Naruto: The Shadow Game System.

Chapter 27: CH-27:)

I looked at man, brown hair cut short, common chunin uniform and a scar on his cheek;

Goru Zubaka, Teacher Lv- 43 REP- 0 "We were sparring sensei," I told him.

He raised an eyebrow, "oh? And how old are you?"


"Not old enough. Listen kid, don't do things like that, you'll get yourself hurt, or worse, the people around you," he narrowed his eyes glaring at me, "if I see you fighting again you're going to be in trouble, got that?"

Naruto and I glared at the man. "I'm sorry but what? I'm training to be a ninja, why shouldn't I get a head start on things?"

"We teachers know what we're doing kid, we know when you need to start fighting, so listen to what we're saying."

Naruto and I grumbled, the man scoffed at us before ordering us to leave. Naruto and I left, the blonde kicking rocks out of the way, "I hate that guy," he muttered.

"Me too," I grumbled, I don't like being told what to do, in case you haven't noticed. Plus who the fuck is he to tell me I can't train? I looked at Naruto and smiled, "hey Naruto, want to prank him?"

Naruto blinked once in surprise before he smiled, "really Yami? You want to prank people?!" I nodded, "yeah, this guy deserves it!" "Alright!" Naruto cheered before dropping down, "oh wait, we don't even know his name!" "Goru Zubaka," I informed him.

Naruto blinked, "how did you know that?" I shrugged, "I know a few of the teachers in the academy, I heard people talking and rumors. Now, how are we going to do this?" Naruto smiled, "we need itching powder, super glue and paint!"

I blinked, "Naruto, just what the hell are you planning?" Naruto giggled, "first I douse him with itching powder mixed with glue. When I reached for watch to wash it off, it'll instead be paint!"

I blinked, "that's way to complicated."

"Hmm! You have a better idea?" Ping!

Quest Alert!

Prank Goru!


+50 EXP ?


Detention Do you accept?


I clicked yes and thought about it, I looked at Academy window and saw Iruka sensei inside grading papers. I immediately got an idea. I turned to him, "where's the nearest convenience store."

Naruto was confused but shrugged and showed me. We reached place and I quickly walked in, but Naruto stayed back, "ah, why don't you go inside? I'll be here."

I blinked, "Naruto, you're the one with the cash."

Naruto blinked, "o-oh, right," he gulped and nervously followed me inside. I walked in and immediately felt eyes looking at us or more specifically Naruto. Oh, so that's why he didn't want to come here.

I rolled my eyes and ignored the people. I looked around the store and immediately found the magazine rack near one corner of the store.

"What are we doing here Yami?" Naruto asked curiously.

I opened my inventory, "hey Naruto, what's that over there?" I asked pointing over his shoulder.

"What?" he turned around distracted. I took this chance to grabbed a porno magazine and put it into my inventory before Naruto even noticed. He turned back, "there was nothing there."

"Oh, my bad," I chuckled, "come on, let's go, I got what we need."

Naruto blinked, "but you didn't take anything."

I shrugged, "maybe." We walked out just as fast as we came in, the store owner still glaring at us. We walked out and I pulled Naruto into an alley way and opened my inventory. I made sure he couldn't see me when I pulled out the porno book form my inventory before I presented it to him, "ta-da!"

Naruto's eyes sparkled, "how did you do that?!"

I smirked, "I'm an excellent thief. Now, this book is how we are going to get that bastard back!"

Naruto blinked, "what is it?"

"It's something adults like," I shrugged, "but whatever, come on, follow my lead okay?" Naruto blinked but shrugged and did so. We went back into the academy and this time we went to the teacher's lounge where we found Iruka still correcting papers.

The ninja looked up and smiled, "ah Yami, Naruto, how can I help you?"

"Hello Iruka-sensei," I bowed, "we were just looking for Goru-sensei, is he around here?"

Iruka shook his head, "no, he's outside. May I ask why?"

I smiled, "well, he wanted us to buy him something from the convenience store," I told Iruka as I held up the porno magazine.

Immediately Iruka went red, "w-what?! He told you to buy that for him?!"

I nodded, "yes. But I don't know if this is the right issue, I don't really know what this is. I wanted to open it and see-"

SNATCH! "No you don't!" Iruka appeared next to me almost in an instant grabbing the magazine from my hands, "you two are too young for something like this! What was he thinking?! I'm going to have a word with him about this!"

Immediately Iruka walked out of the room leaving me and Naruto alone. Naruto looked at me with wide eyes, "why did he act like that?"

I smirked, "you see that book is for adults only, so when I told him Goru asked us to buy it for him, he was angry, kids aren't supposed to do stuff like that. Listen Naruto, if Iruka comes back with Goru in hand stick to the story okay? When he called us over and yelled at us for practicing taijutsu, tell him he also asked us to buy the magazine, okay?"

Naruto immediately realised the rick and grinned like the devil, "right!" In a minute Iruka came back, this time with Goru in toe. The Chunin spotted us and yelled, "what do you two think you're doing?!"

"P-please Goru-sensei, please don't yell at us," Naruto said sniffing, pretending to hold back tears, "we did what you asked us too!"

I nodded, "yeah, please don't punish us!"

Iruka turned to Goru, "you have one chance to explain yourself Goru."


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