Marvel: A New God's Reign

Chapter 108: Chapter 107: New God's own Little Piece of Heven


"I'll take a potato chip and EAT IT!"

- Light Yagami, (Death Note)


<(Atem POV)> 

"You know you could have just admitted defeat at the beginning. It would have saved both of us a lot of time." I smugly stated as I looked at the small object in my hands that contained a single drop of blood in it with its dangling silver chain loosely coiled around my wrist. "Here, you should keep this as a memento." I threw the phial towards the Queen which she effortlessly caught with a gloomy scowl on her face.

[{(Image )}]

The phial of blood I was talking about was a dark magic ritual from the Harry Potter world and symbolized the blood pact or blood oath I and the Queen of the Angels had just made between the two of us. It was an irreversible magically binding agreement that stated that I... would try my best not to kill her or annihilate Heven and its angels as long as she submitted herself to my authority along with all the angels faithful to her and remained loyal to me for the rest of eternity. However, if she were to so much as even think about harming me, deceiving me, or betraying me in any way or manner, she would suffer terrible consequences that the phial would bring on her including but not limited to an unimaginable amount of soul-wrenching pain and even death.

This Blood Pact magic was originally revealed in the Fantastic Beasts movie as the reason why Grindelwald and Dumbledore could never actively fight or hurt each other. But unlike in the film where both of them had to follow the terms of the blood oath to the 't', the blood pact the Queen and I made between ourselves was skewed in my favor. After all, I was in a higher position during our negotiations, so the Queen had no choice but to agree to all the terms I presented. In fact, I worded the contract in such a way that even if I were to choose to break my side of the deal, she would still have to keep hers while I would get away almost scot-free without any punishment or penalty of any kind.

"This phial... are you sure you want me to hold on to it? Isn't this the source of the blood magic that you just cast? What if I find a want to destroy it and then take revenge from you by AHHHHHH..." A sudden scream tearing through the Queen's throat stopped her from finishing her words as she fell to the floor in pain. 

"You must have been thinking about doing something real nasty to me for that phial to react like that," I chuckled looking at the silver chain that had snaked and twisted around her arm so tightly that it almost seemed like they were going to break her hand. "And no, you can't destroy it. That phial is indestructible and the only way it will ever be void is if it kills you after you break the terms of our contract. Of course, you can try to throw it away or give it to someone else to get rid of it, but it will always find you and come back. As for the pain you experienced right now, it was not just mere physical pain. No, that chain there is capable of strangling your soul itself even if the soul is as twisted and broken as an angel's. So, no, you will never be free of that thing in your life. You see, I had a lot of ways to make magically binding contracts between the two of us, but I specifically chose this one because I want you to carry that little thing with you for the rest of your eternal life so that it can always remind you of who truly owns you." I coldly explained.

The archangel didn't look too thrilled at being an eternal slave, but she didn't express her discontent on her face. And since she wasn't yelling while slithering on the floor in pain, she also didn't seem to be thinking about strangling me. She was too smart and experienced as a ruler to get swayed away by her emotions. "Fine, you own me. But can you at least heal my guards like you said you would? We are very limited in our number, and we can't procreate as fast as a lot of other species can. It will take centuries for us to replenish our number if these people die on top of the ones, you already killed." She pleaded after releasing a sharp exhale, her thoughts unreadable on her face.

"I think you forgot to add a 'please' and 'my emperor' to your words. Maybe try again and perhaps be a little bit more enticing this time." I said while caressing my fingers along her shoulder like some sort of sleazy pervert. 

Honestly, I had no real feeling of attraction to her. The only reason why I was acting like this was because I wanted her to think that as long as she kept me happy, she would have no reason to be threatened by me. At first, she would only do it to appease me or maybe even try to control me so that I wouldn't do anything that would be detrimental to her or her rule. However, in time, this acting would become a habit for her until one day, she would even forget that she was acting in the first place. This might take centuries but it will eventually happen.

By the way, yeah, I was going with the "fake it till you make it" analogy, and no, this was not sexual abuse or psychological manipulation... we don't use those words here. 

