NARUTO:The sealed shinobi

Chapter 51: CH 51

Choji and Shikamaru nodded. Choji raised his hand, "I was there when he started fighting the Mohawk guy. If the fight stayed the way it started off then yes, Naruto definitely killed that guy."

After picking up Tayuya they set back out for Konoha. Shikamaru spoke up, "So you guys were sent to back us up?"

Temari nodded, "Right after Naruto left Suna we got a messenger hawk from Konoha asking for assistance for an emergency so we left immediately. With the speed we were moving I thought we would have passed him on the way but he must not have been joking about how he said he could run straight from Suna to Konoha nonstop."

Shikamaru chuckled, "You'd better believe it if he told you. Naruto beat three of these guys with little to no trouble. Where are your teammates?" Temari pointed her thumb over her shoulder, "We split up in the three different directions that we sensed your group in. They probably found the rest of your group by now."

Shikamaru sighed in relief, "That's good… This troublesome mission finally has a silver lining around a gray cloud. Let's get back to Konoha and wait for the others."


Naruto and Kimimaro stood facing off, Kimimaro using his cursed seal level one form, Naruto activating the Kyuubi's shroud. The two stood still while the wind blew across the field. Kimimaro pulled the bones out of both of his arms to dual wield swords, "Let us begin."

A short quirk of Naruto's lips was all the indication to start that either needed as they moved as blurs across the battlefield. Naruto was dodging Kimimaro's double handed strikes and attempting to counter with his claws. Naruto ducked a dual slash at his head but ended up getting kicked back by Kimimaro. Naruto ducked down low and rushed at Kimimaro's legs, shooting for his knees with a takedown attempts, sweeps, and swiping at his legs and lower torso with his claws while simultaneously avoiding low stabbing attempts from Kimimaro.

Kimimaro was the best all around close range fighter in pretty much all of Otogakure, and a good fighter can tell things about their opponent's style from watching them attack. Kimimaro saw that what Naruto gave up in poise and precise movements due to his influx of power he gained in terms of his bloodlust and ways to cause injury to his enemies. If Kimimaro didn't up his own power himself then the attack would have began to overwhelm him.

After dodging a slash at his face Kimimaro cut into Naruto's hip on both sides with a cross-slash and cut into his chest with rapid slashes that sent the demonically charged blonde backwards. Naruto picked himself up by his sword that he landed by and looked back out at Kimimaro while holding the handle. Where there was momentarily blind rage in Naruto's eyes, cognizant thought made a return, 'Wow… I almost started losing it there for a second. I need to train more using this chakra or else I might not be so lucky next time. I forgot about what too much of this stuff would do to me, one tail is overbearing.'

Naruto pulled the sword from the ground and smirked at Kimimaro before the two vanished and began clashing once again. The sound of bone clashing with steel echoed around the area, as they crossed blades with one another again. Naruto's attacks once again became a fluid match for Kimimaro's sleek movements as the two dealt an equal amount of grazing wounds to one another as they met in a stalemate in kenjutsu.

When they broke off again Naruto threw his sword like a javelin at Kimimaro and at the relatively close range that the two were at it thudded directly into his breastbone, however in barely sunk in at all despite the force used. Naruto scoffed as Kimimaro pulled the sword out and threw it aside, 'Those are some seriously tough bones… that would have run anyone else clean through.'

Naruto backed away and rushed in again, this time forming a Kage Bunshin as a feint to engage with his hands while the original leapt over Kimimaro to end up behind him. Naruto quickly molded wind chakra around his fists and held his fists together before shooting them out to utilize Fuuton: Fuujin Seiken (Wind Release: Divine Fist of the Wind God). Kimimaro looked back when he felt the influx of chakra, but this allowed the clone of Naruto to kick him off of their physical clash, hard, sending him into the crushing force of the wind jutsu.

As the attack hit Kimimaro and began pushing him forward at the clone he was kicked by the clone in question formed the exact same jutsu and shot it off at the incoming Kimimaro. The two attacks smashed into one another with Kimimaro in between them. For the time that the jutsu held up Naruto could see that Kimimaro's entire frame visibly compressed under the crushing pressure of the powerful attack.

Kimimaro landed on his feet, panting heavily from the intensity of Naruto's jutsu. Naruto audibly sucked his teeth as he and his clone fired off the attacks once more, smashing Kimimaro between them with even more force this time. Naruto hit him so hard with the attack that he clearly heard the sound of bones cracking on Kimimaro's figure. Naruto's eye slightly twitched, "Tough bones or not… You should be human paste after that, I put a ton of chakra into that one. Nothing short of some kind of metal can stand up to that kind of pressure."

Despite not being killed by Naruto's double Fuuton: Fuujin Seiken it still did damage. The pressure did end up having an effect on Kimimaro. Naruto saw the whites of Kimimaro's eyes turning blood red, meaning that the intense pressure popped blood vessels up there. Blood ran from Kimimaro's ears and nose, even from underneath his finger and toenails. Kimimaro didn't seem to be in any pain, but it was obvious that such internal damage had left him in agony.

"Do you see?" Kimimaro dropped the swords in his hands as he began to transform again, "Orochimaru-sama and his ambition… That is why I fight, for his goals and dream. I am his weapon, and I will allow myself to be broken if it will prevent someone like you from stopping him."

Kimimaro's skin turned brown and six large bone spikes protruded from the sides of his back. In addition to that, a spiky tail emerged from his back and upon seeing that Naruto just could not help himself. He pointed at Kimimaro with a dull expression on his face, "Is that a motherfucking tail? Seriously? You grew a tail?"

Kimimaro stood back up and looked at Naruto with a superior gaze, "This is Orochimaru-sama's gift to me. And with it, I will repay him for all he has done by vanquishing the ones that stand in the way of him and his grand plans."

Kimimaro pulled out his spinal column to form a flexible, spiky chain-staff, "This is the Tessenka no Mai: Tsuru (Dance of the Clemantis: Vine). You are quite skilled to push me this far, but you will not win. Orochimaru-sama has plans for Sasuke Uchiha, it is most unfortunate for you that you will not live to see them come to fruition."

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