. Amidst this natural splendour, Dora dances gracefully, her laughter echoing joyously across the meadow. With each skip, she embraces the freedom of the open space, her spirit soaring like the birds that flit overhead. She was exploring like she always did. Suddenly, due to having no sense of direction, she collides into a certain friendly dinosaur, who was looking the other way. Dora falls on her bottom and rubs her eyes. When she reopens them again, they twinkle in awe.

Dora: Whoooaaa!

Barney: Huh? Oh my!

He picks up Dora and dusts her off.

Barney: I'm sorry, are you ok?

Dora: I'm great! Gracias!

Barney: Good to know! Now...

We hear a muffled conversation as we zoom out to death battle's hosts, Wiz and Boomstick. They are currently looking at the battle from the sky, in a hot air balloon. It had the Death Battle logo plastered on top of this, with the word Supermonye written above it in comic sans.

Wiz: This isn't going to work.

Boom: Called it!

Wiz: We have one more option then.

Wiz brings out a ray gun and shows it off. It was aptly titled the bloodlust ray, with the slogan "It even worked on Aang". 

Wiz: Watch this!

He proceeds to shoot it at them from above.

Barney: Oh dear, what was that?

Dora: I don't know. It kind of tickled. (Giggles)

Barney: Anyways...

We zoom back out to Wiz and Boomstick, with Boomstick getting increasingly annoyed.

Boomstick: Give me that!

He snatches the ray and sets it to maximum overdrive.


Boomstick: Too late Wiz!!

As the deafening blast echoes through the air, a cloud of dust rises, shrouding the scene. Through the settling dust, the silhouette of Barney and Dora appears.

In the silence that follows, the sound of snapping fingers breaks through the stillness. Just then, above them, the sky transforms, its once serene blue is now twisted into a sinister shade of blood red.

The dust finally cleared, and the two looked at each other with death in their eyes.

Boomstick: Shit Wiz, fly aw-

They were turned into confetti.


Barney summons boxing gloves and enlarges his arms in a lunge at Dora, who narrowly dodges before doing a low backflip and throwing grass and sand at him. To which Barney simply swipes his hand, turning them all into flowers. Baffled Dora leaves an opening as Barney hits Dora with a roundhouse tail attack, before summoning Kid Goku.

Barney: Try to focus Dora!

Barney points forward and Goku immediately delivers a Kamehameha at Dora. She trips over her own feet, and suddenly, the blast is at her face.

She stops time as jolly music starts to play.

Dora: (Speaking to audience) You know what this calls for!

The backpack jumps off her back and does its song, before showing its contents.

Dora: Hmm... Master Sword, Elemental Stars, Super Shield...I'll take... ALL OF THEM!

She first uses the shield as she resumes time again to block the blast with the shield before throwing the shield at Barney through Goku, cutting him in half and turning him into glitter.

Barney catches the shield and sees C4 on it, which blows up. With ash on his face, he reaches into the Barney bag and somehow brings out the keyblade, with Dora showcasing her sword.

The two have a mini duel, with all the parries, strikes and swings you can imagine. This goes on for around 30 seconds, with Dora coming out on top, but as she steps forward with the sword pointed out and Barney's hands in the air, she steps on a spring, launching her high into the air. With a chuckle, Barney teleports above her and creates a Barney-themed aeroplane which falls onto her. As she's about to get crushed, however, she stops time again.

Dora: Sorry!

She brings out a trampoline from her bag and catches the aeroplane before throwing it at Barney, who intercepts it with 2 buildings, side by side by each other.

Barney: Let's kick this up a notch!

The Barneyverse is created. It was a kaleidoscope of vibrant colours. Fields of candy-coloured flowers stretch as far as the eye can see, while sparkling rivers wind their way through lush forests. Dora looks up in awe as the sky above is a canvas of ever-changing hues, from soft pastels to fiery sunsets.

In this place, she felt like anything was possible, Every corner held some promise of discovery. She looked around, star-struck. It was just a place waiting to be explored. That's until, far away, she sees that ever-present Dinosaur levitate higher and higher into the universe, seemingly soaking in his domain. It was all so beautiful.

We witness Barney's ascent into the higher realms of the universe, achieving some state of Nirvana.

Dora: Whoa!

Barney: (Laughs) It's great isn't it? It's time to have fun!

Dora's eyes seem to fill up with so much wonder, then she shakes it off. 

Dora: Tiempo ¿eh? Gracias por el consejo.

She reaches into her backpack and puts on the time machine cape, going back to the very beginning of the fight. And at blazing speed, she punches Barney so hard, that the planet explodes, leaving somehow, only the ground below them.

Dora: Lo siento.

Barney: Oh don't worry.

They both smile and continue to match punches over and over again as Barney warps them to a brand new earth continually.

Dora looks a bit exhausted but jumps back and points at Barney, causing all of the elemental stars to rise out of God knows where stationing themselves behind her and shooting all at the same time.

The blast barrels through, eviscerating everything that stood in its path. 

But Barney wasn't finished. He simply creates a portal, sending the blast back at Dora. 

She stops time.

Dora: Hola amigos! Let's delete the Dino! Can you say Borrar el Dinosaure? (She pauses so your dumbass can say something.) Great!

The mouse right-clicks and deletes Barney and the incoming blast.

Dora: Phew! Huh?

Swiper attacks with a happy look, barging into her and making them roll around. Dora throws him off her.

Dora: Alright amigos! Say it together now! Swiper no Swiping! Swiper no Swiping! AARGH estúpido zorro!

Dora, now frustrated has the fire star jump into her arms as the others enter her backpack. She holds it up as it burns through Swiper, who turns into a skeleton...

Skeleton Swiper: Aww Man!

He falls apart into random bones, still blinking.

But another Swiper appears. Then another. Then another and another and another.

Until Dora is surrounded by Swipers! She rapidly fires at them, but they all seem to dog-pile her. A fiery explosion takes place as the swipers are all vaporized. But one seems to be laughing.

But as Dora reaches for her bag, she notices it is missing. She looks back at Swiper, who stuffs the star into the bag and throws it to the sun.

Then, Barney appears back into existence with a giggle.

Dora gasps seeing this and you guessed it, stops time.

Dora: Hey kids! Could we permanently delete the dino? Great!

Barney: He He He Hey Kids! Could we not?!?

Dora: Ay Carambe.

Dora is turned into a beautiful set of butterflies in an instant.

As soon as that happens, the effects of the bloodlust wear off and Barney finds himself in the same field, enjoying the scenery of the bright blue.

Barney: Aah, what a wonderful day!

He looks up and sees a hot air balloon.

Barney: Death Battle? Well, that doesn't sound very nice!


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