Chapter 2: Our Tiny, Amazing world
Gumball wakes up and stretches in his bunk bed. This was a pretty peaceful morning in Elmore. The birds were singing, the sunlight was beaming… maybe today could be a good day. He hops out of bed, expecting to have a safe landing as he's had every time before. That is until he falls through the emptiness that was once his floor, and lands face-first on the ground floor of his house. He pulls his face from the floor (which had now been flattened) and observes the wrecking crew of Tiny Toons carrying out the Watterson property.
Gumball: What the What?
Babs: (Steps over him holding a fridge.) 'Scuse me.
Buster removes his builder helmet, revealing his large ears.
Buster: OK Builder Toons, We'll be done in... about 5 minutes.
Gumball: Hey, what's going on here?
Buster: Well, the debt collector told us that you guys have been holding up for a while.
Gumball: Weird. Dad said he paid it off.
(Babs stretches her neck into the conversation)
Babs: Well next time, tell your Dad, Richard that Sticks of Butter aren't CURRENCY!
Gumball: I shouldn't have expected any better. H-Hey! The walls!
Emilia rips a wall and folds it into her pockets.
Gumball: Wait, so where's everyone else?
Buster: Plucky?
Plucky walks past them, with a see-through sack featuring his fast asleep family.
Plucky: Don't Involve me with this. I'm just doing my job.
Buster: Yeah, your debt was REAL BAD buddy.
Gumball: You can't just take them away! Give them back.
Buster: And deal with Daffy Duck? I'd rather perish!
Gumball forms an evil look on his face.
Gumball: Really?
Buster: Yep! WOAH!
Buster explodes.
Gumball delivers a glare to Plucky.
Plucky: Mother.
After a delayed run-up, he zooms out of the building, dropping his Watterson sack. Gumball opens the sack and out comes a frying pan to the face. Making him stumble back as Buster pulls himself out by the ears like a magician.
Gumball: How did you…
Buster: Just...*SIGH*pull back up the sign.
FIGHT! (Again…)
Gumball is suddenly socked in the face by Buster, who has manifested boxing gloves. Gumball is disoriented and after shaking his head, realizes he's suddenly also wearing boxing gear. And that he's in a ring. He dodges a lunge from Buster and punches him in the back, sending him into the ropes. As he bounces back, Gumball delivers a Shoryoken to his chin, breaking out of the boxing ring.
Gumball lands and so does Buster, now mangled.
Gumball: Phew.
Gumball breathes a sigh of belief and turns around to see Buster right in his face, startling him.
Buster: Aww! We're not that close!
Buster then grabs him, and flips a few hundred times really quickly, before throwing him into a wall. Gumball rubs his head and raises his hands in the air, due to the crossbow now pointed at him.
Buster: Much better distance.
As starts firing. Gumball braces himself for impact, but it's revealed that the shooter had put on a Stormtrooper helmet beforehand.
Buster: Stupid Fake Helmet (He removes it and starts to smother it) It can't even see!
Gumball: Aha! Helmet!
He stretches his arm past a complaining still stomping Buster, outside of the house, all the way to a Volcano, where he pulls out his lucky tinfoil cap. Then Buster (After making a tiny crater in the ground due to his stomping) walks towards Gumball angrily.
Gumball: Watch your head.
Buster: No more Mr Nice Guy up in h…
He gets rocked by the elastic recoil making him roll and fall flat at Gumball's feet.
Gumball: Well, I did warn you!
Buster: Shut it!
Buster puts a mouse trap at his feet, making him drop the helmet as he shouts in place. Buster creates a hole under Gumball's helmet then creates another hole in the ceiling, allowing for the helmet to fall into his hand.
Buster: HA! You hit like a Girl!
Bad Idea.
Gumball: Really now? Are you implying girls aren't strong?
They break all the windows near him except for one. Which Buster flies into. The Helmet bounces into the middle of the room.
Buster: 2 can play this game.
Gumball: Also, this is unsafe Deconstruction. You didn't even evacuate everyone.
Buster puts on glasses and grows his front teeth to resemble a stereotypical nerd.
Buster: Erm ACTUALLY, We did try to get you out.
Gumball: Where's your source?
Buster: In the Flashback.
Plucky tries to put Gumball in a bag but is punched in the head off-screen, prompting Angry cat noises.
Gumball: How did I see that?
Buster: So E-ERM, You refused. Meaning we aren't liable.
The shockwaves send Gumball backwards through the wall. He lands outside of the house. But he has the helmet on, causing multiple cars to narrowly miss him, which in turn causes many accidents on the highway as Cars dodge him. A laser shot narrowly misses Gumball as Buster tries to shoot him from the air using his propeller ears to fly.
Buster: Stay still would ya?
He completely misses Gumball multiple times over Gumball, feeling confident retorts.
Gumball: Hey dude, you got an issue with your shooting!
