Chapter 37: Chapter 30 Part 2
"If you really want to go..." He said. "And you're confident we'll be alright...then I see no reason not to try and have fun." Naruto disappeared and locked the door again, leaving the girl frozen at what she just heard.
When Sakura's mind finally caught up, she smiled and let out an ear-piercing squeal, turning around and running down the stairs to tell her sisters the good news.
It was the day of the party and a lot of businesses received a lot of business, especially beauty shops and salons. Reservations were quickly filled up as both females and males shopped around to hopefully make a good impression on the many representatives from different small villages. The party was much more then a celebration, it was a chance for genin to get known by important people and quite possibly, receive future business, and it was a chance for the other villages participating in the exam to get to know each other better, especially the ones that got beaten by others. Not only are the genin that participated in the exams were invited, all genins and chunnins were invited, to share knowledge and that's a large number of people.
"Are you sure that this is a good idea Saku?" Naruto asked as Sakura fixed up his suit a little. Naruto was dressed sharply, party attire gracing his body. "I'm having second thoughts."
Sakura chuckled, standing beside him as they looked in the mirror. Sakura was also dressed in one of her favorite dresses, one that had a silt down her leg and a cherry blossom design up and down the fabric. "You're fine master. You're just paranoid."
"Even if you're paranoid, doesn't mean someone's not out to get you." He replied, turning his head but said head was forced back by the girl.
"You'll be safe there. You did your own research AND you even were able to check out the building." Naruto sighed as he turned around. He really didn't feel good about this but...he trusted Sakura and maybe she was right. Maybe he was holding himself back. He looked up when Sakura chuckled. "You'll be fine. If anything happens, we'll be able to get you out before anything happens."
He sighed again. "Fine. Are the girls ready?"
Sakura nodded. "Ready and willing. All we're waiting for is you." Sakura placed her arm around Naruto's shoulders and the both of them started walking out of the room and downstairs. When they reached the first level of the house, Naruto found his pets all prettied up, each of them choosing a style of dress that looked good on them. All of them spent more then half of the day slowly getting ready, as much of the female population that were attending the party.
"So master..." Tenten spoke. "Have you come down to tell us that you got cold feet?" She joked, a smirk on her lips.
Naruto huffed, crossing his arms, hearing the faint laughter come from both Sakura and Ino. "I'm not THAT much of a coward."
"Riiiight." Ino half laughed, half spoke. "You just keep telling yourself that. So..." Ino stood up. "Shall we go? By now, there's probably a long line of people just waiting to be searched."
True to Ino's words, just as the building came into sight, there was a line of males and females leading into a small building adjunct to the large building. The family left earlier then the recommended time to allow for searches and it didn't seem too bad and from the movements from the lines, the males were going faster then the female line so they had to separate but they'll be able to meet up with each other inside. As each gender took their spot in line, Naruto and the male line moved much faster then the female line.
By the time Naruto got close to the door, both lines extended very fast to the point the males in the back of the line couldn't see the building nor the female line.
The blonde master sighed as he stared at the brown door, waiting for his chance to be searched. The Hokage was taking no chances with the numerous diplomats, representatives, and important people of the various villages, both big and small, which were visiting the village for the exams. It was everybody's chance to impress them and bring business and, most importantly, reputation to their village. Naruto perked up when the door opened and stepped forward, the door closing behind him and found himself facing someone he wondered if it was worth knowing considering how intimate he gets when he's performing a job. "Strip!" He barked and Naruto complied, stripping himself of all his clothes.
He watched as the ANBU snapped on a fresh pair of examination gloves and Naruto couldn't help but gulp.
`If I didn't know better, I say Anko is a pedophile. She's taking her sweet time feeling my skin.' Sakura thought as Anko felt her naked skin, searching for buried weapons. When it was finally her turn and saw Anko staring at her with that wicked grin of hers, she couldn't help but groan out loud. As she striped as per Anko's orders and held out her arms, she rolled her eyes at the touch she was giving her, being soft unlike the harsh, searching hands that normally come with ANBU. She started with her hair, slowly rubbing her hands through the silky strands and feeling the scalp. Sakura warned Anko not to mess up her hair but the woman only laughed.
She moved down, slowly and methodically, examining every part of her skin. ANBU knew that you can hide poisons in the skin and they knew how to search someone for the bumps and telltale signs of objects hidden under the skin. Even though Sakura is a trusted friend, she had a job to do and besides...she was having a lot of fun getting the girl worked up. When Anko finished the body search, it was time for the internal search. Making sure Sakura sees, Anko lubed up a finger and stepped behind her, bending down and shoving that finger in her ass, resulting in a yelp from the girl at the coldness. While Anko was giving her a rectal exam, the other ANBU, Yuugao, bent down in front of her and pried open her labia and examined her cavern for hidden items. The process was easy because she was so aroused from Anko's searching.
"Alright, I'm done." Anko chimed in, removing her finger and stepping into sight, removing the latex gloves in the process and tossing them into the trash while Yuugao moved away. Sakura scowled as she crossed her arms. "You're clean and you will be able to attend the party but if you leave the party and come back, you'll have to be searched again."
"Yeah yeah...I know." Sakura muttered as she started to get dressed. "You know Anko..." Sakura said, turning toward the smug woman. "I'm going to talk master into giving me one of his vouchers for you...just for the chance to get revenge for getting me so worked up and putting me in a position where I can't relieve my frustrations."
Anko laughed, watching the girl as she got dressed. "I look forward to it. Now there's a couple more things that you don't know." Anko grabbed Sakura's wrist and attached two wristbands, one green and one yellow. "The yellow tells people that you passed the first stage of the exams and the second tells that you passed the second exams. This party is a chance for genins to get advice for when they eventually take the exams. They're different every year so make sure they understand that." Sakura nodded as she finished redressing. She looked up when Anko handed her a card. "Even though we trust you to behave yourselves, the Hokage doesn't want to take any chances so if you want to drink, you need to have this card and it is good for only six drinks and they must be an hour apart. Without this, you can't drink and if you try to get drinks without this or use somebody's else's card, you'll be kicked out."
"What about buying drinks for somebody else?"
"That's fine."
Sakura sighed. "Alright, I just hope that master hasn't run away yet."
Anko chuckled as Sakura looked herself over in the mirror, making sure she was still presentable. She adjusted her collar. The collar was one of the many arguments that she and Naruto had. He wanted them off but Sakura argued that the collar would be a good deterrent to flirters and drunks. That argument alone won Sakura that victory. After Sakura was fine with her appearance, she gave a wave to the two women and exited the room.
`Where the hell is he? He should be here by now. We agreed to meet here when we were finished being molested.' Sakura thought with confusion as she tapped her foot, waiting for her master to show up. She was surprised to find, when she went to their meeting place, to find a lack of blonde hair. He hasn't been here yet as her nose smelt the lack of his scent. She waited for a bit, thinking he was in the bathroom but when ten minutes passed, she decided to look for him.
It was at that point, that Naruto finally decided to show up.
"Where the hell have you been?" Sakura demanded, crossing her arms.
"Sorry sorry." Naruto said. "That bastard seemed to enjoy searching me. I had to go to the bathroom and scrub myself." Naruto shuddered, causing Sakura to giggle slightly because she knew he disliked anything yaoi and with his...occupation, that thought was the first thing that came to mind. "Not funny Sakura."
"I'm sorry." Sakura chuckled. "You know I'm a yaoi fan and I would've enjoyed seeing that."
Naruto huffed and crossed his arms, the blood necklace shining in the lights above. "Where are the girls?"
"That's a good question actually. Ino should be done right about..."
"I'm here." Ino called out, approaching the duo. "Sorry I'm late, Anko is such a bitch."
Sakura chuckled. "Yeah, I promised her that we're going to get our revenge."
It didn't take long for Tenten to arrive and everybody could see that scowl on her face and they couldn't help but laugh when Tenten started to curse the woman, but even as they laughed, Sakura could see that Naruto was forcing it. Normally, she would wait and see what happens before asking but considering what they were doing, Sakura knew why. "Master..." She asked, as silence fell. "Are you alright?"
As Sakura predicted, a worried look befell Naruto's face. "Saku...I'm having second thoughts."
Sakura groaned and face palmed. "Master, we talked about this."
"I know, I know...but being searched by him gave me time to think and I realized that no matter what I do, I'll make a fool out of myself so I'm just going to stay hidden." Naruto started to walk away toward the bar.
The pink haired girl stared in shock for a second before she growled, marching up to Naruto, grabbing him and throwing him against the wall, causing the boy to stare in shock at the sudden action by his wife. "Now you listen to me! I am your wife and pet. My job is to protect you from any and all dangers that may befall you! Sometimes, I have to protect you from yourself."
