Game of Thrones: The Frozen Throne

Chapter 32: Chapter 32: Arrival at Last Hearth


Hello guys I want to talk about something you might think I'm crazy or something like that but I'm going to talk so I don't go crazy really what I'm going to talk about now has nothing to do with the novel but if you really want to give me advice I would welcome that with all my heart if you don't care scroll down to the mark that is the beginning of the chapter i hope you enjoy the chapter.

I am a first-year university student studying at a university of an acceptable level, and I live almost alone. At first, university life was great. I met good friends and was somewhat well-known among my classmates in my department, which has around 300 students. I am a social person and love helping others, which made me somewhat popular

I met a girl at university who needed help with something, so I helped her, and from there, we started talking a lot, sometimes for hours every day. She was a beautiful girl but had difficulty making friends and worked most of the time due to her family's financial situation. She also had issues with her father

I had no intention of getting into a relationship with her for several reasons. First, my financial situation was difficult because I was living almost alone and covering my expenses. Second, I had invested in a project that failed, forcing me to work to pay off debts. Lastly, I wasn't emotionally ready and wasn't looking for a relationship at the time

When I felt that she might want to take the relationship to a more serious level, I was honest with her and told her that I wasn't able to be in a relationship at the moment, at least until January or February. She accepted this at first, but later, she started giving hints that she was still interested. However, I ignored it because I was busy with work

Due to working long hours to pay off my debts, my available time became limited, which meant I talked to her less. She thought I was lying and assumed I liked another girl or was playing with her feelings

About two weeks later, one of my professors asked me to organize something related to attendance, and another girl was working with me on this task. On that day, the girl I used to talk to came to speak with me, but the girl working with me on the task intervened aggressively, thinking there was a problem

I tried to calm the situation and told her that this matter had nothing to do with our work, but she still stood with us. The first girl seemed embarrassed or maybe angry, so she said goodbye and left. I felt something was wrong, so after finishing my work, I tried to talk to her and apologize if there was any misunderstanding, but she told me she was on her way home, so we talked briefly and ended the conversation

After that incident, everything changed. I was absent from university for a week due to work because I wanted to finish paying off my debts. When I returned, I noticed that people started ignoring me or treating me coldly. I wasn't liked by everyone before, but I had never experienced such strange treatment

After some time, I spoke with one of my close friends at university, and he told me that the girl I used to talk to had an argument with the girl I was working with on the attendance task. I don't know the details of what happened, but apparently, this fight affected my reputation among my classmates, causing some of them to treat me differently

Even now, most of my classmates still treat me the same way, especially the girls. Only two real friends remain who don't care about what happened, but the rest either act cold toward me or ignore me completely

I am really confused and seriously considering leaving university, even though doing so would force me to transfer to a much worse university, which isn't a good option. Also, I don't have the money to buy the required e-books for this semester, which are necessary because they are linked to 25 points in the assessment

So, I don't know what to do at this point. Should I endure the cold treatment and continue my studies, or should I look for another option? I really need some honest advice

I have omitted many details so as not to be too long, but I think I did not really succeed in that.😂😂


Eddard Stark led the Northern army in a grand march away from Winterfell, heading north along the Kingsroad.

Catelyn, holding baby Rickon, stood alongside Robb, Sansa, Arya, and Bran, watching the Northern army set off.

For the past few days, Catelyn had been troubled by the war and frequently argued with Eddard about it. He did not blame her—after all, Winterfell was deeply in debt, owing fifty thousand gold dragons to the Iron Bank and another ten thousand to Lord Wyman Manderly of White Harbor. War was the most expensive endeavor of all.

Eddard's financial advisor, Klar, assured him that upon his victorious return, the forge, barracks, and the grand market would be fully operational. Mikken and his blacksmiths would craft sharp weapons and sturdy plate armor and chainmail. The grand market would provide shelter for Winter Town's traders, while the barracks would serve as a training and living space for the town's guards and as a future gathering point for Winterfell's army.

Douglas, the carpenter in charge of the toy workshop, would soon begin production. As a toy merchant who had traveled across the Seven Kingdoms, his wooden knight figurines and animal puppets promised to bring great profits to Winterfell.

At the front of the column, Eddard rode alongside Robert Glover of Deepwood Motte.

Robert Glover had sharp features, a head of unruly gray-brown hair, and a beard. He was lean yet broad-shouldered. Since his elder brother, Galbart Glover, had never married or had children, Robert was the heir to Deepwood Motte.

Eddard turned to him and said, "Robert, select twenty riders to scout ahead."

Robert frowned. "Lord Eddard, we've just left Winterfell. This is the heart of the North—what enemies could be here? Do we really need scouts?"

Eddard replied, "Would you rather wait until we reach the coast to send out scouts? A gathered army must always remain vigilant. My guard, Feran, will go with you."

