Chapter 11: chapter 11 : can i kiss you ?
Tom : are you ready?
Amelia: Yes I am very excited.
Tom : Let's go .
Tom opens the car door for Amelia. Normally Tom takes a lot of care of Amelia, there is no doubt about it but today his behaviour is different, his way of caring is different. Amelia gets in the car. Tom sits in the driver's seat and starts the car.
Amelia: By the way when did you buy this car? This is not uncle's car. And your fragrance is coming from your car.
Tom : Yes, this car is mine. This is also a part of the Surprise. By the way, I am glad that you remembered my fragrance.
Amelia: Ohhh…Tom you really are unbelievable.
After some time, Tom's car stops outside a restaurant. That restaurant was quite expensive. Amelia knows that Tom's family is not rich but is quite stable.
Amelia: Why have we come here?
Tom doesn't reply. He just walks out of his car with a smile towards Amelia and opens the car door for her.
Tom : I brought you here for a surprise. Of course.
Amelia nods. Tom takes her inside the restaurant. He had booked the open garden on the top floor of the restaurant. So he takes Amelia directly there. When they arrived Amelia was quite shocked and happy. The sight in front of her was no less than heaven.
The rays of the sun had left the earth. The night had stretched. The open sky was full of stars and the half moon in it was giving a different kind of peace. This beautiful garden under the high open sky was completely decorated with flowers. There was beautiful and lovely lighting and in the middle of all of them there was a table with two chairs next to that table. There was candle light on that table. And along with it, there was a beautiful cake, that too in the shape of a heart.
Amelia: wow...Is heaven like this?
Tom : do you like it ?
Amelia: like it ? Are you serious? I love it tom. I love it.
Amelia was just admiring the beauty around her. And Tom was admiring Amelia. Tom holds Amelia's hand and turns her towards him. Tom says this while sitting on one knee and holding Amelia's hand.
Tom : Amelia, Amy….we both are childhood friends. We have faced many ups and downs together in our lives. And those ups and downs have often brought us closer to each other. What I am going to say has been in my heart for a long time. I can't run away from myself anymore Amy. I can't run away from my feelings.
Amelia: w…Wh….what are you Saying?
Tom : I love you, Amy. I love you like crazy. I can do anything for you. I want to take care of you all my life. I want to live with you all my life. I want to give you all the happiness you deserve.
Tom says this while holding a flower in his hand and giving it to Amelia.
Tom : I know that all this is happening very quickly. I do not want to put any pressure on you. Take as much time as you want, I will wait for your answer. Even if I have to wait my whole life.
Amelia's eyes fill with tears because she too has a soft corner for Tom in her heart. And today Tom is proposing to her in front of her. She doesn't understand anything. But this feeling was very good. Amelia also says in a crying voice.
Amelia: I love you too, tom. I always love you.
Tom : Really? ?
Tom becomes crazy with joy after hearing Amelia's words. He straight away gets up from his place and starts walking around carrying Amelia in his arms.
Amelia: Tom please get down I'll fall.
Tom : No….I won't take you off my hands. You have no idea how happy I am Amy. I love you my love.
Amelia: I love you too….but Please.
Tom : Ohkk.
Tom brings Amelia down into his arms, holds her hand, and kisses it, saying:
Tom : I will never disappoint you. I will always keep you happy. And I will love you a lot.
There were tears in Tom's eyes. His tears were a testimony that whatever he was saying was true. After that, Tom and Amelia cut the cake together and Amelia and Tom spent their time in each other's embrace.
After that Amelia and Tom leave to return home. Amelia's house arrives in a short while. Tom parks his car outside her house. Amelia was very happy today, her project was successful and Tom proposed to her today. She was very tired today so she fell asleep in the car.
Tom was watching Amelia sleeping. She is really very beautiful and today she was looking even more beautiful in this dress. Tom did not feel like waking this angel up from sleep. Amelia opens her eyes. Because she woke up from sleep, she says this in a very baby voice.
Amelia: have we reached home?
Tom says lovingly as he tucks her hair behind her ear.
Tom : yess , baby.
Amelia: So why didn't you wake me up?
Tom : You looked so cute while sleeping that I did not feel like waking you up.
Amelia blushes after hearing what Tom says.
Amelia: Okay, I am leaving now, you also go home carefully.
Saying this, Amelia unbuckles her seat belt and is about to get out of the car after opening the door when Tom holds her hand and says.
Tom : amy,....can….can I kiss you ?