"... *Sigh* My Emperor, can you kindly grant this lowly angel a small favor and heal the injured angels? I would forever be grateful if you did that for me... Please?" The Queen uttered after a few moments of silence before slightly moving closer to me so that her breasts brushed against my fingers. Even though her face didn't display any anger, the strained veins on her neck clearly revealed just how much she had to suffer to swallow her pride and say those words.

"See, that wasn't too difficult, was it?" I said before snapping my fingers and activating my Divine healing ability on everyone I had killed or injured until now in Heven. Originally, I wasn't planning on bringing everyone back to life but as the Queen herself said, angels were a rare commodity and a lower number of angels meant a lower number of servants for me. Also, I firmly believed that those angels wouldn't be trying anything anytime soon now that their Queen had submitted to me, especially since they would still remember just how easily they had been defeated by me and then brought back to life as well as how utterly outclassed they were in their battle with me. 

'That's interesting. It didn't cost even nearly as much power to resurrect them as I initially thought. It was almost too easy. Is this because their souls hadn't moved on to the afterlife yet?' I pondered before I decided to think about it later and my lips curled up on their own. "Since you asked so nicely, Queeny, I didn't just heal everyone here but also brought the angels that I killed back to life. Consider it a gift from your new emperor. No need to thank me, of course." I said as I looked at the Queen who had also healed to her peak with both of her wings now restored to their original condition.

Even the two female angels silently kneeling on the floor at the corner of the room had been completely healed from their bloodied half-dead states.

The Queen, on the other hand, was more shocked at my words than pleased. For a few seconds, her body froze like her mind was struggling to interpret what I had just said but soon, a beautiful smile that almost seemed genuine graced her lips as she held my arm with both of her hands. "Thank you, my Emperor. You are too kind. I would be happy to be a Queen ruling this place in your name." She responded while slightly bowing her head. Somehow, this time her words seemed a lot more authentic than before. 

Of course, I knew that she still didn't mean it completely but this was quite a good start. As long as she thought that she could be the one using me despite her current position by pleasing me, I would be the one benefitting. I mean I have absolute trust in the blood pact's power since I knew how powerful the magic behind it truly was, but an employee working to make her boss happy to get some rewards for herself would still work much harder than someone who was just working because she was afraid of her boss... or worse, getting blackmailed by her boss. 

"You can quit acting now, my little angel. In the future, just remember who you really belong to." I chuckled as I swiftly withdrew my hands from her grasp. "Anyway, tell me, is the Heven not completely under your reign? Is there somebody else who runs things behind the scenes?" I asked while furrowing my eyebrows since I still hadn't received the Quest completion notification from the system leading me to believe that I hadn't become the complete ruler of Heven yet for some reason. 

"No, I am the Queen of Heven. No one holds a title above mine and I am no one's puppet... Well, at least that was until you arrived." The Queen answered as some mild annoyance found its way into her voice. "Nonetheless there are factions that do not like my rule so much. But most of them don't have any real influence or power to do anything... except for one, the Hierophants. They are winged male angels who are incapable of seeding life in the female angels, unlike the wingless male ones who are called anchorites. 

However, Hierophants are extremely gifted in the mystic and arcane arts and we use them as oracles and sorcerers. They also have the responsibility of overseeing the Anchorites. They have always been the highest power in Heven besides the Throne. Even though they are supposed to be loyal to me who is their queen, everybody knows that they are loyal to no one except themselves and their grand purpose. I have thought about crushing them multiple times but according to ancient angel laws I can't do anything to them unless they make a mistake and reveal their true intentions. Also, unfortunately, I can't even spy on them since female angels are not allowed anywhere near the temples that the Hierophants and Anchorites live in except for when they need to procreate." She explained.

'I see. So, I need to kill a couple of sorcerers to cement my hold on my new empire. Hmm, fine... But then again, I think I don't even need to lift a finger. It's time I start trusting my subordinates with some power. Also, every pantheon needs its angels.' I mused to myself. 

"Do you remember that I told you I would give you power beyond your wildest dreams if you swore your loyalty to me? I think it's time you have a taste of what I have to offer, Queen." I smiled before placing my index finger on her forehead and activating my Pantheon creation ability. However, this time I did my best to consciously limit the powers and abilities I would give her, so as not to tire myself out after a single use. 



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