Tenten's jaw dropped open.
"Sa-sakura...what..." Naruto stammered, still shocked at what was going on.
"Shut up!" Sakura slammed her husband into the wall. "Listen to me! You can't keep shutting yourself up like this. You plan on growing up? You need to have connections, friends. This is your chance! When you grow up, you want to have a family right? You want them to be strong?" Naruto nodded. "Then you need a family with connections. Power is one thing, but having friends in the right places can save your hide a lot more then strength and power will ever do! In fact..." Sakura reached down and dug into Naruto's pockets and withdrew his alcohol card, causing Naruto's eyes to widen. "You want to drink? You come to us after you talk with people."
"Who am I supposed to talk to?" Naruto countered.
To Naruto's relief, Sakura let him go. "What about that Temari girl that came to you? Start with her."
Naruto's lips thinned. ""
"You said yourself that you wanted to give this a chance and if I have to force you to follow through with your words, then so be it and if you want to drink, you'll do what I say." Sakura reached out and smoothed out his suit. "Besides, you may find that you'll have fun today." Naruto growled and slapped her hands away. He walked away, muttering angrily to himself, leaving the girls to themselves.
Sakura chuckled as she watched Naruto head toward the common room. She turned to face her sisters and saw Tenten's gaping mouth. "You can close your mouth now sister. It wasn't that impressive."
That seemed to snap Tenten out of her shock as she shook her head. "What...what the...what did you just do?"
Sakura chuckled and took a look at the card in her hands before pocketing it. "Why don't we take this outside, away from eavesdroppers?"
Tenten held her tongue while she and the girls headed toward a balcony that was facing away from the street. Never in her life did she see Sakura speak that way to Naruto, especially not in public. She wanted answers and she wanted them now so the instant the door closed, she burst out. "WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING? ORDERING HIM AROUND LIKE THAT? HE'S OUR MASTER, NOT YOUR SLAVE!"
Sakura, despite Tenten yelling at her, kept a calm demeanor and waited to speak until Tenten yelled herself out. "Master's stubborn, we all know that, me most of all. Most of the friends he has are adults and he only has a few friends his age. What he needs to do is make friends his own age so that way, when we're all adults, he'll have friends with connections. Like Hinata-chan...Anko is never going to keep her forever. Once she feels like she can be out on her own, she'll free her and it'll give her a chance to push for the role of clan head."
"So what makes you think you can talk to him like that and expect to get away with it?" Tenten asked, crossing her arms as Sakura leaned against the railing.
"Who am I?" Sakura asked, a slight smirk on her lips.
"What?" Tenten asked, shocked at the sudden, unexpected question.
"Who am I?" Sakura repeated.
"You're Uzumaki Sakura." Tenten decided to indulge Sakura. "Wife and slave to Uzumaki Naruto."
"And what?"
"Who am I to you?" Sakura added.
"You're my sister." The brunette answered.
Tenten growled in frustration. "Would you just tell me?!"
Sakura chuckled. "I'm the head slave. I'm your boss but most of all, I'm the favorite."
A bigger smirk graced Sakura's lips. "Being the favorite means I can get away with a lot more stuff then either of you. Even though I have more responsibilities then you, the benefits are well worth it. Like I said before, I have to protect him, even from himself if need be. He trusts me a lot, even more then the two of you. He knows I always have his best interests at heart. Even if I get punished afterwards, he still listens to me."
"Punishment?" Tenten asked, really confused.
"See...the idea is this. Master respects and value our opinions, you know this. The purpose of his punishments is that, while he encourages us helping him, we don't get the idea its okay to do it whenever we like. He doesn't want us to get into the habit of bossing him around, especially in public, so while he listens to us, if it is not for a VERY good reason, he will punish you."
"Huh...what about you?"
Sakura smirked. "He never punishes me."
Ino snorted at that, finally contributing to the conversation. "Please, you're the favorite out of all of us. We get the crop because of you."
Sakura laughed. "Oh please...he knows that I know the limits of what I can do. I haven't been punished for months."
Ino raised her eyebrow. "Oh really? What about that berating you gave him a few months ago? That was unnecessary and you knew it but you did it anyway and I ended up getting punished for it.
Tenten stared at the girl in utter amazement while Ino stood there bickering with her new sister. The newest slave couldn't believe this. She knew Sakura was crazy but realizing that Sakura can do this stuff without fear of punishment made her realize that things are a lot more complicated in this family then she thought. She thought that she understood them but she was proven wrong. "So you can get away with bossing him around, in public I might add, but if I did it, he'll listen to me?" She trailed off with a questioning tone.
Sakura nodded. "If you believe you are right, then you act on it."
Tenten nodded. "So I act on it...when everything is all said and done, no matter what happens, I still end up being punished for arguing and forcing him?"
Sakura shrugged. "Well, usually that's the case BUT in cases of extreme importance, master might forgo your punishment but considering your position in the line right now, we have the right to punish you as we see fit so you'll have to convince us you were in the right."
"Right." Tenten thought for a few moments. If there was one thing she knew, is that Sakura would never lay a hand against Naruto. If she met Naruto on the battlefield in the exams, she was going to give up, regardless of the master's orders. Even if the violence is just an act, she does what she can to force him away. "Wait a minute..." Tenten pointed to Sakura. "Is this because you're his mother in the nursery? Did you grow balls pretending to be his parent when he has none? Did you learn how to boss him around when you two play?"
Sakura let out a loud laugh, Ino laughing as well causing Tenten to look at them weird. "Darling, I don't know why he wants me to be his mother. He just does. Even though Ino has her times, he always wants me. Until he does some soul searching, we'll just have to contend with `because I said so'. Sakura looked down and saw the yellow wristband but instead of a green wristband, there was a purple band. "Why do you have a purple band?"
Tenten looked at her wrist. "Oh this? Anko said that this color tells people I failed the second exam. Black is failing the first one."
"So what are you going to say when people ask you why you failed the second exam?"
Tenten chuckled. "I'll say that I came upon a superior opponent and lost."
Sakura smiled. "I see. Well, if there are no more questions, we should get back and make sure master doesn't make a fool out of himself."
Naruto grumbled as he slammed himself down onto a chair at the bar. Sakura had a lot of guts talking to him like that but she was right. His paranoia was getting in the way and he needed to make himself known but still...Sakura is either the bravest girl he ever known or the most stupid. `I let them have too much freedom. Sakura knows she can get away with that shit.' Naruto groaned as his head slammed on the table. `And I let her.'
"Trouble with the wife?" A sweet female voice said to him.
Naruto looked up, seeing his opponent for the final round of the exams sit next to him, dressed in a beautiful garment. "What makes you say that?"
Temari chuckled. "I know that look. I see it all the time at Suna and not to mention, I saw you come out with a mad look on your face followed by the smug look of your wife." Temari let out a short laugh. "And to think, I thought you were the dominant in the relationship."
"I am the dominant." He retorted. "She just thinks she knows what's best for me."
"She probably does. Females know these things."
"That bitch took my drink card." Naruto growled. "Now the only thing I can order is boring water."
Temari chuckled. "Well, it's too early to get drunk anyway."
Naruto sighed as his head dropped onto the table again, the girl beside him patting his back in a comforting gesture. Well, if Sakura wanted him to socialize then Temari gave him a good start. "Can I ask you something Temari-chan?" He asked, lifting his head again.
"Sure." There was a slight smile on her face when she heard him add the -chan. If he said that, then he's not that mad about their last least, she thinks so.
"Should you really be talking to me...considering in a few days we're going to be fighting each other?"
"Even if we're about to fight, doesn't mean that we can't be civilized."
Naruto chuckled at her response, feeling that, despite their last conversation, she could be a good friend. "So...first time in Konoha?"
Temari shook her head. "No. This is actually my third time here."
"Yeah, my last visit was seven months ago. Me, Kankuro, and my father, the Kazekage, came on a diplomatic visit. I didn't really get to see much but we got our chance to sightsee." Temari sighed and lowered her voice. "Look Naruto, about our previous conversation..."
"I know you don't want to talk about it but I just want to say this. My brother has been through hell and it's not that much better today, but I soon realized that he has a chance. You have one of the most powerful with you and you have three wives. You're respected."
"I don't have three wives." Naruto interrupted. "It's just Sakura and Ino. Tenten's just a girlfriend."
"Oh really?" Temari said with a smirk. Slowly, she moved her head so that she could whisper in his ear. `How about three slaves instead?' Naruto's breath caught in his throat. "We saw Tenten's kidnapping. With what you said then and what Gaara's `mother' added, I was able to put two and two together." Temari kept a stoic face even as Naruto looked at her with a cold look. "Before you jump to conclusions, know that I intend of revealing this information to nobody."
