Chapter 19: Chapter 19 "Brothers 2"
The now satisfied intruders didn't look twice at the Drowzees in front of them before calling back their Pokémon and leaving as mysteriously as they came, simply vanishing into thin air with a soft –PLOP- indicating their teleportation was successful.
Leaving a poor pair of brothers frustrated and powerless, bursting into tears after realizing they had lost their father.
Not even the breakup of their family could stop the passage of time, as the two brothers inevitably had to move on with their lives. It is not possible to determine exactly how much time passed, but it could be seen that the two brothers were now a little more seasoned, neither of them had that jovial expression that had previously characterized them and instead had a heavy countenance, as if they had a heavy load on their shoulders.
Their father urged them to always practice their skills but was also very overprotective of them, leaving them vulnerable with his departure, a lesson the brothers learned the first nights they had to spend alone in the countryside where they lived, as they even lost count of how many times they were attacked while trying to rest.
The world of Pokemons was strange in its own way, depending a lot on the area in which they lived the rules were different, in various parts of the world such as forests and mountains there were Pokemons that with their power or ability had managed to conquer a portion of land, these Pokemons were colloquially known as Pokemons Alpha , the kings of their own place, whenever there was an undisputed leader, the Pokemon zones enjoyed a certain peace, since depending on the personality of the Alpha the others followed a line of thought.
Pokemon colonies, if the Alpha was a gentle Pokemon , the inhabitants of the place rarely got into trouble. It was an unwritten rule that all Pokemon followed the example of the place leader with few exceptions depending on the character of the inhabitants.
On the other hand, when there was more than one Alpha per zone, things were totally different. Conflicts arose between the Alpha supporters , creating small skirmishes between them, almost like a low-level war that only stopped when one of the two Alphas won and remained the absolute leader.
In other places like the field where the brothers lived, a rare event happened that was known as a Power Vacuum, which was when the strongest Pokemon in the area or the " Alpha " died or disappeared leaving the Pokemons in the place nervous or excited depending on their personality, in these Power Vacuums the Pokemons were much more aggressive in their respective homes, because Pokemons emerged that wanted to defeat everything they saw trying to prove that they were the strongest in the place thus claiming the title of Alpha for themselves.
The two brothers who were unaware of the fact that their Father was the strongest Pokemon in the small field where they lived, had no way to go unnoticed by the other Pokemons who were afraid that one of the brothers would reach the potential of the previous Alpha , so an agreement was reached between the Pokemons who wanted to be the leaders of the place, to first take care of the offspring of the previous Alpha before starting to fight among themselves for the title.
The persecuted and exhausted brothers only had each other to survive, they did not have the courage to leave the field where they lived which was the only place they knew and they barely had enough strength to defend themselves from all the Pokemons in the area that were chasing them, so as more time passed the more and more they began to weaken.
One particular night, both brothers now turned into Hypnos after so much battling, were resting back to back hidden near a large cave that was near the field in which they lived, being a night like any other, the older brother was covering the first round of sleep so that his younger brother could recover a little until he heard a loud noise coming from the cave.
The younger brother, who also heard the noise, quickly stood up, ready to defend himself while turning to look at his brother, waiting for instructions. The older brother seemed to contemplate the situation for a second before nodding and running off to find out the cause of the noise.
It didn't take them long to reach the entrance of the cave where they saw a human child running out who was being chased by a group of Zubats , the child in his panic managed to see the two Hypnos and ran straight towards them.
The brothers reacted differently to what was happening, the younger brother stepped forward ready to protect the boy who was trying to flee from danger while in the eyes of the older one a flash of annoyance could be seen, almost as if he understood that the boy was dragging them into more trouble when they were already in a precarious situation themselves.
The problem was solved as quickly as it began, the psychic attack from both Hypno sent the group of Zubats flying without much difficulty, saving the little Trainer who could finally breathe easy when he was alone with both Pokemon , he quickly recovered his confident smile and said out loud: "You did a good job, those stupid Zubats were chasing me when I was about to leave the tunnel, I was about to take out my Charmander when I saw the exit of the tunnel and I better ran!" he said with a silly laugh as he continued talking: "That stupid Professor should have been more specific when he gave me directions to advance on my journey! What kind of jerk sends a child to a forest full of disgusting bugs? I prefer a thousand times a tunnel with a few Diglets so my Charmander can roast them," he said more to himself than to the Pokemons in front of him.
The Hypnos just looked at him strangely, but the boy interpreted that as a signal to continue with his complaints: "With the money my father donated him, he should have given me something more than a Charmander and a Pokedex , at least a fully evolved Flying Pokemon so I could move around the region as I please!" he said with some annoyance before putting on a face of having a brilliant idea: "Originally I was thinking of following the historical route and beating Brock , but since I'm here it would be better if my first badge was against LT Surge, you two would be perfect to beat him quickly!" he said without any hint of shame as he took two Ultra Balls out of his backpack.
The eldest Hypnos reacted upon seeing the Ultra Ball , a memory of his own Father being captured by one of those things awakened something primal in him, a fury that manifested as a Psychic discharge that left the boy completely unconscious while the younger brother panicked looking for what to do.
