Magnus towered above the other first years who had lined up in front of the Great Hall.
His eyes were hovering over the four long tables where the rest of the students sat, glaring at them.
The massive double doors were suddenly thrown open, and for a minute, everyone's attention shifted from them.
Hagrid walked in, pushing a sizable trolley.
The silence that had fallen into the Great Hall broke into hushed whispers as most of the students craned their necks for a better look as the trolley passed near their table.
When it got near enough, Magnus realized why.
"It's the Pokémon eggs... for our starter Pokémon," Ron, who was standing next to him, whispered.
He was right.
Even from the anime, Magnus had not seen Pokémon eggs, but he knew from the lores that all Pokémon hatched from an egg.
In the anime, trainers just got a starter Pokémon from a local professor, not an egg.
Looking at them, Magnus immediately gave up any hopes of getting a bigger Pokémon.
I mean, all the eggs appeared to be of the same size.
They were twice as big as a turkey egg, but still, that was too small for any decent Pokémon.
Even with evolution, Magnus could not imagine something like a Rhyperior hatching from something so small.
Then again, that was exactly the school's plan—to make sure all the Pokémon were harmless and portable.
'Size doesn't matter,' Magnus reminded himself.
As long as he put his plan into play as soon as possible, he would be able to trigger evolution in whichever Pokémon he got. The only fear was what the school would do if this happened.
"That's all of them, Professor," Hagrid said, placing the trolley next to the Sorting Hat.
"Thank you, Hagrid," the Deputy Headmistress nodded.
Magnus noticed that Hagrid had produced another empty basket, which he also placed on the trolley next to the one with eggs.
McGonagall called for silence, and the hall fell into a hush once more.
She turned to them.
"When I call your name, you will sit on that stool and slip on the hat. Understood?"
Magnus mumbled his understanding with the rest; his mind, however, was elsewhere.
'I know nothing, I know nothing,' he rehearsed the mantra inside his head. His plan was to try and empty his mind to stop the Sorting Hat from seeing what he knew.
The Headmistress's voice, however, broke through his focus.
"You will then head over to the basket with eggs and pick one... all eggs are the same in appearance, so don't bother being picky... I will mark your egg, and you will place it in that empty basket. Questions?"
Nobody had any, and she began right away.
"Pansy Parkinson."
It did not take long for the hat to confirm what he already knew.
"Slytherin!" came the shout, followed by thundering cheers from the table at the corner.
Pansy placed the hat back on the stool and picked almost the first egg she laid eyes on in the basket.
She did not appear to spare any thought at all on the matter.
McGonagall, who had now moved to stand next to Hagrid, did something with her wand before instructing Pansy to deposit her egg in the empty basket.
More cheers greeted her as she headed to the Slytherin table.
One after another, Magnus watched as the other first years repeated the process without pausing to give much thought to the eggs.
Of course, there was no difference in their appearances, but most certainly, these eggs would hatch different Pokémon—how could anyone not have a moment of doubt?
He had been too preoccupied with his thoughts that he had not realized he was now the last student.
McGonagall hesitated as if wondering whether there was any need to repeat the same name twice.
"..... Magnus."
Magnus edged almost mechanically towards the stool like someone who was going for an execution.
He lifted the hat, sat down, and slipped it on.
'I know nothing, I know nothing...' he began the rehearsed mantra, trying hard to focus on nothing else but the words.
And for a few seconds there, he actually thought he had beaten the hat.
Until a sudden voice scoffed inside his head.
'Is that so... mmh, I am of a different opinion... It's all in here... You do seem to know quite a lot... Let me have a look.'
And to his utter horror, vivid scenes he had been trying to block from surfacing began to flash across his mind.
They seemed to start with his latest thoughts, moving backwards.
'Oh... you wished to hide your thoughts from me... huh!... Never found one who succeeded.... And my, what's this... This world is nothing but an imagination.... hmm!... That is quite some deep thought from a kid of your age... Can't say you are right, but I suppose in the grand scale of things, one thing could be argued to exist in one form or the other.'
Magnus gave up his mantra and sat there helplessly as a freaking hat combed through his mind.
'Now... now... Me, snitching on people's secrets? I must say I'm insulted. Perhaps I should put you in Slytherin...'
"No... no... please not Slytherin," Magnus pleaded.
'But I see it all here... So much ambition and a willingness to stop at nothing... So much desire for survival, a willingness to push aside anything that stands in your way... You would thrive in the House of Salazar Slytherin,' the hat reiterated.
"I... please, not Slytherin... anywhere but there."
'Mmh... I see... There is also so much knowledge... so much desire to learn... to discover... You could also do well in RAVENCLAW!'
Unlike the conversation inside his head, Magnus heard the last words being shouted out loud.
He took off the hat and was immediately greeted with a loud cheer from the Ravenclaw table.
'Thank the heavens,' Magnus thought. He had hoped it would be Gryffindor, but Ravenclaw was equally good.
What's more, the Sorting Hat had confirmed it did not tell people's secrets, which was quite a relief.
Despite McGonagall's warning, Magnus had intended to be choosy, but when he got to the basket... well, there was nothing to choose from.
Only one egg lay in the basket.
They must have brought exactly the same number as that of the new students.
He picked it up and presented it to the professor.
She repeated the same action as with all the others before him, and when Magnus checked the egg, there were small but legible letters on the shell.
It was his name, only it seemed to be part of the egg itself.
"Hand it here," Hagrid instructed when Magnus seemed to take forever scrutinizing his egg.
He placed the egg gently on top of the rest and made a line for the Ravenclaw table, which was still applauding him.
"Not bad, mate!" one of the twins shouted as he passed near the Gryffindor table.
Magnus saw both the twins and Lee were also applauding.
'Not bad,' Magnus repeated.
Considering how close he had been to joining Slytherin, it was not bad at all.
At the moment, all he could think of was—what would his Pokémon be?
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