Saiyan Family of Fairy Tail

Chapter 7: Chapter 7: Welcome To Fairy Tail!

The journey to Magnolia was filled with excited chatter as Lucy peppered her new companions with questions about Fairy Tail. Cumber was all too eager to regale her with tales of guild brawls and missions, while Gine chimed in with corrections whenever her younger brother's enthusiasm led to exaggerations.

"So your parents are both members of Fairy Tail too?" Lucy asked, her eyes wide with curiosity.

Kizuna nodded. "Our father is Gildarts Clive, Fairy Tail's ace. He's often away on decade-long quests."

"And your mother?" Lucy prompted.

The four siblings exchanged knowing glances.

"Our mother is Teilanne," Uruk stated matter-of-factly. "She's... unique, even by Fairy Tail standards."

Gine laughed. "That's putting it mildly! Mom's the strongest female Saiyan warrior in existence. When she and Dad argue, Master Makarov usually evacuates the entire guild hall."

"Last time they had a disagreement, they accidentally destroyed the east forest," Cumber added with a mix of pride and embarrassment. "Master made them rebuild the whole thing together as punishment. That's actually how they made up."

Lucy gulped. "She sounds... intense."

"You'll like her," Natsu reassured with his trademark grin. "Teilanne's awesome! She taught me some of my best fighting moves."

"If you're looking for normal, you've come to the wrong guild," Happy chirped, flying loops around Lucy's head.

As they crested the final hill, the city of Magnolia spread out before them, bathed in the golden light of morning. Lucy gasped at the sight of the distinctive Fairy Tail guild hall standing proudly near the center of town, its banner fluttering in the breeze.

"We're home!" Natsu announced, breaking into a run with Happy flying close behind.

The Saiyan siblings exchanged smiles before Gine challenged, "Race you there!" She took off in a blur of speed, leaving a dust cloud in her wake.

"No fair!" Cumber protested, immediately chasing after his sister.

Uruk sighed. "So childish." Nevertheless, he disappeared in a burst of controlled ki a moment later.

Kizuna offered Lucy an apologetic smile. "They can be a handful. Shall we proceed at a more reasonable pace?"

Lucy nodded gratefully, still trying to process the whirlwind of events that had brought her to this moment. "I can't believe I'm actually going to join Fairy Tail," she said, her voice filled with wonder.

"The guild has a way of finding those who belong there," Kizuna replied thoughtfully as they walked. "Though I should warn you—it's rarely peaceful."

As they approached the guild hall, Lucy could already hear the commotion from outside. The massive wooden doors were flung open, and Natsu's voice carried clearly: "WE'RE BACK, AND WE BROUGHT A NEW MEMBER!"

Lucy took a deep breath before stepping inside with Kizuna. The scene that greeted her was pure chaos—exactly as she'd imagined from Sorcerer Weekly's articles, only more vibrant and real.

Tables and chairs were scattered across the hall, many occupied by wizards of all descriptions. In one corner, a dark-haired man was somehow down to just his underwear without seeming to notice. Nearby, a woman in a bikini top was drinking directly from a barrel of alcohol.

"Gray, clothes! Cana, it's not even noon!" shouted a redheaded woman in armor, who was cleaning a sword with terrifying precision.

Natsu had already managed to get into a brawl with several guild members, while Happy floated above, cheerfully commentating. The Saiyan siblings had dispersed—Gine had joined the fray with gleeful abandon, Cumber was excitedly talking to a small blue-haired girl, and Uruk had taken a seat at the bar, calmly sipping a drink as if the chaos around him was perfectly normal.

"Quite the first impression, isn't it?" Kizuna remarked with a small smile.

Before Lucy could respond, a diminutive old man noticed their arrival and hopped down from his perch on the bar counter.

"You must be the new recruit I'm hearing about!" he said, looking up at Lucy with twinkling eyes.

"Master Makarov," Kizuna said respectfully, inclining his head. "This is Lucy, a Celestial Spirit wizard we met in Hargeon. She helped us apprehend a criminal who was impersonating a Fairy Tail wizard."

