Chapter 5: Obsidian ? Check.
Mazino… future king of the world and legend among legends.
This man, with unparalleled strength and unmatched architectural genius, had just accomplished a great feat, his first dwelling.
A humble beginning for a future empire, of course, but every legend starts somewhere.
Lost in the middle of a clearing, between the majestic mountains and the vastness of the sea, his house stood proudly.
A modest structure, crafted from wood and stone, yet forged with the determination of a conqueror. The planks had been placed with precision, the walls reinforced with a touch of brick, and the roof sculpted with an artistry worthy of the greatest builders... at least, according to him.
Some might have said it was just a simple assembly of rudimentary materials, but those people lacked vision... Because Mazino knew. He knew it wasn't just a shack by a river, no... it was the first step toward an uncontested reign over this world.
He still remembered the moment he left his first home, a humble wooden box perched on the mountain.
A monument, full of history, a testament to the laborious beginnings of a man destined for greatness. There, he had carved his name, like a message to future generations: Mazino's House. A symbol, a legacy... or just a scribble on a wall, depending on your perspective.
But Mazino didn't dwell on nostalgia. He was a builder, a visionary, a man of action. Descending with the grace of a mythological hero, he had explored the lands, braved the dangers of a cave too vast for any man to ever go, and discovered the perfect spot to establish his future city.
And now, he stood there, in front of his freshly completed house, arms crossed, a satisfied smile on his face.
"Hum, hum, not bad, I'm improving in writing, hehe," I said aloud, closing my book and placing it in my chest, before gathering the necessary items for today's adventure.
And yes... it was time for me to create a new mine from scratch at this location, to search for diamonds, resources, and also obsidian!
It's not that I dislike my world, but I have this crazy desire to explore others and unlock mods at the same time. Just thinking about exploring these universes, I can't help but feel excited and energized for the day.
Turning toward my crafting table, I made two new iron pickaxes, as well as one diamond pickaxe. Yeah, I'm pretty frugal with rare resources like diamonds, I don't like wasting them too much, maybe it's a result of my life, my solitude, and poverty… But well I prefer using iron pickaxes, at least till I have enough diamonds to spare.
Anyway, I stepped out of my grand house and prepared to create a new mine.
To mark the occasion, I decided to add a little architecture around it. I placed some cobblestone around to mark the spot and created a wooden structure resembling a natural quarry.
Looking closely at my construction, not far from my base, I nodded in satisfaction.
"Now I need ladders, that way I'll just dig straight down, careful to hit the level where the diamonds are."
After some time, I returned to the site of my future mine, ladders in my inventory, ready to dig. For this mine, I planned to dig two blocks wide and then dig down on those two blocks in depth. What I would do is stay on one of the two blocks and dig the other down to the maximum, then go down to the other and dig the opposite side. In this way, I'd alternate and quickly reach the diamond layer while avoiding nasty surprises like falling into a cave or lava.
After a while, I passed the deepslate and decided to stop at that level. I didn't really have any other landmarks except the deepslate and my experience to identify the right level, but it should work. Now I placed my ladders and climbed back to the surface.
And there it was, my mine finished. I had placed water at the bottom, allowing me to jump straight in and reach the right level in two seconds! Well, now it's time to mine!
With unwavering determination and my precious pickaxes in my inventory, I plunged into my freshly completed mine.
The ladder creaked slightly under my weight as I descended rapidly, landing softly in the water I had placed wisely.
Without wasting a second, I started digging. Straight ahead. Two blocks wide, a methodical, precise tunnel. Like a blacksmith forging metal, I struck the stone again and again, inexorably advancing toward my destiny… and most importantly, toward valuable resources.
*Clink* some redstone.
*Clink clink* a bunch of lapis lazuli.
That's good, I'll need it for enchanting.
Then, after several minutes of hard work, my pickaxe struck something special. A different texture, a bluish glow through the cracks in the rock.
I straightened up, crossed my arms, and a satisfied smile stretched across my face.
"Ah, finding diamonds is so satisfying..."
Without further ado, I carefully collected the diamonds. Four, five, six pieces... Not bad at all. That's enough for me to do something. But I wouldn't stop there. I kept moving forward, always straight ahead, carving my path through the depths.
The wall before me suddenly collapsed, revealing a vast void.
A cave. Wide. Dark. Unknown.
I cautiously approached the edge, scanning the darkness. Stalactites hung from the ceiling, the echo of water drops softly resonated, and somewhere, a guttural sound made me realize I wasn't alone.
"Okay, okay… it's not so bad, I'll have to move methodically and be careful, but I should find something useful here…"
I equipped my shield and slowly descended, placing torches along my path.
My gaze swept the surroundings. On one side, iron, coal. On the other… a tall, still figure, with glowing purple eyes.
An Enderman.
A smile spread across my lips.
I was equipped, and I had experience. If I wanted to progress, I had to be able to defeat these creatures from the void without problems. Besides, if I wanted to travel between worlds, I would need pearls for some kind of safety. And this monstrous, tall, terrifying shadow creature was going to give me one, whether it wanted to or not.
Without hesitation, I looked up and met its gaze.
A blood-curdling scream pierced the air and echoed through the earth and cave around me. If I hadn't been experienced and equipped, I would have probably fled quickly, that scream was haunting and quite scary.
