Chapter 5: Chapter 5
Natsu sighed as he walked down the street, wiping coal dust from his face. He had a deal with a local blacksmith to eat the fire out of the furnace; which was a pretty cheap meal but it always left him covered in soot. Happy skipped next to him, trying to chase a fluttering butterfly.
"Happy," Natsu asked after a moment. "Do you think I was too rude to Haruka?"
"Aye!" Happy shouted cheerfully, jumping for the butterfly.
He nodded, still feeling depressed from the meeting. "I know…" He muttered, with hands in his pockets as he walked down the street. Haruka had just been so hopeful to talk to Natsu, when he was just as lost as she was. It had been seven long years since Igneel disappeared, and the fruitlessness of the search was getting to him.
Still, as he headed back to Fairy Tail, the sound of a chaotic fighting instantly put a smile back on his face. As he approached the door, he had to duck to avoid Krov bursting out of the building. Inside, it looked like anarchy. The sight made all of his energy return.
"Oi!" Natsu roared happily. "How dare you start fighting without me?"
He launched into the fray, heaving up a table and slamming it over Elfman's back. Gray was instantly in front of him, throwing a heavy uppercut.
"Flame Brain!" Gray snorted. "You too scared to finish our fight from the other day?"
"As if, Stripper!" Natsu retorted, pulling himself back up. "Bring it on!"
Fairy Tail was perhaps the only guild that had to be refurbished every couple of hours, due to the constant fighting. A large part of that was due to Natsu, who tended to brawl more furiously than everyone else. Within seconds the brawl was on, as more and more Mages jumped in. It reached the point when everyone was so fired up they were ready to use Magic, and that was the point where Makarov had to put his foot down.
Literally, put his foot down. Natsu crawled out from the Guild Master's huge boot. Still, it was all good fun. There was an unspoken agreement between the Mages that no matter how wild a brawl became, they would all sit down and share a drink afterwards.
Natsu ordered a meal; pasta and chicken and a drink, all set on fire, and wolfed it down while chatting with Jet and Droy. It was only when he was finished did he walk over to Haruka, who was at the bar sharing a drink with Cana, although 'sharing' might be an overstatement.
"Hey, Haruka," Natsu greeted awkwardly. "I'm sorry about before, I shouldn't have walked off like that."
She smiled, turning away from Cana. The Mage was too busy with a keg of beer, anyways. "It's alright. I shouldn't have put my expectations on you like that," Haruka replied.
"I really wish I could help you find Celestica," Natsu said earnestly.
"I know," she said with a broad smile. "And this place is a lot of fun."
Haruka held out her hand. Natsu shook it after a moment's hesitation. "So where are you going now?"
"Phantom Lord, I guess," Haruka nodded. There was a slight uncertainty in her voice. "I suppose Gajeel Redfox is the next guy to talk to. I've really got to be going shortly to catch the train, actually."
"Well, if there's anything I can—"
"I'll call you," Haruka promised with a wide grin, standing up slowly.
There was a moment's hesitation. Natsu had never felt so self-conscious as he slowly walked away. Haruka looked ready to leave, turning to Mirajane to decline her offer of a room. All of Haruka's travel belongings fit in a small backpack. Natsu twitched slightly.
"Come on, Happy," Natsu muttered, walking to the request board. "I need to get a job."
"Let's choose one with a good reward," Happy suggested.
He peered at the board covered in posters. "Oh! How about this one?" Natsu pointed. "160,000 jewels for exterminating thieves!"
"That's it."
He was just about to leave when he saw a small boy with tears in his eyes staring up at the Makarov. Macao and his son Romeo had been around the guild for years. Natsu halted instantly.
"Is my Daddy back yet?" The little boy asked pleadingly.
The wizened old man shut his eyes, and shifted his head slightly—the same way he always did when he was worried but didn't want anyone to know. "Meh," Makorov muttered. "You're annoying, Romeo. If you are the son of a Mage, trust your father, be a good boy, and wait for him at home."
"He said he'd come back in three days…" Romeo begged, sobbing slightly. "But it's been a week since then…"
Natsu felt his blood run cold as he stared at the boy. Suddenly, he was eleven years old again, sobbing as he stumbled blindly around the forest, screaming for Igneel, clutching his scarf tightly…
He slammed the bounty poster he was holding into the request board so hard his fingers broke through the board. There wasn't even rational thought involved. Suddenly, Natsu was stomping out of the Guild, walking after Romeo with fire flickering in his eyes.
