Saiyan Family of Fairy Tail

Chapter 8: Chapter 8: Calm Before The Storm

Lucy woke with a start, sunlight streaming through unfamiliar curtains. For a moment, panic gripped her until memories of the previous day flooded back—Fairy Tail, her guild mark, the raucous welcome party that had stretched well into the night. She was in her new apartment in Magnolia, the one she'd somehow managed to secure despite the whirlwind of yesterday's events.

"I'm really a Fairy Tail wizard now," she whispered, glancing at the pink guild mark on her hand. The reality of it still felt dreamlike.

A soft thud from her kitchen snapped her out of her reverie. Lucy tensed, grabbing her keys from the bedside table.

"Who's there?" she called, ready to summon a spirit if needed.

"Morning, Lucy!" Natsu's cheerful voice responded. "You got any food?"

Lucy stormed into her kitchen to find not only Natsu but Happy as well, rummaging through her refrigerator.

"What are you doing in my apartment?!" she shrieked.

"We came to get you for the mission," Natsu said, as if breaking into her home was the most natural thing in the world. "Erza wants everyone at the station by nine."

"You could have knocked like normal people!"

"Where's the fun in that?" Happy chimed in, having discovered a fish that he was already munching on.

Lucy sighed, already learning that normality wasn't part of the Fairy Tail experience. "Fine. Just... give me twenty minutes to get ready."

Back at the guild, before their departure, Lucy observed the Fairy Tail wizards as they prepared for the mission. The hall was quieter this morning, with most members either still recovering from last night's festivities or already out on jobs.

Gine approached Teilanne, who was reviewing a map with Makarov at the bar. Lucy couldn't hear their conversation clearly, but she caught Gine's hopeful tone as she asked her mother something.

"Is Laxus in today?" Gine asked, trying to sound casual despite the eager swish of her tail.

Teilanne's expression softened. "I'm sorry, dear. He left on an S-Class mission yesterday. He won't be back for at least a week."

"Oh." Gine's shoulders slumped slightly, her tail drooping. "That's fine. I just wanted to show him this new technique I've been working on."

Lucy watched with interest as disappointment flickered across Gine's normally exuberant face. There was clearly something there—an admiration that seemed to go beyond mere guild camaraderie. Gine quickly masked her disappointment with her usual enthusiasm, but Lucy had caught that moment of vulnerability.

"When he returns, perhaps," Teilanne said, giving her daughter's shoulder a gentle squeeze. "Now, about this mission—"

As they discussed strategy, Lucy's attention drifted across the room to where Kizuna and Mirajane stood by the request board. They weren't touching, maintaining a respectable distance between them, but there was an undeniable intimacy in how they leaned toward each other, speaking in low voices.

Mirajane laughed softly at something Kizuna said, her hand briefly touching his arm—a touch that lingered just a moment too long to be casual. When she pulled away, Kizuna's eyes followed the movement, and Lucy caught the subtle softening of his normally stoic expression.

Lucy thought about what she was witnessing. Kizuna and Mirajane were essentially a couple in everything but name. The way they moved around each other, anticipated each other's needs, communicated with mere glances—it was the behavior of two people deeply connected. Yet for some reason, they hadn't taken that final step to officially acknowledge what everyone else could plainly see.

Levy sidled up beside Lucy, following her gaze. "Interesting, isn't it?" she said quietly. "Watching those two?"

"They're clearly in love," Lucy whispered back. "Why haven't they just admitted it to each other?"

Levy sighed. "It's complicated. Mira and Erza both had strong feelings for Kizuna for years. It created quite the rivalry—even worse than their normal competition."

"Really? Erza and Mirajane?" Lucy found it hard to imagine the disciplined Erza locked in a romantic rivalry.

"Oh yes. You should have seen them years ago," Levy explained. "They had a terrible falling out after Lisanna disappeared. Mira changed after that—became gentler, less confrontational. But Erza... well, she withdrew emotionally. And Kizuna was caught in the middle."

Lucy glanced across the hall where Erza was methodically checking her equipment, her expression focused but unreadable. "So what happened between them all?"

"No one knows exactly," Levy admitted. "But there are moments when you can still see flashes of their old rivalry, especially when Kizuna is around. Mira is different now, but sometimes that old fire comes back when Erza gets too close to him."

Lucy studied the trio with newfound understanding. Now she could see the subtle tension in how Erza occasionally glanced toward Mirajane and Kizuna, the careful distance she maintained, the formality in her interactions with the eldest Clive sibling that seemed at odds with their history.

"I think it's only a matter of time until Kizuna and Mira finally admit what everyone already knows," Levy continued. "They've been circling each other for so long. Something's bound to give eventually."

Before Lucy could respond, Natsu bounded over, oblivious to the delicate conversation. "Come on, Lucy! We're gonna be late!"

Thirty minutes later, Lucy found herself at Magnolia Station, surrounded by her newly assembled team. Erza stood imposingly beside a mountain of luggage, while Gray leaned against a pillar, thankfully fully clothed—for now. Gine hovered slightly above the ground, having apparently shaken off her disappointment about Laxus's absence, too excited about the mission to keep her feet planted. Uruk sat cross-legged on a bench, eyes closed in what appeared to be meditation.

"Lucy! You made it," Erza greeted. "Good. We'll depart shortly for Onibus Town. That's where Eisenwald was last rumored to be operating."

"What exactly is this 'Lullaby' thing?" Lucy asked, adjusting the strap of her small travel bag and feeling woefully underprepared next to Erza's excessive luggage.

"A flute," Uruk replied without opening his eyes. "Ancient texts mention a dark magic flute created by Zeref that kills anyone who hears its melody." His calm delivery of such horrifying information sent chills down Lucy's spine.

"And Eisenwald plans to use it?" Lucy's voice rose an octave.

Erza nodded grimly. "That's what we need to confirm—and prevent."

"Enough talk," Natsu declared, punching his fist into his palm. "Let's go find these Eisenwald jerks and beat 'em up!"

"The train hasn't even arrived yet, flame-brain," Gray pointed out.

"Don't start, you two," Erza warned, and both wizards immediately stood at attention.

Gine landed beside Lucy with a gentle whoosh of air. "First big mission, huh? Nervous?"

"Terrified," Lucy admitted.

Gine grinned, her tail swishing excitedly behind her. "Don't be! It's always scary at first, but that's what makes it exciting. Besides, you've got us. Fairy Tail wizards look out for each other."

Lucy smiled gratefully, though her nerves remained. "Can I ask you something? About your brother, Kizuna?"

"Which one?" Gine laughed. "I have three."

"The eldest one. Levy told me about the... situation between him, Mirajane, and Erza."

Gine's eyebrows shot up. "Oh, that drama. Yeah, it's been going on forever." She lowered her voice, glancing toward Erza who was busy intimidating a station attendant about the train schedule. "Kizuna and Mira are basically a couple without the label. Everyone knows it. I think they're just waiting for the right moment."

