Minecraft but it's connected to the multiverse !?

Chapter 2: Mining and ... an explosion !?


The sun filtered through the foliage as I walked in a random direction. The air was cool, heavy with humidity and the scent of damp earth.

I took a deep breath, feeling the freshness invigorate my mind. I couldn't deny that this place was beautiful. The massive trunks of the oaks stretched toward the sky, their leaves forming a green canopy that danced under the light breeze.

The ground was covered in ferns and colorful flowers, and the distant sounds of animals completed this idyllic natural setting.

But this peaceful scenery hid a brutal reality. Last night had reminded me that this world, despite its appearance, was dangerous. If I were to fall into a hole, face an Enderman, or get blown up by a Creeper…

I tightened my grip on the handle of my stone pickaxe and set off again.

My goal was simple: find a cave and start gathering more precious resources. I hoped to find plenty of coal and iron to craft some armor.

After several minutes and a hundred blocks traveled through the trees, I finally spotted a gaping opening in the side of a small hill. The entrance was dark, like a wide-open mouth ready to swallow me.

I approached cautiously. The air coming from inside was slightly cooler, carrying a faint scent of minerals and moisture.

"Alright… let's go."

Before venturing into the darkness, I noticed a coal deposit at the entrance. The cobblestone was covered in black chunks of coal.

One swing of my pickaxe, then another. The rock cracked, releasing its precious resources, which fell to the ground in fragments.

I gathered the pieces and opened my inventory.

'Wood… Sticks… Coal…'

A few seconds later, torches appeared in my inventory. I immediately equipped them in my hand, hoping they would light up. I placed one on the rocky wall to test it. Instantly, it lit up, its flickering glow pushing back some of the cave's oppressive darkness.

The exploration could begin.

Slowly, I advanced into the natural tunnel. My footsteps echoed faintly against the stone walls. The silence was heavy, almost unsettling. Every sound of gravel shifting under my boots made me tense slightly.

After a few meters, I stumbled upon veins of iron and copper embedded in the rock.

I had lit my path, allowing me to see these ores that would have otherwise remained hidden.

I wasted no time. My pickaxe struck again and again, breaking the raw metal into usable chunks. I carefully collected everything.

'With this, I'll be able to craft better equipment.'

But before I could continue my exploration, a familiar sound froze me in place.

A rattling noise.

A dry, repetitive sound echoing in the shadows.

I slowly stopped moving, lifting my gaze.

A skeleton.

It stood further inside the cave, its bow aimed straight at me. Its empty eye sockets stared at me as its bony fingers pulled back the bowstring.

"Oh, not again..."

Without thinking, I threw myself to the side. An arrow whizzed past and embedded itself into the stone right where I had been standing a second earlier.

"Damn it..."

I had no time to catch my breath. A second arrow flew toward me, grazing my arm.

Gritting my teeth, I quickly got back on my feet. With my stone sword in hand, I rushed toward it, trying to dodge its shots.

Another projectile hit my shoulder. I growled in pain, watching my health bar drop on my HUD.

'Oh, come on, the same spot again?!'

I was finally within range.

My sword came down hard on the skeleton. The impact echoed through the cave, and the monster staggered, its fragile body wobbling under the blow.

But it didn't give up.

A new arrow was fired at point-blank range. I raised my arm instinctively, and the arrow lodged itself into my forearm.

I suppressed a cry.

My endurance seemed better than that of a normal human, but the pain was still real.

"Die, damn it!"

With one last effort, I raised my sword and struck down.

The skeleton shattered into a rain of bones and white particles.

Silence returned.

My breath was ragged. I glanced at my HUD missing a few hearts.

"Phew… That was close."

I took a deep breath and gathered the bones and arrows left behind by my opponent. Then, I ate a piece of cooked meat.

'Well… I already have a decent amount of iron, and going further would be riskier. It's time to get out of here.'

With caution, I retraced my steps.

When I finally emerged from the cave, the orange glow of the setting sun welcomed me.

I stood there for a moment, watching the sky turn red and purple.

Tired but satisfied, I headed back to my shelter.

Upon arriving home, I immediately got to work on my crafting table, using the coal I had collected earlier to make more torches, it is necessary to light around my home and stop monster from spawning in the area.

Then using my other items I crafted a bed with the wool I collected earlier, and a chest. With the chest, I was able to store all of the useless items that I had picked up along the way, such as saplings, dirt, and flowers.

