HP :Pokemon In Horgwart


Twice, one of his roommates had shaken him in an attempt to wake him up, but Magnus had just grunted and pulled the blankets even tighter.

It couldn't be that late... surely he had a few more minutes.

Yesterday had been... well, a typical opening day.

The common room had been crowded with students who were probably catching up on numerous vacation escapades.

Magnus did not linger long in the common room, and it wasn't just him. Most of the ten Ravenclaw first-years had preferred to head directly to their dormitories.

Maybe it was the curiosity to familiarize themselves with what would be their new home for their entire school years, but there was also the fact that the Ravenclaw common room hardly looked like a place to socialize.

I mean, it was comfortable and well-furnished, but unlike the Gryffindor common room, this one looked more like a luxury library.

There were towering bookshelves lining the walls as well as numerous study desks across the room.

The place was lit by a dozen or so floating candles, and the center of the room featured a huge floating globe.

Everything was either blue or bronze, which were the colors of Ravenclaw.

Their dorm rooms, on the other hand, were probably the best in all the houses.

In the films, he had seen the Gryffindor dorm rooms, even glimpsed Slytherin's, but there was so little information on Ravenclaw that everything here felt like an adventure.

Since the Ravenclaw tower was among the tallest towers in the castle, it granted its residents one of the best views of the Black Lake, the Quidditch grounds, and the Forbidden Forest.

Magnus had spent some time at the broad windows staring down at Hagrid's cabin, hoping to decipher what was happening to the eggs they had chosen.

Later, one of his roommates had said that the eggs would hatch in a week.

Magnus could not recall who. He shared the room with Michael Corner, Anthony Goldstein, and another whom he scarcely recalled the name of... but definitely a certain Kelvin.

That statement sparked a new discussion that went way into midnight, even after the candles had magically dimmed themselves.

Earlier, the headmaster had reminded the rest of the students that no Pokémon were allowed in the corridors or the Great Hall. Only first-years were exempted from this rule.

The reason for the first-years' exemption was that the hatched Pokémon were considered harmless in the early stages and also needed to bond with their new partners.

This was the piece of news that kept Magnus awake, scheming and coming up with plans.

He would need Pokémon to test his research on, and when his inventions came to life, he would need them even more.

And right now, he really had to go for breakfast, or he would find the tables empty.

He had only slipped out of his robes the previous night, which was what he slipped on now, along with his shoes, and then broke into a run.

The good thing was that there was still food, but not much choice.

The early birds had apparently enjoyed the spoils. He had to settle for an omelet and porridge—a weird combination, but one that went down with no problem.

The trouble was, he had hardly begun to eat when Professor Flitwick arrived with the timetables.

That was when Magnus noticed that the only thing keeping everyone at the table was the timetables.

Soon enough, only first-years and both the female and male prefects remained.

"Edgar, you might want to tell Magnus here what happens if he does the same for his classes," Professor Flitwick addressed the male prefect.

"I will, Professor," Edgar answered, giving Magnus the look.

Magnus did not even have time to figure out how Professor Flitwick already knew him.

Edgar was one of the characters he hadn't seen in the films, and he had only interacted with him twice—once last night and now.

Those times, however, had been enough to learn some of his traits.

Well… he was brilliant. Last night, he had let them try answering the eagle knocker riddles, which were the only way to access Ravenclaw Tower.

When they failed, he had answered all correctly and had them try again until they got it right.

He hadn't missed even one.

He was also a person of few words. He had hardly reprimanded anyone in the common room, but when someone had become too noisy, he would just catch their eye, and they would fall silent… or lower their voice.

Magnus had seen this happen more than once, and he had hence named it 'the look.'

When everyone had received the timetables, Professor Flitwick went back to the teachers' table and left them with the prefects.

The rest soon followed the other first-years from the other tables once they had gotten directions. Only Magnus remained, finishing his breakfast.

Well… and Edgar.

"Lateness in classes means point deduction". The prefect said watching him. "That doesn't happen often in Ravenclaw, and when it does, make sure you have earned some, because a Ravenclaw doesn't take from what they haven't earned."

Magnus decided he had judged him too early.

Those were certainly a mouthful of words.

"Sorry," he mumbled, quickly swallowing the porridge and pushing the bowl aside.

"Nothing to be sorry for… just make sure no rubble falls from Ravenclaw because of you."

Edgar was already leaving when Magnus asked what he thought must have been the dumbest question anyone could have asked.

"What happens if you lose points you haven't earned?"

It wasn't arrogance.


He just did not know much about Ravenclaw since it hadn't been a big feature in both the films and books. And from the way Edgar had said it… Magnus had a feeling he hadn't just said that as a reprimand. He had said it in a way to suggest something actually happened when you lost points you hadn't earned.

Magnus was sure the prefect might have answered him. At the very least, he was about to say something, but Professor Flitwick chose that moment to call him from the high table.

"You would best hurry up. Classes start soon," Edgar said, heading to the teachers' table.

Magnus did just that.

He ran out of the Great Hall—ramming into Hagrid, who was entering the hall at the same time.

"Blimey... yer watch out where yer goin', kid," Hagrid said, easily pulling him to his feet.

"Sorry," Magnus gave a hasty apology, but Hagrid still had his hold on him.

"Can't run like that, can ye? Yer'll break both yer legs... the castle is full of vanishing steps, ain't it?"

He was right… he had to be careful.

But while running.

However much he wished to know what happened when a Ravenclaw lost points they hadn't earned… it wasn't going to be him as the subject.

As soon as he lost sight of Hagrid, he broke into an even crazier run.

The problem was that the day held a different plan because before it ended, Magnus would lose more than just a few points


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