"And Erza?" Lucy asked cautiously.

"That's the complicated part," Gine said with a sigh. "When Lisanna disappeared, everything changed. Mira transformed completely—lost her edge, became the sweet barmaid you see now. Erza and Mira had been fierce rivals over my brother, but suddenly that rivalry seemed pointless to Mira. She pulled back, focused on healing."

"And Kizuna chose Mirajane?"

Gine shook her head. "Not exactly. Kizuna was there for both of them. He and Erza still trained together, went on missions... but something had shifted. The emotional connection he had with Mira just deepened during her grief. Erza noticed and... well, she started creating distance." Gine's expression grew somber. "My brother blames himself sometimes. Says he should have handled things differently."

"That's a lot of history," Lucy murmured.

"Welcome to Fairy Tail," Gine said with a half-smile. "We're family, which means we've got all the messy, complicated feelings that come with it." Her expression brightened. "But enough about ancient history! What about you? Anyone catch your eye yet?"

Lucy felt her face heat up. "I've barely been here a day!"

"So? Love at first sight is totally a thing," Gine teased.

"What about you and Laxus?" Lucy countered, eager to shift the spotlight. "I noticed you seemed pretty disappointed he wasn't around."

A faint blush colored Gine's cheeks. "That obvious, huh? We've trained together a few times. He's powerful, driven..." She shrugged, trying to appear nonchalant. "I admire his strength, that's all."

Lucy raised an eyebrow, not convinced by Gine's casual dismissal.

"OK, fine," Gine admitted with a laugh. "I might have a tiny crush on the guy. But don't you dare tell anyone—especially Cumber. He'd never let me hear the end of it."

Before Lucy could promise her discretion, the train pulled into the station with a screech of brakes. Natsu immediately turned green at the sight.

"No," he moaned. "Transportation..."

"Every time," Gray muttered, rolling his eyes.

As they boarded the train, Lucy noticed how Erza subtly positioned herself away from where Gine and Lucy had been talking, her posture rigid, suggesting she might have overheard at least part of their conversation about Kizuna. The requip mage's expression revealed nothing, but there was a tension in her shoulders that hadn't been there before.

Back at the guild, Kizuna sat alone at a corner table, a communication lacrima glowing softly before him. Makarov's tiny face flickered in its depths.

"You're sure?" the Master asked, his voice grave.

"Yes," Kizuna replied. "The timing isn't coincidental. Eisenwald's move, Erza's discovery—it's all connected to what I found near the border."

Makarov stroked his mustache thoughtfully. "And you didn't tell your mother?"

"Teilanne has enough to worry about with Cumber's training. Besides, she'd insist on handling it herself."

"As she should," Makarov countered. "If what you suspect is true—"

"It needs confirmation first," Kizuna interrupted. "That's why I let Erza take the others to investigate Eisenwald. It keeps them safe from the greater threat while providing the distraction we need."

"You're playing a dangerous game, my boy," Makarov sighed. "Using your friends as unwitting pawns..."

"Not pawns," Kizuna said sharply. "Never that. They're more than capable of handling Eisenwald. But the dark energy I sensed... it wasn't Lullaby. It was something worse."

Makarov's expression darkened. "The Council has been monitoring unusual magical disturbances along the northern mountains. They suspect a breach between dimensions."

"They suspect correctly," Kizuna confirmed. "Which is why I need to investigate alone. If Teilanne—"

"If I what?" came a stern voice from behind him.

Kizuna stiffened, cutting the lacrima connection with a swift motion before turning to face his mother. Teilanne stood with arms crossed, her tail rigid—a sure sign of her displeasure.

"Mother," he acknowledged, keeping his voice neutral. "I thought you were training with Cumber."

"Mirajane is giving him a lesson in guild history," Teilanne said, taking the seat opposite her eldest son. "Now, what are you hiding from me?"

Kizuna met her gaze steadily. After a long moment, he sighed. "The same thing I always hide from you, Mother. My concern that your protection will prevent me from fulfilling my potential."

"Don't deflect," Teilanne warned. "Erza's mission. The dark guild. What aren't you telling me?"

"Nothing that affects their safety," Kizuna assured her. "Erza is more than capable of handling Eisenwald."

"But?" Teilanne pressed.

Kizuna hesitated, then said carefully, "But I believe Lullaby is merely a symptom of a greater disturbance. One that may be connected to... our origins."

Teilanne's eyes widened fractionally—the only indication of her surprise. "Explain."

"The energy signature I detected near Hargeon... it wasn't of this world. It resembled the residual pattern from your arrival on Earthland."

A heavy silence fell between them. Teilanne's tail now moved in slow, deliberate swishes—a sign Kizuna recognized as his mother processing tactical information.

"You believe another Saiyan has arrived?" she finally asked.

"I don't know," Kizuna admitted. "But whatever—or whoever—it is, they're masking their presence deliberately. And they're powerful."

Teilanne's expression hardened with resolve. "Then we investigate together. No more secrets, Kizuna. Not about this."

Kizuna knew that tone brooked no argument. "Yes, Mother."

As Teilanne rose to make preparations, Kizuna's gaze lingered on the bar where Mirajane was now wiping glasses, a small frown of concern creasing her brow as she watched their intense conversation from afar. Their eyes met briefly across the hall, and a wordless understanding passed between them.

Mirajane set down her cloth and approached, her concern evident. "You're leaving, aren't you?" she asked softly, sliding into the seat Teilanne had vacated.

"Yes. But not for Eisenwald," Kizuna admitted.

Mirajane didn't press for details, just nodded. This was their dynamic—complete trust without demands. "Be careful," she said, her hand finding his on the table. Her thumb traced small circles on his skin, a gesture so natural it seemed like muscle memory.

"I always am," he replied, his fingers interlacing with hers.

For a moment, they sat in comfortable silence, the casual intimacy between them belying the unspoken depth of their connection. To Lucy's observation, they had seemed like a couple without officially being one—and here was the evidence. The way they communicated without words, anticipated each other's thoughts, existed in each other's space with perfect harmony.

"You should tell her," Mirajane said finally, her voice barely audible.

Kizuna knew immediately who she meant. "Erza has enough to focus on."

"That's not why you're not telling her," Mirajane challenged gently. "You're still trying to protect everyone's feelings, even after all these years."

He didn't deny it. "Some habits are hard to break."

Mirajane's eyes softened. "One day, we're going to have to stop dancing around this." She gestured subtly between them. "All of this."

"When I get back," Kizuna promised, squeezing her hand.

A shadow of a smile touched Mirajane's lips. "You've said that before."

"This time I mean it," he said, and something in his tone made her really look at him.

"What's different this time?" she asked, searching his face.

