Chapter 4: Zero Luck
The Konosuba Quartet ventures through a dense and verdant forest, its atmosphere tinged with mystery and adventure. The forest floor is covered in a layer of decaying leaves and twigs, emitting a satisfying crunch with each step the group takes. Kazuma enthusiastically wields his weapon, happily slicing through any obstructive vines that they come across. Despite the thick canopy overhead, allowing only slivers of sunlight to filter through, visibility remained adequate.
Megumin: So you're telling me some mysterious scientist guy promised you 800 million gold coins just to kill a guy?
Kazuma: (Cheerily) What a fair deal!
Darkness: You're way too excited to kill an innocent person!
Kazuma: How could he be innocent if he's worth 800 million?
As they proceed further, the dense forest gradually gives way to an open, sunlit clearing. Within this expanse stands Subaru, his tracksuited figure bathed in the soft glow of sunlight filtering through the trees above.
Kazuma: You're Subaru right?
Subaru: How do you know my name?
Kazuma: Doesn't matter! 800 million is a lot of money. I'll never have to work again!
Subaru: 800 million? Hm. A bounty's on me isn't there?
Kazuma: Yeah.
Subaru: Guess I got to give it everything I've got!
Kazuma: Yeah, whatever.
Subaru brings out his whip and…
Kazuma: Snipe.
He fires an arrow straight into Subaru's head, killing him almost instantly.
Kazuma: That's it?
He moves closer and observes Subaru's dead body. Before walking away.
Subaru's eyes open slowly
Kazuma: Hey! Hey! Hello?
Subaru's hands tremble involuntarily. How did it all end so quickly?
Kazuma: Are you... Good?
Subaru: No.
Kazuma: Well, I have a bounty to collect so…
Subaru has no time to recollect himself. He has to switch straight back into battle mode. He uses his whip to steal the quiver away from Kazuma.
Kazuma: Hey, give that back! STEAL!
The Quiver appears back in his hand.
Kazuma: Create Stone, Wind Breath!
He creates many sharp rocks and slices through Subaru's tracksuit before he uses Snipe again, getting Subaru in the throat.
Subaru: (In Head) Huh? Again? Is he... that strong? This is... going to be rough.
Subaru: I have to close the distance!
Subaru, fueled by determination, charges toward Kazuma with the intent of closing the distance between them. However, Kazuma swiftly evades Subaru's punch and instead seizes him by the neck, draining all of his life energy.
Subaru: This guy is Invincible!
As Subaru grapples with the realization of Kazuma's seemingly invincible nature, he deftly manoeuvres to evade a barrage of stone bullets hurled his way. In a desperate attempt to gain an advantage, Subaru makes a move to grab Kazuma, but his opponent effortlessly sidesteps the attack and swiftly delivers a fatal blow, stabbing Subaru directly in the head.
As Subaru narrowly evades Kazuma's attempted face stab, he retaliates with a swift lash of his whip followed by a powerful punch, sending Kazuma flying a considerable distance.
Kazuma: Tough. I know!
Subaru: This guy is tough. But at least he's used all of his abilities. I've never even heard of Steal.
Suddenly, Subaru's thoughts are interrupted as a colossal golem casts a shadow over him. He catches a glimpse of a blue gleam emanating from Kazuma's hand - the Manatite. Before he can react, however, the Golemn then squashes him.
Kazuma: Hey! Hey! Hello?
Subaru had just returned again. This fight was a ridiculous, horrifying mess. This time, Subaru tried to use his words, as soon as he gained to courage to actually force them out of his mouth.
Subaru: Wait, Wait, Kazuma, Kazuma!
Kazuma: Yes, I'm Kazuma.
Subaru: You got isekaied as well right?
Kazuma stops his stance.
Kazuma: I knew it. The suit huh? Go on…
Subaru: You should work with me. So we can find out how to get back. (He closes his eyes) We could be great together, as a team!
Kazuma: Lurk.
Subaru: Hey, Where did you go?
Kazuma: Deadly Backstab.
It seemed finally that the weight of failure and despair bore down on him, casting a shadow over his spirit. Demise was chipping away at his infinite resolve. But amidst the darkness, Subaru grasps a glimmer of hope. A plan, a strategy to navigate the intricate web of luck that ensnared him. Subaru took a deep breath, casting aside the shackles of his past failures. He jumps back.
Subaru: This is gonna hurt!
He rushes at Kazuma, who dodges him but fails to drain his energy, as Subaru had telegraphed it kicking his elbow. Kazuma falters back and tries a stab to the face, but Subaru dodges and punches him in the stomach, knocking the wind out of him, before chopping him downwards. He attempts to wrap him up in his whip.
Aqua: This is weird. This guy's level is incredibly low, even lower than Kazuma, yet, he's kicking the neet's ass! Almost as if the fight had happened before.
Then, She looks closer.
Aqua: Wait a minute, what's that on his chest?
Subaru delivers a forceful kick, sending Kazuma tumbling down onto the gritty forest floor. Subaru summons Beatrice to his side. Meanwhile, Kazuma grapples with the whip angrily as he struggles to regain his footing amidst the dirt and leaves.
Bea: You called I suppose?
Subaru: Assist me, Bea?
Bea: I have no choice.
Aqua: Kazuma, Kazuma!
Kazuma: Yes (Struggling) I'm Kazuma!
Aqua: He can return by dea-
As time seems to slow to a crawl, an unseen force grips Kazuma's heart, causing him to cry out in agony. Struggling to comprehend what's happening, His shouts echo through the forest.