Robert Glover, familiar with many of Winterfell's guards, had never seen Feran before. He examined the man. "Lord Eddard, is this one of your new recruits?"

Eddard responded, "Feran was once a poacher, but he is a master archer."

At the mention of "poacher," Robert's face darkened. "Lord Eddard, House Glover does not associate with poachers! Poachers do nothing but steal from the forests, robbing nobles of their rightful property." Given that much of House Glover's land was covered in forests, they had always despised poachers.

Eddard said firmly, "Feran has turned over a new leaf. He is my guard now. Take him with you and lead the scouts."

Reluctantly, Robert Glover took Feran and the scouts and set out.

To Eddard's left rode Syrio Forel, the Braavosi Water Dancer, while to his right, the hulking Dawson carried his thirty-pound battle-axe and held Eddard's Valyrian steel sword, Ice. Theon Greyjoy followed not far behind, wearing his usual smirk.

Jon Snow and Domeric Bolton rode together. Since Maester Luwin had remained in Winterfell, Eddard had entrusted Domeric with managing the ravens for correspondence, with Jon assisting him. They carried ten cages of ravens in total.

Leading the vanguard were cavalry and mounted archers from White Harbor, Torrhen's Square, and the Rills, numbering over two thousand men.

The infantry followed in the middle, wielding spears, axes, maces, and even farming tools like scythes and hammers.

At the rear marched the supply wagons, which Eddard had placed under the command of Ser Herman Tallhart of Torrhen's Square and Dallon Dustin of Barrowton. These wagons were filled with provisions, making them the army's most crucial asset.

As they neared Long Lake, warriors from the mountain clans began to join them—Flints, Wulls, Norreys, Rydels, Harclays, and more. Their numbers reached nearly two thousand, led by "Big Barrel" Wull and Donnel Flint.

Maege Mormont, Lady of Bear Island, arrived alongside the mountain clans, bringing six hundred warriors. Her daughter and heir, Dacey Mormont, was among them.

Upon reaching Last Hearth, the stronghold of House Umber, Hother Umber—known as the "Whoremonger"—came out to welcome them.

"Lord Eddard, Greatjon is leading our forces along the coast of Seal Bay, confronting the Rockborn pirates. Those damn raiders strike at night, then flee back to the sea at the sight of our soldiers. Our coastal fishing villages, farmland, and saltworks have all been ravaged."

Hother Umber was a gaunt, aging man with a long white beard. However, in his younger years, the "Whoremonger" had been a formidable figure. He had once traveled to Oldtown to study as a maester, but in his youth, he had strangled a would-be robber to death in a brothel with his bare hands—leading to rumors that the so-called whore had actually been a man.

Eddard gazed eastward. "My army will reach the coast soon. We march straight for Pirate's Bay."

Theon said, "Lord Eddard, Lord Karstark's lands are also plagued by Rockborn pirates. Shouldn't we send men to Karhold?"

"No need." The pirates were clearly waging a guerrilla war, and Eddard refused to let them dictate his strategy. "The last letter from Karhold reported that Lord Rickard Karstark was still battling the Rockborn in the northern forests. If the pirates are willing to waste their forces there, then Skagos will surely be left undefended—we can strike it unawares."

Lord Miki Seven frowned. "Lord Eddard, what if the Rockborn ambush the White Harbor fleet along Karhold's shores? Their raids suggest they control the sea completely. If White Harbor's fleet is blocked, how will we cross the Bay of Seals?"

The White Harbor fleet, led by Wylis Manderly, was supposed to rendezvous with the army. Normally, pirates would flee at the sight of a fleet, but the Rockborn seemed prepared for direct confrontation. Given Wylis Manderly's questionable leadership, this was a serious concern.

Theon quipped, "Let's just hope Wylis Manderly doesn't get the White Harbor fleet lost! If we can't find them, are we supposed to walk across the sea?"

Ser Wendel Manderly, visibly annoyed, retorted, "My brother will not fail Lord Eddard! Wylis will sink every pirate ship in his path. He may already be waiting for us at Seal Bay."

Theon smirked. "If I were commanding the White Harbor fleet, I'd launch a daring raid on Skagos and catch the Rockborn completely off guard. But Wylis Manderly lacks that kind of courage."

Ser Wendel bristled. "Watch your words, Theon. White Harbor will not take orders from an ironborn. Many say the ironborn are colluding with the Rockborn. If you led the fleet, you'd just hand it over to the enemy."

Theon opened his mouth to retort, but Eddard cut him off angrily. "Enough! Save your rage for the enemy. We march at once to Seal Bay."

Now, all Eddard could do was hope the White Harbor fleet would be there as planned. If not, the Northern army would find itself stranded, left only to rage helplessly at the sea.


— Thanks to Venkat for subscribing in Warden of the Realm

— Thanks to Robin kristiansen for subscribing in Warden of the Realm

— Thanks to hussain jama for subscribing in Warden of the Realm

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