Kizuna held her gaze. "Everything changes eventually, Mira. Even us."

She understood the weight behind his words. After years of complicated history, of careful navigation around feelings and rivalries and guild dynamics, something was shifting. Mirajane nodded slowly, accepting his unspoken promise.

"I'll hold you to that," she said, rising from the table. She hesitated for just a moment, then leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek—crossing a line they rarely breached in public. "Come back safe."

As she walked away, Kizuna touched the spot where her lips had been, a thoughtful expression on his face. His gaze drifted toward the guild doors through which the team had departed hours ago, his thoughts turning to his siblings and friends heading toward Onibus, unaware of the greater danger that might be lurking.

"Be safe," he whispered, though they were far beyond hearing.

On the train to Onibus, Lucy watched the countryside roll by as Natsu groaned pathetically, his head resting on Erza's lap after she had knocked him unconscious to "ease his suffering."

"So, about Lullaby," Lucy ventured, turning to Uruk who sat opposite her, now monitoring a small device of his own invention. "If it's as dangerous as you say, why would Eisenwald want to use it? Wouldn't they be affected too?"

"Logical question," Uruk noted approvingly. "The historical texts suggest the wielder can control who is affected. More concerning is why they would deploy such an indiscriminate weapon now."

"Power," Gray suggested. "Dark guilds are always after more power."

"Possibly," Uruk conceded. "But the timing concerns me. My analysis indicates a 73% probability that Eisenwald is working with or for someone else."

"Great," Lucy muttered. "So we might be walking into something even bigger?"

Gine, who had been doing one-handed push-ups in the aisle despite the train's motion, bounced up with a grin. "More bad guys to fight! I'm fired up!"

"You sound like Natsu," Gray commented.

"Is that an insult?" Gine challenged, hands on hips.

Before Gray could respond, Erza cut in. "Focus. We'll reach Onibus within the hour. Our priority is intelligence gathering—we need to confirm Eisenwald's location and plans before acting."

Lucy noticed how Erza had been unusually quiet since boarding, her attention seemingly divided between their mission and some private thoughts. There was a momentary softening in her expression as she absently brushed Natsu's hair from his face—a gesture so quick and subtle that Lucy almost missed it.

"Erza's right," Uruk agreed, his eyes still on his device. "Though I'm detecting unusual energy fluctuations that weren't in my previous scans of this region."

"What kind of fluctuations?" Erza asked sharply, focusing again.

Uruk frowned, adjusting a dial. "Similar to Celestial Magic, but... distorted. Almost as if—"

The train lurched violently, cutting off his explanation. Lucy grabbed the edge of her seat as the carriage swayed dangerously.

"What's happening?" Gray shouted over the sudden screeching of brakes.

Gine pressed her face to the window. "Something's on the tracks ahead! It looks like—" Her eyes widened. "Everyone down!"

Lucy barely had time to duck before an explosion rocked the train. Glass shattered, metal twisted, and the world turned upside down as their carriage derailed.

When Lucy regained her senses moments later, smoke filled the air and alarm bells rang in the distance. She coughed, pushing debris off herself.

"Is everyone okay?" Erza's voice called through the haze.

"Define 'okay,'" Gray groaned nearby.

"I'm functional," came Uruk's calm assessment.

"That was awesome!" Gine exclaimed, already on her feet and helping passengers exit the damaged carriage. "Let's do it again!"

"Natsu?" Lucy called, suddenly realizing she didn't see the Dragon Slayer.

"Here," came a surprisingly steady voice. Natsu stood amid the wreckage, his motion sickness miraculously cured by the crisis. His eyes were focused on something outside the broken window. "And I think I found Eisenwald."

Lucy scrambled to her feet and looked where Natsu was pointing. Through the smoke and dust, sinister figures approached the derailed train—wizards in dark clothing, led by a man with a massive scythe.

"Well, well," the scythe-wielder called out, his voice carrying a mocking edge. "Fairy Tail wizards, right on schedule. How convenient."

"They were expecting us," Erza realized, requipping into her Heaven's Wheel armor.

"It's an ambush," Uruk confirmed, his device now emitting urgent beeps. "And the energy readings are off the charts. Whatever their plan is—"

"It's already in motion," the scythe-wielder finished with a cruel smile. "The tune of Lullaby will soon play for all of Fiore to hear. But first—" he raised his scythe "—we'll eliminate Fairy Tail's so-called strongest team."

Natsu's fists ignited with flames as he stepped forward. "I'm all fired up now."

Gray assumed his ice-make stance. "For once, we agree."

Gine cracked her knuckles, her Saiyan blood clearly singing at the prospect of battle. "Finally, some action!"

Uruk calmly placed his device in a pocket, adjusting his glasses. "Tactical analysis suggests we are outnumbered approximately three to one. Favorable odds, given our collective capabilities."

Lucy grabbed her keys, determination replacing fear. This was what it meant to be a Fairy Tail wizard—facing danger head-on, protecting the innocent, standing together against darkness.

"Open, Gate of the Golden Bull! Taurus!" she called, summoning her strongest spirit to join the battle.

As the massive bull-spirit materialized with a battle cry, Lucy caught Erza's approving nod. Whatever doubts she'd had about her place in this mission, in this guild, melted away. She was Lucy of Fairy Tail now, and Fairy Tail wizards never backed down.

The battle for Lullaby had begun.

Chapter 8 Continuation: The Battle Begins

The man with the scythe lunged forward, his weapon slicing through the air with an eerie whistle. "I am Erigor, the Reaper of Eisenwald! Your journey ends here, Fairy Tail!"

Erza moved with blinding speed, her sword clashing against Erigor's scythe in a shower of sparks. "Everyone, form a perimeter!" she commanded. "Protect the civilians!"

Lucy nodded, directing Taurus to help evacuate the remaining passengers while keeping an eye on the Eisenwald wizards approaching from the west. "Taurus, cover that side!"

"Anything for your beautiful body, Miss Lucy!" the spirit replied enthusiastically, swinging his massive axe to create a barrier between the dark wizards and the fleeing passengers.

"Is now really the time?" Lucy muttered, embarrassed by her spirit's usual antics.

Natsu had already engaged three Eisenwald members, his flaming fists sending them flying. "Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!" he roared, connecting with a particularly large opponent who crashed through what remained of the train's wall.

Gray stood back-to-back with Uruk, ice magic swirling around his hands. "Ice-Make: Lance!" Long spears of ice shot toward a group of attackers, forcing them to scatter.

Uruk calmly assessed the battlefield, his fingers dancing over a small device strapped to his wrist. "Their formation suggests a diversion," he noted. "Probability of secondary objective: 89.7%."

"In other words," Gray translated, dodging a blast of shadow magic, "this is just to keep us busy?"