As I placed the torches around my small house to illuminate it, I set my bed down and prepared to rest for the night. 


The following day was uneventful, but I found it to be quite productive. I continued my mining efforts, this time I stuck to my staircase mine, the cavern is still too dangerous. 

Mining, this time I collected some more iron and coals. I was pleased to finally have more on hand. I'll need a ton in the future, creating an iron farm will be necessary.

Before lunch, I decided to spend some time collecting seeds from herbs near my house. 

I plan to create a farm and be independent, I just need to search for a water source to collect water and I'll be good.

In the afternoon, I set out to collect some wood using my trusty stone axe. The task was not too difficult, and I managed to gather enough wood to keep me going for a while.

Even though I had to destroy some trees around my house and … changing the landscape, I didn't feel too bad about it. I knew that I could replant them later on… maybe I would …

With the remaining daylight, I decided to melt my iron ores into ingots. It was a time-consuming task, but I had enough to make myself a shield, a bucket, an iron pickaxe, a sword and a chestplate. I was quite happy with the results of my day's work.

As night fell, I retreated to my small house … if I can even call that a house to get some rest. It was about time to start thinking about moving on from this spot, i'd like to settle in a beach environment, I wanted to live near it in my last life but wasn't rich enough.


But for now, I was content with the progress I had made and the resources I had gathered.

Waking up to the sound of chirping birds, I stretched my arms and legs, ready to tackle a new day in Minecraft, well at least my minecraft world.

I started my day by reviewing my stock, consisting of a stack of cobblestone, a stack of wooden planks, stack of logs … I wonder when I can get my hands on other types of wood, my iron tools, some left ingots … I sighed as I realized that I didn't have enough resources to create a proper base … well I want a fucking castle like nazarick in overlord ! I want a fucking huge base like … this is my own fucking world for god sake !

Well … I made the decision to go and collect some more irons and ressources, maybe find some diamonds.

Making my way to the mine, I quickly took a peek at my food supply. I still have some leftovers from my previous hunt, some cooked beef and chicken... I wonder if I can cook my own food ? Like without the minecraft system ? Well I'll experiment when I have my own place.


This time, mining was more profitable. I dug deep enough to stumble upon some gold and redstone, six for the former and thirty or so for the latter. 

I also collected seventeen iron and twenty-eight coal, a good haul if I may say. I felt a sense of accomplishment and progress as I looked at my loot. 

Checking the position of the sun, I realized it was already well past noon. 

"Ugh, I mined too much, but stumbling upon ores was so fulfilling," I complained out loud. 

It was time to head back to my cube-shaped house. Mmhh I wonder if I can place some blocks in other worlds ? Would be fun to create a fucking dirt house or traps, well I'll be a huge fcking troll.

I put my iron in the furnace and my loot in the chest, and that's all there is for today. I got some nice loot, and I'll keep cutting trees for the rest of the day, I want some more materials.

Waiting for my furnace to melt my iron, I can't help but think about this opportunity, visiting other worlds … I really want to explore some anime world and learn how to do cool stuff like shooting fire, battling at high speed with a sword and so many other things.

I should probably install an anime mod if I can, I remember about some one piece mod or dragon block one, that would make me Op. 

After this I should probably buy craft guide to know all the craft, the minions mods to make them collect resources, and magic mods … wait there is also tinker construct and all that good stuff … balkon weapons too to have more diversity.

But let's keep it real, for now I should focus on getting more resources for a good house before moving to create my huge and I mean HUGE castle. I also need a food source, like a farm and after that some better equipment.

Then I'll find a way to make some money, do they accept gold bars ? After all I got 6 this morning and it's easy to get, especially if I get to the nether I can get my hand on infinite gold.

Now that I think about it, it's kinda lame to just go and take gold to sell and also it is time consuming, maybe some items are worth a lot more, in some worlds gold are not worth much … but enchanted weapons ? That can earn some good money and it's easy to do. There is also healing potions, which should be worthy I guess.

With these thoughts in my mind I create a pair of boots and an iron legging as well as a helmet.

As I put on the new armor, an additional icon appeared in my inventory right next to my chestplate. I didn't see it last time, I wasn't focused.

Upon closer inspection, I realized it was an option to mask the armor whenever I wanted. 

This feature would be particularly useful when exploring other worlds as it would prevent me from standing out too much. 

