Chapter 12: Chapter 12 : Is he coming too ?
Tom : Amy , can…..can I kiss you ?
Amelia's mind could not process this. She did not know whether she should say yes or no. Amelia's mind went blank. But before she could think anything further, Tom leaned in to kiss her.
Tom was very close to her. Today was the first time they were so close. Along with Amelia, Tom's heart was also beating fast. There was a different kind of need in his eyes.
Tom held Amelia with his left hand and with the same hand he pulled Amelia a little towards himself. And he kept his right hand on the headrest of the seat behind Amelia. His breathing felt on Amelia's skin.
Tom's breath touching Amelia's skin was like a different kind of electric shock to Amelia, which was tingling throughout her body. Tom touches Amelia's nose with his nose. He moves forward slowly. There was very little distance between their lips.
But Amelia finds this strange. Because at this time she remembers that late night office chat with her boss. Damien was also very close to her that night. Amelia doesn't understand anything. Because she loves tom and now that he is getting close to her, why is she remembering Damien.
Tom's lips were about to touch Amelia's lips when Amelia pushed Tom back a little.
Amelia: I must go, it's very late.
Saying this, Amelia quickly gets out of the car and goes into her house. Tom just watches her go. It was already quite late, it was 11 at night. Amelia's mom and dad knew that Amelia was going out with Tom.
For this reason everyone in the house went to sleep. Amelia comes to the house and without making a sound she locks the door and goes to her room. She comes to the room and sees from the window that Tom's car is not there, which means Tom has left.
Amelia knows that his behaviour has hurt Tom. But what can he do? While kissing Tom, Damien's face is in her mind. This hurts Tom the most. Amelia quickly goes to the bathroom and stands under the cold shower. Right now, only the shower can help her calm down.
After completing her shower, Amelia comes and lies down on her bed, wearing a nightdress. She was very tired today but it seemed as if all her sleep had gone away. Then Amelia's phone rings. It's a message from Tom.
Tom's Message: I have reached home. And I am sorry Amy, I tried to kiss you without your permission. I am really sorry. I did not intend to make you feel uncomfortable.
Amelia's Message: Never mind. I should have told you that I was not ready. Actually everything is happening so fast that I am not able to understand.
Tom's Message: Still I am sorry. And I will wait, I will come close to you only when you are ready.
Amelia's Message: Thank you for understanding me.
Tom's Message: Okay, now you go to sleep. Good night, sweet dreams baby. I love you.
Amelia's Message: good night you too…and I love you too.
Amelia puts her phone aside. She tries to sleep. The next day Amelia was working in her office. At the same time an announcement was made that the next day after Tomorrow all those who are part of this successful project are going on a trip.
Everyone was very happy, after hearing about the trip everyone's passports were ready because everyone was confident that they would surely be successful and the announcement of the project was also made a month ago and at that time everyone was informed about this trip.
That day, the only thing being discussed in the office was the trip. Everyone was very excited. Everyone was going to Andaman on this trip. All friends meet after office.
Abhi : I am very happy. Do you know there are so many things to do in Andaman. Like scuba diving, snorkelling, trekking, kayaking. And there are so many water games too.
Max : I am more interested in the nightlife there.
Tina : That place is absolutely best to relax.
Kiet : Amy, you're not happy.
All the friends were talking for a long time but Amelia was lost in her own thoughts. Kiet's words bring her attention back.
Amelia: No, it is not like that, I am also very happy.
Abhi : Okay let's go home, we have a holiday tomorrow so let's do shopping and packing and meet on the day of the trip.
Max : Yes, this 5 day trip will be totally worth it.
All the friends say bye to each other and go towards their respective rooms. They meet on the day of the trip as per the plan. Their flight was at 7 in the morning so everyone starts coming to the airport at 4 o'clock.
Amelia, Tina, Max, everyone was very excited for the trip and were waiting for their flight at the airport but then everyone came to know that the company's boss was also going to join them on this trip.
Everybody comes in a little tension because they know the nature of their boss. Well, everybody is going there to relax but if the boss is there with them then the question of relaxing does not arise.
But everybody doesn't mind much because he is the boss and the boss can do whatever he wants. But the one who is most affected is Amelia because she thought that this trip will take her away from all her confusions and give her peace. Amelia says to herself in a low voice.
Amelia: Is he coming too?