Chapter 30: CH-30:)
He doesn't stand a chance.
I need to move.
'But it hurts.'
I need to move!
'I've lost feeling in my arms..'
I have to help him!
'He probably has it covered…'
My hands clutch the remains of a steel grate and suddenly I'm running across the room with the makeshift bludgeon. [Adrenalin Rush] Activated!
STR (120 +70%) → (204) Alert! Daily Limit Reached! "JORGEEEEN!"
The beast turns to the sound of my roar and a glint of intelligence returns to its eyes. Just a spark. Only large enough to know whats about to happen.
I push the last of my strength into my legs and leap into the air, just high enough to get gravity on my side, and then bring the chunk of metal straight down onto the animal's skull.
I couldn't see the overgrown monkey's face. A combination of my spotty vision, the grate in the way, and his head being knocked downwards...but I like to think...that in that moment...his eyes bugged out so far he could've put God Enel to shame.
Your opponent has been knocked out! "AND THIS TIME STAY DOWN!"
Quest Complete!
Quest: Defeat a Devil-Fruit user.
Reward: 5,000 Exp and +10 to any stat.
Quest Complete!
Quest: Don Masserida is determined to see put down for capturing his underlings and disrupting business. You've gotten wind of a big meeting going down in just under a weeks time and the big man himself is planning to be there. Join Lt. Jorgen's operation and do not let any member of the 'Masserida Crime Family' escape.
[UPDATE]: Defeat Jorgen and do not let Mori die! Reward: 3,300 Exp and [Skillbook]: Rokushiki Technique #5 of 6 [UPDATE REWARD]: ?
A '?' mystery box has been placed into your inventory. Open it to receive one of three rare items.
You have reached Lv. 29!
You have reached Lv. 30! Congratulations! You have reached Lv. 30! Stat points awarded per Lv up increased!
(10) → (15)
You have 25 points to spend!
I slump onto the floor and let my shoulders sag in relief. " am done with today." Mori hobbles over, doing his best not to put pressure on his right side. "We ain't finished yet Jack… we need to somehow find a Den-Den-Mushi and call it in...though between you and me I'm not sure I have the strength to go into town and get one."
I lazily scroll through my [Inventory] searching for the snail I took off Blackjack. Not a care in my mind that the Chief was watching me do it. "Will this one work?" I ask, holding up the little blue guy.
A befuddled expression crosses the Chief's face. "Where did you..?" he starts off confused before letting loose a big hearty laugh. "Hahahaha! You know what? I don't even care! Yeah! That'll work fine."
I slowly pick myself up off the floor and toss the snail Mori's way. I drag my feet over to nearby box and take a few minutes to rest. Eight minutes and 33 HP regenerated later my friend is still on the phone and I'm starting to feel a little bit less like death warmed over.
May as well start sorting through some of these prizes.
The [Quest] for defeating a Devil Fruit user had honestly not even entered my mind during the fight. When I first received it I instantly filed it away under the 'Far-Far-Future Goals' section of my mind. I guess it was pretty foolish to think life would just cooperate and wait till I was ready.
Still, now that it's here I may as well enjoy it. A +10 to any stat?
Any stat?
Well there's really only one candidate isn't there.
LUK (15) → (25) Still haven't discovered a way to easily rank up this trait. Hell, I haven't even discovered for sure what it does. I can only guess that with such heavy restrictions on leveling it up the [Perks] it eventually grants will be game breaking.
At the moment though I'd just settle for my side quests to stop going FUBAR from the slightest complication.
Fat chance of that happening.
All right next order of business. I've got 25 points and 5 categories to spend them on. At the moment I am far too exhausted to give this critical thought. General improvements all around. Besides, If I'm going to start earning 15 per level there's no need to be stingy.
Points to spend (25) → (0) STR (120) → (125) VIT (103) → (108) DEX (103) → (108) INT (47) → (52) WIS (45) → (50) I take a minute to pause. Breathing deeply as the new 100 points of max health grant a small revitalizing burst.
Okay. Time for the big boys.
I check to see that Mori's back is turned and pull the main prize from the [Inventory]. The main reason I accepted this damn quest in the first place.
You have obtained a [Skillbook]. Would you like to use it now? [ACCEPT/DECLINE]
Come on. Give daddy the Tekkai. Daddy wants to see a Tekkai. In conjunction with my [Physical Endurance] skill I could start a juggernaut build. 'And I'm getting really really tired of having the crap kicked out of me every time someone in my own weight class shows up'
I clicked [ACCEPT] and mentally rubbed my hands together in anticipation. Roll those dice, come on. Give me something good.
New Skill Acquired!
Rokushiki Technique #5 of 6. (Kami-e). Lv. (1/50)
-One of the vaunted 'Six Powers.' By handing control of their movements over to the subtle currents in the air, users of this technique can twist their body around attacks and briefly coast along the wind. Masters of this [Skill] can flatten their forms to be paper thin or even invent their own variations of this technique. Note: Due to your low level with this [Skill] there is an 80% chance the [Skill] will fail on use.
"Aww. Kami-e? That's like the lame one." I whined with a noticeable pout. "It didn't have to be Tekkai...Soru or Geppo would have been fine too..."
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