Chapter 5: Volume #5- The End Days Pt. 1
4 Months later after the "Incident"
The door opens as Danny walks into the house, his Mom cooking dinner in the kitchen while Marco was on the couch playing video games. Danny then closed the door before walking toward Marco "Whats up little brother!" He ruffled up Marco's hair before hugging his mom "Hey.. sorry i'm a bit late a lots been going on." As he pulled away he walks upstairs to his room before closing the door, he then slid off his shoes and called up his friend "Prince Splode" Aka Pharrell Hawkins. "BRO THAT PARTY WAS CRAZYYYY!!!" As Pharrell yells through the phone Danny scrunches back from the speaker, "Bro chill out would you?" "Whats up with you? you don't see, as energetic.." I don't know... I just kinda feel bad about what happened Mike.." Danny looked downward at the ground frowning. "Bro why?! he beat you to a pulp and left you for dead... if anything you should wanna KILL HIM!!" As Pharrell yelled through the phone Danny hung up, tossing his phone on the floor before laying down on his bed, he then grabbed his headphones and covered his ears with them before shutting his eyes. He sighed lowering his shoulders as he relaxed peacefully. "BUZZZ.....BZZZZ.... BZZZZ..." Just then his beeper rang, "Another crime?! Gosh..." Danny then stood up tossing his headphones to the side and getting dressed.
Invulnerable walked out onto the roof his new fresh and improved suit shining in the sun. His yellow and black suit represented a sense of hope... and thats what the people loved about him. As he hops off the rooftop he flies into the sky his fist in front of him as he flew through the windy night sky, a frequency could be heard from his left ear... a loud one at that. As he manuvers through the tall buildings of New York he encounters a sewer system. Invulnerable lands walking inside before being met with an insufferable stench. "Gosh... what's that smell ?" As he rubbed his nose he followed the frequency into a large open area of a sewer system filled with technology and mysterious Androids. Invulnerable glances around the area before noticing what seems to be a green eyed glow from the shadows. He then got into stance balling his fist to see whatever foe appeared. Just then it dashed toward Invulnerable activating a laser type saw as it began cutting toward him, Invulnerable backsteps falling into the wall behind him as the Androids eyes began to glow brighter before firing a beam right into Invulnerable's chest burning a slight cut in his suit. "AGH!" As he grasped his chest he flies forward jabbing it into its chest ripping out its Mechanical heart with ease. As it fell to the ground is sparked before repeating the term, "Mission failed, alert bishop." Invulnerable raised a brow before all the androids in the room began turning on, more than 30 of them stood off their stands and began approaching Invulnerable. "That's not good..." He then flies what looks to be a control panel before being blasted through 3 walls, but it wasn't by a android.
"You weren't supposed to find this Danny." Suddenly Bishop walks from the shadows holding a pulse rifle, Invulnerable then taps on his beeper trying to call the Protectors of the Globe. But it was Deactivated. "Why would you do this ?" As Invulnerable stands up dusting himself off he balls his fist walking toward Bishop. "It was the only way to separate you from that maniac of yours, I had to cause a distraction." Invulnerable than charges forward kicking into the ground, causing a shockwave from below to erupt under Bishops feet sending him flying outward, "WOAHH!" The white haired male than was caught by one of the Androids that placed him down, "Im sorry kid, this is how.... this is how its supposed to be...." As Bishop states this out of breathe he spits onto the sewage water being hitting a red button that causes the Androids eyes to go from green to red. The Androids than began forming guns out of their shoulders and arms as they began firing toward Invulnerable. He then grabs a large piece of rubble and bull rushes forward as pieces of the rubble began to evaporate from the plasma guns began fired at him. Invulnerable than kicks the rubble forward pushing the androids backward crushing them. He then flies through the roof of this sewer system causing a load of water to flood over the androids as he escapes from the scene. "Come on! Pick up!" Invulnerable attempts to call Pharrell as he flies through the air. Invulnerable suddenly gets a missile sent hurling into him as he groans hurling into a roof of a Empty High school. As he groans getting up weakly, he looks around suddenly being inside of a science lab. Suddenly multiple Highly Plated vehicles arrived in front of the school, multiple armored guards rushed into the building loading their rifles. More than 50 men rush in crowding the halls of the high school. "Hmph... I guess i'm gonna have to fight my way out here.." As Invulnerable grins he walks out the science classroom looking at the soldiers approaching, "BRING IT ON THEN!"
Meanwhile On Planet S-157....
Mike sits there on a rock formation, his hair had grew out and got more white, he looked radiant but pale at the same time. Mike's been there for 4 months now just sitting there. Suddenly a large spaceship lands onto the planet as Mike stands up glaring at it, bags under his eyes and all. The spaceship lands as the door opens to a large male Wolf Lion of such... ? The man had brads hanging down from his beard, he had a lions face and mane but also looked like a wolf, he was all white like he had been in snow. The man approached Mike, This beast wore Plated red and gold armor with a Baton of such on his back. "A Novian... Here in the middle of nowhere.. hmph?" The man scratched his beard grinning as he glared at Mike. "Wait... Wait... Your the Omega-Man... or in the galaxy known as a traitor." "That was a decade ago, Cyttorak." The Man known as Cyttorak grins before sliding the staff from his back, it was spiked and shaped in a form of a club. Mike balls his fist and sighs... he was tired... but he needed to see his son. Mike walks forward as Cyttorak dashes toward him gripping his club.
To be continued next week....