"Precisely." Uruk adjusted his glasses before extending his palm toward three approaching wizards. "Techno Magic: Paralysis Field." A shimmer of blue energy expanded outward, freezing the attackers mid-stride.

Meanwhile, Gine had taken to the air, her tail whipping behind her as she surveyed the battlefield from above. Two Eisenwald wizards launched wind attacks at her, which she dodged with casual grace.

"That the best you got?" she taunted, diving down with incredible speed. Her fist connected with the ground between them, creating a shockwave that sent both enemies tumbling. "Come on, I'm just getting warmed up!"

Erigor leapt backward, disengaging from Erza with a frustrated growl. "You're as formidable as they say, Titania."

"And you're stalling," Erza replied, requipping into her Flight Armor for increased speed. "What's your real plan, Erigor?"

The Reaper's lips curved into a sinister smile. "By the time you figure it out, all the Guild Masters at their regular meeting will have heard Lullaby's melody." He glanced at the position of the sun. "In fact, my associate should be approaching Clover Town as we speak."

"Clover Town?" Lucy gasped, momentarily distracted. "That's where Master Makarov—"

"Lucy, behind you!" Gray shouted.

Lucy turned just in time to see an Eisenwald wizard preparing to strike. Before she could react, a blur of motion intercepted the attack—Gine, moving faster than Lucy's eye could track.

"Pay attention, newbie," Gine said with a wink, holding the struggling dark wizard by his collar. With a casual flick, she tossed him into a pile of his groaning comrades.

Erza's expression hardened at Erigor's revelation. "You targeted the Guild Masters' meeting? Coward!"

"It's genius!" Erigor laughed. "All those powerful wizards, eliminated at once. And with them gone, we'll reshape the magical world as we see fit!"

"Not happening!" Natsu snarled, flames erupting around his body with renewed intensity. "I won't let you hurt Gramps!"

Erigor raised his scythe, wind magic swirling around it. "You won't have a choice. Wind Barrier!" He slashed downward, and a massive cyclone of wind erupted around the entire station, forming an impenetrable wall.

"What is this?" Lucy cried, approaching the barrier only to be thrown backward by its force.

"My Wind Wall," Erigor explained, now hovering outside the barrier. "Once cast, no one can enter or exit. You'll be trapped here while Lullaby plays its deadly melody for the Guild Masters."

Uruk examined the barrier, his expression unchanged but his voice tight with concern. "This is advanced containment magic. Breaking through will require significant power or a specific counter-spell."

"Don't worry," Erigor called, already floating away on his wind magic. "I've left some of my guild mates to keep you company while you die. Farewell, Fairy Tail flies!"

"Come back here!" Natsu charged at the barrier, only to be violently repelled, crashing into a pile of luggage.

"Idiot," Gray muttered, helping him up. "We need a plan."

Erza surveyed what remained of their opponents—about a dozen Eisenwald members who hadn't fled, looking far more confident now that their leader had trapped the Fairy Tail wizards.

"Lullaby is heading for the Guild Masters," Erza said grimly. "We need to escape this barrier and warn them."

"I may have a solution," Uruk said, kneeling to examine the base of the wind wall. "This barrier operates on a frequency similar to Freed's rune magic, though considerably less sophisticated. If I can identify the resonance pattern..."

"Do it," Erza commanded. "The rest of us will deal with these remaining dark wizards."

One of the Eisenwald members, a thin man with strange whisker-like protrusions on his face, stepped forward. "The name's Byard. Erigor told us to keep you busy until your time runs out. Should be fun!"

"Fun?" Lucy repeated incredulously. "You're helping kill innocent people!"

"The Guild Masters aren't innocent," another Eisenwald wizard spat. "They expelled us, forced us into the darkness. This is justice!"

"That's not justice," Gray said coldly. "That's revenge. And a pretty pathetic version of it."

"Enough talk," Gine interrupted, cracking her knuckles. "I count twelve of them, five of us. That's barely two each. Hardly seems fair."

"For them," Natsu agreed with a fierce grin.

The battle erupted anew, more intense than before. Lucy summoned Virgo to tunnel beneath several enemies, causing them to fall into pitfalls. Gray's ice magic froze three opponents solid, while Natsu's fiery roar cleared a path through another group.

Erza requipped into her Black Wing Armor, slashing through magical attacks with precision. "Uruk, status?" she called between strikes.

"Progressing," he replied calmly, his fingers manipulating a complex array of techno-magical symbols hovering over his device. "This barrier requires a specific frequency disruption. I need approximately three more minutes."

"You heard him," Erza called to the others. "Three minutes!"

Gine laughed, grabbing two attackers and knocking their heads together. "I could do this all day!"

As the battle continued, Lucy found herself back-to-back with Gray, both breathing heavily. "Is it always like this?" she asked between summoning Sagittarius to provide covering fire.

"Pretty much," Gray replied, creating an ice shield to block an incoming attack. "Welcome to Fairy Tail."

Despite their bravado, Lucy could see that even her powerful teammates were feeling the strain. Erza's movements, while still devastatingly effective, had slowed slightly. Natsu's flames burned just as bright, but he was relying more on raw power than technique. Even Gine, with her seemingly limitless energy, had a thin sheen of sweat on her brow.

"I need more time," Uruk announced, his calm voice betraying the slightest hint of concern. "The barrier's frequency is adapting to my attempts to disrupt it."

Byard, still standing despite taking several hits, laughed harshly. "Erigor's Wind Wall can't be broken! You're all going to die here!"

"Maybe not through the barrier," Lucy said suddenly, an idea forming. "But what about under it?" She turned to where Virgo was emerging from her latest tunnel. "Virgo, how deep can you dig?"

The pink-haired maid spirit bowed. "As deep as you require, Princess."

Erza caught on immediately. "Lucy, brilliant! Uruk, can the barrier extend underground?"

Uruk's eyes widened fractionally—the equivalent of a shocked expression from him. "The magical signature doesn't penetrate more than two meters below ground. A tunnel could work."

"Then that's our plan," Erza decided. "Lucy, have Virgo start digging. The rest of us will finish these Eisenwald wizards and follow."

"Not all of us," Gine said, her expression unusually serious. "Someone needs to fly ahead and warn the Guild Masters. I'm the fastest."

Erza hesitated, then nodded. "Once we're through, go. Maximum speed."

"What about Lullaby?" Gray asked, freezing another attacker. "Even if we warn them, that flute is deadly."

"One problem at a time," Erza replied. "First, we escape. Virgo, begin digging!"

"As you wish, Princess," Virgo responded to Lucy, immediately diving into the ground and beginning to tunnel beneath the barrier.

The battle continued around them, but now with renewed purpose. Lucy felt a surge of pride—her idea might save the Guild Masters. Maybe she really did belong in Fairy Tail after all.

As the last Eisenwald wizard fell to Natsu's flaming kick, Virgo emerged from the ground several meters away. "The tunnel is complete, Princess."