The hall was silent as Natsu slammed the door shut after him. He didn't notice Haruka watching him intently. A small, sympathetic smile flickered on her face.
Half an hour later, Natsu was just loading up into a horse-powered carriage when the door slammed open. Haruka walked in confidently and sat opposite him. Happy stared at her in shock. Natsu looked confused.
"What are you doing here?" He asked finally.
"What does it look like?" Haruka replied coolly. "I'm coming with you."
"You don't have to do that," he protested.
"You're right. I don't," she shrugged, leaning back on her seat, readying herself for the journey. "But I want to."
Natsu paused. "What about your train?"
She waved her hand dismissively. "I'm sure there'll be another one tomorrow."
"Uhh…" Natsu groaned weakly, lying down across the seat, clutching his stomach. "… How much longer…?"
"…Kill me now…" Haruka sighed in agony. Her eyes were closed as she rested across the seat, with her legs propped up against the wall. "Just make it end…"
The carriage had been rocking for hours, gently swaying side to side in a nightmarish rhythm. Happy stood on the seat, glancing between Natsu and Haruka cheerfully.
"Wow!" The cat exclaimed. "You are both really bad with transportation."
Natsu moaned, but Haruka didn't respond. Happy poked her in the chest with a claw to check she was still alive. The cat seemed oblivious to the fact that he was touching the side of her boobs.
"As soon as this carriage stops…" Haruka murmured weakly, still not opening her eyes. "I'm going to pull out your whiskers one by one, little kitty."
"Aye!" Happy exclaimed, poking her again.
Suddenly, the coach screeched to a halt. Both Haruka and Natsu shot up at the same time.
"It's stopped!" Natsu exclaimed happily.
"Where's that little cat?" Haruka hissed, just as Happy hid behind Natsu's rucksack.
"I'm sorry…" The driver shouted apologetically from up front. There was a howl of wind outside. "But we can't go any further than this with this carriage!"
Natsu opened the door just to unleash a flurry of snow inside the coach. They were in a mountain range, snow covering everything while the wind roared furiously. The cold hit Haruka sharply.
She stared in the weather with shock. "This isn't natural weather," she muttered, wishing that she had packed a fleece. She was still wearing a shirt skirt and a sleeveless top. "Not even in the mountains…"
Natsu had his arms folded, glaring around the mountains. Haruka was already shivering. The coach driver quickly flicked his reins and turned the coach around, much to Haruka's annoyance. Natsu led the way as they started to trek through the drifts of snow. The snowstorm made it hard to see anything.
"God, it's cold!" Haruka shivered, shivering madly.
"That's cause you're wearing so little," Natsu said obviously. Happy was on top of his backpack, keeping warm by hugging on Natsu's neck.
"Well, not everyone can set themselves on fire to keep warm!" Haruka snapped. The cold was making her fingers numb.
"Didn't you at least pack a bag?" Natsu had to shout over the sound of the snowstorm. He had a heavy rucksack filled with camping supplies.
Haruka shook her head. With shivering hands, she managed to click her fingers. In a flash of light, a large pink blanket materialised around her. "I keep all of my belongings stored in the Spirit World," Haruka explained simply, wrapping the pink, fluffy blanket around her tightly. Natsu looked surprised, but then kept on walking.
"Could you store fish in there too?" Happy asked curiously, popping out of Natsu's back. Haruka rolled her eyes and didn't respond.
The snowstorm was fierce and the trek was hard. Natsu seemed immune to the cold, but even through her blanket it still caused Haruka to shiver. After a few minutes of stomping through the snow, Haruka had enough. She pushed over to the Natsu and wrapped the blanket around him, hugging him tightly. Their bodies pressed together.
"What are you doing?" Natsu exclaimed in shock.
"Don't get any ideas," Haruka warned. "I'm just sharing body heat."
Natsu's skin felt as warm as a toaster. Haruka sighed in relief as the heat soaked through her. Her clothes were drenching wet. For half a second, Natsu looked like he was going to complain, but then thought better of it. He had to look away to hide his blush.
