Chapter 109: Chapter 108: Battle against Heven (1)
"If it's just pain, I'll endure it."
- Issei Hyoudou, (High School DxD)
<(Atem POV)>
The Queen's evolution process didn't really take as long as I originally thought. In fact, even though the Queen and I both felt like we had been frozen in our position for more than half an hour, the truth was that we were like that for barely just a minute before a golden flash of light emanated from her body which was too bright for even my Rinnegan to see. Normally, I could individually select whatever powers and abilities I wanted to pass on to my new pantheon members, but this time I had explicitly decided not to choose anything myself since I wanted the system to take its own natural course and determine what would be the best 'evolution' for an angel like her.
"I... I have changed. This new body and power of mine feels so foreign, yet so... exhilarating. No, not just my body, I think I can feel something a lot deeper as well... My spirit maybe? I am currently experiencing all my feelings and emotions much more intensely than normal... is this... Did I just regain my soul? You were able to cure my angel soul curse?" she asked as the glow finally slowly subsided, revealing her new gorgeous appearance to the world.
Her appearance had not altered significantly. She still looked mostly the same as before the transformation with a few exceptions like the fact that she now possessed a certain radiance about her, and her features somehow appeared more defined. An aura of purity and sanctity also enveloped her as if she were emanating confidence and bravery, while her hair had shifted its color from a rusty brown shade to a luminous gold. However, the two most notable alterations in her visage were wings, which had not just transformed from a plain white to a bright gold in color with a unique celestial glow but also multiplied to being 6 pairs of wings from just its previous one. On top of it, her entire look of pure angelic essence was only complemented by the addition of a bright glowing halo that was now proudly floating just above her crown.
[{(Image in Discord)}]
"Creating miracles and smiting my enemies, those are the things I can do very well." I boasted, accepting her compliment. "Now, what do I call you? The Queen of Angels seems just a little too formal of a title to address you as?" I questioned while raising one of my eyebrows.
"When I ascended to the throne as the Queen of the angels, I had to give up my name as per the ancient customs. That name no longer belongs to me and taking it back again will be an insult to the angel customs. But now that you are the... supreme authority of Heven, a level even above my own position, you can bestow upon me any new name of my choosing. I will gladly accept it without question." She kneeled in front of me while bowing her head, her golden radiance not diminishing even the slightest bit.
One thing was certain now, her loyalty towards me could no longer be called into question anymore because, besides the fact that she was literally bound by the magical blood oath to be loyal to me and that my pantheon creation ability had the power to stop people from betraying me, the Queen of Angels had seen too much of my strength to not take me seriously. By now, she should have already realized that I was the only chance she had to bring the angels and Heven back to their past glory.
"... How about Michelle, the Queen of Heven?" I thought out loud, shamelessly copying and genderbending the first biblical angel's name (Michael) that came to my mind.
"I accept the name... Your Holiness. However, now that you have given me this power, I can finally understand what you are truly capable of. I have no more doubts, you are the only one who can save the angel race from slowly dying out like rodents in a closed tunnel like we originally were." Michelle exclaimed with a little too much devotion in her voice than expected, which seemed to surprise the other two angels in the room as well.
Also, I felt like I was the Pope after being called Your Holiness. But I did understand where she was coming from so, I didn't contradict her.
I mean her soul has just been "cured" with my help which gave Michelle her emotions back, so it's normal that she is feeling so ecstatic knowing that the biggest curse in her species was no longer incurable. Before, she was selfish and greedy to an extreme due to the soul curse she was suffering from but now, maybe she can finally display her real emotions which hopefully makes her more trusting and likable as a person.
"So, I don't guess you have a problem with raiding angel temples to eliminate the hierophants anymore, do you?" I asked, knowing full well what her response was going to be. "After all, you won't be needing the anchorites to pray to random Deaf gods for your angels anymore to get an afterlife after their death since they will all have fully functioning souls now."
"You are right. We don't need those temples anymore... It's time we stopped trusting those ancient rituals that never worked in the first place and instead put our faith in something or someone new... a new god for us perhaps. Someone who can actually help us with our current problems. As for the Hierophants, I think they have already served their purpose. They need to be removed now since they have just become useless relics of the past." She nodded. agreeing to my words. "If you can just make a couple of more... perfect angels like me, the entire Heven will be yours by next week." She confidently stated. "I even have the perfect individual in mind to lead this campaign from the front. She has been vying for change in the status of Hierophants and Anchorites for the last few centuries and I am sure that she will be more than happy upon learning that she will finally be getting it. Her name is Angela, she is not biologically an angel, but she is one of the best I have and therefore the only non-angel who is allowed the equal rights as an angel in Heven." She revealed.
"Angela!? Quite a name for someone who is not an angel. It almost seems like her name is a snub at her parents... someone who hates angels... You know what, I'd like to meet her after the "war" is over against the Hierophants." I ordered since I had a clue who this Angela person was as I raised the other two surprised angels in the air with the help of my telekinesis and brought them closer to me.
I still had a lot of divine energy left inside me since evolving angels was a lot less stressful and power-consuming than making New Gods in my pantheon, so I once again placed my index fingers on their foreheads and activated my deity creation ability on them. Within a few short seconds, a bright silver light erupted from their bodies before the two of them transformed into "evolved angels" as well. However, unlike Michelle, they only had 4 pairs of wings instead of 6 pairs and their hair also hadn't turned golden. Even their halos were a lot less bright than their Queen's. "You all should familiarize yourself with your new powers if you want to score an efficient win. I have no idea what new abilities you have got but I am sure they won't be weak." I advised before stepping away from the two newly evolved angels.
As if waiting for those exact words, Michelle pointed her hands in the direction of an open window in the palace before a golden spear slowly materialized in her hands. Once the weapon had fully materialized, she threw the spear out through the window which flew toward a floating mountain a couple of miles away before colliding with it in a brilliant flash of light and devastating the entire landscape like a flame-thrower through butter.
"We angels can now produce and control holy light as our racial ability. Our bodies are a LOT more powerful than before, and our immortality is also more potent. Moreover, our wings should indicate how strong we are. The more the number of pairs one possesses, the stronger they are. I think the halo does something as well but honestly, I still don't know what. All I know is that it is a symbol of our power and our connection to Heven, our home." The Queen explained. However, after noticing a questioning look on my face, she continued to explain "When you gave us your blessing, we also received tiny bits of knowledge about how our powers work. Of course, it's not very detailed, nor have we become experts in using our abilities, but now, we at least know what we can do." She finished.
"... That's convenient. Now go on and conquer the dimension for me. Oh, and send some more angels in. I still have some energy left; I can go a couple of more times." It was time to end this Heven conquering thing and get my rewards. After all, there were much more important places I needed to be.
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