"Everyone, through the tunnel!" Erza commanded. "Quickly!"

One by one, they descended into Virgo's passage—first Uruk, then Gray, followed by Natsu (who complained about underground transportation even though he was using his own legs), and finally Lucy.

Erza was last, pausing to survey the unconscious Eisenwald members. "We need to alert the Council about this. These dark wizards must face justice."

"Princess," Virgo said to Lucy as they crawled through the tunnel, "punishment for making the tunnel too narrow?"

"What? No! It's perfect," Lucy assured her, still getting used to her spirit's strange behavior.

They emerged on the other side of the wind barrier, a safe distance from the station. Gray helped Lucy to her feet while Natsu immediately began celebrating their escape.

"We did it! Now I'm gonna find Erigor and burn him to a crisp!"

Erza emerged last, her expression grim. "We need to split up. Erigor is heading to Clover Town by air—he'll be moving quickly."

"I can catch him," Gine said confidently, already hovering above the ground.

"Wait," Uruk cautioned, consulting his device. "My readings indicate Lullaby isn't with Erigor."

"What?" everyone exclaimed in unison.

"The distinctive magical signature I detected earlier is moving on a separate trajectory," Uruk explained. "West-northwest, approximately 20 kilometers from here and moving quickly."

"A decoy," Erza realized. "Erigor split the party deliberately."

"So what do we do?" Lucy asked, the gravity of the situation sinking in.

Erza took only a moment to recalculate. "New plan. Gine, you track the real Lullaby. Your speed gives us the best chance to intercept it before it reaches Clover Town. Natsu and Gray, take the magic-mobile and follow Erigor—he may still be dangerous even without Lullaby. Lucy, Uruk, and I will alert the authorities and join you as soon as possible."

Gine nodded seriously. "Got it. Real Lullaby, stop it, save the day." With that, she shot into the sky with incredible speed, following Uruk's directions.

"Let's go, ice princess," Natsu said to Gray, already running toward the parked magic-mobile.

"Right behind you, ash brain," Gray retorted.

As they departed, Lucy turned to Erza, noticing the requip mage's subtle wince. "Are you okay?"

"Fine," Erza said curtly. "Just conserving magical energy."

Uruk glanced at her knowingly but said nothing.

"Will they be alright?" Lucy asked, watching Gine's form disappear into the distance. "Should we have stayed together?"

"Sometimes, division creates strength," Uruk observed. "Multiple approaches increase probability of mission success."

Erza nodded in agreement. "Besides, it's not just Gine, Natsu, and Gray out there. Remember what Kizuna told Makarov before we left?"

"No, what?" Lucy asked, confused.

A small, almost proud smile touched Erza's lips. "He said, 'Don't worry, Master. I've already got a backup plan in motion.' Knowing Kizuna, he's three steps ahead of us all."

Lucy suddenly remembered the intense conversation she'd witnessed between Kizuna and Teilanne, their concerned expressions, the urgency in their manner. Whatever was happening with Lullaby, it seemed part of something much bigger.

"Come," Erza said, already striding toward town. "We have work to do."

As Lucy hurried after her teammates, she couldn't shake the feeling that their battle with Eisenwald was just the beginning—the calm before a much greater storm.

Miles away, on a cliff overlooking the railway that connected Onibus to Clover Town, a cloaked figure stood watching a magic-mobile race along the tracks below. In one hand, they held a simple wooden flute adorned with a three-eyed skull.

"Everything proceeds as planned," the figure murmured, their voice neither male nor female. "The Fairy Tail wizards dance to our tune, just as predicted."

"Are you certain this is wise?" asked a second cloaked figure, emerging from the shadows. "Erigor believes the flute is with his guild mate."

"Let him believe what he wishes," the first figure replied, turning the flute in their hands. "This is merely the prelude. The true concert has yet to begin."

"And if the Saiyan woman intercepts us? Her power is considerable."

A cold laugh escaped the first figure. "Her power is nothing compared to what awaits. Besides—" they gazed upward, as if sensing something in the distance "—we have another Saiyan to contend with. One far more dangerous than Teilanne's offspring."

As if on cue, a streak of light crossed the sky—not Gine, but someone moving with equal speed and purpose.

"Kizuna Clive," the figure whispered. "Right on schedule."

The flute in their hands pulsed with dark energy, the eyes of the skull glowing eerily in response.

"Let them come," the figure said, their voice filled with anticipation. "Lullaby's song is just the beginning. Soon, all of Earthland will hear a new melody—the sound of worlds colliding."

In the distance, thunder rumbled across clear skies, as if nature itself was responding to the ominous promise.

Chapter 8 Continuation: The Battle Intensifies

The man with the scythe lunged forward, his weapon slicing through the air with an eerie whistle. "I am Erigor, the Reaper of Eisenwald! Your journey ends here, Fairy Tail!"

Before engaging the enemy, Gine pulled Erza aside for just a moment, her voice low but urgent. "Before we left, Mother told me something I think you should know," she said.

Erza's expression remained stoic, but her eyes betrayed her curiosity.

"She said that you, Kizuna, and Mira are going to have a proper talk once this Lullaby crisis is dealt with," Gine continued. "Her exact words. No more dancing around whatever's between you three. Mother's orders."

Lucy, standing close enough to overhear, noticed how Erza's posture shifted—a straightening of her spine, a slight widening of her eyes, and most noticeably, a renewed fire in her gaze. It was as if Teilanne's decree had lifted a weight from her shoulders while simultaneously igniting her fighting spirit.

"Your mother has always had impeccable timing," Erza replied, a ghost of a smile touching her lips. She gripped her sword more firmly. "Very well. Let's end this quickly, then."

Gine grinned, her tail swishing excitedly behind her. "That's the spirit!"

The two warriors exchanged a look of understanding before turning their attention back to the battle at hand. Lucy couldn't help but notice the subtle change in Erza—a certain tension had left her, replaced by determination and, perhaps, relief. Whatever complicated history existed between Erza, Kizuna, and Mirajane, it seemed Teilanne Clive had decided it was time for resolution.

Erza moved with blinding speed, her sword clashing against Erigor's scythe in a shower of sparks. "Everyone, form a perimeter!" she commanded, her voice ringing with renewed authority. "Protect the civilians!"

Lucy nodded, directing Taurus to help evacuate the remaining passengers while keeping an eye on the Eisenwald wizards approaching from the west. "Taurus, cover that side!"

"Anything for your beautiful body, Miss Lucy!" the spirit replied enthusiastically, swinging his massive axe to create a barrier between the dark wizards and the fleeing passengers.

"Is now really the time?" Lucy muttered, embarrassed by her spirit's usual antics.

Natsu had already engaged three Eisenwald members, his flaming fists sending them flying. "Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!" he roared, connecting with a particularly large opponent who crashed through what remained of the train's wall.