The older brother didn't waste much time and placed a hand on the unconscious Trainer 's head and began reading his memories.
What he found only confirmed what he suspected, the humans who took his father from him were more terrible than he thought, in the boy's head he found greed, arrogance and a lack of empathy that irritated him, among the plans that arose in the boy's head when he recognized the strength of the two brothers was to use them to win a couple of Gyms in a simple way and then discard them and get better Pokemons when he shows his badges to his father.
The older Hypno paused for a moment to think things over, -Who decided that Pokemon had to be used? In nature, the strong are the ones who rule, what if he got stronger himself? Not even a Trainer could capture him, he wouldn't lose anything again,- he thought as he put his hand back on the unconscious child's head and began to devour his dreams, -If they're using us then they must be ready to be used too, right?- he thought as he concentrated on eating more, soon he realized that he was getting stronger while recovering at a rapid rate.
At the same time the younger brother watched in horror as the boy's vitality left him, a look of determination appeared on the younger brother's face before he headbutted his brother, throwing him a few meters away from the boy, the older brother in response stood up and angrily looked at his brother, feeling betrayed, he sent out a strong Psychic wave that caused an explosion that hit the younger Hypno .
Unaccustomed to the power he had acquired, the older Hypno could not measure the strength of his attack and caused the explosion to be stronger than he thought. Worried about his brother, he waited a few moments until the column of dust that rose up went down enough to see that he was okay.
What the older Hypno didn't know was that the noise was loud enough to alert a man dressed in military uniform who was doing his night patrols in the surrounding areas of Vermillion City, who with a speed unnatural for a human ran towards the source of the noise and found the column of smoke and a Hypno patiently waiting for it to clear.
After a few minutes the column of smoke disappeared and there was only a wounded Hypno holding a Child in his arms with a worried expression. The older Hypno , seeing what his brother was doing, only got angrier, - How is it possible that his own brother prefers the monsters that took his father away from him? - he thought as he raised his hand with his pendulum ready to throw another attack.
Before he could perform his attack, he felt a strong presence in the surroundings, he turned his head and saw a Raichu wrapped in electrical energy that listened to the instructions of his Trainer : " Raichu use Volt Tackle !" shouted the man dressed in military suit before the Raichu began to run with the electricity surrounding him like a small dome and hitting the older Hypno head-on .
The older Hypno , due to the force of the impact, was thrown to the entrance of the cave from which the child came out. Frustrated, he thought that he would have no chance against the Pokémon that was much stronger than any other in the field where he lived, so when he came out of there he would be defeated and captured like his father.
In desperation he hit the ground hard until he analyzed what he had learned from the boy's memories, in the boy's memories he saw how that cave had an exit that led to a forest, a forest where many small humans ventured with newly captured Pokemons - there I can get the power I need - he thought to himself before going deeper into the cave that apparently was actually a tunnel.
Raichu back before approaching the Hypno who was carrying the Trainer in his hands: "You did well taking care of that brat, hand him over to me and I'll take him to my city where we can cure him," he said in a dry tone that didn't accept objections.
The younger Hypno who had just understood everything that happened, could only start crying before handing the child over to the large Human who had just helped him, the man dressed in military uniform misinterpreting his crying only spoke in a low tone: "You shouldn't worry about that other Hypno , when this brat recovers I will enter that tunnel myself and put an end to that walking problem, he will not hurt you or another Trainer again " he said with a stoic face as if he was used to that kind of solutions.
The younger brother panicked and urgently sent a Psychic message directly to the man in front of him: "I WILL TAKE CARE OF BROTHER," he said in a static tone and at a high volume.
The man dressed in military uniform observed the Pokémon in front of him for a few seconds and said in a serious tone: "I respect your spirit for wanting to do the right thing even against your family, but that brother of yours is a danger, are you sure you can fight him?" he said while looking directly into the eyes of the younger Hypno who in response only gave a firm nod before starting to run towards the tunnel chasing his brother.
"I should take charge, but this child is hurt and if I go into the tunnel I'll be too far from the city," said the man in military uniform in a low voice, "Sometimes it's a damn burden, being a Gym leader," he commented one last time before running back to his city with the child in his arms.
What followed next was a rapid succession of events, the younger Hypno managed to reach the end of the tunnel without much effort, the Pokemon there were not as violent as in the countryside where he lived, after leaving the tunnel he managed to spot a small city on his left where he felt the presence of several humans, while to his right in the distance he saw a forest where he felt certain traces of his brother.
He barely managed to reach the forest where, due to the time he spent with him, it didn't take him long to find his brother, who had already captured his first victim, with the power obtained from the Trainer 's dreams , his already powerful older brother gave him a unilateral beating that forced him to retreat and look for the opportunity to save the innocent children he was slowly beginning to capture.
While he was in the forest, the younger Hypno gradually weakened while his older brother grew stronger. With the passage of time, the younger Hypno at most managed to prevent his brother from capturing all the Trainers he saw, as was the case with Charlotte, but no matter how hard he tried, he could not reach the nest where the children were being held captive.
That was until, by chance, he ran into Max and somehow they finally managed to stop his crazed brother.