Settling the Debate

Chapter 1: Trapped in Despair

The abandoned Pizzareia. Springtrap walks slowly to his old animatronics. When he hears something, he hears someone. A girl? Perfect! He blends into the darkness. Waiting and Stalking. Just like He'd done before, so many times. 

We cut to Junko on the outside. She's on a carriage being pulled by a small group of Monokumas, with hundreds more following closely behind.

Junko: Faster! We're almost there! We might be looking at a new lair.

The Kuma's finally arrive at the restaurant, as Junko hops out. She points at the door, and one of the Monokumas run up to it and self-destructs, blowing up the door.

Junko: HA! What a dump! Rotten posters, that dead body smell, It's perfect! Can't believe they closed down this place just because of a few murders right?

Springtrap carefully observes his prey in the darkness as Junko swings herself around clumsily. He readies his knife.

Junko: But seriously though, imagine how much despair his victims must have felt when he cornered them. Oh, how I envy him. I just wanna shake his hand!

She backs up into the darkness, a bit too far. When William appears, covering her mouth.

William: Thanks.


William slits open her throat and lets go of her, who stumbles forward, holding her neck.

Junko: I should have known you weren't an animatronic. Big fan by the way Mr Man behind the slaughter.

Willaim: That's what they call me?

Junko points forward as Monokumas rush in. While Springtrap opened a door to a bunch of Animatronics, which all piled out. An army battle ensues.

A Monokuma swipes at the OG Freddy continuously, not making a dent. He picks him up and chomps his head off, as a Ball Monokuma is shot at him. 

In another part of the room, Security Breach Chica slams herself in a zombie-like state against the riot shield of a guard Monokuma, continuously pushing forward. It simply pushes her off, then swipes away at her legs. Then in a first-person shot, Foxy spears the Guard Monokuma, reminiscent of his FNAF 2 jumpscare.

A Destroy Monokuma tries to fly into Golden Freddy, but for some reason, the entire scene seems to go dark as he simply teleports away. It tries this again twice, before Golden Freddy teleports behind the Monokuma, now closer to the ground, before biting its head off.

Then suddenly, Giant Monokuma rips open the roof revealing the dark blue starry sky and the musky polluted air. It hops into the pizza palace, causing a bunch of Animatronics to notice it. They rush at it and begin to bite and punch at it, but it just steps on them, killing them instantly. Then suddenly, it gets grabbed by the neck, causing it to sweat intensely and struggle. It zooms out to reveal Dreadbear, who bites off the giant's head and drops its body.

But from the sky, Big Bang Monokuma delivers a Superman punch. A Kaiju battle ensues as Dreadbear blocks two punches from the Big Bang, before sluggishly kicking it away. When it slowly rushes to punch it again, Big Bang literally delivers an explosive punch, causing the bottom part of it to be vaporised. Before being consumed by the scoop in the top part, causing an explosion that kills them both.

Back in the open-ended restaurant, the Monokuma's sheer number have begun to overrun and overwhelm the animatronics, with their flamethrowers pushing back and destroying them. They begin to change at William and bite at him, causing him to bleed immensely.

Junko: Pathetic. You're not even the strongest serial killer I've met.

With a confident smile on her face, she points at him, allowing a beast Monokuma to stab him in the chest.

The Life leaves William's eyes, then they turn purple. The Kuma's attached to them fall off and instead charge at Junko, now under Willy's glitchy control. They bite at her.

Junko: Not my teddies!

Springtrap: Keep on Suffering!!

All the teeth and claws sink deeper into her.

Springtrap: Forever More!!

The red in every Monokuma's left eye turns purple, as they self-destruct all over her body, explosions of blood flying everywhere. Junko's mangled body grunts to its feet, blood dripping with every struggling step.

Junko: Oh how I love this feeling! (Grunts) I really do! 

Junko, slowly but surely, walks forward anyway.

Junko: But that doesn't mean I'm gonna let you win. No ho ho ho. I'm not gonna give you hope.

She grips her hand and suddenly, William grunts in pain.

Junko: I'll fill you with despair!

We cut to Williams's head. It's completely darkened out and black. Then suddenly, William wakes up. He looks at his hands and then examines his body. Human. Once again. He was free. Then suddenly everywhere lights up pink. Alter Ego Junko appears in all her giant might. 

Junko: Puhuhuhu! You should have seen the look on your face there. (She adjusts herself to a more serious position.) You'll never be normal.

He morphs into his ragged, awful suit again. William slams the floor in anger. He was so close to escaping the spring trap that housed him.

Junko: Looking peeved there! Here's some company while I monologue.

She spawns a bunch of flamethrower-wielding Monokumas who shoot at him simultaneously.

Junko: Despair is like a virus. It spreads and infects everyone!

The pinkness of Alter Ego begins to climb up Springtrap, enveloping him. He notices this and tries to move, but he seems to be locked in place. The pain of the fire proves too much.

Junko: Your family


Elizabeth appears, burning beside him, then vanishing again.

Junko: Your closest friends 

Henry appears, burning beside him, then vanishing again.


(Everything in the FNAF Universe appears, burning beside him, then vanishing again.). 

Junko: I've used it to destroy people. Create chaos and tragedy. It's a weapon and driving force that can push people to do anything in the name of despair! 

TV screens come down and showcase various events of The Awful, Most Tragic, Most Despair Inducing Incident in the History of Mankind. Scenes of Riots and Monokuma monuments around the world are showcased in a like slideshow fashion, circling and enclosing William, before jerking back into the distance. At this point, the pink has consumed every part of his body, now closing in on his face.

William: AAARGH!! HELP ME!!


William has all but his cold, dead eyes consumed by the pinkness.

Junko: IS DESPAIR!! 

The psychological fire in his mind is giving him agony he hasn't felt in a while. It was like a horrific aneurysm that never ends. But then, the Purple gleam in his eyes shines brighter than before. The entire digital world turns purple. Now Junko is left there powerless.

Glitchtrap: This is your end!

Junko: What did...?

Glitchtrap: You kids never learn.


Back in real life, Junko is losing her mind. Literally, as she is bleeding from there.

William: No more tricks! It's your time to die! Just like all the others! Just like anyone who EVERY faced against me again!

Junko: (Coughs)To be killed at all, by someone like you, is an absolute motherfucking honour.

William: Fucking Weirdo.

William spawns a mini trap with bursts from Junko's torso, making the battered bloody atmosphere bloodier.


Springtrap opens up Freddy Fazebear suit. He takes one last look at his victim, before pushing Junko into the suit, causing a spring-lock malfunction.

Junko: HAHAHAHAHAHA! This is pure escasty! The jaws of death close in on me! This. is. AMAZING!

William walks away, allowing Junko to die a slow death, with the echos of her laugh still ringing in his mind. The life finally leaves Junko's body, with her staying in a position reminiscent of Golden Freddy. But this Freddy was now pink, due to Junko's blood.


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