Haruka smirked, keeping the blanket around both of them tightly as they continued ploughing through the snow drifts.
"So, this monster 'Vulcan' that Macao came to defeat…" Haruka asked after a while, slowly walking around a cliff face. "Is it tough?"
Natsu shrugged, sniffing the air. The wind was too strong to get a scent. "Meant to be. I've never faced one before."
"Hmm, then let's be prepared," Haruka muttered. With her other arm wrapped around Natsu's shoulders, she clicked her fingers. In a flash of light, a huge, oversized revolver burst into her hands.
Natsu frowned. "Hey, that's the gun that guy was using!" He exclaimed, thinking back to the portly Spirit Mage from the other day.
"Yep, this gun is actually a Spirit," Haruka explained, just as the revolver loaded itself with a loud click. "Unlike Celestial Mages, I don't need to use a key, instead I am the Gate. This is the Revolver; a Bronze Key Celestial Spirit; it doesn't have a personality or mind of its own, it's basically just a weapon. Still, it consumes very little Magic power, and by loading up with my own Magic it creates quite destructive attacks. I figured it'd be a good choice for here."
"Huh," Natsu muttered, blinking against the snow in his eyes. "Do you have many Spirits?"
"Quite a few," Haruka admitted. "But I'm still collecting more. I need to eat the existing Gate Key before I can summon the Spirits."
"Wait a second…" Happy mused. "I thought the Celestial Spirits all existed in the night sky. I've never heard of a constellation called the Revolver before…"
Haruka chuckled. "Everyone makes that mistake," she explained simply. "But there are a lot more stars up there than just the ones that are visible to us at night. The Celestial Spirit World is a really big place."
Suddenly, there was a howl around the mountains that didn't sound like the wind. Pebbles scattered downwards from the cliff face as a large shape shambled past. Before he could even ask, Haruka pulled away from him, both of them instantly alert.
"These Vulcans…" Haruka muttered, getting a glimpse of the shadow above them. "Do they look like big monkey things with pointy heads?"
"Yes," Natsu growled, clenching his fists.
Haruka nodded, dropping into a fighting stance. She raised the Revolver, and extended her other hand. "Then let's get ready…" she muttered, eyes flickering cautiously. The snowstorm made it so hard to see anything. She clicked her fingers again. "Taurus!"
A huge figure of light appeared in front of them. In the distance, the Vulcan started to screech again, beating its chest furiously. Happy stared at Haruka in shock.
"You can summon two Spirits at the same time?" Happy asked in shock.
"I can when one of them is a Bronze Spirit," Haruka replied absentmindedly, finally glimpsing hulking shape of the Vulcan sitting on top of a mountain cliff in the distance. It was barely visible in the storm. She took aim with the Revolver cautiously. "Bronze Spirits really don't need much Magic."
The figure of light took form. With resounding "Moo!", an extremely tall, heavily muscular and athletic humanoid appeared. It was a male figure that stood as a human with an enormous axe across his back, but his skin was a black and white pattern like a cow, covered in short fur, with two pointy horns and a golden ring through his snout-like nose, with pointy ears. Taurus's washboard chest was pure muscle, with six udders across his upper abdominal, while he wore a golden cowbell around his neck, which jingled slightly. The Spirit was naked except for a short pair of black swim briefs, and bandages covering his limbs.
"MOO!" Taurus roared, the battle cry echoing around the mountain. The Vulcan met the challenge, screeching loudly.
"A cow!" Natsu and Happy shouted together, eyes glimmering in amazement.
"This is Taurus, my strongest Celestial Spirit!" Haruka shouted with satisfaction. "…Although he used to be a pervert, but I'm working on curing that."
Natsu paused. "You can cure perverted-ness?" He asked, thinking curiously about Gray. The Spirit didn't say anything, but did look slightly embarrassed by the conversation.
Haruka smirked. "I got sick of him ogling my breasts," she explained. "So every time he did something perverted, I started to summon him wearing a pink tutu."
Taurus turned to face Haruka carefully. "Haruka; may I say, in a completely non sexualising or objectifying manner, that you are looking very pleasant this evening." Taurus greeted with forced politeness. His voice sounded strained. The massive Spirit appeared to be taking great care not to stare at Haruka's chest, even covering his eyes as he talked to her.