"Why?" Naruto asked. "Even thought Suna is an ally, you are duty bound to share secrets that you learn."
"There are some secrets that should stay here and that's exactly why we're keeping our mouths shut. Both me and Kankuro have a lot of experience with dealing with my brother's...unique conditions because of Shukaku. We trust him so when he asks us to keep this quiet, we do our best to do it and besides...I don't exactly trust my father right now. He's been acting strangely lately and making strange orders."
"The Kazekage is acting weird?"
Temari shrugged. "Well...more stranger then usual. Anyway, I want to be friends with you. The mere fact that Gaara trusts you enough says that you would be a good friend. In fact, why don't you come and meet my family? Gaara really wants to talk to you." Naruto groaned as Temari latched onto him and started to drag him away.
Sakura chuckled seeing Temari start to drag Naruto away, taking a sip of her glass. `Looks like she's forcing him to socialize. Good for him.' Sakura chuckled again as she turned around in her chair and took another sip out of her glass. So far everything was going fine. A couple of genins came up to her and asked her about her experience in the exams and she shared her story. She got separated from the other girls and last time she saw, Ino was chatting with Chouji and Tenten was socializing with her team. It was nice, having somebody come up to her and ask her for her experiences.
"Hey Saku..."
Sakura turned to face Kiba as he took a seat beside her, his animal companion laying down beside him. "Hey you doing?"
"Good, good. Listen, there's something I want to ask you." Kiba said, getting right to the point. "I know how much you hate Ami and considering you have her as an opponent in the finals, I want to know, and I want the truth, are you going to kill her?"
"You want the truth?" Sakura asked. "Yeah, I'm going to kill her and I'm going to make sure she suffers. I'm going to rip her heart out and crush it in front of her. You got a problem with that?"
Kiba quickly shook her head. "Nah, not really. Truth is, I'll be happy to see her gone. During the exams, she was nothing but a burden. She made everything worse and because of her, we almost didn't make it. From the day of graduation, she always has been getting on my nerves and Akamaru hates her. It's even worse when Sasuke was around, she was just like you actually."
Sakura chuckled. "That sounds like her."
`Attention, the dance floor will be open in a few moments.'
"Ahh, that's good." Sakura said, swallowing the rest of her glass. "I got dibs on first dance."
Sakura looked at Kiba when he suddenly snickered. "Don't look now but someone's taking your claim." Immediately after Kiba said that, she swerved around to see Tenten leading Naruto out of the room.
Sakura growled and the glass shattered in her hands. "Fucking bitch. I told her I got first dibs." Kiba couldn't help but gulp at the sight of Sakura's face and looked at the remnants of the glass in Sakura's hand. Drops of blood dripped onto the table as Sakura unflexed her hand and a few pieces dropped down. "Sorry about that Kiba. Tenten's been getting bold recently and getting on our nerves but I don't mind..." Sakura trailed off with a smile as she cleaned her hand. "In her own way, that's her way of getting stronger. "So tell me, how's the family? Mom doing alright? She hasn't disappeared again has she?"
"From the last time we talked? Twice. I swear, she's doing somebody, I just know it. What I don't understand is why she wouldn't tell us. She knows we don't care...unless it's something that would disgrace her."
Sakura smirked. "You mean like incest?"
"Yeah, like th..." Kiba frowned when Sakura said that and turned to Sakura. "What are you saying?"
Sakura just shrugged. "I'm just saying...I know how hard it is for people to get involved with the Inuzuka's. If she can't find anybody outside, then maybe she's finding someone within...maybe you." Sakura suggested. She started laughing when Kiba started sputtering. "I'm just kidding Kiba-kun. I'm sure your mother will be fine. Is she here, by the way?"
Kiba shook his head when he recovered from that sudden suggestion. "No...but my sister is. Haven't seen her in a while though." Kiba cleared his throat. "Umm Sakura..."
Sakura raised her eyebrow at the sudden change in Kiba's demeanor. "Yeah?"
"Wo-would you like to dance with me?"
There was silence for a few moments. Kiba was afraid that Sakura was going to be mad at him considering she was married to Naruto but they can dance as friends, nothing more. He liked Sakura very much. He liked her personality, what she has become from when she was little.
Well, that was that. From her refusal, it was clear that Sakura didn't considering him a friend anymore, probably just a bastard trying to...wait...did she just say yes? "Did you just say yes?"
Sakura nodded. "We're friends right? Friends can dance with each other."
"But what about Naruto? He..."
"He trusts you Kiba and he likes you. That's the only reason he's not going to kill me and you when he sees you with me."
Kiba chuckled. "Yeah, I know how paranoid he is."
Sakura chuckled and patted Kiba's back. "Yeah...give me a few minutes to freshen up and I'll meet you on the dance floor."
Sakura came out of the dance room, laughing as she stumbled out, holding onto a horrified Kiba as they nearly tripped out. Turns out, Kiba was really, REALLY nervous...or rather he was extremely scared of Naruto. The instant Naruto laid eyes on him and Sakura dancing, he gave Kiba the evil look of a lifetime, silently telling him that if one hair on her hair was harmed, he was going to kill him in extremely painful, horrible ways.
Needless to say, Kiba started stumbling every single dance step.
When they eventually tired themselves out, they decided to get off the floor and go their separate ways. Even though Sakura knew Kiba was scared stiff, he enjoyed himself. Sakura chuckled as she waved Kiba goodbye. He was going to see his sister and, hopefully, have a witness for when Naruto eventually kills him. She chuckled again and turned around, walking toward the common room that was set up and found a mess of blonde hair poking up from the back of one of the chairs. She approached it and saw Naruto, his mood passive, and circled around She stood in front of the chair before climbing onto it, pulling up her dress and straddling Naruto's lap, the action causing Naruto to look at her. "Having a good time master?" She asked, settling down, a smile on her face as she stared down at the grumpy look on his face. Naruto crossed his arms and grumbled. He indeed had a good time so far and he knew Sakura was going to boost about it since he tried to get out of it. Sakura chuckled again and placed her hands on his cheeks. "You had a good time didn't you? See? I told you."
"Yeah yeah..." He grumbled. "Go ahead...gloat about it."
Sakura chuckled and leaned back, placing her hands on her lap as Naruto looked at her again, just waiting for her to rub it in her face. "I wouldn't do that Naruto-sama but still...I told you so." Sakura pinched Naruto's cheek. "Trust in the pet."
Naruto chuckled, Sakura's humor lightening up his mood. " and Kiba?"
Sakura shrugged. "He asked me and I accepted. You scared him shitless you know? He just ran off to find his sister to hopefully have a witness when you find and kill him." They both chuckled. "So where are the girls?"
"I...have no idea actually. Tenten seemed to have disappeared somewhere after the a team came up and asked questions about the exams. I had to go to the bathroom and didn't see her since."
"Want me to go look for her?" She asked.
Naruto shook his head. "Nah, that's fine. She probably thought I wanted to be alone."
Sakura chuckled. "The girl will be fine. If trouble happens, she knows how to get our attention."
The pink haired wife and pet sighed as she stepped out of the room. She was a little worried about Naruto. Before she came up to him, it seemed like he was in deep thought and as she left, that same expression came onto his face again. She wasn't Ino but she could guess what he was thinking about...maybe he was thinking about going to more parties if this goes right or maybe he was thinking about Tenten or he could just be thinking about ramen, who knows? He said he wanted to be alone and she was going to respect his wishes. As she walked through the massive common room, she quickly retrieved a bottle of sake from the bar and took a swig from it.
She caught Tenten's scent and followed it to a balcony and stepped through the doors and stopped beside her, seeing the girl finish off a bottle of sake. "I thought Neji respected me but there's a look he's been giving me for a while." Tenten spoke when Sakura settled beside her.
"That's the thing about Hyuuga's." Sakura said. "Sometimes they just need a good ass kicking. Look at Hinata. The girl was weak, shy, etc. Once she got the right kind of ass-kicking...she grew."
Tenten sighed and tossed the sake bottle away. "Yeah well...I worked hard to earn his respect and now..." Tenten sighed again.
"Did you know that Neji accused master of brainwashing you?"
Tenten nodded. "Master told me."
The brunette chuckled. "Me and Neji-kun had a very long talk about that. To put it simply, next time he wants to accuse him, he has to answer to a lot of people.'s Naruto-sama?"
"Thinking." Sakura answered. "Not sure about what but he's thinking about something and I'm not sure if it's good or bad."