Buster keeps shooting while Gumball while Gumball grabs an armchair from God knows where to rest. Directly beside him, lands a washing machine, a safe, a building, and then a satellite. All of which just land beside Gumball, who is unaffected. Buster, who is still hammerspacing things up pulls out the Tsar Bomba, knocks it like a door, and then lets it fall.
Buster: Fire in the rabbit hole!
Elmore is decimated in a strong explosion. But Gumball, his chair and his helmet are all intact.
Buster: Dang! Think Buster, what would Bugs do?
We zoom inside Buster's head, which in this case, is a plane of absolute whiteness.
Bugs, holding a carrot and oddly wearing a Mickey Mouse shirt, answers his question.
Bugs: Just mess with him doc. Here's a tip. Whatever he's holding or wearing is a problemo. (Out of his head)
Buster: OK then! This means war!
Gumball's chair suddenly starts moving. It seems to have been placed on a conveyor belt. But Gumball ignores it. That is until he falls down a cliff with screams of fear. Gumball struggles to get up and sees Buster holding the helmet.
Buster: Oops. Dropped this.
Buster crushes the helmet as Gumball rubs his eyebrows in disappointment.
Gumball: Yeah, I should have seen that coming.
Buster: Speaking off, watch your head.
Buster ducks as Gumball gets smacked in the face with a flat-screen TV. It drags him along, and he then unsticks his face. The clocks in his mind seem to turn as a lightbulb appears on his head.
Gumball: OK, Here's a good one, how about we change the channel?
While still on the TV, Gumball brings out the Universal remote, hitting the change channel putting them both in the void.
Gumball: Feeling chilly? Let's T-
Buster: Nah, I'm not feeling this channel.
Gumball: What the...
Buster had snapped them back into reality!
Gumball: Dude! I was doing something (Click) Aah, much better! Now prepare to be-
Buster: Well I-
Gumball Pauses Him
Gumball: FRIED!
Gumball brings out the notebook and writes the sun into the existence of the void. He then uses the remote to send the sun barreling into Buster, vaporising him. He blows the fictional smoke of the remote in victory.
Buster: Dang doc! That sure was hot!
Gumball: What? No worries! I'll just have to do it again as soon as I... (he feels himself up and down) *SIGH* of course.
Buster: You dropped this (He snaps the remote in two).
Gumball: But That's ok, cuz I still have (He checks himself again) OH COME ON!
Buster: Just keep your stuff better. Then I don't have to steal it! (He reveals the notebook, on fire)
For a while, the two kind of just stand there. Buster even coughs a bit.
Gumball: Wanna take a break?
Buster: I thought you'd never ask!
The two walk offscreen completely. The next time we see them, they now seem to be situated in a coffee shop located somewhere in Alberqueqe. The two are seated facing each other, laughing.
Buster: You know what Gumball, you're a pretty good guy.
Gumball: Yeah, I know. So what do we do now? I'm kind of tired.
Buster: I'll tell ya something I learnt at school. An audience needs a captivating finale! We can't stop now!
Gumball: You know what? You're right! I'll just have to go even further beyond! God, I can't believe I said that. (Winces)
Gumball Screams intensely as a familiar yellow aura we all know engulfs him. Just the aura of this transformation destroys the surrounding windows and craters the floor. Gumball goes super saiyan.
Buster: Heh. That'll work.
Buster grows more muscular to match Gumball and crushes the invincibility crystal in his hands. They both rush at each other, punching each other in the face and sending each other back. Gumball throws Ki blasts at Buster who dodges them and flies into him at high speeds. He lifts his blitzed foe upwards and throws him into the ground dragging him with grunts of pain. He throws Gumball through a few Outskirt buildings. Gumball lays in a building crater and narrowly dodges another blow in the head, spitting Ki in the process. Buster blocks the attack and gets pushed back. Then the two have a flashy DBZ scene as they move at blurring speeds as if they were dots, rising to space. Gumball then gets the upper hand and throws Buster into the moon, cracking it all over. He then charges up a Kamehameha. Buster, now with a lack of powerup and in a crater rummages through his pockets. Stinky Shoes? Nah. Rubber Ducky? Nope. Pepe le Pew?
Buster: Why are you even here?
Pepe: I don't know.
Gumball finally releases his blast. He watches as it flies through space's vacuum, obliterating everything in its path. He could almost taste the sweet victory.
Buster: (Pulls out a ringing telephone) Hello? Hey Buddy, It's for you!
The blast enters from one part of the phone and comes out from the other.
Gumball: Really?
He is brutally vaporized and endures screams of pure agony as he disappears, finally ending the battle.
Buster: Someone didn't want to answer the phone. (It rings again) Hello?
Daffy: Dagnabbit Buster Bunny you bumbling bricker! You destroyed the City?!?
Buster: Huh? Wazzat? No Network in space sorry.
Buster cuts the call.
Buster: WELP, that's all folks!
The circle closes before being opened forcefully by Daffy.
Daffy: Hey, I wasn't finished!!
The circle closes anyway.