Haruka smiled smugly. Natsu's and Happy's mouths dropped open. "Thank you. I appreciate the compliment," Haruka replied smoothly, turning back to the shape of the Vulcan. "Now then, could you please fight that giant monkey for me?"
Taurus roared, swinging its huge axe off its back. "Yes!" He heaved the huge blade like it was nothing. "I'm moo-re than ready!"
In the distance, the Vulcan sprinted away with a loping gait. Natsu was instantly focused again. "After it!" He shouted, breaking into a run. "It might lead us to Macao!"
"Aye!" Happy shouted, sprouting wings and shooting upwards. The cat's tail wrapped around Natsu, and suddenly they were bursting through the sky.
Taurus paused long enough for Haruka to jump on his back, clutching tightly on to the strap as the Spirit's feet pounded against the ground in a furious gallop. Taurus charged through the snow with unstoppable momentum, axe at the ready, while Haruka shot at the fleeing shape.
The blasts from the Revolver collided against the rocks with force, yet the Vulcan darted across the cliff face with surprising agility, using long arms to swing across the rocks.
"I've got you now!" Natsu roared over the wind, slamming down from above with a flaming fist. The Vulcan grunted, heaving a rock up and lobbing it towards the flying cat. Between the wind and the snow, Happy couldn't dodge in time, and both Happy and Natsu were knocked out of the air in a cloud of rubble.
Haruka shouted with shock, but the Vulcan was already swinging around and dropping on to Taurus and Haruka from above. Taurus barely managed to leap backwards as the huge gorilla-like creature crashed downwards.
The Vulcan was huge with broad shoulders, at least as big as Taurus, with long arms and huge hands. Its fur was white with black spots, but its mouth was stretched into a wide grin. It had an elongated chin, pointy eyes, and a heavyset brow; while its skull was so pointed it almost looked like a single horn jutting from its head.
The beast glared at Taurus with heavy breaths, before focusing on Haruka. It licked its lips with desire, salivating madly. "A human woman!" It shouted happily, dancing with stubby legs. "My woman!"
"No!" Taurus shouted, heaving its axe upwards. "Haruka is a free, independent woman that doesn't need a man to define her—"
"Okay, okay, that's enough," Haruka snapped, jumping off Taurus's back. "You don't need to go that far…!"
The Vulcan burst forward, yet Taurus charged furiously with a huge swing of its axe. The Vulcan managed to dodge the blade, and slammed its shoulder into the Spirit. The two muscular creatures clashed in a ferocious wrestling match.
The Vulcan grabbed Taurus's wrists and forced the Spirit to drop his axe, but Taurus roared and charged, slamming his horns into the Vulcan's shoulder. The pair crashed into the rocky cliff with enough force to gouge a hole into the surface. Neither of them backed down and they traded heavy blows with inhuman strength and stamina.
After a brief frantic struggle, Taurus gained the upper hand, knocking the Vulcan's face into the ground. "Got you!" The bull screamed, forcing his knee into the Vulcan's back as Taurus caught him in a wrestling hold. The Vulcan turned pink as it struggled for breath.
"That's brilliant, Taurus!" Haruka shouted, stepping forward with the Revolver as she felt the weapon suck her magic into a large blast. She levelled the nozzle at the gorilla and pulled the trigger. "He's mi—"
A fiery blast burst from the nozzle. The Vulcan's eyes widened in shock, but then it twisted around. Taurus was caught off-guard as the Magic bullet slammed into his side and sent him crashing to the ground with a large crash.
"Oh God, Taurus, I'm so sorry," Haruka shouted in guilty panic. Smoke was billowing from the Spirit, yet the Vulcan was already on its feet and laughing again. It glared at Haruka with lust.
"Woman! Woman!" It jumped up and down excitedly. "Woman is all mine! Me likes woman!"
It was dancing happily, making obscene gestures with its body. Haruka growled, taking aim with the Revolver. "You perverted monkey!"
The Revolver exploded, yet the Vulcan dodged the bullet. Haruka growled, yet shooting the weapon was consuming more Magic than she was expecting. She still never had much experience with the Revolver Spirit.
"Woman all mine!" It cried while the fiery blast burst by it. The Vulcan snatched up Taurus's axe and leapt towards Haruka angrily. "Woman should behave!"