The browned hair girl turned to her sister. "He mad about your little dance with Kiba?"
Sakura shook her head and took another sip from her bottle. "Nah, he was fine with it." Sakura sighed and handed the bottle to Tenten. " far so good. Night keeps up like this...he'll have a life now instead of hiding away in his home."
The newest slave chuckled and took the bottle and drank it. Her last bottle, Neji drank most of the liquid. "If this works, then we'll be able to party on our own."
"Even if..." Sakura said, taking the bottle when Tenten handed it to her. "We manage to convince him to let us out...we'll still be under supervision."
"But hey...we can have a life again."
Sakura lifted the bottle and toasted to that before finishing the bottle and tossing it in the trash. Normally, sake bottles aren't that big and you can down a bottle without the effects of being drunk be apparent. "So tell me sister...are you comfortable being out on your own? These past few days, we've been with you when you're out and master's wondering if he should start letting you go out on your own."
"I've gotten better if that's what you're asking. As far as if I can handle being out on my own? I'll leave that up to you, but what I want to know is what master plans for me in the future."
Sakura turned to her sister. "What do you mean?"
The girl only shrugged. "I always hear about how you want to be a good doctor and how Ino wants to take Ibiki's place someday."
"So you think master decides those careers for us?" Sakura asked with a chuckle.
The way Sakura spoke, that amused tone in her voice, caused Tenten to look at her sister in confusion. "Doesn't he?"
Sakura threw back her head in a belly laugh, amazed that Tenten thought such a thing. "Darling...our careers are our choices. He may give his opinion on it but the choice is up to us. Speaking of careers, what about you?"
Tenten didn't really respond at first, but managed to get her thoughts in order. "Well...since I learned that we're going to be forced to retire, I've...been thinking about it."
"I would like to be a blacksmith."
"Nice choice."
"And maybe a side job of a demolition company, but ehh." Tenten finished with a shrug.
"You have to remember though...master wants children so that's going to cut into our life for a while."
Tenten shrugged. "I don't mind. I always wanted children but...I find it strange that he wasn't talked to me about that yet."
"He hasn't?"
Sakura's sister shook her head. "Not really." There was silence for a few seconds before Tenten suddenly chuckled, causing Sakura to look at her sister. "So what's the kid count now? He change his mind again?"
Sakura groaned and face palmed. "He wants one out of me now. ONE! Can you believe it?"
"What's the problem with one?" She asked, a smile on her face.
"It'" Sakura started to rant, using her hands. "One is boring, one is alone. One is stupid. I mean, if I wanted to have children, I would want at least two kids...just so they can have someone to turn to."
"Yeah, but you have to think..." Tenten said, amused at the way Sakura was acting. "He has three wives. Don't you think if we have two each, it would turn out to be too much for him?"
"He has clones!" Sakura shouted. "He can afford to have a lot."
"True, true..." Tenten nodded. "But have you stopped to think he would want to focus on each child himself? To be honest, one each sounds good."
"But...but..." Sakura stammered but she saw the logic in her sister's words. She groaned as she dropped her head and arms. "Yeah, you're right. Considering he has three, one each sounds right."
Tenten chuckled. "Come on...let's find Ino and freshen up for supper. I hear they're planning something."
"And where do you think you're going?"
Naruto paused in his movements, gulping a little before straightening himself up, turning around to face his three pets whom had a certain look on their faces he knew all too well. "I'm going home. I risked fate enough so I'm going home." Naruto turned around and took one step forward before he was suddenly stopped by one of his pets placing her hands on his shoulders, stopping him in his tracks.
"It's too early to leave master." Naruto heard Sakura said, feeling the girl press up against his back, wrapping her arms around his stomach, preventing him from taking another step forward. "You've gone this far intact and there hasn't been any big trouble so far."
Naruto growled and `gently' struggled in her arms. "Sakura, let go of me. I'm going home." It seems Sakura wasn't the only one as both Ino and Tenten blocked the exits. Naruto suddenly gasped and froze as Sakura reached up and started to stroke both sides of Naruto's whiskers. "Sa-sakura..." Naruto growled out, both aroused and annoyed that his wife was using one of his weaknesses against him.
"We agreed that we would get through this at least until dinner. You're trying to get out when dinner hasn't even started so you can see why we're stopping you from leaving."
"I don't want to tempt fate."
Sakura laughed, keeping up her ministrations. "Now you're sounding like Neji. The point're trying to have a life and if you keep doing this, you won't have a life when you need it or friends."
Naruto groaned and stopped struggling. As much as he wanted to deny it, she was right and he needed to keep trying. "Fine....we'll stay."
Turns out Naruto going back turned out to be a good decision.
When the announcement was made that supper was out, the girls led him to the dining room and their eyes feasted on the beautiful layout of the food. There were many different kinds of food, prepared by many chefs, laid out for everybody's enjoyment and, unfortunately, there was already a huge ass line so they quickly made their way to the back and waited for their turn. Considering their dietary needs, they decided on getting a normal sized meal at one time and then later, get another meal. It took a while but they managed to get to the food. It took longer then they thought because they were so many choices but they managed to get a decent sized meal for now and sought out an empty table. Unfortunately, almost all the tables were filled and they didn't really want to sit with people they didn't know and the ones they did, their tables were filled.
Their salvation came from the hands of someone who was becoming friends with them, the sand siblings.
From their empty table, Temari called out to them and beckoned them to come. The girls looked at Naruto and he shrugged, walking toward their table. When they arrived and sat down, there was a kind of awkward silence for a while but, thanks to a joke for Kankuro, it helped lightened the mood around the table and they began to have conversations. For Naruto, it was kind of nice having someone different to talk to. Don't get him wrong, it's nice to talk to anybody but this girl was intelligent, really smart and provided him with a couple different theories about wind. Even Kankuro and Sakura started chatting, leaving Gaara and Ino. For Ino, she wasn't sure if she wanted to talk to Gaara due to the stuff coming from his mind, but there was a part of her that was curious and started an, albeit almost onesided, conversation.
When their plates got empty, it was time to get the second course, so they excused themselves separately and went back to the line where people were lining up to get seconds and some just getting there and heading straight for the buffet line.
It was strange, but Sakura had a weird feeling as she waited behind Naruto. She couldn't quite place it but it was bugging her. She turned around to talk to Ino but found somebody else behind her, a sand genin judging by the headband on his arm. She leaned to the side and saw Ino and Tenten with a couple of ninja in between her and them. She shrugged and faced back forward. A few minutes passed and they were close to the start of the food line and it was then Sakura really noticed the design of the food tables. It was odd, it wasn't in a straight line like usual but it was zigzagged, like a maze. Maybe it was to save room or something, she didn't know. Maybe later, she would ask the decorator why he or she choose this design.
She stepped forward as the line moved forward. They were close and Sakura could smell the meat. The line moved forward again but somewhere behind her, someone was pushed and that started a chain reaction, leading forward to the front of the line, causing the kid right behind Sakura to lurch forward, harshly bumping into Sakura, who was already taking a step forward and had one foot off the ground. When the brown haired kid bumped into Sakura, the reaction caused by that caused Sakura to harshly push Naruto as she fell forward out of instinct, landing on the ground, looking up in horror as her actions resulted in something that was sure going to humiliate Naruto for a long time.
When Sakura pushed him, Naruto yelped and nearly ran forward, his body trying to keep upright and crashed into the genin in front of him. However, the size of the kid meant that he was able to stay unmoved but he was drunk and he took that as an insult. He grabbed Naruto, cocked his hand back, and delivered a powerful punch to Naruto's face, causing him to literally be punched off his feet and flew into several tables, filled with food and sauces.
The wives of Naruto could only watch with horror stricken faces, their hands covering their mouths as they stood frozen in fear and shock. They wanted to help but they weren't sure what to do, and they were afraid they were going to make things worse for him.
Naruto's head was spinning as he stumbled up onto his feet. He wasn't sure what was going on and he couldn't think straight. That sudden blow to the head scrambled his brain so much, he couldn't think and keep his body stabilized as he stumbled all over the place. He suddenly tripped on a broken table leg and fell. He expected to meet the floor but strangely, what he landed on was soft and squishy and produced a squeaking sound. Head still spinning, he looked up and, with dazed eyes, looked at a girl, same age as him looking at him with horrified eyes. He looked down and barely registered his hands on her breasts. His mind was clear enough to know what that meant though. `Oh...crap.'
