Minecraft but it's connected to the multiverse !?

Chapter 3: Time to see the world !

Three days later.

Three days had passed since his last expedition underground.

Three days… Ahem, let me rephrase that, three loooong days of digging, smelting, storing, and organizing.

He… No, the man, the legend now had everything he needed to prepare… for world domination. Mwahaha, that sounded good…

Ahem. He had an abundance of wood, piles of cobblestone, a stack and a half of iron, around forty gold, a few precious diamonds… and enough meat to keep starvation at bay for quite a while.

Sitting on a log near the entrance of his shelter, he observed his loot spread out before him, precious resources, highly coveted… making him rich. Or at least, in a civilized society, he would be.

But the time had come… It was time for him to move.

This wooden block he called "home" had served its purpose for survival, but he wanted more. A place more open, brighter.

Somewhere he could settle, build something more stable… No, obviously not. He wanted a castle. A massive, gigantic fortress, grand enough to house his kingdom. It had to be magnificent. He could already picture it… white marble, nestled against a mountainside, a structure so grand it would stand as a testament to his legend.

Achoo! … Rah, ahem… He let out a sigh and stretched, his muscles aching after several days of hard labor.


Setting down my book, The Legend of the Sun King - totally ripped off from Louis XIV, I stretched lightly.

"Hmm, that's a solid start for my book, which will be sold everywhere in my future kingdom, hehe…"

"It's been what ?… A week since I got stuck here? Well… 'stuck' is a strong word. For now, I'm surviving, but soon, I'll be thriving!"

Lifting my aching body, aching from a long writing session, not intellectual masturbation, I stepped back inside my wooden cube.

Observing my loot, I felt nothing but satisfaction at what I had managed to accomplish so far.

Resources? Check.

Armor? Also check.

I was now relatively safe. Well, even if I had delayed my search for lava to make an enchantment table and… the Nether.

Yeah, well, I'd only go there in full diamond gear, I wasn't an idiot.

Taking only the bare essentials with me… it was time to find a place to settle down and lay the foundations of my eternal empire!

Stepping outside, I checked the position of the sun, low enough to explore… and I had everything I needed to camp out.

"Alright, now where do I start?" I asked myself, scanning my surroundings.

Once again, I spotted the towering mountain in the distance. The call of adventure… yeah, that's what they called it, I think.

And more importantly, it was a perfect excuse to climb that damn mountain and establish my future empire.

I could already imagine it, a grand entrance carved directly into the rock, majestic staircases leading to a massive throne room… Yeah, now that would be something.

But before thinking about golden decorations and quartz columns (because let's be honest, that was going to be a nightmare to find), I had to reach the mountain first.

And judging by the distance, I could kiss my hopes of a peaceful stroll goodbye.

I took one last deep breath, clenched my muscles, straightened my back, put one foot forward, sword in hand, and struck a pose.

First objective, cross that damn forest.

The trees were dense, their foliage forming a thick natural ceiling that dimmed the daylight.

Every step crushed dead leaves and twigs beneath my boots, the sound echoing in the heavy silence.

Instinctively, my hand rested on my sword's hilt. One could never be too careful.

From time to time, I came across animals, sheep, pigs, cows (good for leather), and even rabbits.

Of course, as an animal lover and environmentalist, I showed them the beauty of my blade, mwahahah I shall purge the Heretics ! Hum anyway.

The first few hours went by without trouble. I navigated between tree trunks, picking a few berries and mushrooms along the way.

Nothing extraordinary… until I stumbled upon a strange clearing. Some trees were missing chunks of wood, and the ground looked oddly disturbed, like it had been dug up.


My first instinct was to slow down, my eyes scanning the area.

Why did I feel like I was being watched?

And then, a rustle. Behind me.

I spun around sharply, sword already in hand. A fleeting movement, a shadow between the trees. A shiver ran down my spine.

Okay… Either a pig had decided to spook me, or there was something more dangerous lurking nearby…

I tensed, ready for a fight. But nothing moved… until a rabbit hopped out from the woods.

… Damn, I felt like Naruto.

Seconds passed, long and heavy. Finally, with a sigh, I continued forward, staying on high alert.

It took me another two hours to finally exit the forest. Of course, I took the opportunity to gather more wood, one could never have enough.

Before me, the towering mountain stood tall, its steep cliffs bathed in the golden light of the setting sun.

I grinned.

Alright, time to climb.

Climb. Struggle. Suffer.

The first few minutes of the ascent were fairly easy. A small jump here, a bit of climbing there… No problem. I felt like a seasoned adventurer, a king conquering his mountain.

Then, after ten minutes… it started to drag on. The peak was still far away, and I was beginning to feel mentally exhausted after the long trek I had just made.

It was official, I needed a vacation.

Every block I climbed reminded me that I had made a terrible decision. Seriously, who in their right mind climbs a mountain just to find a place to build a castle? I could've just built a cozy little house. But no… I had to answer the call of adventure.

Oh well, I really wanted that castle.

I grabbed onto a ledge and pulled myself up, panting like an old dog at the end of its run.

Come on… just a little more…

I stepped onto the block and exhaled in relief before jumping onto a higher one… That's when I moved too fast, my feet slipped forward, and …



Fucking free fall.

There was a hole in the mountain. And, of course, I fell right into it.


I tumbled down several blocks before crashing hard at the bottom of a cavern. Pain exploded in my ribs.

Groaning, I sat up, pressing a hand to my torso. Nothing broken, apparently… Well, nothing a piece of meat couldn't fix.

The problem wasn't my ribs.

The problem was where I had fallen.

A cave.



With a slight breeze… and sounds I really didn't like.

I pulled out my torch and raised it with a trembling hand.

Cobwebs. Everywhere.

'Oh no…'

A scratching noise echoed behind me. Then another. And a third.

Red eyes lit up in the shadows.

'Oh no no no no no.'

The first spider leapt at me with a shrill screech. My sword slashed through the air, gutting it in a disgusting green spray. But the others were already coming, their legs clicking against the damp stone.

I stepped back, swinging blindly. Another one fell to my blade, but a third jumped on me, its fangs scraping against my shield.

"Damn it!" I shouted, wielding my sword quickly to push them back.

I struck another one away, catching my breath.

How many were there?! I wanted a castle, not a damn fight with spiderman !

My gaze swept across the cave… there ! A way out higher up, a crack in the wall !

Without thinking, I dodged another spider and rushed toward the opening. I jumped, barely catching the edge of the stone… and pulled with all my strength.

'Come on, damn it, climb !!'

One last effort, and I tumbled onto the ledge… just in time to see a dozen red eyes gleaming in the darkness below.

'Nope. Definitely not… there must be a spawner somewhere.'

Not wasting another second, I got up and kept climbing.

This time, stopping was not an option. I climbed carefully, using blocks to help myself up.

After what felt like an eternity… I finally reached the top.

And then…

"Wow." I couldn't help but let out a breath of awe.

The mountain range stretched endlessly, forming a massive natural barrier. Further ahead the horizon opened up. Rolling plains, a vast forest… and there, far in the distance… a beach.

The setting sun bathed the golden sand in warm light, the water reflecting breathtaking orange hues.

"I did it, haha… DAMN, I FEEL ALIVE!"

I made it. This climb was a sort of consecration in a way…

I had survived, fighting monsters, enduring hunger, gathering resources deep underground… in the darkness and the cold. Then, I had mined enough to craft armor, to live, and finally, to build.

And now, before me, stretched a fantastical world… My world.

My empire would begin here.



A lil filler, but one needed. Hope you enjoyed don't hesite to drop some pooooower stones.

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