Haruka dodged backwards, but the axe came cutting down in a large swipe. Haruka couldn't avoid it in time, but then the blade just phased straight through her and crashed into the ground. The Vulcan stared at the weapon with confusion. Haruka grinned.
"That won't work on me!" She shouted, lifting the Revolver upwards. "No weapon from the Spirit World can touch me!"
The gorilla was faster than she had expected. It managed to snatch the Revolver out of her hand and throw the weapon dismissively off the cliff, and slam Haruka to the ground with a heavy shove.
"Woman is no nice woman!" The beast growled angrily, walking forward slowly with nostrils flaring. "Woman should behave, be mine. Woman should pleasure me! Woman should stay down while I—"
Haruka's face twisted in fury. "Keep dreaming!" She snarled, clicking her fingers. Suddenly, the Revolver reappeared in her hand. The Vulcan never even had time to react as she levelled the gun and pulled the trigger.
Straight at its crotch.
The resulting scream could be heard for miles away.
The Vulcan collapsed, the black smoke billowing from its—or rather, his—groin. Haruka was already preparing for another shot, while the monster tried burying his groin in snow. "Not nice! Not nice!" The monster howled, tears rolling down his cheeks. "You not nice woman!"
Pure fury exploded in the monster's eyes. Heavy feet pounded against the ground as the Vulcan charged. "YOU NOT WOMAN AT ALL!"
Even when it came from a perverted monster, that caused a vein to throb on Haruka's forehead. "Oh, you did not just say that!" She shouted, angrily raising her weapon.
The Vulcan leapt with monstrous fury. Before he even landed, a fiery shape crashed into his side, sending the beast crashing through the cliff face in a hail of rubble and snow. Natsu growled as he glared at the gorilla, landing smoothly in the snow. His body was so hot he was standing in a large puddle.
"Natsu!" Haruka shouted in relief. "You ok? How's Happy?"
"Unconscious in my bag," he said simply, glaring furious at the Vulcan. "That fall was annoying."
The beast pulled itself out of the stone, glaring furiously. "You not nice! Me don't like man," the monster screeched. "ME KILL YOU! ME KILL YOU BOTH!"
Natsu's body tightened, preparing to strike as the gorilla galloped towards him. He looked angry.
"Careful," Haruka warned. "This guy is tough."
"I don't care," Natsu growled. Flames coated his body. "This monkey has gone too far. Macao. Happy. You. I have no mercy for those that hurt my friends !"
The flames exploded around him in an inferno. Haruka grinned widely. "Hey, Natsu," she shouted, raising the Revolver. The Vulcan was still pounding towards them. "Fancy a snack?"
She turned and fired the Revolver straight towards him. Natsu looked shocked for half a second, but then grinned as the fiery blast burst from the gun. He swallowed the explosion in a single, huge gulp. The Revolver was a Spirit that converted Spirit Magic into Fire Magic, after all.
"Oh yes!" Natsu roared, his Magic flaring. The Revolver's fire was a little too sweet, but still tasty and refreshing. His fist was engulfed in a brilliantly bright flame, so hot that Haruka could feel the heat scorching her. The gorilla leapt towards him with both hands clutched together tightly, yet Natsu just grinned.
"I'm all fired up now!" He shouted, launching his fist forward. "Fire Dragon's Iron Fist !"
The Vulcan didn't even have time to blink before Natsu's burning fist collided against into the spiky forehead with breakneck force. It was impact so furious the Vulcan was sent flying through the air, crashing into a solid cliff face so hard it pounded a gorilla-shaped depression into the stone. The monkey's body was smouldering from the heat.
Haruka laughed. Natsu's grin widened. "No one hurts my friends…" He muttered under his breath, with a glance towards Haruka.
She felt her heart flutter. The Vulcan looked completely out cold. It took a while before Haruka realised how that was problem. "Wait," she frowned. "Don't you have to ask that monkey where Macao is?"
Natsu slapped his face in shock. "Ack! I completely forgot!"
Haruka groaned. Behind her, the unconscious Vulcan's body started to shift and blur. "Well, what are we supposed to do—"
There was a loud pop. In an instant, the Vulcan disappeared into a cloud of smoke, to reveal a slim, middle aged man with slicked back dark blue in a long, tattered white overcoat, still trapped in the rock. Natsu's eyes widened in shock.
