Pokémon: The Cheating Life

Chapter 17: Chapter 17: Celadon Gym, The Power of Mewtwo

Chapter 17: Celadon Gym, The Power of Mewtwo

Ten days passed in a blur, and Ron, along with Lillie riding her newly evolved Nidorina, finally arrived in Celadon City.

Originally, the journey was supposed to take three days, but it ended up dragging on for a full week. The reason? Nothing other than Lillie's stubborn obsession—she was determined to capture the Pikachu that had caused her to injure her foot!

One cannot underestimate the determination of a woman—although Lillie wasn't quite a woman yet, just a determined girl. After delaying for a week, they finally encountered the young Pikachu again. Under Ron's resentful gaze, his six Pokémon completely surrounded Pikachu from all angles, leaving it no chance to escape.

With nowhere to run, Pikachu had no choice but to surrender under Ron's overwhelming presence, and Lillie effortlessly captured it. At the same time, thanks to Ron's help, Nidoran evolved into Nidorina, now standing at 1.6 meters tall—fully capable of supporting Lillie's weight. Finally, after ten long days, Ron was relieved of his role as her personal mount.

At first, carrying Lillie had been an intimate experience, with their faces close, creating a rather romantic atmosphere. However, as time passed, even the most passionate scenario couldn't withstand the weight of a vengeful girl whose only focus was "revenge." In the end, it was just exhausting.

After capturing Pikachu, Lillie rode Nidorina, following Ron as they finally left the forest. But their delay wasn't without reward. Aside from the young Mewtwo, the rest of their Pokémon had all reached level 40, and even Mewtwo had leveled up to 28. As for their Pokédex collection, they were only missing the three fossil Pokémon and the Dratini line—they were very close to completing their collection mission.

With 10,000 diamonds, a random Mega Evolution stone set, and two new cheat system privileges unlocked, a bright future awaited Ron! As he reveled in these thoughts, Celadon City finally came into view.

Upon entering Celadon City, they immediately headed for the Pokémon Center. After a refreshing bath and a satisfying meal, Lillie had Nurse Joy check her foot. After a quick examination, Nurse Joy changed the bandages and assured her that the injury had been treated well. If she continued resting, she should be able to walk again in two or three days.

They spent a day resting at the Pokémon Center before heading to Celadon Gym early the next morning, ready for the Gym challenge.

Upon entering, they saw a group of young women tending to their Grass-type Pokémon. After explaining their purpose, one of the ladies led them to the battlefield inside the Gym.

Finally, Ron faced Erika, the Celadon Gym Leader.

"I am Ron from Pallet Town. I'm here to challenge the Celadon Gym," Ron declared.

Erika, dressed in a traditional kimono, gave a calm nod. "Hmm. I am Erika, the Gym Leader. I accept your challenge."

Without hesitation, she sent out a Bellsprout as her first Pokémon.

Ron hesitated for a moment before sending out his young Mewtwo.

Seeing Mewtwo, Erika's expression shifted in curiosity. "What a strange Pokémon! I've never seen one like it before. But judging from its size, it must have only hatched a few days ago, right?"

Ron patted Mewtwo's head and said, "Yeah, it hatched just over ten days ago. But Gym Leader Erika, if you underestimate it, you'll regret it. After all, when it matures, its power will rival that of Legendary Pokémon."

"Rival Legendary Pokémon?" Erika raised an eyebrow skeptically. "Well, we'll see after the battle. This will be a 3-on-3 battle. The first trainer to lose all three Pokémon will be defeated. Since you're the challenger, you can attack first."

Seeing Erika's doubtful expression, Ron smirked. "Mewtwo, it looks like we're being underestimated. Let's start with Confusion."

Mewtwo nodded, pointed at Bellsprout, and immediately lifted it into the air with Confusion. With a slight flick of its finger, Bellsprout was slammed into the ground, instantly knocking it out.

"Bellsprout! Return!" Erika hurriedly recalled her Pokémon. "I underestimated you, but I won't go easy anymore! Go, Gloom!"

"Gloom, use Razor Leaf!" Erika commanded, wasting no time launching an attack.

"Psycho Cut!" Ron countered.

Mewtwo waved its hand, unleashing invisible psychic blades that sliced through the incoming Razor Leaf attack. Erika watched in shock as the Psycho Cut struck Gloom, instantly knocking it out.

Ron nodded in satisfaction. "Gym Leader Erika, please send out your ace. I want to see Mewtwo's limits. After all, even my Charizard would struggle against it if I don't take things seriously."

Erika sighed, realizing Ron wasn't bluffing. "I see now. Your Mewtwo truly has the potential of a Legendary Pokémon. I apologize for doubting you. Now, I will send out my strongest Pokémon. Go, Vileplume!"

With that, a Vileplume appeared on the battlefield. Ron took one glance and immediately inhaled sharply—this was a top-tier Vileplume, at least level 70!

"Vileplume, use Sunny Day!" Erika ordered.

Vileplume launched an energy orb into the sky, causing the sunlight to intensify. But Ron wasn't about to let it take control of the battlefield.

"Mewtwo, Hail!"

Immediately, a heavy snowfall descended, dealing chip damage to both Pokémon. Realizing that weather control was futile, Erika shifted tactics.

"Vileplume, use Stun Spore!"

"Safeguard!" Ron countered, completely negating Vileplume's status effects.

"You're really meticulous with your strategy," Erika sighed. "Fine, Vileplume, use Petal Dance!"

Realizing Erika was going all in, Ron responded swiftly.

"Protect, then Swords Dance!"

Mewtwo's Protect shield absorbed Petal Dance, and as Erika ordered another Petal Dance, Mewtwo used Swords Dance, boosting its attack power significantly.

However, the second Petal Dance struck true, bringing Mewtwo down to dangerously low HP.

Ron gritted his teeth. "Psycho Cut!"

With one final burst of power, Mewtwo unleashed Psycho Cut, slicing through Vileplume just as Petal Dance landed one last hit on Mewtwo.

With a loud explosion, Mewtwo collapsed, unable to battle, but Vileplume survived with 20% HP remaining.

Ron recalled Mewtwo and sent out Charizard. "Charizard, Flamethrower!"

After a final exchange of attacks, both Pokémon fainted, ending the Gym battle in a draw.

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