There was another sudden blow to his face with strength similar to what that earlier punch had and Naruto flew off the girl and crashed into a fountain like thing that had some kind of thick liquid in it and the whole thing collapsed onto him. Thankfully, it wasn't made of glass but rather ice but still deadly. Silence reigned in the dinner room as all eyes fell onto the moaning Naruto as he twitched and the liquid dripped off of him and the food that collected on him during his `travels'. Nobody moved, save for the drunk that punched Naruto was being removed, nobody even dared to move. Some was trying to keep their laughs in, while some didn't want to get his bad luck on them.
Minutes seemed like hours as Naruto tried to recover, his mind clearing, his thoughts trying to figure out what the hell happened but there was one fact that he knew. His head was still spinning but it was clear enough for him to think. He knew who was behind him and he knew who pushed him.
A normal mind would realize that it was a complete accident, which she wasn't to blame, but Naruto wasn't normal. Life experience and sadism dominated him and anger and sadness filled his mind.
Sakura was the first one that moved. Her hands removed themselves from her mouth. She was scared stiff but her slave training kicked in and she needed to make sure she was okay. She moved a foot forward and another, keeping her eyes on the recovering blonde in front of her. She had to maneuver her way around the busted tables but she had no trouble in reaching him. When she did reach him, however, her instincts were screaming at her, but she ignored them. Her first priority was Naruto. "Naruto-sama..." She whispered. "Are you alright?" She held out her hand.
"Get away from me."
Sakura gasped as she heard Naruto speak. She quickly withdrew her hand and took a step back. She knew that tone very well and she knew what was in store for her. She watched as Naruto sat up. She couldn't see his eyes as he kept them closed and she prayed they weren't red. What he went through was humiliating and he knew it. "Master I'm sorry." She whispered. Naruto stood up fully and finally opened his eyes, giving Sakura the chance to realize just how affected Naruto was. In his maroon eyes, there was sadness, humiliation, and anger, but the sadness filled his eyes. "I'm sorry." She repeated, reaching out with her hand, but that was a mistake.
A sharp crack filled the air as Naruto slapped Sakura...very hard, prompting gasps from the crowd.
"This is your fault." Naruto said, his voice cracking as tears started. "I trusted you and" The cracking in his voice got worse as the tears fell. "You betrayed me." He finished with a whisper.
Despite the immense pain in her cheek, Sakura heard that loud and clear and she gasped in shock, turning back to Naruto, just as he gave her one last look and ran off but she stayed rooted to the spot, a completely horrified look on her face, her hand still on her cheek as her mind played the last thing he said over and over in her mind.
"Sakura...Sakura we need to go." Ino whispered to Sakura, shaking her, trying to snap her out of her shock. "Master may be sad right now..." She whispered. "But when his anger takes over, he's not going to care who sees." That snapped Sakura out of her shock and she slowly nodded, letting Ino start dragging her out.
"What have I done?"
Sakura repeated that question again and again as she and her sisters stayed out of sight, on a park bench in a deserted street. That last line said by Naruto still echoed throughout her mind. For a slave, that was the absolute worst sentence one would hear. There's only one reason why a master would say that and is because he really believes that she intentionally humiliated him. To be honest, they weren't sure what to do. Ino was right when she said they needed to be alone. When his anger eventually takes over, he's going to find them and bad things are going to happen. They couldn't really go anywhere because if anything comes in between him and them, it would only be worse for them.
Tenten was scared for her life. She saw Naruto's eyes when he ran by her and she saw the absolute hatred in them. She never saw him like that, never. She may have heard stories from her sisters but stories and real life experiences were two completely different things.
"I should've braced myself." Sakura said, causing Tenten to look at her. "I should've done something, anything else."
"Saku, it's not your fault." Ino said, trying to calm down her sister. "It was an accident. Your body reacted naturally."
"Oh god, he's going to kill me. He's going to kill me." Sakura buried her head in her hands as Ino pulled her into her arms. "I humiliated him and he's going to kill me."
This continued for a while. Sakura kept on playing those moments over and over in her head, wondering what she could've done different, wondering if she really was at fault and if she really deserved to die. Ino was having a difficult time as well. She knew full well what Naruto was capable of if he was motivated enough. She's his pet and she is a witness to many of his interrogations when Ibiki wants his help. Try as she might, she can relate to Sakura when she thinks that Naruto is going to kill her. Favorite or not, Naruto has a limit to his patience and tolerance and even though Sakura can get away with a lot more stuff, not even she can get away with something like this.
For Tenten, she wasn't as scared as one might think. She's scared, that's for certain, but she was thinking. If there was a way they could do something to sate his anger, reduce their punishment, make it up to him somehow, then they need to do it. Otherwise...Sakura might very well die and nobody wanted that. Finally, a light bulb flickered on and she thought of something so obvious, so simple, she was amazed that she didn't think of it sooner. "What if we go to him?" She asked, causing both of her sisters to look at her in shock.
"We go to him." Tenten repeated, looking at them. "We all know that if he has to find us, it'll be worse for us. We're scared, I know. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't do whatever we can do help ourselves. If we go to him and plead our cases, we might just have a chance of saving Sakura. If it's possible, we can use Ino's abilities to show him what he couldn't see. He'll see that she didn't have a choice once that guy slammed into her."
"I don't know. It's hard to calm master when he's this pissed." Ino commented. "Believe me, I know. I can practically taste his anger when he's like this. Pain on us is the only thing that works in a reasonable amount of time."
"Actually..." Sakura finally spoke. "Tenten does have a good point. Every single time we run, we end up getting it worse. It doesn't matter what it is, it's when we resist that he has a problem with. If we do go back, maybe that simple action will go in our favor."
There was silence while the girls mulled on that thought. Should they really go to him and be vulnerable against his rage? Months and months of servitude, with the exception of Tenten, and the fear of Naruto's rage were hardwired into their training, but as they thought, they found the idea appealing.
"So we agree? We go back?" Sakura asked.
"It's really the only thing we can do." Ino commented. "But I agree."
"I just hope that master leaves our limbs intact."
Sakura chuckled as she stood up. "Well, if he does, I had plenty of practice living without limbs." When Tenten gave her a confused look, she explained. "Ino sometimes puts me into a situation where I don't have any limbs. Master took that one step further and had me create a limbless clone for a day to see what it's like and the sex was absolutely weird. To put it simply, I would prefer having limbs."
Tenten sighed as she stood up. "I get the feeling that I'll be doing that soon enough."
"And you would be right." Ino said, standing up last. "Well, enough of that, time to go home."
The girls interlocked their hands and started walking home. They really hoped that they were doing the right thing by going home. However, they stopped when they felt someone following them. The moment they stopped, a figure dropped down from the trees and they prepared themselves but relaxed when they saw it was Anko. "Oh, it's you." Sakura said, turning back around and continuing walking. They knew Anko would try and stop them, concerned for their safety.
"Where do you think you're going?" She asked, following them.
"Home." Sakura answered. "That's where we need to be and nothing you can do will stop us."
Anko chuckled. "I wouldn't dare. After all, I'm here to escort you home." Anko smirked as the wives in front of her suddenly stopped.
"What did you say?" Sakura asked, a shocked look on her face as she turned around. "You're here to take us home?"
The purple haired woman nodded as she caught up with them. "After that little incident between the two of you, both Jiraiya and I went after Naruto to check up on him. Needless to say, we were expecting things to be flying at us when we entered the house but instead, we found him in deep thought." Anko reached out and moved a stray hair back behind Sakura's ear, seeing the shock still on their faces. "We left him alone for a bit, thinking that it was good that he was thinking. He knew we were there though; his eyes followed us as we moved across the living room. When he finally did speak, he asked for one of us to bring the three of you home. We were suspicious at first, but Jiraiya confirmed that Naruto was still Naruto so I went and now here we are."
"So...he's not mad?" Tenten asked.
"Oh he's mad alright, but he wants to talk to all of you. If I had to guess, I would say that he realizes that it was an accident and he just wants to make sure and maybe apologize about that earlier comment."
Ino stepped in front of Sakura and took her by the shoulders. "Could you excuse us for a minute?" She said to Anko. She didn't wait for an answer as she pushed Sakura away from Anko and Tenten followed, leading the girls into a huddle. "So what do you think?"
"I'm still shocked about this whole thing." Sakura immediately said. "We humiliated him and he wants to talk? I bet he's just waiting to get us alone. I bet he already got the forge burning."
"Well, I'm not sure. Anko's telling the truth as far as she knows and I trust her." Ino commented.
"Well, we know how to defend ourselves from him." Tenten added. "I think I speak for all of us when I say that until Ino knows for certain, we need to protect ourselves and especially Sakura. You're the one he's pissed at and the one most at risk for death."
"Oh that reminds me." Sakura spoke up and turned to Tenten. "We told you about master's failsafe right?"
