Chapter 12: A Supposedly Empty Island
I looked at Nami, "Do you think people would live on an island on this? It looks so empty." I couldn't see the island clearly but something about it just seemed uncanny and uneasy. Something in my stomach just told me there was something or someone evil was living on this island. I couldn't put my finger on it.
Nami didn't say anything for a while. She was hiding something. There was no way that she would just show up in a random small port town without her agenda. Nami had mentioned something about working for Fishmen. Who were they? Does she work for them?
Luffy lifted his straw hat. He had used it as a shade to block the sun. "An island? We should explore it. Maybe we will find people who live on it. We might be able to find a bigger ship."
Nami looked at him. "WHAT'S WRONG WITH THE SHIP WE'RE ON NOW!"
Luffy glanced at her. "You don't have to yell. I just figured we could use one that was a bit bigger."
"We shouldn't land on that island. Something evil is on it." I looked at Nami.
Luffy looked at me. "What do you mean? Something evil? Like what?"
I shuddered. "I can't put my finger on it but there's something wrong about it."
Nami smiled. "You're just being paranoid. Let's check it out."
Zoro looked at both Nami and Luffy. "You both seem positive about this. I agree with Pretty Kitty. Something does seem off about this island."
Meanwhile, on the island, a skinny boy was running through the street shouting "PIRATES ARE COMING!! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES! THEY'LL KILL YOU AND YOUR FAMILY!" The townspeople of this seemingly sleepy town didn't believe him. To them, this was just another scam. If pirates were coming, they would see the flag of the ship coming from the sea.
On this day, it was like any other, this kid was yelling this statement when the townspeople had enough. "Hey, you there! That's enough shouting. We're trying to work and play here. You'll even distribute the young girl who lives on top of the hill."
The boy huffed and headed off to the beach to pout. Why don't they believe me? I know pirates are coming to this town. I have to protect them. In time they will see me as a hero. I'll be up there with other great heroes. There was a rustle in the bush coming from behind him. "Who's there?"
A bunny hopped out of the bush. It looked at this odd kid, sniffed the ground under its feet before hopping into the nearby woods.
It's just a bunny. The boy thought. He looked down the cliff and spotted the small boat that Luffy, Nami, Zoro, and I had come in on. Who are those people down there? Are they pirates? No it can't be. They don't look all that dangerous.
Back on the beach, Luffy and Zoro managed to tie the small boat to a decent size rock. Once that was taken care of, the boys came over to Nami and me. Luffy looked around. "I guess this place is empty. It seemed like a good idea at first to land here but it looks Kat was right. It's empty."
Nami looked at him. "You don't want to look around at least? Maybe some people live here. I say we explore."
Zoro pulled me into him with his arms around my waist. "I don't know. Even if you do find people here what makes you think that they would help us? They might mistake us for bandits wanting to take their belongings."
"Come on. Where's your sense of adventure, Zoro. I mean between you and Kat, we're safe. No one would spot or attack us."
"TOO LATE!" I looked up and quickly drew one of my knives blocking an incoming stone from the cliff up above.
Nami looked up, as did the boys. "Who's that? I can't see."
"Stay where you are pirates. You shall not step another foot on this island. My name is Usopp and this island and the town just behind me are mine to defend."
I stood behind him since I had disappeared from Zoro, Luffy, and Nami into the shadows as a way to gather intel. "How can you defend your homeland from an enemy you can't see? Always check your surroundings. An enemy could be anywhere. You come from the sleepy town just beyond the cliffs. People refer to you as Usopp the Liar. You seem to have made a reputation for spreading falsehoods. You also have a thing for a girl who lives on the hill. Kia, I believe her name is."
Nami looked at Zoro. "Woah. She's good."
Zoro smirked. "She's more than that. It's one of her many skills."
Usopp slowly turned around. " did you do that? You were just down on the beach with the others? How did you know all that?"
I smirked cunningly. "I have people who gather information for me. My name is Katherine or The Shadow Kat. Never let your guard down when dealing with an enemy stronger than you are."
Usopp gulped. "It can't be. The Shadow Kat is known to be a cunning assassin. One who walks in the shadows who takes out Pirate Lords. Rumors say that she has demon blood in her veins and rides a black horse. Her lover a demon from hell."
"I see my reputation presses me. While the first part of that is true. But I assure you, my lover is not a demon."
Zoro smirked. Now, that's my girl. Play into this coward's hands. Let him think we're demon lovers. Soon he will break. God I love it when she does this.
I still had my knife at Usopp's throat. "Now, tell me what you know about this Kia."
"You won't kill her will you?"
"Killing nobles isn't my style." I winked at the others who soon joined me.
Usopp sighed. "If you lower your blade, I'll tell you what you need to know."
I nodded. "Very well. Speak but say one wrong thing and I hesitate to kill you."
"It's true that Kia is very wealthy. She and I have had a very close friendship since we were kids. When she was young, her parents were killed by pirates. It broke her heart to the point where she developed depression. I believe her creepy butler, a strange man called Clawidor, has something to do with it. He arrived the day that Kia's parents died. He's been in the family for the past 3 years."
I raised an eyebrow. "I still don't see a butler could have anything to do with the death of her parents. However, there is some truth to what you're saying."
Nami looked at me. "Kat, you can't honestly believe anything coming from his mouth. We just met him."
I ignored Nami. My attention stayed on Usopp. "You will take me to the house on the hill."
Zoro came over, making Usopp back away. "No way. It's Rononro Zoro. The Pirate Hunter."
I smiled. "So I'm not the only one you know so much about."