Chapter 50: CH 50
In the woods, miles away from the river he had fallen into, Kiba was sitting under a tree trying to take cover from his pursuing opponents. As he cradled Akamaru's injured and unconscious body he growled to himself, 'If only I'd been stronger! Akamaru would have never gotten hurt if I had been. I can't beat anyone I face, not any real shinobi anyway… I lost to Naruto twice, and now this guy? What am I doing with myself?'
He grabbed the wound on his stomach where he stabbed himself to injure one of his enemies when they attempted a parasitic jutsu to kill him. He couldn't run any further, he knew he wouldn't have gotten much distance anyway.
"So you've finally stopped running?"
Kiba saw that the connected brothers, Sakon and Ukon, coming closer to him, "You were pretty bothersome to try to take down."
Kiba chuckled humorlessly, "Well, it was a good time while it lasted huh?"
The two sound ninja stalked Kiba down to finish the job when a familiar puppet came rushing onto the scene, chattering and scattering the two brothers to separate from one another and dodge.
"Man, is Naruto the only Konoha ninja that doesn't need back-up or something? He bailed you out and now I'm getting the dog-kid out of his situation."
"I take offense to that. Naruto may have assisted me in my battle but I was far from defeated."
The two voices appeared from the trees to reveal Neji and Kankuro, who was using his puppet Karasu, "Thanks for the directions Hyuuga, I might have been a little later otherwise."
Sakon voiced their opinion, "Who the fuck is this with you two Konoha trash?"
Kankuro and Neji looked at one another and Neji gestured for Kankuro to speak, "I am Sabaku no Kankuro. A shinobi of Sunagakure, ally to Konoha, and here to kill you both." Their attention fell on the wounded Kiba as they heard him hiss in pain due to his injured abdomen, "Go and help out that kid, I'll beat these two myself."
Neji nodded and went to check on Kiba while Kankuro, Kiba grimaced as Neji helped him get in a decent sitting position to examine him with Byakugan, "You two sure made it right in the nick of time. So did you beat that spider guy back there?"
Neji kept scanning the extent of Kiba's wounds, "Naruto arrived and ended our fight before it could escalate any further. It's a good thing too, because I wasn't sure how I would have beaten him, he was incredibly difficult to attack. We caught up to the team afterwards, but when we got there you and Lee were gone."
Kankuro singlehandedly beating back the two Oto twins, "Well it could be worse I suppose. Nobody is dead yet and I'll be fine." He looked up at Neji hopefully, "Right?"
Neji smirked, "Yes, nothing too vital was hit within your wound, it's just enough to inflict decent internal trauma."
Kiba looked over to see a second puppet full of blades that used to be part of Karasu. Kiba turned green as he could surmise what had happened, and poor Neji didn't even turn around as he pretty much saw the entire thing happen in its entirety because he had been looking inside of Kiba… Near 360 degrees of vision and x-ray capabilities… yay.
Kiba voiced the opinion of both boys, "Um, okay? Uh, nice finish I guess." Kankuro watched the blood oozing out of the bottom of his puppet Kuroari (Black Ant) and turned back to them with a smirk, "Thanks. This puppet combination is one of my favorites." He walked over to Kiba and looked him over, "So how is he?"
Neji deactivated his Byakugan to get the picture of the brothers being impaled and stuffed inside of a puppet out of his orbital sockets, "Kiba will be fine for now but we need to get him back to Konoha for treatment, him and Akamaru. Carrying him might pose a problem and cause heavier blood loss however."
Kankuro grinned at them, "No problem." He went over to Kuroari and knocked on it once to open it as the two corpses rolled out onto the ground. Kiba held back a dry heave and Neji's eye twitched. Kankuro looked inside his puppet, "Yeah this should be just fine, we can put him in this and carry him that way. He won't be at risk at all."
Kiba got a tick mark on his head, "Like hell I'm getting in that thing! You just killed two people in it! There's still pieces of them inside! And I think they released their bowels when you killed them too because I smell shit!"
Kankuro sighed and moved his puppets along like a kid that was told to get up and go do his chores, "Fine, fine… I'll go wash it out in the river, alright?"
Kiba growled, "Fuck that shit! You better have some disinfectant on you goddamn it!"
XxX As two figures flew through the woods back towards Konoha The only sound coming from them was actually coming from the thing that one of them was carrying. Tayuya had woken up on Choji's shoulder about an hour after Naruto knocked her out and wouldn't shut the hell up. From calling them pube-less rapists to needle-dick transsexuals she just kept bitching them out.
Eventually Shikamaru ripped her hat off of her head and stuffed it into her mouth as a makeshift gag to get some peace and quiet and now he and Choji were basking in the relative silence of their momentary victory. I say relative silence because she was still mumbling nasty curses through the gag.
Shikamaru was currently thinking, 'This mission went straight to hell faster than I could have ever assumed it could have. My formation was useless when we were discovered and we had to break off into one-on-one fights. If Naruto hadn't shown up we could have been in some serious trouble, those guys were way stronger than us.'
The thought came to a close as they heard leaves rustling nearby. Choji set Tayuya down and prepared to fight as did Shikamaru when Temari landed on an adjacent branch, "Whew, I finally caught up with you guys. I see you had a little scrape of trouble." Seeing Tayuya all tied up and cursing she smirked, "Looks like you didn't need back-up after all."
Choji sweated and chuckled, "Oh… Yes we did. Trust me, we did."
Shikamaru nodded, "It's true. We didn't beat her, Naruto did. Naruto beat two others, captured this girl here, and then went off further to keep up the chase. Choji said the first guy almost killed him one-on-one."
Temari blinked in surprise, "Naruto's out here too? He must have been rushed out even faster than we were. So you're saying the headless Mohawk guy that we saw on the way here and the dead spider guy with a kunai in the back of his head were examples of Naruto saving your asses?"