Roar of the Anjanath

Chapter 33: The commission's Top dog

 It has been three months since the run in with Flint and the bird brigade. Evans grows anxious knowing that the eggs are getting closer to hatching. The crystal shards litter the nest giving of a serene blue lighting that reflects of the shells of the egg. "Hey hey hey! how's the little guys doing?" A familiar voice calls out. Not long after, Grace leaps out of the bushes, looking vastly different.

 Maybe due to her new lucrative position as the Chief explorer, her gear had gotten a major rework. the once rugged leather googles had been replaced with some new hi tech ones that likely help her keep track of moving targets easier. The bow on her back now seems more refined, the previous bulky design streamlined for greater ease of use. And, as Evans noticed, the pouch along with the quiver seems fuller. "Do you think they'll blast out lightning like you? oh, maybe they will undergo a mutation similar to yours!" Grace prattles on, daydreaming about what the possible anjanath hatchlings would grow up to be. "Don't forget, these are not my biological descendants." Evans buds in, not wanting to hear any more far out wonderings.

 "Who knows? maybe your presence might change them more. But I'm getting sidetracked!" Evans then stands up and points at Evans. " I am here to bring YOU to Astera! The commander wishes to discuss something with you." "The commander wants to see me? now what could this be about?" Curious to know what is happening and also sure the eggs will be safe while he is away, Evans replies, "All right then, let's get moving." Grace follows behind as he makes his way east.

 Upon reaching the towering bone gates of Astera, Evans sees that not only The Commander, but a group of hunters is gathered by the entrance. Seeing Evans approach, The Commander continues with his briefing. "Hunters! now that majority of our forces are here I will now detail our next assignment-to track down and eliminate Nergigante." The group murmurs to themselves, with some nervously glancing at each other. "Oh yeah, that prickly pansy. honestly forgot about him." Evans thought to himself, a clear image of Nergigante clumsily fleeing appearing in his head. "Don't waste your breath. None of these sheepish shamos will willingly take on the elder dragon." A deep voice rings out, loud enough to be heard by all. 

 Heads turn as they locate the source of the voice, many wishing to give whoever said that a good beating. Their anger slips away however as they see a muscular man that stands taller than majority of the hunters. He has a head of golden hair that connects to untamed sideburns. "Admiral!" The commander exclaims, glad to know that one of his old friends is still alive and kicking. "Haha! glad to see the base is still up and running!" The admiral let's out a boisterous laugh as he take in the scenery. "Now then, I heard you were looking for Nergigante? lucky for you, I got a lead where it could be. Catch." The admiral tosses a wrapped scroll. The commander catches it and opens it up, revealing to be a map of the new world with a location circled up north.

 "That area in the red circle is where we will most likely find Nergigante. Good luck!" The admiral pats Commander on the back, causing him to stumble. Regaining his footing, The commander says "Thanks, but what will you be doing?" "I'll lead a team to the area to handle the mapping of the area. nut for now..." The admiral turns to face Evans, who was observing the conversation. The two stare at each other, both unmoving. The hunters and Commander tense, expecting a conflict. "You there, tubby, come drink with me!" The Commander pinches the bridge of his nose as the Admiral heads to the canteen to meet up with his old partner under the confused gazes of the hunters. "What the-? TUBBY!? who's he calling tubby?" Evans fumes at essentially being called fat while Grace wheezes from behind him.

 Later that night, all of Astera, be it the scholars, technicians or hunters, all surround the plaza, now cleared of most things. In the center is Evans and The Admiral, both, sitting on the wooden boards of the base. By their side is the Meowscular chef and his assistants, brewing beer for the strangest competition yet. "Welcome one and all for the event of the century! I am Grace, your commentator for tonight!" Ever the life oof the party, Grace took it upon herself to give live commentary for the random shenanigans that seems to follow Evans. "Tonight, we'll get to see the first ever drinking contest between man and monster!" The crowd goes wild, hyped by Grace's energy.

 "All right gentlemen, the winner is the one who doesn't black out from the beers! Simple as that!" As she says this, the kitchen helpers bring out the drinks. A group of the cat like critters saunter over, with what is the equivalent of a tub filled with beer. "Annnnd, BEGIN!" The Admiral and Evans waste no time, going at their drinks. The hunters cheer on who they believe will win, with the palicos also hopping about in the festive atmosphere. The scholars record the event, knowing that this will be priceless data regardless on who wins. Even some of the technicians join in, drinking their drink of preference as they watch the duo down their 5th serving.

 After an hour of drinking, Evans, begins to seem wobbly. "Hah!, What's wrong, cant' handle a little human drink?" The admiral jests, downing another serving, looking no worse for wear. "You wish! i am just, urrp... getting..started!" The time passes. The admirals face begins to flush, the alcoholic beverage finally seeming to take effect. Evans however seems to be faring worse as he leans to the side. Seeing this the admiral jeers, "Give up you an not beat me." "Agggh... Fine, I give... I am.. heading home." Evans wobbles to his feet. However, he does not stay on them, as he begins to topple over. The crowd, already scarce from needing to go about their business, dodge to the sides as Evans, like a giant tree, falls to the ground. A snot bubble could be seen from Evans as his snores sound out.

 "And the winner is... The Admiral!" Grace, with her boundless energy, raises one of the arms of The Admiral.

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