Gray stood back-to-back with Uruk, ice magic swirling around his hands. "Ice-Make: Lance!" Long spears of ice shot toward a group of attackers, forcing them to scatter.

Uruk calmly assessed the battlefield, his fingers dancing over a small device strapped to his wrist. "Their formation suggests a diversion," he noted. "Probability of secondary objective: 89.7%."

"In other words," Gray translated, dodging a blast of shadow magic, "this is just to keep us busy?"

"Precisely." Uruk adjusted his glasses before extending his palm toward three approaching wizards. "Techno Magic: Paralysis Field." A shimmer of blue energy expanded outward, freezing the attackers mid-stride.

Meanwhile, Gine had taken to the air, her tail whipping behind her as she surveyed the battlefield from above. Two Eisenwald wizards launched wind attacks at her, which she dodged with casual grace.

"That the best you got?" she taunted, diving down with incredible speed. Her fist connected with the ground between them, creating a shockwave that sent both enemies tumbling. "Come on, I'm just getting warmed up!"

Lucy noticed that Erza fought with particular intensity now, her movements precise and devastating as she cut through enemy ranks. The news from Teilanne seemed to have given her an additional edge—perhaps the promise of finally addressing the unresolved situation with Kizuna and Mirajane had freed her to focus completely on the battle.

Erigor leapt backward, disengaging from Erza with a frustrated growl. "You're as formidable as they say, Titania."

"And you're stalling," Erza replied, requipping into her Flight Armor for increased speed. "What's your real plan, Erigor?"

The Reaper's lips curved into a sinister smile. "By the time you figure it out, all the Guild Masters at their regular meeting will have heard Lullaby's melody." He glanced at the position of the sun. "In fact, my associate should be approaching Clover Town as we speak."

"Clover Town?" Lucy gasped, momentarily distracted. "That's where Master Makarov—"

"Lucy, behind you!" Gray shouted.

Lucy turned just in time to see an Eisenwald wizard preparing to strike. Before she could react, a blur of motion intercepted the attack—Gine, moving faster than Lucy's eye could track.

"Pay attention, newbie," Gine said with a wink, holding the struggling dark wizard by his collar. With a casual flick, she tossed him into a pile of his groaning comrades.

Erza's expression hardened at Erigor's revelation. "You targeted the Guild Masters' meeting? Coward!"

"It's genius!" Erigor laughed. "All those powerful wizards, eliminated at once. And with them gone, we'll reshape the magical world as we see fit!"

"Not happening!" Natsu snarled, flames erupting around his body with renewed intensity. "I won't let you hurt Gramps!"

Erigor raised his scythe, wind magic swirling around it. "You won't have a choice. Wind Barrier!" He slashed downward, and a massive cyclone of wind erupted around the entire station, forming an impenetrable wall.

"What is this?" Lucy cried, approaching the barrier only to be thrown backward by its force.

"My Wind Wall," Erigor explained, now hovering outside the barrier. "Once cast, no one can enter or exit. You'll be trapped here while Lullaby plays its deadly melody for the Guild Masters."

Uruk examined the barrier, his expression unchanged but his voice tight with concern. "This is advanced containment magic. Breaking through will require significant power or a specific counter-spell."

"Don't worry," Erigor called, already floating away on his wind magic. "I've left some of my guild mates to keep you company while you die. Farewell, Fairy Tail flies!"

"Come back here!" Natsu charged at the barrier, only to be violently repelled, crashing into a pile of luggage.

"Idiot," Gray muttered, helping him up. "We need a plan."

Erza surveyed what remained of their opponents—about a dozen Eisenwald members who hadn't fled, looking far more confident now that their leader had trapped the Fairy Tail wizards.

"Lullaby is heading for the Guild Masters," Erza said grimly. "We need to escape this barrier and warn them."

"I may have a solution," Uruk said, kneeling to examine the base of the wind wall. "This barrier operates on a frequency similar to Freed's rune magic, though considerably less sophisticated. If I can identify the resonance pattern..."

"Do it," Erza commanded. "The rest of us will deal with these remaining dark wizards."

One of the Eisenwald members, a thin man with strange whisker-like protrusions on his face, stepped forward. "The name's Byard. Erigor told us to keep you busy until your time runs out. Should be fun!"

"Fun?" Lucy repeated incredulously. "You're helping kill innocent people!"

"The Guild Masters aren't innocent," another Eisenwald wizard spat. "They expelled us, forced us into the darkness. This is justice!"

"That's not justice," Gray said coldly. "That's revenge. And a pretty pathetic version of it."

"Enough talk," Gine interrupted, cracking her knuckles. "I count twelve of them, five of us. That's barely two each. Hardly seems fair."

"For them," Natsu agreed with a fierce grin.

Erza, her eyes gleaming with new determination, nodded sharply. "Let's finish this quickly. I have a... discussion to look forward to back home."

Gine laughed, recognizing the reference to her mother's decree. "I'd hate to miss that showdown. Should be more entertaining than this fight!"

The battle erupted anew, more intense than before. Lucy summoned Virgo to tunnel beneath several enemies, causing them to fall into pitfalls. Gray's ice magic froze three opponents solid, while Natsu's fiery roar cleared a path through another group.

Erza requipped into her Black Wing Armor, slashing through magical attacks with precision. "Uruk, status?" she called between strikes.

"Progressing," he replied calmly, his fingers manipulating a complex array of techno-magical symbols hovering over his device. "This barrier requires a specific frequency disruption. I need approximately three more minutes."

"You heard him," Erza called to the others. "Three minutes!"

Gine laughed, grabbing two attackers and knocking their heads together. "I could do this all day!"

As the battle continued, Lucy found herself back-to-back with Gray, both breathing heavily. "Is it always like this?" she asked between summoning Sagittarius to provide covering fire.

"Pretty much," Gray replied, creating an ice shield to block an incoming attack. "Welcome to Fairy Tail."

"And what was that about Erza, Kizuna, and Mirajane?" Lucy couldn't help asking, curiosity getting the better of her even in the midst of battle.

Gray's expression turned knowing. "Teilanne getting involved means it's serious. She doesn't interfere in guild drama unless it's affecting missions." He paused to freeze another attacker. "But when she does step in, even Erza listens."

Lucy glanced at Erza, who fought with renewed purpose, and wondered what exactly would happen when this was all over and they returned to the guild. Whatever conversation was coming between the three seemed long overdue, based on everything Lucy had learned about their complicated history.

Despite their bravado, Lucy could see that even her powerful teammates were feeling the strain. Erza's movements, while still devastatingly effective, had slowed slightly. Natsu's flames burned just as bright, but he was relying more on raw power than technique. Even Gine, with her seemingly limitless energy, had a thin sheen of sweat on her brow.

