Chapter 33: Chapter 33: The Ironborn Prisoner
When Eddard arrived at the Umber camp, he found Greatjon Umber looking utterly exhausted, his eyes bloodshot with dark circles beneath them.
"Lord Eddard, we are one league from Seal Bay. We initially set up camp by the shore, but the pirates either raided our camp or beat their war drums from their ships, keeping our warriors from getting any rest. The coastline is too long; sometimes, the enemy lands further away, circling around to attack from the rear while the pirates assault us from the sea."
Eddard patted Greatjon's shoulder. "Damn the Rockborn pirates! When did these savages become so cunning?"
Domeric Bolton, heir to the Dreadfort, added, "Lord Eddard, according to all ancient records, the Rockborn of Skagos are not skilled in naval warfare or sailing. Why have they suddenly mastered sea battle tactics?"
Greatjon snorted. "Because the damn Ironborn pirates have allied with them."
Eddard nodded. "I know. The Rockborn pirates are equipped with Ironborn armor, weapons, and longships. But we lack direct evidence."
"Lord Eddard, we now have proof," Greatjon declared, motioning to his son, Smalljon, who soon dragged a bruised and bloodied prisoner into the tent.
The captive, a man in his thirties, was clad in chainmail stained with dried blood, his lips caked with congealed gore.
Greatjon struck the prisoner hard in the chest, causing him to grunt in pain. "Boy, tell Lord Eddard who sent you to raid the North."
"Balon Greyjoy, King of the Iron Islands, Reaver of Pyke," the prisoner rasped.
The tent erupted into an uproar.
"Lord Eddard, it was Balon all along! The North must march on the Iron Islands."
"Send word to King Robert! Let him raise the royal banners and punish Balon Greyjoy for treason."
"It is time to settle accounts with the Ironborn!"
Eddard's mind churned like a battlefield of clashing dragons. He had suspected Balon Greyjoy, given the overwhelming evidence—the Rockborn wielded Ironborn weapons, longships, and armor. Yet, when the truth appeared too obvious, a deeper conspiracy often lurked beneath. What did Balon stand to gain by extending the kraken's grasp to Skagos?
Among the enraged northern lords, Theon Greyjoy raised his voice. "My father would never send men to raid Skagos! The Ironborn have richer targets—the Stepstones, the Summer Sea. Why would we waste our strength on that desolate rock?"
Lady Maege Mormont of Bear Island sneered. "You wretched Ironborn heir, taken as Eddard Stark's ward! Balon Greyjoy craves revenge and has conspired with the Rockborn to weaken the North from within. Isn't it obvious?"
Ser Herman Tallhart of Torrhen's Square added, "Balon knows Iron Islands alone cannot challenge the North, so he allied with the Rockborn."
Ser Wendel Manderly of White Harbor nodded. "Indeed! The Ironborn claim they've stopped raiding the Seven Kingdoms, yet our western coast still suffers their depredations. Balon fears that an open invasion of the North would be seen as rebellion by King Robert, so he uses the Rockborn as proxies."
The northern lords voiced their agreement. Theon, desperate, protested, "Your entire case relies on a single prisoner's testimony! What if someone is scheming to pit the Ironborn against the North?"
Eddard had to concede. "Balon is a suspect, but Theon raises a valid point."
Greatjon kicked the prisoner. "Tell the young lord your name and origins."
"James Codd, of the Iron Islands," the captive muttered.
Theon grimaced. "That name means nothing! Anyone can claim to be Ironborn. Even if he is one of ours, he is just a commoner. What weight does his word carry?"
"He's lying," Theon insisted. "I grew up in the Iron Islands and never heard of James Codd. Do you know House Codd? They are the lowest of Ironborn nobility, descended from thralls. Even commoners scorn them—their house words are 'Beneath Contempt.' Can you believe such audacity?"
James Codd grinned wickedly. "It was Balon Greyjoy's orders. The Ironborn hate House Stark for helping Robert crush us. This is revenge. The Rockborn alliance was your uncle's idea—Euron Greyjoy."
Euron "Crow's Eye" Greyjoy, the most dangerous of the kraken's brood. During Balon's Rebellion, Euron masterminded the Iron Fleet's raid on Lannisport, burning the Lannister fleet in its own harbor. An alliance with the Rockborn was exactly his kind of ploy.
"According to Euron's plan, once the northern army is lured east to fight the Rockborn, Balon will send his brother, Victarion Greyjoy, to sack the North's western coast. The Ironborn will take Deepwood Motte, Bear Island, and even push as far as Barrowton!"
Bear Island had long suffered at the hands of Ironborn reavers, forcing its women to become warriors. Lady Maege Mormont paled. "If they strike while we are distracted, my island, my people, my home will be defenseless."
Galbart Glover added, "Deepwood Motte is also vulnerable—our wooden castle won't withstand fire."
A flash of triumph crossed James Codd's face, vanishing almost instantly, but Eddard noticed it.
"James, would you swear on the gods that everything you've said is true?"
James scoffed. "I am a prisoner. Why would I lie? I swear by the Old and New Gods, all I've said is fact."
Eddard's gaze hardened. "The Old and New Gods? Do the Ironborn not worship the Drowned God? Swear by him."
James hesitated, sweat beading on his forehead. "We are too far from the sea. The Drowned God cannot hear me."
Eddard's voice was ice. "We can smell the salt in the air. The Drowned God will hear. Swear that if you lie, you shall never feast in his watery halls."
James snarled, "No Ironborn would ever make such an oath!"
The northern lords saw the truth at last. Theon kicked James in the face. "This lying bastard hasn't spoken a single honest word!"
Umber soldiers dragged James Codd away. Domeric Bolton turned to Eddard, admiration in his eyes.
"Lord Eddard, we almost believed his lies. How did you see through him?"
Eddard exhaled. "He spoke too much. He..."
— Thanks to Venkat for subscribing in Warden of the Realm
— Thanks to Robin kristiansen for subscribing in Warden of the Realm
— Thanks to hussain jama for subscribing in Warden of the Realm
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