"Wh-what's going on!?" He shouted with confusion, rushing to the man's side. "The monkey became Macao!"
Macao groaned weakly as Natsu pulled him out of the cliff. The mountainside shuddered. "That's Take Over Magic!" Haruka realised, recognising the spell dispersing around the wounded Mage. "Can Vulcans use Take Over?"
"He's really injured!" Natsu shouted with worry, glancing at Haruka. "Do you have any healing Magic?"
Natsu ripped off his coat, and Haruka gulped as she saw the deep wound covering Macao's lower abdomen. The man was covered in scratches and bruises, but the one on his side was particularly nasty, and oozing blood quickly. "Not for a wound like that," Haruka muttered, still staring at Macao's body. "These wounds… he must have been fighting hard before he was Taken Over…"
Natsu frowned. "Then this is going to have to do…" he took a deep breath, raising his hand as his skin burst into flames. Haruka's eyes bulged as he realised what he was planning, and restrained Macao's arms tightly. Natsu and Haruka shared a look; just before Natsu slammed his flaming hand onto Macao's wound.
The man screamed and thrashed madly. His cries echoed around the mountainside, even louder than the roar of the storm. Haruka had to fight just to hold him steady while Natsu cauterised the wound. "This is all we can do now!" Natsu shouted loudly. "Live with it, Macao!"
Macao's scream was agonising. "Don't die!" Natsu bellowed. "Romeo's waiting for you!"
There was a loud rumble from above. Haruka looked up, just to realise that they were standing below a cliff. With a mountain of snow above. That was slowly starting to shift…
"Natsu!" Haruka shouted, just as the avalanche of snow collapsed downwards, crashing towards them in a shower of rubble. "Move!"
Natsu didn't move an inch. There was panic in his eyes, but he didn't let go of Macao. Not even when the snow came crashing down towards them like a ton of bricks. "Fairy Tail doesn't abandon friends!" Natsu growled through gritted teeth. Haruka glared at him, before covering Macao with her body and closing her eyes.
There was a thunderous crash around them. Haruka's heart nearly stopped beating. She glanced upwards, just to see a smooth metal axe covering the three of them. Suddenly, Taurus was by their side, his muscles bulging as he held the large axe up like a roof.
"No moo-re worry…" Taurus muttered in a strained voice. Haruka could have kissed him. She threw her arms around him and hugged tightly, nearly causing the Celestial Spirit to collapse as he tried desperately not to anything perverted.
It took nearly fifteen minutes for Natsu to dig them out of the avalanche, while Taurus covered Macao and Haruka protectively. By the time they finally got out, both Natsu and Haruka were panting heavily, and Haruka had to dismiss Taurus to save her strength. Macao was conscious, but wheezing and struggling to move.
"What a shame…" Macao mumbled weakly. "I got… nineteen of them… the last one took me over…"
It took Natsu and Haruka to carry him over the snow. Haruka gave the man her blanket so he didn't get cold. "It's alright," Haruka soothed. "Save your strength."
Macao was crying, struggling feebly. "Damn it…" He wept, shivering with the cold. "I'm so angry with myself…"
"Shut up!" Natsu snapped, a flicker in his eyes as he heaved Macao up. In his bag, Happy started to stir. "Just stay still!"
Haruka stared at Natsu with surprise. Macao seemed almost delirious. "How…" Macao stammered. "How can I face Romeo after this…?"
"I said shut up!" Natsu shouted angrily. His hands were trembling. Haruka smiled softly as she realised that he was hiding tears too.
"Romeo won't care how you come back. Just make sure you do come back!"
There were a few seconds of speechless silence. "Hmm…" Macao grunted. His arms tightened around Haruka and Natsu. Even with such injuries, his grip was still strong. "…Then get me out here…!"
Haruka and Natsu each took one side and carried Macao across the mountain. It was a few minutes before Macao spoke again, his voice becoming stronger. "Just answer me this…" Macao asked finally, with a pained wince. "Why does my crotch really hurt?"
It took a keen eye to spot the guilt flash across Haruka's face.