"I need more time," Uruk announced, his calm voice betraying the slightest hint of concern. "The barrier's frequency is adapting to my attempts to disrupt it."

Byard, still standing despite taking several hits, laughed harshly. "Erigor's Wind Wall can't be broken! You're all going to die here!"

"Maybe not through the barrier," Lucy said suddenly, an idea forming. "But what about under it?" She turned to where Virgo was emerging from her latest tunnel. "Virgo, how deep can you dig?"

The pink-haired maid spirit bowed. "As deep as you require, Princess."

Erza caught on immediately. "Lucy, brilliant! Uruk, can the barrier extend underground?"

Uruk's eyes widened fractionally—the equivalent of a shocked expression from him. "The magical signature doesn't penetrate more than two meters below ground. A tunnel could work."

"Then that's our plan," Erza decided. "Lucy, have Virgo start digging. The rest of us will finish these Eisenwald wizards and follow."

"Not all of us," Gine said, her expression unusually serious. "Someone needs to fly ahead and warn the Guild Masters. I'm the fastest."

Erza hesitated, then nodded. "Once we're through, go. Maximum speed."

"What about Lullaby?" Gray asked, freezing another attacker. "Even if we warn them, that flute is deadly."

"One problem at a time," Erza replied. "First, we escape. Virgo, begin digging!"

"As you wish, Princess," Virgo responded to Lucy, immediately diving into the ground and beginning to tunnel beneath the barrier.

The battle continued around them, but now with renewed purpose. Lucy felt a surge of pride—her idea might save the Guild Masters. Maybe she really did belong in Fairy Tail after all.

As the last Eisenwald wizard fell to Natsu's flaming kick, Virgo emerged from the ground several meters away. "The tunnel is complete, Princess."

"Everyone, through the tunnel!" Erza commanded. "Quickly!"

As they prepared to enter the tunnel, Gine pulled Erza aside once more. "Just so you know," she said with a mischievous glint in her eye, "Kizuna has been planning to talk to you and Mira for weeks now. Mother just gave him the final push."

Erza's expression softened momentarily. "I've been avoiding it for too long," she admitted. "Perhaps it's time we all stopped hiding behind missions and guild responsibilities."

Gine squeezed her shoulder. "About time! The tension between you three has been driving everyone crazy for years."

A ghost of a smile touched Erza's lips. "Let's focus on Lullaby first. Then... we'll see."

One by one, they descended into Virgo's passage—first Uruk, then Gray, followed by Natsu (who complained about underground transportation even though he was using his own legs), and finally Lucy.

Erza was last, pausing to survey the unconscious Eisenwald members. "We need to alert the Council about this. These dark wizards must face justice."

"Princess," Virgo said to Lucy as they crawled through the tunnel, "punishment for making the tunnel too narrow?"

"What? No! It's perfect," Lucy assured her, still getting used to her spirit's strange behavior.

They emerged on the other side of the wind barrier, a safe distance from the station. Gray helped Lucy to her feet while Natsu immediately began celebrating their escape.

"We did it! Now I'm gonna find Erigor and burn him to a crisp!"

Erza emerged last, her expression grim but determined. "We need to split up. Erigor is heading to Clover Town by air—he'll be moving quickly."

"I can catch him," Gine said confidently, already hovering above the ground. "And when this is all over, I expect a full report on that conversation between you three," she added with a wink at Erza.

"Wait," Uruk cautioned, consulting his device. "My readings indicate Lullaby isn't with Erigor."

"What?" everyone exclaimed in unison.

"The distinctive magical signature I detected earlier is moving on a separate trajectory," Uruk explained. "West-northwest, approximately 20 kilometers from here and moving quickly."

"A decoy," Erza realized. "Erigor split the party deliberately."

"So what do we do?" Lucy asked, the gravity of the situation sinking in.

Erza took only a moment to recalculate. "New plan. Gine, you track the real Lullaby. Your speed gives us the best chance to intercept it before it reaches Clover Town. Natsu and Gray, take the magic-mobile and follow Erigor—he may still be dangerous even without Lullaby. Lucy, Uruk, and I will alert the authorities and join you as soon as possible."

Gine nodded seriously. "Got it. Real Lullaby, stop it, save the day." With that, she shot into the sky with incredible speed, following Uruk's directions.

"Let's go, ice princess," Natsu said to Gray, already running toward the parked magic-mobile.

"Right behind you, ash brain," Gray retorted.

As they departed, Lucy turned to Erza, noticing the requip mage's subtle wince. "Are you okay?"

"Fine," Erza said curtly. "Just conserving magical energy."

Uruk glanced at her knowingly but said nothing.

"Will they be alright?" Lucy asked, watching Gine's form disappear into the distance. "Should we have stayed together?"

"Sometimes, division creates strength," Uruk observed. "Multiple approaches increase probability of mission success."

Erza nodded in agreement. "Besides, it's not just Gine, Natsu, and Gray out there. Remember what Kizuna told Makarov before we left?"

"No, what?" Lucy asked, curious.

A small, almost proud smile touched Erza's lips. "He said, 'Don't worry, Master. I've already got a backup plan in motion.' Knowing Kizuna, he's three steps ahead of us all."

"You have a lot of faith in him," Lucy observed carefully.

Erza's expression remained neutral, but something shifted in her eyes. "I always have. That's never been the issue between us."

Lucy suddenly remembered the intense conversation she'd witnessed between Kizuna and Teilanne, their concerned expressions, the urgency in their manner. Whatever was happening with Lullaby, it seemed part of something much bigger—just as the situation between Erza, Kizuna, and Mirajane seemed to be approaching a long-awaited resolution.

"Come," Erza said, already striding toward town, her posture reflecting both the urgency of their mission and the weight of what awaited back at the guild. "We have work to do."

As Lucy hurried after her teammates, she couldn't shake the feeling that their battle with Eisenwald was just the beginning—the calm before a much greater storm. And when that storm cleared, perhaps some long-standing emotional clouds in Fairy Tail would finally break as well.

Miles away, on a cliff overlooking the railway that connected Onibus to Clover Town, a cloaked figure stood watching a magic-mobile race along the tracks below. In one hand, they held a simple wooden flute adorned with a three-eyed skull.

"Everything proceeds as planned," the figure murmured, their voice neither male nor female. "The Fairy Tail wizards dance to our tune, just as predicted."

"Are you certain this is wise?" asked a second cloaked figure, emerging from the shadows. "Erigor believes the flute is with his guild mate."

"Let him believe what he wishes," the first figure replied, turning the flute in their hands. "This is merely the prelude. The true concert has yet to begin."

"And if the Saiyan woman intercepts us? Her power is considerable."

A cold laugh escaped the first figure. "Her power is nothing compared to what awaits. Besides—" they gazed upward, as if sensing something in the distance "—we have another Saiyan to contend with. One far more dangerous than Teilanne's offspring."

