Naruto: The Shadow Game System.

Chapter 26: CH-26:)

"What? Oh, okay," Naruto walked over and stood out of the ring, "begin!"

I moved quickly like a viper. I leaped into the air sending my right like at Sasuke's head. The boy ducked under the swep, I landed on the ground on one leg before leaping upwards, turning my foot clockwise to spin all the way around again, this time my legs coming in low to sweep Sasuke off his feet. The continuous motion caught the Uchiha off gaurd causing him to get his feet swept out from under him.

I didn't then leaped upwards, jumping on one leg again, bringing my foot down on his back. Sasuke rolled away in time to escape, he got on his feet and ran at me with a fist drawn back.

The Disturbance style did just that, disturbed the opponent, so when Sasuke's punch came I raise my left hand to block it, but this allowed me to raise my right leg up as well. I caught Sasuke's punch in my forearm, but my kick hit him in the shin, knocking him down again.

This time I didn't let him rest as I brought a fist down on his back stroking his right shoulder blade hard.

"Gaw!" he grunted in pain, but immediately he rolled away, sending a kick at my face. I skipped backwards to avoid it. Sasuke got on his feet and immediately I charged at him. He leapt forward sending a kick at my head. I moved like a boxer, hopping in place to dodge his every kick. I was waiting for my chance. Just then he sent a punch at my shoulder, I dodged, Sasuke had over reached, now was my chance.

I brought my knee up to hit him in the gut, but the moment I did that Sasuke's hand came up and blocked my strike. He then used my knee as leverage to leap up and bring a kick down at my face.


-5 HP!

I was seeing stars, but I didn't care. The fucking brat hit me! He was dead!

He back flipped and landed away from me but I was on him. Sasuke's eyes went wide as I sent kick after kick at him, some times aiming for his face, sometimes his gut. He was forced to block, but immediately I got my chance, he left his lower half without protection.

I sent a punch at his head, acting on instinct he blocked it, but he didn't notice my second fist coming for his gut. It connected with a thump of flesh ringing out loudly, I smiled, 'got you now you son of a bitch!'

I brought my knee up and hit him in the jaw. I pushed him back gaining distance on him punching his chest and gut, throwing him outside the ring.

Sasuke growled as he immediately got back on his feet and charged at me when Naruto called out, "stop! Yami wins!"

"What?!" Sasuke asked glaring at the blonde.

"You stepped out of the circle teme," Naruto said pointing down, Sasuke looked down and realised that was the case, "you lose."

Ping! Quest completed!

Defeat Sasuke in a taijutsu spar!


+50 EXP


Your skill leveled up!

Disturbance style, Lv- 4 (80%)

Akin to a warrior's dance performance, a user of this style is able to rapidly and relentlessly bombard their target with precision, at various angles and locations. This style, comprised of sheer unpredictable movements, can easily catch his opponents off-guard.

DMG- +7 + STR + DEX

Speed- 11% faster Huh, guess winning a fight using a taijutsu style really gave it a lot of experience. I closed the boxes and sighed rubbing my face, "that was a good kick Sasuke. It hurt like hell!"

The Uchiha growled, "next time it will be my victory," he turned around and stormed off.

"Hey wait!" I called out.

The boy turned around and glared at me, "what?!"

I extended two fingers in the form of a handshake, "it's the sign of reconciliation, it means that I still consider you an ally and friend."

Sasuke looked at it, glared and extended his fingers, catching me for about a second before he let it go and walked away in a hurry, guess he didn't like losing huh?

"Damn, what's his problem?" Naruto asked. "He doesn't like to lose," I told the blonde, "anyway, want to spar?"

Naruto's eyes went wide, "hell yeah! Let's go! And don't hold back on me! I'll beat you up real good Yami!"

I chuckled, "let's see," we made the sign of confrontation before leaping into our spar. Naruto's style was basically a brawling type, nothing too great, but he did have strength behind his shots. I managed to keep him on his toes and keep his alert, but it did his no great favours as I still won.

But Naruto really didn't mind losing to me, I think he didn't mind at all as long as it wasn't Sasuke he lost too.

"You did pretty good Naruto," I said at the end of our match where we performed the sign of reconciliation.

"Yeah, but you still beat me," Naruto pouted before brightening up, "hey, you think you can teach me your style?! It would be so cool if you could!"

I blinked, could I teach him? It would be possible, I have all the katas and requirements in my head, all I have to do is reverse engineer the style and teach Naruto. It is technically possible.

I turned to Naruto, who was looking at me with big blue puppy dog eyes and hopping in eagerness. I chuckled, "yes Naruto, I'll teach you what I can."

"Yes! This is going to be so cool! When can we start?!" he asked me.

"Tomorrow?" I shrugged, "how about after school?"

"Sure that sounds-"

"-Hey kid," I looked over and found the chunin who was supposed to be supervising everyone call us over. Naruto and I walked over without complain, the man looked at us, "what were you doing just then?"


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