"Did she now?" Makarov's eyes twinkled with interest. "Well, any friend of the Clive children is welcome here. Though I hope you didn't cause too much destruction this time?"

Lucy opened her mouth to answer, but was interrupted by a booming female voice from the second floor.


The guild fell silent as all eyes turned toward the balcony. Lucy's gaze followed, and she felt a shiver run down her spine. Standing there, arms crossed and tail swishing behind her, was one of the most intimidating women Lucy had ever seen.

Her wild black hair was pulled back in a spiky ponytail, and she wore a modified version of traditional Saiyan armor that had clearly seen many battles. Despite her fearsome appearance, her face bore a striking resemblance to Gine's, and her eyes held the same depth as Kizuna's.

"Mom!" Cumber called out cheerfully, seemingly oblivious to the sudden tension.

Teilanne vaulted over the railing, landing on the main floor with a grace that belied her muscular frame. The wooden planks cracked slightly under her feet as she straightened up to her full height.

"Half a harbor," she repeated, her voice steady and controlled. "The Magic Council has already sent three complaints. THREE. And it's not even lunchtime."

Lucy shrank back, but to her surprise, Teilanne's stern expression suddenly broke into a fierce grin.

"That's worthy of the Clive name!" she declared proudly, clasping Kizuna's shoulder with enough force to make him steady himself. "Though you're still a long way from your father's record. Remember the time he accidentally redirected that river and flooded three towns?"

The tension in the room instantly dissipated as the guild members laughed and returned to their previous activities. Lucy stared in disbelief, realizing that property damage was apparently a point of pride in this guild.

"You must be Lucy," Teilanne said, turning her attention to the blonde wizard. "Natsu hasn't stopped talking about your spirit magic since he arrived. Something about a mermaid with an attitude?"

"Y-yes, that's Aquarius," Lucy replied nervously. "I'm a Celestial Spirit wizard."

Teilanne's eyes lit up with interest. "We haven't had one of those in the guild for a while." She studied Lucy with an intensity that seemed to look right through her. "You've got potential—strong heart, clear determination. The spirits chose their keeper well."

Before Lucy could process this assessment, Makarov cleared his throat. "Perhaps we should make her membership official before you start evaluating her, Teilanne."

"Of course," Teilanne straightened up, gesturing to a white-haired woman behind the bar. "Mirajane! Guild stamp for the newcomer!"

Mirajane—the same beautiful model Lucy had admired in Sorcerer Weekly—approached with a warm smile and a magical stamp. "Where would you like your guild mark, and in what color?"

Lucy's heart raced as she extended her right hand. "Pink, please. And here on my hand."

With a gentle press, the Fairy Tail emblem appeared on her skin, shimmering briefly before settling into a perfect pink mark. Lucy stared at it in wonder, tears welling in her eyes.

"It's official!" Mirajane announced cheerfully. "Welcome to Fairy Tail, Lucy!"

A cheer went up around the guild hall, and Lucy found herself surrounded by her new guildmates, all introducing themselves at once. Gray, now somehow wearing pants again; Cana, raising her barrel in salute; Elfman shouting something about being a man; Levy offering to show her the guild library—it was overwhelming in the best possible way.

Amidst the celebration, Lucy caught sight of Natsu grinning widely at her from across the room, giving her a thumbs-up. The Saiyan siblings each acknowledged her in their own way—Gine with an enthusiastic wave, Cumber with a bright smile, Uruk with a respectful nod, and Kizuna with a subtle smile that somehow felt equally warm.

"First round's on me for our newest member!" Teilanne announced, generating another round of cheers.

As mugs of various beverages were distributed, Makarov climbed back onto the bar counter and raised his own drink. "To Lucy, our newest family member! May your path with Fairy Tail be filled with adventure, friendship, and just enough destruction to keep things interesting!"

"TO LUCY!" the guild roared in unison.

