Roar of the Anjanath

Chapter 32: short man, tall words

 Evans feels his nerves straining as he watches flint inspect the egg like another treasure to add to a collection. "This egg will surely be worth a fortune. The brutes or even those rumored beast taming villages will surely clamor for an anjanath egg." "Boss I don't think you should rile up the anjanath." the thinner hunter of the remaining group speaks up. He quickly regrets it though as Flint yells, "Quiet! what do you know huh? Angry monsters are great to deal with since they will be more prone to attacking with lack of defense."

 "And how is that a good thing?" The heavy bowgun user asks, keeping an eye on Evans. Smoke rises from Evans' maw, though he doesn't speak, to angry to bother with the vile creature still mocking him. Uncaring or perhaps oblivious to the variant with violent tendencies, Flint responds, "Because not only would we have the chance to deal more damage, but once it tires itself out, we can go in for the kill. By then I'll-!" Flint doesn't finish his sentence as he dodges to the side, a blue fireball hurtling past the area he was just standing in. "This guy talks too much! and besides, what idiot says his plans in literal ear range of an opponent?"  Evans stomped his foot, causing mini fissures to appear on the ground.

 By instinct, the thinner hunter jumps into the air. "No you dumbass! you were supposed to DODGE!" The heavier hunter curses as he slides to sturdier ground. Capitalizing on the opportunity, Evans shoots three fireballs in rapid succession.


 The Heavy bowgun rings out as two of the fireballs are extinguished. Unfortunately, the third was still burning strong, on a collision path for the airborne sitting duck. "AGGGHHHHHHhhh" A heart wrenching scream fills the ancient forest as the smell of burning flesh, along with a now charcoal hunter makes its presence well known. "One down, two to go." Miniature explosions suddenly go off on Evans, sending shattered scales falling into the overgrown grass. The large hunter then pulls a mechanism on the heavy bowgun causing the weapon to begin emitting a whirring sound.

 Bullets fly through the air as the weapon glows a faint orange, all centered towards Evans' head. Acting fast, Evans uses his tail as a makeshift shield, protecting the vulnerable eyes and nose bone. After a few seconds, with Evans' tail sporting purple welts and bloody, The Heavy bowgun makes a clicking sound, signaling that it has run out of special ammo. Quick on his feet, Evans swipes his tail across the forrest floor. The hunter is swept off his feet, his weapon now pinning him to the ground. 

 "Useless blockheads!" Evans turns to face Flint, now sporting a grim look on his face. He pulls the long sword sheathed on his back, blade pointed to Evans as he declares, "You may have bested those two but you will not find me an easy foe!" Evans charges forward, slamming into Flint, who used his sword as a makeshift shield. Evans spins around, fireball charging, ready to end the arrogant dwarf. "What the?" the fire simmers out as confusion settles on Evans face. For before him, the self proclaimed destined right hand of the commission and best longsword hunter... lays unconscious beneath a tree, blood marring the trunk. "Huh. for a hunter like this you would think he'd put up a fight. Seems like he really wanted the egg though, jeez." Evans scooped up the egg into his claws. He then slams his foot onto flint's torso, jarring the hunter into consciousness. 

 "You chose the worst time to try my patience, hunter" Flint's eyes widen in surprise. "Dear lord, the rumors were true..." he murmured to himself. Evans's dorsal fins began to turn a light shade of blue. Panic begins to set in for Flint as he recalls one of the more recent rumors on Evans. "Wait, hold on, we can talk about this!" The fins glow brighter. "We could work together to rule the commission! maybe even bring it down!" Sparks fly about as the ozone burns. Seeing Evans not wishing to talk any further, Flint struggle with what remaining strength he had in an attempt to escape. The sound of thunder rumbles as a beam of energy slams into the lands of the forrest. Evans closes his mouth as the beam fades, leaving nothing of Flint save for the sword that accompanied him.


 Having finally brought the egg back to the nest with the others, and hiding them from sight of any other opportunistic monsters, Evans turns his attention back to the main concern. The crystal lays in the soil, vines and mud covering the otherworldly object. "From what I've seen this thing makes monsters as big as gold crowns. So what if..." Evans digs out the jewel, holding it in his clutches. After a trip to the river, the gem glistens with a new look. Satisfied with how it came out, Evans then returns back to the nest. Finding a spot in the western side of the nest, Evans places the crystal firmly into the ground. "Only time will tell if this idea of mine really works." 


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