Chapter 4: Volume #4- What just happened ?

The Protectors of the Globe HQ

The door opened to an entire base of technology and heroes belongings as Danny and Bishop walked through to find his new team. "Attention Protectors! You have a new member!" Danny gulped before walking forward waving to approaching heroes. A group of 4 other people walked up, each one of them looking unique. "Wassup man! i'm Prince Splode! I make things explode." He grinned before nodding at Danny, he had a light orange and dark orange suit on with the upper half being dark orange including his mask. "I think he knows that Prince lame! Im Debbie... I can manipulate and crease plasma rays or beams if you must know." She smiled before looking at Danny, the two locked eyes instantly blushing at each other. Debbie was a redheaded 17 year old that was slim but had an athletes body. "And thats cooler then EXPLODING?!" Prince Splode exclaimed yelling at Debbie. "Im Iceman, I guess you can figure out what I can do." He was covered in solid sparkling ice before nodding at Danny. "Im The thinker, the mastermind of this group." Suddenly a 12 year old kid walked out from a suit that was similar to somewhat of a metal superhero ? (Robot aka Rudy) As the team chattered among each other it was chaotic but welcoming. "Im Danny aka INVULNERABLE, son of omega man." "Son of omega man huh?! Well Well Well! just call me your best buddy then!" Prince Splode said this with a funny tone, before wrapping his arm around Danny. As Danny turned bishop had disappeared ? already ? but he didn't mind. It gave Danny more time to spend with the new team. 

Meanwhile in the District 9 Apartments ...

A man in a large black cloak and a black tophat walked forward, he was about 6"8 and had a very robotic look to him? as he walked through the sketchy and drug ridden apartment hallways he encountered a specific room 101. As he knocked on the footsteps approached, "OI! Who is at the door !? I swear if its one of you ding dong ditchers again!" The man spoke in Caribbean accent, a heavy tone at that. As the man opens the door he hides a UZI behind his back, just then he looks up at the man in horror, it was an exoskeleton... or more like a terminator... whatever it was it was freakish. The man took the Uzi from behind his back and began firing into the machine as he stepped backward yelling, "GUYS COME ON! WE GOT AN INTRUDER!" As the bullets just rolled off of him the robot unzipped his large coat, forming his arm into a rifle, as it charged up it firing into the thug... the thug evaporating into little blood bits. As the other guys saw this while gearing up they quickly loaded their rifles before firing into this intruder. Suddenly the top hat was shot off, the robot's gleaming green eyes were revealed as it then fired back at the thugs, the entire room than went silent as scattered footsteps could be heard from other rooms. "Mission.. Completed." In a deep robotic tone the android repeated this sentence twice before walking toward the balcony and flying away using its built in jets. As it flew back to its designated location it blasted through the air, the citizen's of New York assuming it was a superhero. After minutes later it landed in an abandoned sewer system before shutting off almost immediately after landing. Just then the bishop walks forward from the shadows glaring at the android, "Nice, I want hundreds more of these patrolling the city... better yet the universe." As he grinned in a freakishly nasty way the mad scientist behind it all opened his mouth, "Are you sure about that? even with all the superheroes.. I would never work for you!" An African American man stood forward his fishbone braids, he was a heavier guy but still gave off that mad scientist look.

"I don't care how many heroes there are, they'll all be dead soon enough." Bishop then took out a pistol before laying it to the Scientist skull, "Aside from this stench in this sewer Im smelling something from you? Maybe attitude huh? You will do what I ask of you... and you'll like it." As these words echoed in the mans ears he nodded, his only thoughts being the gun pointed at him. Meanwhile .... Danny flew back home onto the balcony of his room before sliding open the window and crawling in... he was supposed to be here 4 hours ago because of early curfew. "Where were you son." Suddenly a stern voice was heard from Danny's rolling chair, as mike turned in it he glared at Danny... demanding an answer just with his eyes. "I was minding my business, maybe you should do the same huh?" Danny responded back with sass as Mike aggressively stood up, "WATCH YOUR MOUTH WHEN YOU TALK TO ME! YOU WERE OUT WITH BISHOP WEREN"T YOU?!" As Mike screams toward him these yells meant nothing to anyone else since Marco and Beverly weren't home. "SHUT UP! IM A HERO NOW! YOU JUST GOTTA ACCEPT IT!" Danny balled his fist puffing out his nose. "Danny... Bishop is bad people and he only wants to use you, he's murdered innocents! without any notice!" "I Don't case what he's did ! your a liar and a killer too! your the reason those families can't see their loved ones who died on that airplane!" Just then silence broke into the room, as Mike walked forward toward Danny he got up close and personal. "Don't say that again." Mike looked right into Danny's eyes furiously. "Your a murderer with a hot temper." Danny pushed Mike backwards before walking toward the briefcase laying on his bed. Just then Mike walked forward grabbing Danny by the collar and throwing him through the roof. "BOOOM!" The roof collapsed on Mike as he blasted in the air, his suit covered in dust... but why was his suit on in the first place?

As Danny flew through the roof he grunted as Mike followed up by punching him in the cheek sending him hurling back further, Danny's lip busting on impact from the punch alone. "SAY IT AGAIN DANNY!" Mike than slams his knee into Danny's lip in mid-air before gorilla pounding him into a empty grass field just outside of New York. Danny flies into the ground as his Civillian clothes ripped on impact as he tumbled through the flowers and grass. Danny's upper half of clothes were completely ripped as the fabric from his clothes alone was left along the field. "NOW WHAT?! CAT GOT YOUR TONGUE?!" Yelling toward Danny he than gets up weakly or tries to lean up as Mike charges forward kneeing him in the jaw sending him hurling back farther. His ribs breaking on impact from the attack. Danny lies on the dirt as blood drips down his face... "Never... and I mean ever... mention that name again." "Got it?" Mike stares at Danny as his gloves drip from blood, his cape flying into the sky due to the heavy wind. "F...u..." Mike than stomps on Danny's stomach rapidly "RAHHH!" his foot bashing into him, Danny lays stuck into the crater that his father caused, his temper just showed why he's a monster and who he can be. Mike than spat near Danny's side before then flying into the sky his figure fading into the sky. Danny cries, tears rolling down his cheeks as he coughs up blood and spit. Half of the bones in his body being broken even with his superhuman physique. 

Mike flies through space, the coldness of space itself not meaning anything to a Novian of himself. As He soars through space he encoutners the moon before flying right through it, creating a human sized hole in it as he continues to fly through the sky.. his rage overflowing him as well as the tears that dripped from his cheeks... he knows that there is no return. As pieces of the moon sat on his suit he flew through the galaxy at High speeds before encountering an alien planet known as the Xerves planet, a peaceful race of aliens or was... Mike than blast forward into the planet, as the people of Xerves just watched as a gray and white suited man with a cape covered in blood flew toward them. He than crashes through the buildings as they crumbled to the ground... entire colonies destoryed in a single minute. "KABOOOM!" The whiplash of his flight being left behind killing anybody in his path. Suddenly from a distance in space Mike is seen flying out of the planet, a entire city destroyed because of his own pain. Mike than burst through even faster breaking the sound barrier itself as he flies into the sky before encountering another planet known as S-157.. a empty hollow dust filled planet. He than landed onto the hollow planet before walking toward a rocky structure before sitting down glancing at the second sun in this new galaxy he was in. Things were about to change... and not for the best.

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