Surrounded by laughter and warmth, Lucy raised her own mug, her heart fuller than she'd ever thought possible. This was what she'd been searching for her entire life—not just a guild, but a family.

This was home.

Later that evening, as the welcome party continued in full swing, Lucy found a moment of relative quiet at a corner table. She watched in amazement as Natsu and Gray's argument escalated into a full-blown magic battle, only to be instantly halted by the redheaded woman—Erza, she'd learned—simply clearing her throat.

"Quite the spectacle, isn't it?" Kizuna commented, taking a seat beside her.

"It's wonderful," Lucy admitted. "Chaotic, but wonderful."

"The chaos is part of what makes it special," he replied with a gentle smile. "Though I imagine it's a lot to take in all at once."

"A bit," Lucy agreed. "Especially your mother. She's... not what I expected."

Kizuna's expression softened. "She may seem intimidating, but there's a reason she's the heart of our family. Beneath that warrior exterior is someone who would challenge the gods themselves for those she cares about." He paused, watching as Teilanne effortlessly mediated a dispute between Macao and Wakaba with just a pointed look. "And as of today, that includes you."

Lucy felt a warmth spread through her chest at his words. "Thank you for bringing me here, Kizuna. All of you. This is a dream come true."

"The adventure is just beginning," he assured her. "Tomorrow, you'll be able to take your first official mission as a Fairy Tail wizard."

Lucy's eyes lit up. "Really? I can't wait!"

Across the hall, Natsu had evidently overheard their conversation with his enhanced hearing. "Hey Lucy!" he called out. "Let's form a team! You, me, and Happy!"

"And us," Gine added, approaching with Cumber in tow. "We work well together, and Mom's been saying we need to do more 'normal' missions instead of just training all the time."

"Define 'normal,'" Uruk said dryly, joining the group. "Last time we went on a 'normal' mission with Natsu, we ended up fighting a forest Vulcan and redesigning the landscape."

Cumber grinned. "It was awesome!"

Lucy laughed, feeling truly at ease for the first time in years. "A team sounds perfect."

As the night wore on and the celebration continued around them, Lucy couldn't help but notice how Teilanne moved through the guild—stern but fair, respected by all, occasionally breaking into hearty laughter that reminded Lucy strongly of Gine. There was something both fierce and nurturing about her presence, as if she were both warrior and guardian to the entire guild.

When Teilanne caught Lucy watching her, she approached with two fresh drinks in hand.

"Overwhelming, isn't it?" she asked, offering one to Lucy. "I remember my first day here. I nearly destroyed the guild hall trying to prove myself."

Lucy's eyes widened. "You weren't always a member?"

Teilanne smiled, a hint of nostalgia in her eyes. "That's a story for another day. But know this, Lucy Heartfilia—" Lucy started at the use of her full name "—yes, I know who you are. In Fairy Tail, your past doesn't define you. Only your heart and your actions matter here."

With that cryptic statement, Teilanne gave Lucy's shoulder a gentle squeeze before rejoining the celebration, leaving Lucy to wonder how much the Saiyan woman truly knew about her.

Tomorrow would bring her first mission, her first adventure as a Fairy Tail wizard. And whatever challenges awaited, she would face them alongside her new friends—her new family.

The future had never looked brighter.

"TO LUCY!" the guild roared in unison, raising their mugs high.

Lucy barely had time to take her first sip before chaos erupted. Natsu, still riding the high of their successful mission in Hargeon, bumped into Gray and spilled his drink.

"Watch it, flame-brain!" Gray growled, already somehow shirtless despite having been fully clothed seconds ago.

"You're in my way, ice princess!" Natsu retorted, his fists igniting with fire.

In the blink of an eye, the welcome celebration transformed into a full-scale brawl. Gray hurled ice lances, Natsu countered with fireballs, and soon half the guild joined in. Tables overturned, drinks flew through the air, and the sound of magic clashing filled the hall.

Lucy pressed herself against the wall, eyes wide with shock. "Is this... normal?" she squeaked, narrowly dodging a flying mug.