Bea/Subaru: Let's go!
They shoot magic crystals at the in-pain Kazuma, forming dust as magic is heard!
Kazuma: Create Water... Freeze!
He conjures a mini earth wall as Aqua comes to check on him, gasping for air. Kazuma smacks her!
Kazuma: Useless goddess! What did you do to me? We are in a FIGHT TO THE DEATH!
Aqua: Ok! Stop Shouting! I also have a plan! Do you trust me?
Kazuma: Are you stupid? Of course not!
Beatrice: MURAK!
Subaru jumps over the wall and swipes Manatite from Kazuma, who feels the empty spot where he kept it.
Kazuma: Where... Where is my Manatite?
He sets a waypoint where he is and dashes out of the wall, searching for the stone. Where suddenly…
Aqua: Watch out!!
She deflects invisible providence away with her staff before twirling her staff a bit. Although, she ends up shoving Kazuma in the process.
Kazuma: What was that for?
Aqua: Use your eyes!
Then, Kazuma looks up, still on the ground, seeing Beatrice standing above him.
Beatrice: I'll dispose of you quick I suppose!
Beatrice spreads crystals which Kazuma struggles to block. He delivers a weak Thunder spell…
Beatrice: Ul Shamak!
She creates a hole, sucking up the lightning and spitting it out in a magnificent fashion. Before Kazuma can react, she uses El Shamak, disorienting Kazuma's mind as his inner thoughts become a mesh of random gibberish!
Kazuma: Must... resist...
The lightning strikes him, much stronger than originally. She flashes the Manatite Subaru had given her.
Beatrice: Hmph! I expected more! Subaru exaggerated as per usual. Now to end you, Al Shamak!
Kazuma reaches out in pain before being sucked into a portal, removing him from the battlefield.
Darkness: Kazuma!
Megumin stops her from joining in.
Megumin: It's Kazuma. He always, always has a plan right?
Then, the waypoint beside her flashes.
Bea: Huh... Huh?
Kazuma: STEAL!
Kazuma teleports back from the waypoint he set, Manatite in hand.
Bea: N- No matter! Mur-
Kazuma: (Brings out Chains) Bind!
Bea suddenly gets surrounded by hovering chains, which close in on her, binding her.
Kazuma: Create Earth!
The Earth launches her high into the air.
Bea: I can survive this I suppose!
Kazuma: Now Megumin!
Megumin: Finally! I'll show you!
Bea: I suppose not.
The majestic, towering trees and the lush landscape that once defined the lush landscape have been completely stripped away, leaving behind a desolate scene. Bea appears to have vanished alongside it into thin air, leaving behind only traces of her presence.
Aqua jumps back more and Subaru's hands chase her, punching craters in the ground. Subaru himself is suffering from the pain it takes to use invisible providence. All of the 4 hands double and come together for one punch…
Aqua: god Punch!
Aqua vaporises the hands down to the core, hurting Subaru as slowly Kazuma arrives.
Subaru: (In head) My plan is crumbling! This isn't going well. I'm going to lose again. I was so close! But This isn't just for myself! All of my pain and suffering isn't for myself. I live for my friends!
He stands up triumphantly. Ready to try again.
Subaru: I am Natsuki Subaru! I am broke beyond repair!
Aqua: Kazuma, Kazuma!
Kazuma: Yes, I'm Kazuma!
Aqua: Heal him!
Kazuma: What!? Are you braindead?
Aqua: Please just trust me!
Kazuma contemplates, looking frantically back and forth between the two faces. The determination etched on Subaru and the pleading on Aqua. He sighs, before pointing an open palm at Subaru.
Kazuma: HEAL!
. . .
Subaru: Wha... What…
He isn't feeling the immeasurable pain he usually feels after he says that, isn't there anymore. He starts to cry.
Kazuma: You've suffered haven't you?
Subaru: I-what?
Kazuma: Haven't you? There's so much pain in your screams!
Subaru: Why... Won't I die?
The wind seems to be the loudest thing in the world. Subaru collapses, tears streaming down his face, before sitting upright on the ground, his sobs still echoing in the air.
Kazuma: You were brought here to another world weren't you? It means you're like me. But I'm tied to this world Subaru. Even if I tried to leave now, I couldn't. But I can help you. You deserve a new beginning. Subaru.
Subaru begins to cry again. Kazuma allows him to show weakness, before placing a waypoint on him.
Kazuma smiles.
He disappears.
Aqua: Nice speech neet!
Kazuma: Really? Tha-
Aqua: I was joking! I wanted to say something cool too!
Kazuma: Why can't you ever share the spotlight useless goddess!?
As they bicker, Darkness walks up, carrying Megumin.
Darkness: (Smiles) At least we're richer now.
Subaru stands in the phantasmal domain of Konosuba's heaven, his face twisted in agony and hopelessness. Tears welling up in his eyes conceal the turmoil he is going through inside. His body, still quivering.
Eris: Natsuki Subaru, I've been…
He searches around frantically and picks up a nearby sword.
Eris: Hey! No! Don't do that!
The sword disappears from his still trembling hands. Suddenly, the trembling stopped. Subaru's breathing seems more reserved. He seems…relieved.
Subaru: I'm... Tired
Eris: Subaru, I know. I know all of the pain and suffering you have gone through.
Subaru: (He starts to cry) Then... Why?
Eris: It's ok Subaru. You don't have to suffer anymore.
The screen fades upwards as Subaru cries and cries. He doesn't have to suffer anymore.