By the next morning, they were back in Magnolia. It took a long trek, a short flight from Happy, and a painful carriage journey, but eventually they managed to drop an unconscious Macao off at the guild's medicinal advisor, Porlyusica.
They were all shattered, but Natsu insisted on staying by Macao's side until he was safely reunited with Romeo. Since she never had a place of her own, Haruka retired to Natsu's and Happy's house, a somewhat run-down building with a pitched roof and chimney-pot. Inside it was messy and untidy, but Haruka didn't care. After the long trek, she just wanted to rest. She dropped onto the dirty sofa and fell asleep instantly.
It was early morning when she stirred. She yawned and stretched while the faint sunlight filtered through the grimy windows. Natsu and Happy still weren't back. Haruka rubbed her eyes tiredly, before stretching out her arm and clicking her fingers.
Taurus appeared in the room in a flash of light. "Haruka!" The bull Spirit exclaimed loudly. "What can I do for you?"
Haruka grinned. "I just wanted to thank you," she said gratefully. "You were really fantastic yesterday. I really appreciate it."
Taurus puffed out his chest proudly, with a large grin. "It's my pleasure, Haruka!"
"Anyways, you must still be tired," Haruka said kindly. "I'll let you get back to the Spirit World to recuperate."
"Very well!" Taurus shouted cheerfully, waving goodbye. "Goodbye Haruka's boobies, I—"
He realised his mistake as soon as the words were out. "Oh, Taurus…" Haruka said, almost sympathetically. "You were doing so well."
She clicked her fingers, and suddenly a pink, fluffy tutu materialised on Taurus, complete with fairy wings and a princess crown. Taurus collapsed to the ground in tears, while Haruka giggled.
"Enjoy!" she said teasingly. With a click of her fingers, Taurus, and his new dress, disappeared back into the Spirit World.
Haruka was still chuckling as she stretched out on the sofa. For all of its filth, Natsu's house had a warm, almost homely quality. After all the snow of the previous day, somehow Haruka still felt chilly. She stood up to light the fireplace, and then lounged peacefully on the ground, wrapping herself warmly in the pink blanket as the light spilled over her.
It was half an hour later before Natsu returned. Haruka was half asleep, and the sound of the door closing caused her to jump. The Fire Dragon Slayer walked into the room, showing no irritation at Haruka for making herself at home in his house.
"Hey," Haruka smiled brightly. "How did it go?"
"Great," Natsu grinned. "Porlyusica says that Macao is going to be just fine, and Romeo is over the moon."
"That's good," Haruka sighed, still feeling drowsy from the warmth. "It was really sweet the way you looked after Romeo…"
He didn't respond. Natsu crossed the room and sat down on the chair opposite her, staring at Haruka curiously.
"Can I ask you a question?" Natsu said quietly after a few seconds. "Your dragon, Celestica, what was she like?"
Haruka blinked at the unexpected question, but then smiled faintly. "She was beautiful," Haruka said finally, her eyes glazing over with happy memories. "She was so soft and elegant. She never flew; she just floated in the air. Her scales were so silver and almost translucent and her wings… when she wrapped her wings around me it was like staring up at the stars. She was so kind and compassionate. A bit cheeky," Haruka admitted, with a smile. "And she was always messing with me. But she was just there, you know?"
Natsu nodded understandingly. There was a pause. "What about Igneel?" Haruka asked curiously. "What was he like?"
The Fire Dragon Slayer paused for a long time. "Fiery," Natsu said eventually. "He was loud, brash, and he loved setting things on fire. He once torched a whole forest just to watch it burn. You could hear him coming a mile away, and when he flapped his wings… the whole world just shook." Natsu sighed gently. "And he was awesome . He was the best father anyone could have asked for."
"Yeah…" Haruka muttered gently.
There was a pause, a comfortable silence draping between them like a blanket. Haruka glanced towards the fire, which was still crackled warmly. Haruka stretched backwards, the vision of a glittering dragon swaying across her bedroom. The memory was still just as vivid as it had been when she was three years old…
"So…" Natsu muttered awkwardly. "What are you going to do now? Don't you have a train to catch?"
Haruka paused, looking at Natsu with a playful glimmer in her eyes. She brushed her hair back slowly. "Well…" she said with a deep breath. "…I suppose I could stay a bit longer."