"Welcome to Fairy Tail," Happy chirped from above, munching on a fish he'd somehow acquired during the chaos. "You get used to it!"

Amidst the mayhem, Lucy noticed that the Saiyan siblings had each found their own way to navigate the situation. Gine dove headfirst into the fray, laughing as she exchanged punches with Elfman. Cumber was bouncing excitedly at the edge, clearly torn between joining in and staying out of trouble. Uruk had somehow maintained his position at the bar, a barely visible energy field deflecting any debris that came too close.

And Kizuna—Lucy followed his calm movements as he expertly weaved through the chaos, not a hair out of place, until he reached the bar where Mirajane was watching the brawl with an amused smile. The white-haired mage's face lit up at his approach.

"Kizuna! You're back!" Mirajane exclaimed, her delight evident in her voice. She reached across the counter to grasp his hand warmly. "I was beginning to think you'd forgotten about us."

Kizuna slipped onto the barstool beside her, a subtle smile softening his normally stoic features. "Never, Mira. Just helping Natsu with his search near Hargeon."

"And bringing back a new friend, I see," Mirajane replied, glancing toward Lucy with a friendly wave.

Lucy tried to wave back, but had to duck as a chair sailed over her head. When she straightened up again, she was startled to find Teilanne standing beside her, watching the brawl with an expression that mixed exasperation and fondness.

"Don't worry," Teilanne said, noticing Lucy's bewilderment. "This is just how they say hello." She casually caught a flying tankard one-handed without even looking, setting it down on a nearby intact table. "Though I should probably stop it before Master's blood pressure gets too high."

Lucy followed Teilanne's gaze to where Master Makarov sat cross-legged on the bar, calmly drinking despite the chaos, though a vein was visibly pulsing on his forehead.

Before Teilanne could intervene, the guild doors burst open once more, and an authoritative voice cut through the noise:

"What is going on here?!"

The effect was immediate. Natsu froze mid-punch. Gray abandoned his ice-make stance. Even Gine, who had been about to body-slam Elfman, immediately set him down gently.

Erza Scarlet stood in the doorway, armored arms crossed and a dangerous gleam in her eyes. Behind her stood mountains of luggage—evidence of her return from a mission.

"Erza's back," Happy whispered unnecessarily, diving behind Lucy for protection.

"Are you all fighting?" Erza demanded, striding into the guild hall.

"N-no!" stammered Gray, suddenly very aware of his missing clothes. "Just a friendly discussion!"

"Aye!" Natsu agreed, throwing an arm around Gray's shoulders as if they were the best of friends.

Lucy stared in amazement. "Is Natsu... imitating Happy?"

"Fear does strange things to people," Teilanne chuckled, clearly amused by the sudden transformation. She stepped forward, extending a hand to the redheaded warrior. "Welcome back, Erza. Successful mission?"

Erza's stern expression softened slightly as she clasped Teilanne's forearm in greeting. "Teilanne. Yes, though not without complications. I need to speak with the Master about—" Her eyes suddenly locked onto Lucy. "Who is this?"

Lucy felt herself shrink under Erza's intense gaze.

"Our newest member," Teilanne explained. "Lucy, a Celestial Spirit wizard. My children and Natsu brought her back from Hargeon after they stopped a trafficking operation."

Erza's expression brightened. "A new member! Excellent. I am Erza Scarlet. Welcome to Fairy Tail." Her smile was warm but somehow still intimidating. "I hope these troublemakers haven't given you the wrong impression of our guild."

"Oh, not at all!" Lucy assured her quickly. "Everyone's been very welcoming."

"Good," Erza nodded. Her gaze swept across the guild, lingering on the Saiyan siblings. "Kizuna, I see you've returned to your usual spot." There was a slight edge to her voice as she noted his proximity to Mirajane.

From his seat at the bar, Kizuna inclined his head respectfully. "Just got back today. How was the Tully Village assignment?"