In a flash, it teleported around me, striking my shield violently. I staggered back from the impact, tightening my grip on my sword.
"Come on, big guy. Let's dance," I muttered, my tongue moistening my lips, my gaze serious.
It reappeared to my right, I struck.
To my left, I blocked.
Behind me, I spun and slashed.
The fight lasted only a few seconds, but every blow was precise. Finally, with one last strike, the creature collapsed in a spectral scream, leaving behind…
An Ender Pearl.
I picked it up, twirling it between my fingers. A step closer to the unknown.
But the exploration wasn't over.
I kept moving deeper into the cave, lighting my way and collecting every resource in my path.
Coal, iron, copper, gold, redstone, lapis, and diamonds.
This cave had everything I needed, and I didn't hesitate to gather it all.
I also crossed several mobs, which I eliminated quickly and efficiently, without losing any health.
Through combat, I started becoming better, recognizing my enemies' patterns.
After some time, my gaze was drawn to a reddish glow in the distance. I moved cautiously… and discovered a massive lava lake. The heat surrounded me, and bubbles slowly rose to the surface.
"This is perfect … but I'll have to be very careful not to fall in, just the heat makes me shiver, I don't want to burn…" I murmured, my voice echoing against the cave walls.
I took out my water bucket and poured it over the lava. A sharp hiss rang out as the rock solidified before my eyes.
I took my diamond pickaxe and started striking, slowly, methodically. The block resisted but eventually gave way to my unyielding strength.
One. Two. Three blocks. I needed quite a few.
Time passed, and soon, I had enough to open a portal to the Nether and enough for enchanting.
I stood up, satisfied.
The first phase of my plan was complete.
Soon, the Nether would welcome me. And after that… It would be time to discover a whole new universe.
The next day, I checked my resource stock and was very happy with what I saw.
Several chests were full, I wasn't lacking ores, I'd be good for a while, and I had what I needed to improve my gear.
The only thing I was missing was sugar cane to make a book, and therefore an enchantment table. I also had enough string to make a bow, I absolutely wanted an enchanted bow before going any further.
Looking at my experience bar, I was at level 24, I would have enough to enchant some armor pieces.
After that, I wouldn't have enough to enchant at level 30, mainly because I didn't have the required levels, and I'd need a mob farm. But also because I wouldn't have enough to make librairies.
The road to the beach had been quite short, and I had enough time to grab some sugarcane and relax a little before the sunset.
After all, if I was doing all this, it was also to enjoy myself...
The sea air filled my lungs as I walked along the beach, my feet sinking slightly into the warm sand.
The gentle lapping of the waves against the shore blended with the rustling of palm leaves above me. It was a peaceful moment, outside of time, and yet, I had not come here only for the beauty of the landscape.
My gaze quickly settled on the object of my desire, a row of sugarcanes, standing proudly by the water's edge, swaying in the salty breeze.
With methodical precision, I cut them in the middle, making sure to leave the roots intact for future regrowth. A few swift strikes, and soon, I had enough to make some books and also plant some at my river.
Satisfied, I allowed myself a break. After all, what was the point of building an empire if not to savor the simple pleasures of life? I settled into the sand, arms crossed behind my head, and let my gaze drift toward the horizon.
The sun was slowly setting, casting the sky in a gradient of gold and crimson.
The shimmering water reflected these colors brilliantly, offering a mesmerizing spectacle. I closed my eyes for a moment, listening to the soothing rhythm of the waves. These kinds of moments… they were a luxury that few could afford.
But duty called. Time was passing, and my future kingdom was not going to build itself.
I jumped to my feet and decided to head home.
On the way, I came across some chickens—not far from home, too.
Just as I was about to hunt them, I stopped for a moment and decided against my initial plan. Instead, I would take them home and start a farm.
Capturing a few chickens to ensure my self-sufficiency in food, and arrows, was important.
I grabbed a handful of seeds from my inventory and began shaking them in my hand, immediately attracting the attention of the chickens.
"Hey ! It works just like in the game, this is so cool !"
With a satisfied grin, I waved the seeds under their curious beaks. "Come on, girls, follow me !"
They followed obediently, pecking at the air eagerly. Once at the designated spot, I quickly dug a hole and lured them in before closing off the area.
They clucked as they circled around in the trap, but I knew they would thank me later… probably not, but oh well.
The farm was now in place.
Next came another step I had neglected for too long. Harvesting the sugarcane had reminded me, what was a Minecraft survival without farming?
I walked along the river, scouting for ideal spots for my future crops. Carefully, I planted the sugarcane along the banks, giving it the perfect environment to grow quickly. I set aside a few stalks, they would be useful for crafting a book, a crucial component for my enchantment table.
Once that task was done, I took out my hoe and began preparing a proper field. The soil was fertile here, and after a few well-placed strokes, I had enough space for my future harvests. I planted the seeds one by one, already imagining the golden wheat swaying in the wind.
The foundation of my self-sufficiency was now in place.
Night was beginning to fall, but my work was not yet finished. Armed with torches, I methodically lit up the surroundings, pushing back the darkness and its dangers. I don't want monsters close to my house anymore.
Finally, satisfied with my work, I returned to my home.
It was time to move on to the next step: enchantment.
I placed my resources on the table and took a deep breath. Soon, my equipment would reach a whole new level…