Tenten nodded. "Yeah and that he refuses to acknowledge the fail safe's existence. See...that I don't happens to him so why doesn't he believe it? He believes that pain can calm him down right?"
"Err...not really. It's complicated, but the point is, he doesn't believe that something can control him like that. Even after the failsafe passes, he thinks that he just forgot what he did, that he blacked out in his rage."
"That...doesn't make any sense."
Sakura scoffed. "Believe me, whenever I call him out on that, it always end badly for me." The girl sighed. "Alright, let's go home. If we're going to die, we're going to die."
When they eventually made it home, despite Anko's observations, they were still worried. Naruto had never held back in his anger, never. He never showed one ounce of restraint with them. He always delivered punishment according to his level of anger. He never made his anger a secret. If he found out Sakura did something wrong, then he was going to find her and every single time, just looking at Naruto, they knew just how mad he was. They knew this, Anko knew this, hell even the Hokage knew this. So why was Naruto holding himself back, especially during a time like this?
Before they entered their home, Anko told them to stay back and she'll inform Naruto that they are here and if the situation has changed, they'll be welcome to stay at the I/T division, so they waited while Anko disappeared into their home.
"I still can't believe this. He's actually thinking." Sakura said.
"I believe it." Ino said. "I've seen things in him that I didn't believe could be thought of by him."
"So you think he's not going to kill Sakura?" Tenten questioned.
"Well I can think of worse things he can do to me."
Tenten fell silent at that. She knew exactly what was worse then death. Dismissal from her master's service. The sole purpose of a slave is to fulfill the master's orders, no matter what they may be. If Sakura was dismissed, she would be devastated in more ways then one. Naruto would give Sakura one final order before dismissing her.
Stay alive for the rest of her natural life.
Tenten snapped out of her musings when the door creped open. The girls looked at each other and they gulped, their blood pumping at the sound of the door creaking and the empty doorway. Sakura felt her hands being held by her sisters in comfort and she gulped, putting one foot in front of the other, walking toward her doom. They entered their home but didn't see Naruto. They smelled him that's for sure but they weren't able to pinpoint his location. Suddenly, the door slammed shut, causing the girls to scream in fright and swerve around to stare at the door for a split second before they realized that it was a distraction and turned back.
However, that was just what Naruto wanted as he lunged forward, his hand dead on for Sakura's throat. He saw the look of horror on her face and he knew what she was thinking. She was thinking that because of what she did, she was going to die for it. Fortunately, the girls didn't resist and that gave him the chance to close his hand around her throat and slam her against the wall, smirking at her cry of pain when her head hit the wall. "Welcome home slave." He growled into her ear, chuckling at her whimpers. "Have a seat, all of you." Naruto tightened his grip on her neck and pulled, throwing her toward the couch, her sisters following, as they quickly complied with his orders. Naruto followed, placing his hands around his back while he paced back and forth, occasionally sneaking glances at his shivering pets. "You know what?" He said, the girls jumping in fright when he spoke. "By all rights, what you did to me deserves a week with Ibiki and all of his friends. You humiliated me Sakura. YOU HUMILIATED ME!" The girls yelped when he shouted, a growl in his voice, but then he returned to his pacing. "Anko tells me that when she caught up to you, you were on your way here. Is that true?" He looked at Sakura just as she nodded and he let out a small growl. "I see. You know your orders so why did you come back?"
"We...we w-wanted to...f-for y-you." Tenten answered.
"Well you shouldn't!" He shouted, causing Tenten to shrink into the couch. "How many fucking times did I tell you to stay away from me?!" Naruto panted after his brief shouting, staring at his whimpering, shivering pets, huddled against each other, hoping to get some kind of protection from each other. "But..." Naruto sighed. "I suppose it was good you came back because when I got home, because for some strange reason, I wasn't as mad as I should be and I began to think." The girls shaking calmed down some, the look, the tone of Naruto's attitude suddenly changed, but when he looked at them, all of them recognized the evil in those eyes. "I think all of you have too much freedom and I plan on fixing that." At that exact moment, each slave gulped, thinking different things from that statement. "But most of all, I began to think about myself. What am I? What have I become?" He asked, the way he said it caused Sakura to think he was asking her but when she opened her mouth to say that he's their master, he held up his hand. "Don't answer that. That was rhetorical." Naruto sighed and returned to his pacing, rubbing his forehead. "What happened to us Sakura? All I wanted was a simple life, napping in the comfort of my wife and slave, but think I need to have friends, connections for the future. WELL HOW ABOUT NOW HUH? DO YOU THINK I CAN FACE ANYBODY NOW AFTER WHAT YOU DID TO ME?" Naruto's anger skyrocketed and he grabbed a nearby lamp and threw it at them, Sakura specifically. Before it crashed against her, Sakura pulled up her arms to shield herself and cried out when it crashed against her, the pieces falling on her. She waited a couple of seconds before lowering her arms to see Naruto huffing and puffing.
" think you deserve to be called my slave? You argue with me, you refuse my orders, you take liberties and you know you can get away with it. Well not anymore. I'm going to give you one chance to clean up your act. JUST one. Oh...that reminds me." Sakura gulped when Naruto's lips thinned. "All those times when you try to convince of a so-called `failsafe' in me? I know you Sakura...I know how much of a masochist slut you are. You try and convince me that if I get mad enough, some thing takes over me and hurts you...just to quell my anger?" Naruto let out a short laugh at that. "God...that is so stupid. If something is taking over me, don't you think I would know? I immediately knew when Kyuubi withdrew those two times that something happened. I know every single time Ino goes into my mind and pokes around. Every single time she leaves and I wake up, I know if she was there. Now I may blackout sometimes because I get so mad, but there's no fucking way my body moves on its own and if it is true, how come nobody else said anything? You just want to go into a new level, a level that I refuse to go!" Naruto snarled and ripped off the necklace from his neck, causing Sakura to gasp in shock. "You know what that tells me? You're not looking out for me! You're being selfish and I HATE THAT!" Naruto screamed in rage and threw the blood necklace away, the vials not going very far and landing near the stairs. The vials settled and Naruto let out a loud scream of frustration. "I don't know what's wrong with me. I know that it was an accident but I can't help but feel rage at you, this...this blasted beast in me fueling my anger." There was silence for several moments while Naruto collected himself. Suddenly, he sniffed and turned around, the girls staring at him in shock. They heard that sniff. "What have I become? All I wanted was peace and quiet."
Sakura was amazed that Naruto's mood turned to sadness from madness so quick. It usually took a long time for any change to happen so this was rare. Suddenly, she felt resolve enter into her. Naruto needed her right now and she had no place being scared when he's like this. She shrugged off the girls and wiped away the broken lamp pieces and slowly walked up to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "You're our master Naruto-sama...if we were perfect slaves; it would be extremely boring for you."
"So you intentionally piss me off?" He asked, still facing the other way.
Sakura shook her head. "Not intentionally no, but at the same time, we don't really make that much of an effort. All of us are certainly capable of being good little slaves but like you said, good little slaves are boring." Sakura took a risk and closed in on Naruto, adding another hand to the other shoulder. "Every single thing we do, we do for you."
Sakura closed in on Naruto to the point he could feel her on his back, but this time, she shrugged her off and took a step forward, away from her grasp. "Not...not now Sakura. (Sigh) You know what, all of you, go to your rooms and stay there and for now...don't talk to me, don't look at me, and just stay out of my way. I don't want to see you if it can't be helped."
Sakura took another step forward, her hand reaching out to him. "Master..."
"Sakura...just go. Sleep in your own beds. I want to be alone." Sakura stood there for a few seconds, staring at the back of her master. He meant it. This wasn't a joke. He really didn't want to see them. She sighed and bowed in acknowledgement and turned around, seeing the girls calmed down, and motioned to them. Their bodies were still shaking a little but they were calmed down enough so they can function. They got up and made a beeline straight for the stairs and went to their rooms and slammed the door behind them. Sakura was slower; however, as she wanted to make sure Naruto said everything he wanted. When she reached the stairs, she stopped and looked down at the necklace Naruto threw away. A tear fell down her face as she bent down and gently lifted it off the floor. She looked at it for several seconds and looked at Naruto again. He was still there, his back still facing her, a somber aura still surrounding him. "If you want us to be good little slaves..." She whispered, knowing full well he can hear her. "All you have to do is ask us and we'll cause no more trouble for you. It'll be bad for you, but if you want peace and quiet, all you have to do is ask."
Sakura closed her hands around the vials and went up the stairs, going to her room and shutting the door behind her.