Curious about the possibilities, I clicked on the icon, and just like that, my armor disappeared but the bonus remained. 

'Mmh, should I sleep ? Well, I'm not tired, actually I think I can go on about two to three days without feeling tired, I should probably go mining, that's a better plan' I thought looking at my bed, pondering over my options

Before heading out, I checked for any potential danger outside of my cube. 

Seeing no mobs in sight, I made my way to the mine. 

Once there, I sealed the entrance with a block and continued mining deeper into the earth.

After an hour of mining, I finally reached the deepslate layer, hoping to find some diamonds. 

I began to mine in a straight line, carefully searching for any signs of the precious gem. 

As I dug deeper, I found plenty of other resources, including iron, redstone, lapis, gold, and coal. But diamonds remained elusive

Suddenly, I stumbled upon a massive cavern.

Making my way carefully inside, I torched the area, exploring it.


I was suddenly surprised by the high pitched sound of an arrow.

Instinctively, I equipped my shield and carefully approached the source of the sound, only to discover a group of hostile mobs lurking in the shadows.

Two zombies charged at me, but I skillfully blocked their attacks with my sword and shield. 

With my sword, I striked in a circular motion, I managed to take one down, but not before taking some damage from their attacks.

Blocking another volley, I hit the second twice with powerful slashes, killing it.

As I advanced towards the skeletons, one of them shot me in the leg, causing me to cry out in pain. Undeterred, I continued to block their attacks

I took one down with two powerful slashes, before blocking the arrows of the second.

Pursuing the retreating skeleton, I hit him once before blocking an arrow.

Looking at my hp, I still have plenty, thanks to my new iron armor.

Blocking another arrow, I take down the second skeleton when ….


Suddenly, I heard the hissing sound of a creeper behind me, and I quickly turned around to face it. 

With no time to escape, I put my shield in front of me and prepared myself for the explosion.

I shouted in rage while preparing myself for the pain.



Immediately the explosion blew me far away, destroying the ground in the process.

The blast sent me flying, leaving me battered and bruised on the ground.

"It hurt so much !" I cry looking at my broken body

My HP bar was down to 4 hearts, and I knew that one more explosion could be fatal.

Fishing out some meat desperate to recover, I put them in my mouth and munch them furiously.

Replenishing my hunger bar, I recovered some hp.

Still down, I looked around, searching for potential threats.

My body slowly began to heal thanks to the food I ingested.

*crack, crack*

With my body getting patched up, I slowly got up.

'I was too reckless. This world is full of dangers, and it's not just a game. I need to be more careful and take things seriously' I thought to myself as I looked at my injuries.

Putting blocks around me, I waited to be fully regenerated.

Not wanting to lose to mere mobs, now with my life full, I continued my exploration.

Now more careful than ever, and with some experience, I gradually become more proficient dealing with mobs, even with creepers.

Torching everywhere I found a lot of ressources … I also found diamonds.

Looking at the 8 precious diamonds I gathered I can't help but smile.

'I'm closer than ever to finally creating my home,' I thought happily.

Still in the cavern, I took the time to torch everywhere and gather all the ressources, not leaving anything behind.

Satisfied with my haul, I retraced my steps and made my way back to the staircase that led out of the mine. 

As I climbed the stairs, I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over me, knowing that I had successfully navigated the treacherous cavern and made it out alive.

A/N (Author's Note)

Well, the MC is a Minecraft character, so one might think he's as strong as an average human, but that's obviously not the case. He can carry over 20 tons per arm as if it were nothing (a single gold block weighs 19.3 tons) and does so effortlessly without getting tired. Unlimited endurance and other feats. He's capable of killing a dragon with a basic bow (I'll let you guess the force behind that shot).

So basically, the Minecraft world is dimensionally stronger than most others by default. Zombies, which can injure a man carrying over 20 tons in one arm without hurting themselves (just imagine the resistance required), would logically be extremely powerful and not just simple zombies.

The same applies to skeletons, villagers, etc.

So depending on the verse, Steve could very well be naturally stronger than most other characters.

Of course, he's not omnipotent. I'd say his physical limit is around 100 tons, considering how easily he can carry 20 tons in one hand.

And I consider the inventory as a non-physical space because otherwise, 64 times 20 tons multiplied by the number of slots would mean that Steve is a literal physical monster, and by extension, so are the Minecraft mobs.

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