Flaming Stars

Chapter 6: Chapter 6

"Done!" Mirajane announced proudly, pressing the Magical stamp onto Haruka's hand. "You are now officially a member of Fairy Tail!"

A pink crest appeared on her skin with a small flash. Haruka examined the back of her hand with a wide smile. "Whoa," she exclaimed. "That was easy. Isn't there an entrance exam or something?"

Sitting cross-legged on top of the bar, Makarov chuckled loudly. "Nonsense!" The master said loudly, scratching his moustache. "Fairy Tail is always happy to accept all Mages! This is a collection of friends and family, not a workplace!"

Haruka beamed, still staring at the Fairy Tail mark. It felt weird belonging to a guild, but not unpleasant. After persistent badgering from Natsu and Mirajane, Haruka had finally surrendered and joined the guild. Besides, she had come to quite enjoy the constant pandemonium of the Guild Hall.

"Besides," Makarov continued brightly, looking at Haruka happily. "You are a powerful Dragon Slayer! Any guild would be proud to accept such a—"

He paused. "How strong are you, anyways?" He asked in a quieter tone, awkwardly.

The Celestial Dragon Slayer never knew how to reply to that. Makarov looked towards Mirajane questioningly, who just shrugged. "I don't know. I've never seen her fight."

Haruka frowned and folded her arms. "I can hold my own," she muttered, wondering whether to brag or be modest.

The old man rubbed his chin. "Hmmm…" He mused. "Well, are you stronger or weaker than Natsu?"

Haruka shrugged uncertainly. Makarov seemed confused. "I don't think that she's fought Natsu yet," Mirajane explained.

The statement just seemed to confuse the guild master even more. "But everybody fights Natsu!" Makarov protested. "Natsu is the yardstick we use to rate a Mage's strength."

Around them, the other Mages nodded in agreement. The guild could be quite cleanly split into either 'stronger than Natsu' or 'weaker than Natsu', with the exception of Gray, who had so far consistently drawn with Natsu. As a matter of fact, it was a commonly held rumour that to be an S-Class Mage you had to be able to beat the Fire Dragon Slayer without breaking a sweat, much to Natsu's annoyance.

"Natsu has never challenged me," Haruka explained simply.

"Huh! Natsu challenges everyone !" Makarov objected. "Sometimes as soon as they walk through the door! Occasionally before that! I mean, one time I bought a new coat stand and Natsu challenged that to a fight!"

Mirajane nodded in confirmation, with a smile. "To be fair, it was a very intimidating coat stand," she said reasonably.

Makarov sighed, shaking his head with the memory. "Sometimes that lad drives me up the wall…"

Haruka smirked. Mirajane looked at her with a teasing grin. "I don't know…" The white-haired woman said playfully. "There must be some reason why Natsu doesn't want to fight you."

She caught the implication. "Don't even start," Haruka warned. That just seemed to encourage Mirajane even more.

"Natsu and Haruka… Summer and Spring." Mirajane mused. "It does have a nice ring to it. Natsu and Haruka… K-I-S-S-I-N-G…"

Haruka forced herself not to blush. Mirajane leant back against the bar, grinning as she found something to tease her new friend with. Haruka squirmed uncomfortably, glancing around. Makarov was hobbling away to sort out a brawl between Gray and Elfman.

"Just…" Haruka muttered to Mirajane pleadingly. "Just stay out of it. Please?"

She held up her hands innocently. "Hey, I'm fully supportive," Mirajane smiled. "It's been so long I've wondered whether Natsu was only interested in fire and fights."

Haruka paused, glancing around awkwardly to make sure no one was listening. She looked at Mirajane curiously. "Does Natsu…" Haruka murmured in a hushed voice. "Well, has Natsu ever been in a relationship before?"

There was a flicker in Mirajane's eyes. Her voice changed slightly. "Once," she admitted. "Kind of, anyways. With my sister, Lisanna."

The mood died slowly as the conversation fell onto an uncomfortable subject. Mirajane forced a smile, but it was wooden. Haruka knew Mirajane well enough to know that she never had a sister anymore. There was a pause.

"I'm sorry," Haruka said sincerely, her eyes compassionate.

"No… it's alright," Mirajane muttered quietly. "It was a long time ago…"

There was a shout from the other side of the hall, Mirajane bustled away quickly to serve drinks. It was still early morning, and the guild was slowly waking up.

Haruka sighed as she took a seat next to the bar, sitting with her head in her hands as she stared at the Fairy Tail mark thoughtfully. She glanced back at Mirajane, who was bustling through the tables and laughing as if nothing was wrong. For the first time, Haruka wondered why Mirajane never went on missions anymore.

"Haruka!" A booming voice exploded across the hall as the door kicked open suddenly. "Is it true?"

She turned, just to an excited Natsu burst into the Guild Hall. He glimpsed the Fairy Tail mark on her hand before she even had a chance to say anything. His smile split his face as he rushed her.

"I knew it!" He shouted happily, rushing to congratulate her. "I knew I could get you to join! You're going to love it in Fairy Tail!"

Haruka giggled, glancing up to Natsu. He was grinning brightly, next to her as he stared at the mark. He looked the same as ever; wearing his trademark white scarf and a sleeveless, open black waistcoat with white shorts. Haruka wondered briefly if that was the only outfit he had.

"Well, this place is definitely fun," she replied, returning his grin.

Happy jumped up on the bar, looking Haruka up and down. "Oh, there's a rule that all new members have to serve existing ones for the first six months," the cat said cheerfully. Haruka very carefully pushed him back down onto the floor.

"We need a job to celebrate!" Natsu shouted happily, pulling a piece of paper out from behind his back. "And I've got the perfect job!"

"'We'?" Haruka asked, raising her eyebrow. "I don't want to get in your way."

Natsu hesitated for half a second. "Well, I just figured that it's always more fun when you're with people you know…" He said brightly. "And since you're new and all, well, maybe you'd like to form a team?"

"Teams are always good between people you get along with!" Happy added. "It makes difficult requests easier!"

Haruka glanced at Natsu's face, but he seemed completely earnest and excited. She felt her heart skip slightly. "Ok," Haruka agreed. "That sounds like a good idea. Let's see this job…"

He handed her the piece of paper. "Hmm… Shirotsume Town, that's not that far…" Haruka read. "We just need to get a book from the mansion of someone called the Duke Everlue…"

"Yep, it's an easy job," Natsu said, staring at her expectantly.

She read on further. There was a warning at the bottom of the paper. Duke Everlue was a pervert and a deviate, currently hiring red-haired maids. Haruka's mouth dropped open. "Natsu…" she muttered in a quietly deadly voice. "Are you asking me to dress up as a maid for this pervert just to steal this book…?"

Natsu didn't respond. Haruka crossed her arms angrily. "There's no way I'm doing that!"

"The reward is 200,000 jewels," Happy added, jumping up from above.

For half a second, Haruka's eyes glittered as she imagined all that money. The decision was easy. "Ok, let's do this," she said happily, standing up clutching the paper. "Do you know a good clothes store?"

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