Naruto heard Sakura loud and clear. He wanted to say something but Sakura didn't deserve an answer right now. He was in turmoil and he wasn't thinking straight. When he realized what he said out of his rage, he immediately turned around to avoid looking at their shocked, horrified faces. Some things he said were true but some things, he just wanted to get out of his chest. For example, when he said that Sakura only looks out for herself, he doesn't believe that but sometimes, when that blasted girl tries and tries to convince him of this `failsafe', however she's bypassing his lie detector, he'll find out and he'll put a stop to it.
He doesn't need a slave that is capable of lying to him and he won't be able to tell the difference, especially coming from such a strong girl like Sakura.
When Sakura went up the stairs and he heard the door shut, did he let himself fall to the ground and back up against the couch, the sadness overriding his anger as he buried his head in his legs. "Maybe I'm just over thinking this. Maybe Sakura really wanted me to have a good time or maybe she just wanted some kind of payback."
"Do you really think Sakura's that brave?" A new voice sounded out and Naruto lifted his head to see his white haired mentor leaning against the door way.
"What do you mean?" Naruto asked as Jiraiya walked forward and plopped down beside him.
"As strong as she is, Sakura could never intentionally hurt you. She's too weak for that. You know this deep down."
Naruto sighed and rubbed his forehead. "I know Jiraiya but...I couldn't help it. When Sakura pushed me into that gauntlet, I wanted to hurt her so much for the wounds and humiliation I suffered."
"That's only natural for a slave master."
"I know I know...but still...I could feel Kyuubi's rage fueling my own. I couldn't stop it; it was like it was mixed from the start. It was frightening actually. I don't think I'll ever be able to go out again."
Jiraiya chuckled as he looked upon the boy he gotten to know over the months. Sometimes, he seemed like a wise old man but sometimes, he's just a kid who sometimes gets in over his head with work he puts on himself, but right now...he is just a kid who needs his guidance and guidance he will get. Jiraiya reached behind Naruto and grabbed his collar, the boy yelping as Jiraiya yanked him up. "What you need is a good experience. Sakura had the right idea but she aimed too high."
"Jiraiya, what are you doing?" Naruto demanded as Jiraiya carried him to the front door before plopping him down. "I can't go out now."
Jiraiya chuckled. "If you can get past tonight, then you'll be alright. In fact, I know a quiet little bar tucked away. We'll start there." Jiraiya reached for the doorknob and turned it, opening the door, revealing an eavesdropping Anko, who almost fell down due to the door opening. "Having fun?" He asked with a smirk.
"I was just keeping an ear on you." She defended herself, dusting herself off.
"I see. Well, if Naruto agrees, will you keep an eye on the girls while we go out?"
"Sure. I'll be glad to."
Anko and Jiraiya looked down at Naruto, waiting for his input. He was thinking. Should he do this and risk further embarrassment? Maybe he should, Jiraiya, drunk that he is, he can hold his liquor far better then Naruto can. Finally he sighed. "Alright I'll go. The girls have been sent to their rooms for tonight. They can come out to go to the bathroom but that's it."
"I'll keep an eye on them."
Jiraiya grinned as he slapped Naruto's back and they exited the house. "Alright, what I got in mind is this..."
When Sakura closed the door to her room, she looked at the object in her hands and a tear fell down her eye. This was the very first time that Naruto had ever thrown something of hers away. This necklace means a lot to him and if he threw it away, then she really fucked it up with him and what he said, `maybe you have too much freedom', she knew that Naruto was going to be even more strict with her and all her freedoms would be taken away.
Hell, she not be able to go anywhere alone anymore.
"Hey there?"
From the intercom system, came Ino's voice. Sakura walked up to the bed and sat on it, grabbing the box and pressing the button. "Yeah, I'm here."
"Are you alright?"
Sakura sighed. "Not really. Master threw away his necklace."
"Are they broken?"
Sakura took another look at the vials, looking for cracks, but thankfully there weren't any. "There's fine, but my heart isn't. What have I done?"
"You shouldn't blame yourself. It was an accident and he, himself, admitted that. I think he just needed to vent."
"If that's venting..." Tenten voice sounded out. "I hate to see him when it's really our fault. I nearly pissed my pants!"
"Trust me Tenten...when he's mad at you, he'll let you know and you'll really piss your pants." Sakura sighed. "Ino, when he was shouting at us, did you hear anything in his mind?"
"To be honest, I was too scared to hear anything. Sorry."
"Maybe he was right. Maybe I have gotten used to being head slave and the powers that come with it."
`Saku-chan...I only known you for a short time but I know you don't let it go to your head."
At that, a snort came from Ino. "Believe me Ten...Sakura can sometimes get power-hungry. You should see the days she bosses me around. I never get a break!"
Sakura laughed. "You know you love it darling."
"Speaking of bossing you girls around..." Sakura yelped as a sharp, new voice was spoken over the intercom, completely taking her by surprise. "Naruto left me in charge of you brats while he and Jiraiya go get drunk."
"What?!" Sakura yelled. "He's pissed off at us and he's getting drunk? Do I need to tell you how bad that is?" Sakura paused, realizing what Anko just said. "He's out getting drunk?
"Calm down Saku...Jiraiya's got something up his sleeve. Naruto said that all of you can go out to the bathroom but that's it."
Anko's voice disappeared from the intercom and the girl sighed. "We should go to bed. We all know the rules when we're sent to our room. When we get up, we'll see how he's feeling in the morning."
"Good night."
Sakura set the intercom down and laid back down, the vials of blood still in her hands. Even if Naruto took everything back, he did have some good points. Sakura realized that she needed to get her act back together before she really does something that'll make him so mad at her, he'll dismiss her from his service.
True to Jiraiya's words, he showed Naruto a way to have a good time while having not having any worries. All Naruto had to do was have a drinking buddy but without the drinking, someone, a close friend or someone willing to keep an eye on him, stay with him and make sure he doesn't humiliate himself. It wasn't just that however, Jiraiya suggested that he visited a potential bar with friends but stay away from the alcohol and see what happens on a typical day. It would be a gradual process, designed for Naruto to get used to the place. It'll give him a chance to stake out the place, see where the exits were and the possible escape routes.
For now though, Naruto just wanted to get drunk and drown himself in his sorrow. His anger was almost gone, but right now, all he was focused on was what he said to his wives. He spoke out of rage and said some things he didn't mean. Hell, he didn't know what he was thinking when he grabbed the vials and threw them away; all he saw was red in his eyes. Time passed and Jiraiya helped Naruto home. The boy was drunk and was close to passing out and stumbled all the way home.
When they eventually reached their home, Jiraiya helped the boy up the stairs, passing by Anko. The instant Naruto hit the bed; he passed out and started snoring. Jiraiya left him alone after that and rejoined Anko in the living room.
The next day, when Sakura woke up, her nose detected the faint stench of alcohol in the air. She lifted herself up and the first thing she saw was her door was open and smelt both his scent and the alcohol right beside her bed. Naruto must have been standing here at one point during the night, standing over her, staring at her. She stood up and followed the scent, ending up back in Naruto's bedroom, but the blonde master was halfway off the bed, his head at the foot of the bed. `I never liked you when you were drunk master. Even though you're funny when you're drunk, I'm too worried about slip-ups. I can only enjoy you in the house when the house is locked up tight." Sakura sighed as she walked up. Even though Naruto didn't want to see her for a while, she still had a job to do.
Sakura gently picked Naruto up and turned him around, set him down unto the bed and placed the covers over him. She tucked him in and placed a kiss on his brow. She could smell the stench of last night's escapades on his breath. After that, she headed into the bathroom and got hangover pills and set them on the nightstand beside the bed. Even though Naruto has increased healing, it only takes care of it fifty percent of the time, when the wounds are severe enough to really need it. From the mini-fridge, she placed a bottle of water on the nightstand as well and left the room, closing the door behind her, sighing, worried how he was going to treat them from now on.
As Sakura expected, Naruto stayed true to his words. He never spoke to them unless he absolutely needed to. He ignored them, treating them like they didn't exist. It was terrible for the slaves, to be treated like this. When their lust started bothering them, they had to masturbate behind closed doors and they had to keep quiet. Naruto didn't want to hear them and he didn't want to see them. He didn't tolerate anything they did wrong, even if it was just something simple. He smacked them on the face and followed up with a punch to the gut, leaving them whimpering on the ground.
But no one caused any trouble for Naruto, besides that one time when Ino dropped a glass. They stayed out of his way and let him do what he wanted. For his lust, the boy simply masturbated. He didn't want to go to them, he was pissed at them and was fully capable of masturbating himself, but there was a part that missed them, but right now, he just needed to think. Sometimes, he would find himself staring at his pet, even as the girl sensed him staring at her, when she looked, she quickly looked away when she saw the whites of his eyes. He knew what she did was an accident but it was hard for him to forgive her.
