chapter 127 - Infinite Scream Hell
The café owner’s remark about "bleeding money in the bank" made me realize just how much she had spent on the renovations. I knew how much money she had, and for her to say something like that, it must have meant that a substantial amount had gone into the interior work.
And maybe that’s why it felt a bit burdensome.
The idea that the two of us would have to manage such a café together—yeah, it felt a bit overwhelming.
“I’ll try my best. After all, it’s your café, not just any other café. I’ll work hard.”
“You speak well. Then I’ll show you how to use the new things around here.”
The café owner said this and introduced the new additions to the café.
“We’ve got some new menu items. They’re not too hard, but if someone’s doing it for the first time, it might be a bit tricky, so make sure you get the hang of it.”
She then moved to another corner and spoke about some other things.
“These are for when it rains or snows. If you press this button, they’ll clean off any dust or debris. Just make sure you tidy up after.”
“Got it.”
There were a lot of new things, but nothing seemed too difficult. Most things were straightforward enough to pick up quickly.
After the owner finished explaining everything about the café, she said, “I’m off now. I’ve been waking up so early for the café lately, I’m exhausted. Ye-ram, take care of Jihu.”
With that, the café owner left, leaving me and Sin Ye-hwa alone in the shop. Now, it was time for us to talk.
“Are you enjoying streaming these days?”
“Of course, it’s fun. I get to play games and get paid for it.”
That was an obvious answer. It wasn’t like I had nothing to do on stream. And when you’re streaming, you get paid—why would I pass that up?
Thinking about that, I continued the conversation.
“By the way, you don’t chat as much during streams anymore, huh? You used to chat a lot.”
“Well, it feels a little weird typing inappropriate things when we already know each other.”
“You don’t have to type that kind of stuff.”
“If I’m not typing that, then why am I watching the stream?”
“…Is that so?”
Her way of thinking seemed a bit odd. I found it kind of ridiculous and started tidying up the area to open the café.
A while later, I asked, “Should we open now?”
“Yeah, let’s open.”
It was about time, and now it was time to open the shop. I tied my apron, hoping for a steady flow of customers.
“Wow… I almost died.”
I never expected this many customers to show up. I thought we’d get a fair amount, being a new opening, but this was way beyond what I had anticipated.
“…I’ll have to ask the owner to hire another part-timer. This is crazy.”
Sin Ye-hwa seemed to feel the same way, sitting down for a brief break. It made sense. She had been making coffee all day from the same spot.
“Well, I’m heading out now.”
It was time for me to clock out. I would have liked to stay and help more, but I couldn’t work more than what was outlined in the contract. I didn’t want to make the owner feel bad either.
“Wow, you’re just leaving like this? Legendary.”
“I’ll help more tomorrow. Just work a little harder today.”
“…Okay. So, tomorrow I absolutely have to stay longer?”
“I’ll consider it positively.”
I said that and quickly headed home. As soon as I got in—
“There! You need to take a right!!”
I saw Ye-ram sitting at the computer, playing games with intense focus.
I wondered just how much she had wanted to play games while studying for the entrance exam. I was impressed by her enthusiasm and handed her a coffee.
“Here, have this while you play. I brought it for you.”
“Oh, thanks.”
Ye-ram gave a quick gesture and started playing again. Her hands moved so quickly.
‘She’s really into Leore.’
I used to learn Leore from Ye-ram. Time sure flies, I thought, sitting down at my computer, getting distracted for a moment before starting the broadcast.
[The broadcast has started!]
I greeted everyone, and soon enough, viewers began flooding in.
I had a coffee, fiddled with my phone for a bit, and waited—
[🗡️전지좆능한크툴루: Sis is here] [🗡️전지좆능한크툴루: Say hi] [ㅎㅇㅎㅇ] [What’s going on today?] [Let’s play Leore! Let’s play Leore! Let’s play Leore! Let’s play Leore! Let’s play Leore! Let’s play Leore!] [강후민입니다: Can we play something else for a change?]
Chat messages were flying in.
Among them, some interesting ones stood out.
“Play something else? I’d love to, but... I need to prepare for the tournament. I don’t have time for anything else.”
It wasn’t that I didn’t want to play other games. It’s just that the tournament was more important, and I had to focus on that.
[🗡️전지좆능한크툴루: Looks like the prize money is pretty big] [🗡️전지좆능한크툴루: Seeing other streamers focus on the tournament too.] [You could take a few days off the stream saying you’re preparing for the tournament, right? Haha.] [That’s true.] [But aren’t you doing scrims? Shouldn’t you practice in scrims to improve your skills?] [강후민입니다: Others are doing scrims nonstop.] [환희: Hey!]
That’s crucial.
You need to practice a lot in scrims to get the feel of real matches.
That way, you won’t choke during actual games.
“Don’t worry. I’ve scheduled infinite scrims for today.”
I had arranged for a massive amount of scrims today. I gave the team time to practice unfamiliar champions, so we were going to cram the scrims into one day.
Just as I said that—
-Hi, Dama!
Rimaldo joined the Discord.
He didn’t come into a one-on-one chat with me but joined the team’s group discussion.
“Hey! Have you practiced much?”
This was the most important question.
I had been hopping between streams, telling the others which champions they could try, but practicing was up to the individual.
I’ve been practicing Miss Fortune really well. You don’t need to worry about me. “Okay… I’m looking forward to it.”
Although I said that, I wasn’t really expecting much.
It’s Rimaldo, after all.
I just hoped he could contribute at least one decent game.
While thinking this, the rest of the team joined the chat.
-How’s it going? -Hi!! -Good to see you.
It seemed like they were all waiting for someone to join first.
“Alright, now that everyone’s here, we’ll start the scrims. Let’s assume everyone practiced their champions well… if you mess up, there will be a penalty.”
The penalty wasn’t too harsh.
Maybe just playing ten matches with Cho’Gath in solo queue.
I thought about that and invited everyone into the scrim room I had prepared.
[LondonIsDangerous: Let’s have a good scrim.] [LondonIsDangerous: Let’s go for a 5-match, best of 3 series.] [Pepe: Yeah!]
Thanks to Mangming’s introduction, we were finally able to set up the scrim.
I thought I’d owe him a gum at some point and we went into the ban-pick phase.
“Alright, let’s do what we discussed.”
I explained the team composition in Discord as simply as possible, so even someone unfamiliar with Leore could understand.
With that, we began the ban-pick phase.
And a bit later—
“Perfect ban-pick.”
The ban-pick went perfectly. Everyone except me had high-tier champions and a versatile pool, while I got the champions for supporting roles since I would be carrying.
[🗡️전지좆능한크툴루: The picks are so selfish.] [🗡️전지좆능한크툴루: This is hilarious.] [What can the team say?] [Can they even say anything to the Challenger? Haha.] [강후민입니다: Let’s see if we lose now.] [Sweetness, positive review haha.] [Why is this guy suddenly so sweet?] [But I feel like we’re going to lose. Hahaha.]
“Let’s win the first game quickly and get the momentum going.”
If we lost the first game, the morale of the team would drop.
With that thought, I started the game.
“Don’t worry, I’ll lead everything.”
Listening to Parsley’s loud voice, I began pushing forward with the game. It’s easy to carry when the team supports you.
As time passed—
“Aah, we lost.”
We lost pretty easily.
It seemed like the enemy had analyzed us and waited for us, so we couldn’t help it.
To lose the first game like this.
I thought the momentum was off and kept playing scrims, and after a few more games, I finally identified the problem.
“Rimaldo, go play twenty games with Cho’Gath in ranked.”
Rimaldo was the problem.
A pretty big one.