Chapter 29: CH-29:)
In summation?
The weapon design was totally nonsensical. Large unwieldy, unbalanced cleavers that would be better served in a butchers shop than on the battlefield.
And I was absolutely terrified of them.
In the hands of a Zoan user there is no doubt in my mind that it would only take a single strike to split me from crotch to crown...or err whatever the skull downwards version of that phrase is.
Jorgen shrieked another battle cry and practically flewtowards Mori and I with one powerful push of his legs. The swords came down at a sharp 90 degrees and while I have time to pivot my body out of the way it is by the barest hairs breadth that my ally manages to do the same.
Not to be discouraged, the officer swings his arms out wide trying to knock us aside with the flat ends of his weapons. I'm able to roll over the top of his arm and give a satisfying clock to the jaw but unfortunately Mori's just not able to move in time.
The Chief's able to put his own saber between himself and the blow, dulling the impact at least somewhat, but the sound of something popping in his arm and the pained grimace on his face show all the good it did. Alert!
Your allies health has fallen below 40%! You are in danger of failing your [QUEST UPDATE].
'FUCK THE QUEST! I'm not letting Chief die!' [Adrenalin Rush] Activated!
STR (120 +70%) → (204) A fire erupts inside me as my hands fly into a flurry of combination moves. Jabs, hooks, a haymaker, I throw everything I can trying to put the hurt on Jorgen and despite [Adrenalin Rush] activating it's not doing much good.
The Zoan user is taking little bits of damage when he blocks but the problem is that most of the time he isn't even bothering to block. His eyes, though a bit bloodshot from injury, are calm and impassive as he reads my moves almost effortlessly and simply weaves out of the way. 'I don't understand! I should be faster than him!'
Unless...I'm not... unless I'm not as fast as I think I am. My eyes drift downwards to the various GSW's adorning my limbs and torso, many of whom are still bleeding despite [HP Regen] doing it's best to repair the damage.
'Oh.' The realization is a cold one. I..I think my body's starting to fail on me. It just can't handle this level of exertion in it's current state. If not for [Resilience] I would have already fallen down and died.
Alert! [Adrenalin Rush] has expired!
My assault winds down and Jorgen cocks his head to the side.
"Are you done?" He asks, speaking coherently for the first time since his transformation.
Deep heavy breaths of exertion pass over my lips. I try to think of something witty to reply with...but the only thing that manages to come out is telling him to go fuck himself.
The hybrid lets a cocky smirk cover his face, raises one cleaver up...and then roars in pain as Mori lands a direct hit across his exposed back. Jorgen's whole body twists around and the air cracks as the Chief gets backhanded into a pile of rubble by the flat side of the lieutenant's oversized butcher blade.
Your allies health has fallen below 20%! You are in danger of failing your [QUEST UPDATE].
Mori's definitely out of the fight now…I'm pretty much there myself...but his last move has given me the chance I needed.
I watch as Mori's sword is knocked from his grip and sails overhead. I leap upward, snatching the airborne saber out of its arc and let a grateful smile take over me...
'Thanks Chief'
...before bringing it crashing down deep into the meaty flesh of Jorgen's right shoulder. The cheap mass-produced weapon gets stuck a few inches in but the job is more than done.
The Ape-man screams -no, he howls- in pain as his whole right side goes slack and both of his weapons fall from his grasp.
I know there's a damage notification. A pretty sizable one considering I can see the words 'Critical Hit!' in my peripheral vision but I just can't seem to tear my eyes away from the lieutenant's beautiful screaming agony.
'HA! Not so bad for my first time using a sword!'
New Skill Acquired! Bladed Weapon Mastery Lv. (1/150)
-Your ability to expertly wield swords, knives, spears, or any other sharpened tools.
Skill Level Up! Bladed Weapon Mastery Lv. (1/150) → (2/150)
-Your ability to expertly wield swords, knives, spears, or any other sharpened tools.
I release the hilt of the blade and jump away. 150 levels? Seriously? I mean, I know swordsmen can do some ludicrous shit in this setting but that's just-
A long prehensile foot juts outward, encircles my waist and ropes me back into range.
Jorgen's body shifts again as he exists the hybrid-form and becomes a full-fledged orangutan. I'd celebrate because he's actually less powerful this way but I can't due to the terrifying look in the beast's bloodshot eyes.
And I do mean beast. It seems the lieutenant has momentarily checked out.
'Uh oh.'
My body is slammed face-first into the concrete floor and the primate screeches angrily as he lifts me up only to throw me back down again.
And again.
And again.
And again.
I catch glimpses of blue screens telling me the damage I'm taking. Flashing warnings of my health growing lower. But before I can even hope to read them I feel myself violently chucked into a pile of destroyed scaffolding halfway across the room like yesterday's garbage. '...ow.' A bloody cough flecks red over my lips as a whimper escapes me. '...well that hurt.' I try to rise and fail. '...that hurt a lot.' Through bleary vision I can see the animal approaching Chief who's only managing to stand by using a metal bar as a makeshift cane.
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