"Challenging." Erza turned to address the guild at large. "Which reminds me—I've heard troubling rumors about the dark guild Eisenwald. They're planning something involving a magic called 'Lullaby'."

The atmosphere in the hall shifted instantly from celebratory to serious. Even Natsu and Gray stopped their pretend friendship act, listening intently.

"Lullaby?" Master Makarov frowned. "I don't like the sound of that."

"Nor do I," Teilanne agreed, her tail swishing behind her in a way that Lucy was beginning to recognize as a sign of concern. "Death magic has no place in Fiore."

Lucy felt a chill run down her spine. Just moments ago, she had been celebrating her entry into Fairy Tail, and now they were discussing dark guilds and death magic as casually as the weather.

Erza nodded grimly. "I'm putting together a team to investigate. Natsu, Gray—I need your help."

The two wizards looked at each other in horror at the prospect of working together.

"Additionally," Erza continued, turning to the Saiyan siblings, "Gine, your aerial abilities would be valuable. And Uruk, your analytical skills could help us decipher their plans."

Gine pumped her fist excitedly. "Yes! A real mission!"

Uruk simply nodded, setting down his drink. "Logical choices."

"What about me?" Cumber asked, practically vibrating with enthusiasm. "I can help too!"

Teilanne placed a firm hand on her youngest son's shoulder. "Not this time, Cumber. You have training to complete with me first."

Cumber's face fell, but he didn't argue. No one argued with Teilanne when she used that tone.

"And Kizuna?" Mirajane asked, a slight furrow in her brow as she looked at the eldest Clive sibling.

Erza shook her head. "I need him here. If this is as serious as I fear, we may need backup."

From his position at the bar, Kizuna's expression remained unreadable, but Lucy thought she detected a momentary tightening around his eyes—whether from relief or disappointment, she couldn't tell.

"What about Lucy?" Natsu suddenly piped up. "She should come too! She's really strong!"

All eyes turned to Lucy, who felt her face grow hot under the scrutiny.

"I—I don't know if I'm ready for something so dangerous," she stammered.

"Nonsense," Erza declared with finality. "Every Fairy Tail wizard must be prepared to face darkness. This will be good experience for you."

"It's settled then," Makarov announced. "Erza, Natsu, Gray, Gine, Uruk, and Lucy will investigate Eisenwald and this 'Lullaby' business." He fixed each of them with a serious stare. "But try not to destroy any towns this time. The Council is already breathing down our necks."

As the meeting broke up and preparations began, Lucy found herself swept along in a daze. Somehow, on her very first day at Fairy Tail, she had been recruited for a dangerous mission against a dark guild.

"Don't look so worried," Teilanne said, appearing beside her again. "My children will keep you safe. Besides—" her expression grew serious "—this is what it means to be part of Fairy Tail. We face the darkness so others don't have to."

Across the room, Lucy caught Kizuna's eye. He gave her a reassuring nod, and somehow, that small gesture made her feel better than any words could have.

"Now," Teilanne continued, her voice lifting as she addressed the guild, "I believe we were in the middle of a celebration before Erza's interruption! Tomorrow brings danger, but tonight—" she raised her mug high "—we celebrate our newest family member!"

The guild cheered once more, the somber mood dispelled. As the party resumed—though somewhat more controlled under Erza's watchful eye—Lucy found herself drawn into conversations with her new guildmates, learning about their magic, their adventures, their lives.

Through it all, she couldn't help but glance occasionally at Kizuna, still seated beside Mirajane, their heads bent close in conversation. There was clearly history there, and Lucy found herself curious about the eldest Clive sibling who seemed so different from the others.

But that was a mystery for another day. For now, Lucy was content to bask in the warmth of her new family—chaotic, loud, and more than a little intimidating, but a family nonetheless.

Tomorrow would bring danger and her first real test as a Fairy Tail wizard. But tonight was for celebration, for belonging.

And for the first time in her life, Lucy Heartfilia truly belonged.

To be continued in Chapter 8: Calm Before The Storm

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