No! I don't want to be a Super Necromancer!

Chapter 24: Holy...!!!

"Enough." Captain Hillmark waved for his men to stop their blaster fire. "I can't hear anymore screaming from within. Plus Squad three is requesting reinforcements. Let's go over and shoot him down."

Captain Hillmark was a D Rank, slightly weaker than a standard Captain in the European Army which was usually at least a C Rank.

It was to be expected, of course, considering that he was in Blackthorn City, a city of no military value whatsoever.

"Roger that Cap'n!" His men shouted and quickly moved to pack up their Full Automatic Heavy Blasters.

They were the small group of twelve which was mowing down the Chinese warriors from atop a small hill in the Northern Sector.

"Faster you bastards. Remember your tra- Huh? A stray dog is still alive!" Captain Hillmark's eyes gleamed evilly as he drew his handheld blaster and started firing at Damien Bloodbane who had burst out of nowhere at top speed.

Blam! Blam! Blam! Blam!

Damien Bloodbane moved so fast that all four blaster fires missed him completely!

Driven by pure instinct, Damien Bloodbane swung his right dagger in the direction of Captain Hillmark's neck even though he was still a meter away.

At that moment, a thin but extremely sharp wave of death energy shot out of the dagger and cleanly separated the Captain's head from his body!

Damien Bloodbane's eyes narrowed slightly in approval as he instantly adapted to his new offensive style.

"What?! Die you-" 

"He killed the captain! Oh my go-"


Moving with incredible agility and swinging his daggers with godlike precision, he killed the twelve-man squad in five seconds flat. 

"Devour." Damien Bloodbane said as he pointed towards one of the headless corpses all around him. 

[Target level too low]

[Maximum stat enhancement reached using low level targets]

[Please find higher level targets]

[Alternatively, you may use [Raise Undead] on them]

"No. If low ranked soldiers can't be devoured anymore, then I'll just have to look for higher ranked ones. I don't believe that there aren't any C ranked geniuses being tempered here!" Damien Bloodbane thought to himself coldly as he turned to face the sea of European soldiers going absolutely crazy. 

All around him, everything was on fire. Hundreds of Chinese merchants, soldiers and kids lay dead on the ground with holes in their bodies from blaster fire, and many limbs missing. 

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The Europeans were having a field day shooting down the completely outnumbered and panicked Chinese survivors.

"Hahahaha! This mission is awesome! Die you Chinese dogs!"

"Satisfying! Satisfying! Give me my points!"

"There's one there crawling away! Kill her!"

His footsteps completely silent, Damien Bloodbane approached the nearest trio of Europeans from a dead angle and struck. 


His right dagger sank into the first soldier's spine and severed it cleanly. The man tensed for half a second before collapsing in a crumpled heap, his weapon slipping from his lifeless fingers.

Without breaking stride, Damien pivoted.


His left blade whispered through the air, slicing across the second soldier's neck. The man's breath hitched in shock. He staggered, hands clawing at the deep, gaping wound. A gurgled choke escaped his lips as blood spilled down his chest.


The third soldier barely had time to turn before Damien drove his dagger straight through his heart. A single gasp left the man's mouth before his knees buckled.

Three seconds. Three dead bodies.

"Huh? Assa-"

A soldier who saw his three buddies suddenly collapse and die began to scream out, but Damien Bloodbane quickly silenced him with an accurate fling of his dagger.


Unexpectedly, the dagger flew back towards him after piercing the European Soldier's neck!

"Good." Damien Bloodbane's eyes gleamed even more dangerously as yet another killing method opened itself up to him like a virgin spreading her legs for the most handsome guy in the world. 

Although his insane Super Soldier training had turned him into a ruthless and cold blooded killer, he could still feel tugs at his heart strings when he saw so many of his countrymen and women dead or dying. 

"Bastards." Damien Bloodbane gritted his teeth as he put another whimpering, badly mutilated Chinese woman out of her misery. 

"All these innocent deaths… just for a test?" Damien Bloodbane thought gloomily.

His anger was stirred.

Although his brain could understand that there were no "innocents" in a place such as Blackthorn City, and that they would die anyway sooner or later, they were nonetheless helpless unawakened. 

A few days ago, he was a mere sliver of mana away from being placed in the same category as them.

He could not accept witnessing their needless death this way!

"You want 5 C Rank heads for my entrance exam? Fine. Let me gift you 500!" Damien Bloodbane's horrific killing intent exploded forth at that moment.

With his powerful twin daggers, Damien Bloodbane was like a God of Death descended upon the Europeans in a fit of godly anger.

Most didn't even know how they died.

After a few minutes and tens more silent kills, he finally reached the North Gate. 

Or rather, the spot where the North Gate once stood.

Everything was destroyed into piles of smoldering rubble, and hundreds of dead bodies from both sides littered the area.

The battle that took place there was truly ferocious!

At that moment, the only living things there were three European Soldiers smoking lazily as they sat on top of a pile of dead Chinese victims. 

Damien Bloodbane didn't even bother to sneak around them. With an unbelievable burst of speed, he dashed straight up towards them with his daggers swinging.

Slash! Slash! Slash!

His incomparably sharp daggers sliced through their hands which were still gripping their cigarettes and severed their necks. 

They joined the pile of dead bodies a split second later. 

Cold anger surged through his veins and Damien Bloodbane quietly descended even further into the asura-like mindset that allowed him to mentally survive the horrors of the Super Soldier training. 

There was only one thing in his mind at that moment.

How to kill all of his enemies at the fastest speed. 

"Arise. All of you." 

Waves of death energy rolled off his body at that moment and surged into every single corpse in the area. 


Tens, then a hundred undead warriors obeyed his summons and stood up all around him within seconds.

They were mostly Chinese, but there were several Europeans mixed in there as well. 

[Raise Undead skill level increased to Level 2]

"Kill the Europeans." Damien Bloodbane ignored the system notification and ordered his undead warriors to attack. 

Without a sound, all hundred undead warriors started to run towards the interior of the Chinese Camp. 

Damien Bloodbane followed after them. 

He knew that his undeads wouldn't last very long against the powerful blasters of the Europeans. 

But their presence would serve as a shock to the Europeans and create countless opportunities for him to do his bloody work. 

It turned out exactly as he imagined it.

"HOLY GOD! ZOMBIES!!" Came a terrified shriek.

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