As if on cue, a streak of light crossed the sky—not Gine, but someone moving with equal speed and purpose.

"Kizuna Clive," the figure whispered. "Right on schedule."

The flute in their hands pulsed with dark energy, the eyes of the skull glowing eerily in response.

"Let them come," the figure said, their voice filled with anticipation. "Lullaby's song is just the beginning. Soon, all of Earthland will hear a new melody—the sound of worlds colliding."

In the distance, thunder rumbled across clear skies, as if nature itself was responding to the ominous promise. And somewhere between Magnolia and Clover Town, three fates—those of Kizuna, Mirajane, and Erza—were inexorably drawing toward a long-overdue convergence.

The Saiyan's Wrath

Kizuna's lips curled into a smile that mirrored his mother's as he stepped forward, the ground beneath his feet cracking under the pressure of his barely contained power. The Eisenwald wizards—about two dozen of them—stood their ground, though uncertainty flickered across several faces.

"You dare challenge Fairy Tail?" Kizuna's voice was deceptively soft. "You dare threaten innocent people?"

One of the Eisenwald members, a tall man with spiky hair and a scythe, let out a harsh laugh. "Look at this kid! Thinks he's something special!" He pointed his weapon at Kizuna. "Let's show him what real dark magic looks like!"

Teilanne crossed her arms, leaning against a nearby wall. Her Saiyan blood thrummed with anticipation, but this was her son's moment. She'd taught him control—something rare among their kind—and now it was time to see that training bear fruit.

"Just remember," she called out, "no killing. Makarov would never let me hear the end of it."

Kizuna nodded, not taking his eyes off his opponents. "I know, Mother."

The first wave of Eisenwald wizards attacked simultaneously—shadow magic, wind blades, and poisonous mist converging on Kizuna from all sides. For a moment, he disappeared within the chaotic storm of their combined magic.

The dark guild members cheered, thinking they'd overwhelmed him.

Their celebration was short-lived.

A pulse of energy dispersed their magic like it was nothing more than morning mist. Kizuna stood untouched, but different—his black hair now tinged with green, an aura of emerald energy crackling around his body. His eyes, once dark like his father's, now glowed with an inhuman light.

"What... what is he?" one of the Eisenwald wizards stammered, backing away.

Teilanne smiled proudly. "That's my boy... just warming up."

Kizuna moved—not with magic, but with the raw physical speed of his Saiyan heritage. The first three wizards went down before they could blink, their bodies crashing into the wall behind them. He pulled his punches perfectly—enough force to incapacitate, not enough to kill.

"Shadow Knuckle!" Another Eisenwald member thrust his fist forward, dark energy coalescing around it.

Kizuna caught the fist in his hand, the shadow magic dissipating against his aura. "Is that all?" He flicked the man's forehead with his finger, sending him flying backward.

The remaining Eisenwald members formed a circle, channeling their magic into a combined attack. Dark energy swirled above them, forming a massive sphere of destructive power.

"Death Orb!" they shouted in unison, launching their ultimate attack.

Kizuna didn't move. As the sphere descended upon him, he simply raised one hand and caught it, the massive concentration of dark magic compressed between his fingers like a ball.

"Impossible!" The scythe-wielder's jaw dropped.

"This is what true power looks like," Kizuna said, crushing the Death Orb in his palm. The energy dispersed harmlessly around him. "And I'm not even trying yet."

His aura flared brighter, the ground beneath him cratering from the pressure. Wind whipped through the battlefield, carrying dust and debris. Several Eisenwald members were blown back by the force alone.

Teilanne watched with pride, though she kept her senses alert. Kizuna had inherited not just her Saiyan strength but also his father's tremendous magical power. The combination made him potentially more dangerous than either parent—and control was something he still struggled with when pushed too far.

As if reading her thoughts, Kizuna glanced back at his mother. "Don't worry. I remember your lessons."

Then he was in motion again, moving between the dark wizards like a verdant comet. Each strike was measured, each attack controlled. Bodies flew in all directions as he systematically dismantled the dark guild's forces.

The scythe-wielder, seeing his comrades fall, unleashed a desperate attack—throwing his weapon directly at Teilanne. "If we can't beat the cub, we'll take down the mother!"

Teilanne didn't even flinch. She caught the scythe between two fingers, snapping the blade with a casual twist of her wrist. "Bad move," she said, her own Saiyan aura flickering to life around her.

Before she could move, however, Kizuna was there. He grabbed the man by the front of his shirt, lifting him until his feet dangled above the ground.

"You targeted my mother." Kizuna's voice was eerily calm, but his aura pulsed violently, the green glow intensifying. "That was your last mistake."

For the first time since the battle began, Teilanne felt a flicker of concern. "Kizuna," she called sharply. "Remember your control."

The young man hesitated, his muscles tensed with barely restrained power. For a moment, it seemed his Saiyan rage might overwhelm his human restraint. Then, slowly, he lowered the terrified Eisenwald wizard to the ground.

"You're not worth it," he said, his aura diminishing slightly. Instead of striking, he simply flicked the man's forehead, sending him tumbling backward into unconsciousness like the others.

As the dust settled, not a single Eisenwald member remained standing. None were dead, but many would be feeling the pain of their defeat for weeks to come.

Kizuna took a deep breath, allowing his transformation to subside. His hair returned to its natural black, the green aura fading away. He turned to his mother with a slightly sheepish smile.

"How was that?"

Teilanne pushed herself off the wall, walking among the fallen dark wizards with an appraising eye. "Not bad. Your control is improving." She ruffled his hair affectionately. "Your father would be proud."

At the mention of Gildarts, Kizuna's expression grew more serious. "Do you think he saw that? Wherever he is?"

Teilanne looked up at the sky, her thoughts turning to her wandering husband. "With Gildarts, who knows? But if he did..." She smiled, a rare softness crossing her normally fierce features. "He'd be bragging about his son to everyone who would listen—and plenty who wouldn't."

She punched her son lightly on the shoulder. "Come on. Let's tie these fools up for the Rune Knights and head back to the guild. I could use a drink, and you need to work on your restraint a bit more. That last one was close."

Kizuna nodded, glancing back at the battlefield. "I felt it—that same feeling you warned me about. The edge where control starts to slip."

"The Saiyan fury," Teilanne said. "It's in our blood. But you're also Gildarts' son, with his heart and his stubborn will." She grinned. "Between the two, you'll find your balance."

As they gathered the unconscious Eisenwald members, neither noticed the cloaked figure watching from the shadows, nor the communication lacrima in his hand, transmitting everything he had witnessed.

"Master," the figure whispered into the crystal. "I've found him—the half-Saiyan child. And he's even more powerful than we anticipated."

The battle had just begun...

To be continued in Chapter 9: Convergence

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