Gender Swap: The Introvert’s Broadcast

chapter 128 - The Quarterfinals are not Possible

In fact, when we first did the scrims, there weren’t really any problems.
It was because the other teams didn’t know the strength of our team.
So, it could be said that we kind of got away with it.

But now—
‘The AD carry keeps getting targeted…’
It was really hard to control the game.

So, I sat down quietly and tried to think of a good strategy.
The AD carry kept getting dived, so I thought it might be better to give the support champion something more suited to dealing with dives.
Though the champion was already good against dives, compared to other tank champions, it wasn’t that tanky.

“Cho’Gath is obviously a joke, but I’ve been thinking, it might be better to give the support a sturdier champion.”
Oh, that was a joke?
“...Of course, it was a joke. What’s the point of practicing Cho’Gath?”
It was a simple fact.

It wasn’t like Cho’Gath was a good champion. What would be the point of practicing him?
We’d be lucky if we didn’t get penalized for trolling.
[🗡️전지좆능한크툴루: Cho'Gath AD carry?] [🗡️전지좆능한크툴루: Who would do that lol] [Seriously, it’s such a bad champion, of course, it’s a joke.] [강후민입니다: Rimaldo, you’re so dumb...] [But seriously, Cho'Gath is useless.] [In team games, that champ only works if the enemy team is all AP lol]

After discussing and deciding which champion could perfectly cover the AD carry getting killed, we wrapped up the conversation.
“Okay, let’s go with that and… let’s jump into the next match.”
Let’s go!!!!
We started the next scrim match, still hearing Parsley’s loud voice. This time, we were taking it much more seriously.

If we kept losing games, it would affect our morale.
After a few matches, I could definitely see where our team’s strengths and weaknesses were.
“If only the top lane wasn’t getting smashed, we’d win easily.”
If Kang Hoomin just held the top lane, it looked like we could win the game without much difficulty. After all, Kang Hoomin was good at playing tank champions.

[🗡️전지좆능한크툴루: Seriously, though.] [🗡️전지좆능한크툴루: You’re really doing well? Lol.] [Just give the support a sturdy champion and we win.] [If we just handle the dives well, we win.] [강후민입니다: Who’s going to stop the Dama team now that we’ve fixed our weaknesses? Lol.] [If we fix the weaknesses, no one can stop us.]
We had definitely fixed our weaknesses.
Of course, other teams might notice this and start targeting the top lane, but if that happens, we can just come up with a counter-strategy. We just need to stay flexible.

‘I really think we can win this.’
Normally, I wouldn’t get so excited, but it really felt like victory was within reach. We had fixed our weaknesses.
However, I couldn’t let the viewers know about this.

It could easily backfire.
“I need to focus and do my best.”
If this were back when we had fewer viewers, I wouldn’t care as much, but with the number of viewers and subscribers going up now, I couldn’t act like I did before. I had to be more careful and mindful of my actions.

[Getting too excited always leads to failure.] [Have you ever seen someone who was celebrating winning before the competition even started actually win?] [Are you seriously mentioning Rimaldo, who was messing around and got 8th place without even practicing the day before the tournament???] [Temporary logout.] [🗡️전지좆능한크툴루: Don’t mention Taz.] [🗡️전지좆능한크툴루: Don’t cause controversy.] [강후민입니다: If it’s Taz, then it’s not like that.] [It’s kind of awkward to call him Taz.] [He’s a streamer I’m close to.]
“I never said that. Stop talking nonsense.”
With that, I quickly whispered to the manager.

[Me -> 전지좆능한크툴루: Please stop talking nonsense.]
I didn’t want the viewers to misunderstand.
After handling that, I addressed the team.

“Alright, the tournament starts soon. Let’s just follow what I mentioned in the announcement yesterday.”
As long as we stuck to the plan, we could easily win the first set.
I was boosting the team’s morale when—

Dama team and ‘Miserable Life Is Hard’ team, please get ready. We’ll start in 3 minutes.
The manager came into Discord, said this, and left.
Hearing that made me a bit nervous. I was feeling jittery.
“Let’s win.”

With that, we started the ban-pick phase for the first match.
This was the beginning of our journey for the 50 million won prize.

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