Chapter 12: ninja skits
warning: all of these are acurte accounts of ninja in their free time)
1. Jinx vs. the Training Course
The ninja stood in a circle as Jinx faced the monastery's obstacle course. Kai smirked.
"Alright, Jinx. If you're gonna be part of the team, you gotta pass the course," Kai said, arms crossed.
Jinx flicked his dark purple eyes toward the wooden dummies, spinning saw blades, and flame traps. "This? Pfft. Easy."
He took a deep breath, then sprinted forward. A dummy swung at him—he ducked. Blades spun toward him—he leapt over them effortlessly. Flames erupted from the floor—he created a shadow step and vanished through them.
The ninja watched in awe as Jinx cleared the course in record time, landing gracefully at the finish.
Jay blinked. "Okay, show-off, but I bet you—"
Before he could finish, Jinx smirked, flicked his wrist, and a shadow tendril yanked Jay onto the course.
"WAIT, NO—!"
The dummy smacked him, the saw blades sent him spinning, and the flames singed his eyebrows. He landed with a groan at Jinx's feet.
Jinx grinned. "You were saying?"
2. Jay and Jinx's Midnight Snack Raid
It was past midnight. The monastery was silent.
Jay tiptoed through the kitchen, reaching for a leftover slice of cake. Just as his fingers touched the plate—
"Touch that cake, and I will haunt your nightmares."
Jay yelped, spinning to see Jinx sitting in the shadows, his dark eyes glowing eerily.
"Dude! Why are you just lurking there?!" Jay whisper-shouted.
Jinx shrugged. "I sensed an idiot in distress."
"Well, distress this—" Jay snatched the plate and ran.
Jinx smirked, snapped his fingers, and a shadow tendril tripped Jay. The cake went flying—right into Jay's face.
Jinx chuckled, taking another slice from behind him. "Should've checked the fridge first."
3. Zane Tries to Scan Jinx
Zane stared at Jinx with his glowing blue eyes. Jinx stared back.
"...Uh, why are you looking at me like that?" Jinx asked, raising an eyebrow.
Zane tilted his head. "I am attempting to scan your biological structure."
Jinx blinked. "Dude. That's weird."
"My systems indicate that your energy signature is unlike anything I have encountered."
Jinx crossed his arms. "So? What does that mean?"
Zane's eyes flickered. "It means you are probably human."
4. Jinx vs. Kai's Hair Gel
Kai walked into the bathroom and froze.
Jinx stood in front of the mirror, holding Kai's hair gel. The once-full container was empty.
"You. Didn't."
Jinx turned, his normally messy black hair now perfectly styled, spiking in dramatic angles. "What? It was just sitting there."
"Relax," Jinx smirked. "You look better with the windswept, 'I totally just fell off a mountain' look."
Kai lunged. Jinx vanished into the shadows, leaving Kai screaming at the mirror.
5. The Great Prank War
Jinx pulled a chair out from under Cole. Classic.
Cole swapped Jinx's tea with soy sauce. Not bad.
Jinx replaced Cole's Tread Assault tires with squeaky toy wheels.
Cole filled Jinx's room with stuffed rabbits.
Jinx used his shadow powers to make Cole's shadow dance like a chicken in front of everyone.
Cole dumped glitter over Jinx's bed.
The war escalated. The monastery was in chaos. Until—
"ENOUGH!" Wu snapped, slamming his staff.
The two pranksters stood frozen as Wu sipped from his teacup. He glanced down.
Salt. In his tea.
Jinx and Cole looked at each other.
"Run," Jinx whispered.
They ran.
6. Lloyd Learns Not to Sneak Up on Jinx
Lloyd thought it would be funny. Just a little jump scare.
He crept up behind Jinx, took a deep breath, and—
Jinx didn't flinch. Instead, a shadow tendril instantly shot out, wrapping around Lloyd's ankle and suspending him upside down.
Lloyd flailed. "Hey! Put me down!"
Jinx sipped his tea. "No."
7. The Curse of the Sticky Door
Kai, Jay, and Cole stood outside Jinx's room.
"Why does he keep his door locked all the time?" Jay asked.
Kai shrugged. "Only one way to find out." He reached for the handle.
It opened easily.
The three ninja exchanged glances, stepping inside.
The second they did, shadows surged, the door slammed shut, and eerie laughter filled the room. The walls twisted, warping in endless black.
A voice echoed.
"Curiosity is a dangerous thing."
The door creaked open. Jinx stood there, smirking.
Cole shivered. "I am never opening that door again."
8. Wu Regrets Teaching Jinx Tea Etiquette
Wu had spent hours teaching Jinx the art of tea drinking. The importance of patience. Balance. Refinement.
Jinx nodded along. Seemed interested.
Then, the next day—
Jay: "Why is Jinx drinking his tea with pinky extended, wearing a top hat?"
Kai: "No idea, but I hate it."
Jinx, sipping elegantly: "You uncultured swine wouldn't understand."
Wu sighed. "I have created a monster."
9. Jinx's Shadow Puppet Theater
The ninja sat around the fire.
Jinx raised his hands, and his shadows twisted into eerie shapes.
"And then…" Jinx's voice dropped to a whisper. "The ghost reached out and—"
"BOO!" The shadows lunged at Jay.
Jay shrieked, tripping over himself. The others burst into laughter.
Jinx smirked. "And that concludes tonight's performance."
Jay, shaking: "I hate you all."
10. Jinx and the 'Emergency'
Nya burst into the room, panting. "Jinx! It's an emergency!"
Jinx immediately stood. "What? What happened?"
Nya held out her phone. "We're out of milk."
Jinx stared. "Nya."
"We need milk."
Jinx sighed, grabbing his coat. "Fine. But next time, actual emergencies only."
Five minutes later—
Jay barged in. "Jinx! Emergency!"
Jinx: "What now?"
Jay: "We're also out of cookies."
Jinx facepalmed.