Accident or not, SHE was the one who pushed him into the food gauntlet.
It wasn't just them. The few days after the party, he had only been out a couple of times and everywhere he went, everybody stared and snickered at him. They knew, thanks to the gossipers, what had happened to him. Normally it wouldn't have any different but he was the kyuubi brat and even though they sort of accepted him, the idea of his container suffering like that was humorous. Even Temari, who he met again on his first trip out, had to hide her snickers. She apologized though and that was good for him.
About five days after the incident, it was bed time and Sakura was once again going to be alone. She was never going to get used to sleeping alone. She hated it. She had gotten used to having a warm body next to her and the sheets and the comforter was doing nothing to mimic that. She shut off the lights and climbed into bed. She couldn't take this much longer. It was maddening, having her master ignore her all the time. Even her sisters were having a hard time dealing with it. She scooted under the covers and sighed, closing her eyes wishing that he would go back to the lovable boy he used to be, not this cold, harsh boy.
Suddenly, Sakura's eyes snapped open as the door creaked open. It wasn't her sisters, they were forbidden to come out once it was time to go to bed. It wasn't Jiraiya, he went to bed long ago. It had to be Naruto and the scent that wafted by confirmed that it was the blonde master. She didn't dare move nor move her eyes and her heart started to go faster as Naruto grabbed the covers and moved them off of her. Maybe he wanted to fuck her, to relieve his frustrations and she would be glad to allow him to use her body for whatever he wanted to do to her.
Although if he was going to kill her, she wished that he would make it quick.
Her breath started coming in short when she felt an added weight being added onto the bed. Naruto was climbing onto the bed and crawling toward her. Her body stayed still however as Naruto stopped, but to her complete and utter surprise, he cuddled up to her and moved the covers over them as he settled. "I hate being mad at you." He said, resting his head just above her breasts. "Try as I might, I can't stay mad at you. I love you Sakura and I love your sisters. I want to believe that you'll cause no more harm to me but I know you and I know your personality. Accidents will happen and this is no different." Naruto sighed and wrapped his arms around the shocked girl, but changed his mind and brought his hands in front of him. "Where's my necklace?" That snapped Sakura out of her shocked and she reached for the vials of blood laying on the nightstand. She grabbed it and handed it to Naruto, but the boy took not only the necklace, but both of her hands in his. "Can you forgive me?"
Sakura looked at the boy for a few seconds, wondering if this was a trick, but deep down, she knew he was sincere. "I will always forgive you master. No matter what you say, we will always forgive you."
"Yeah...about that..." Naruto interrupted. "I said some things that I'm not proud of, that I wish I can take back. When I said that you sometimes look out for yourself, I didn't mean it. I know you always have my best interest in mind, even if you did somehow find a way to bypass my lie detector..." At this, Sakura rolled her eyes. "I know you wouldn't use that ability to take advantage of me and besides, you know what I will do to you if you do decide to betray me."
Despite the last part, Sakura couldn't help but laugh. "I know master."
Naruto chuckled and sighed. "I met the Sand siblings a couple days ago. I think we can still be friends."
"That's good, that's good. It wasn't a total loss after all."
The boy chuckled again. "It seems so." A tired sigh escaped his lips. "I'm tired Saku...I'm so tired of this shit. Do you think my wives will be alright?"
Sakura chuckled and wrapped her arms around her husband and placed a hand on his head. "Well, I think if tomorrow, you go back to normal...ish. They will realize that you calmed down and they'll start to bug me for answers. I'll tell them what happened and things will go back to normal."
"Or maybe I'll sit with them and tell them what I told you. I've been meaning to talk to them about something anyway." There was silence for a few moments, Naruto enjoying the comfort of being in the embrace of his pet when he remembered one thing he said in his rage. "One more thing Saku...when I said that you gotten addicted to the power of being a head slave, I didn't mean that. While it's true you get power hungry sometimes and boss everybody around, I know you know your limits so don't take what I say as an order to hold yourself back. As long as you keep your wits about you, I don't care what you do."
Sakura wanted to respond to that, but she realized that nothing needed to be said. As Naruto scooted as close as possible, she knew things were going to be alright from now on. There may be some awkward moments for a while but they'll pass and things will return to normal. But there was one thing she was worried about.
Despite Naruto's immense anger, she was worried about Kyuubi and attempts to take over him. She'll have to talk to Ino about that. The girl is even stronger in the mind and she'll be able to find out if everything is alright.
Every single member of the Uzumaki family has their own unique responsibility. For Naruto, it was his pleasure to be in charge of everything, to go through the day by day work of running a household, managing the bills, taking care of his lusts by screwing the brains out of his pets, but most of all, being alive and free. Naruto's first wife and slave, Uzumaki Sakura, has plenty of responsibilities for a female in her position. Because of her role as the head slave and favorite, Sakura has her own set of unique responsibilities. Sakura stands by Naruto's side in legal matters. She has the rights that a married woman usually has, if not more because of Naruto's will. She has complete control over their money, has the authority to speak in Naruto's absence, basically she has all the rights Naruto has, if not more. But as for family matters? Sakura has complete control over her two sisters. Besides that, Sakura plays the role of family doctor thanks for her experience in the medical field due to personal experience healing herself after Naruto was done torturing and breaking her body and to the teachings of her mentor, Azumi, but Sakura can only treat the little things. For the major stuff, that's Azumi's territory. Both Ino and Tenten has accepted her authority as the head slave and follows her orders as if they came from Naruto, only disobeying her if Naruto's orders supersedes hers.
But sometimes, when Naruto feels that Sakura is getting burned out, he removes her control and gives it to either one of her sisters for two reasons. One, he wants Sakura to have a break once in a while. He seen people get burned out by so much control if they haven't gotten a break once in a while. In fact, for that reason, even Naruto lets himself have a break once in a while and lets Sakura have all the glory of being headmaster of the household. The second reason is he wants each slave to know how it feels like, what the job entails, and how to do the job if they ever needed to handle that responsibility.
Of course, the sheer excitement the girl feels whenever Naruto hands her that power causes him to wonder what she would turn out like if she was never involved with him.
For Tenten, she hasn't really found a purpose in her new life. She just recovered from the relentless torture and was trying to get her thoughts straight. Sometimes, she would spend hours just sitting outside, staring at the stars, wondering about where she would fit in. Despite her classes at the Demolition Corps and Sakura's tutoring, she doesn't really know where to contribute. Despite offering her body to him whenever he desires, there's not much else she could do.
But Sakura kept on saying to her, every time she saw those doubts in her. "You'll find your place eventually Ten...all it takes is time. Me? I didn't realize that I didn't want to be a medic until several months after I was given to him. It was an informed decision too. I was sure about my decision before I told him and he gave me a chance. If you really want to be a blacksmith and create masterpieces, then by all means, go for it. Hell, I know you girl and I know how imaginative you are. You'll probably be able to start a business creating unique bondage frames or something like that. With our connections, you'll have the chance you will want." With those words, Tenten was motivated to continue, go strive to find her place in the family.
Ino, however, has taken on the mantle of being the family psychiatrist. Long, long ago...long before Naruto had even looked at Ino and thought of potentials with her body, long before Ino had ever seen Naruto. Inoichi had taught his daughter in the family ways, taught her with his own personal experience, the ways of the mind. It was one of the few things she really focused on, although in the later years, she became lax on it, but picked it up again with Sakura's urging. That was the best choice as her skills made Ino decide to official declare herself, in front of everybody no less, the official `therapist' of the family. Naruto was skeptical at first, but gradually accepted that and shifted from having Inoichi as his therapist to Ino, although he still goes to the blonde Yamanaka male sometimes.
Turns out, having somebody they trusted, knew intimately, was a good choice for the job. With Ino's ability to only know what her clients were actively thinking about at that moment, it helped her to understand what they were talking about. Sometimes, they just wanted advice, other times they just wanted somebody to speak to, someone who'll keep their conversations confidential, even to Naruto. That was a bonus...Naruto had gave her the right to keep things from him unless she felt that he absolutely needed to know and that he trusted her to know the difference.
But most of all, Ino's main responsibility is to make sure Naruto is Naruto.
After that incident with Kyuubi, Naruto and the Hokage wasn't taking any chances of a repeat. At first, Naruto was required to have a monthly appointment with Ibiki, the psycho-therapist, for analysis. It was a little hard to face that man monthly but Naruto trudged through it. Later, when Ino came on board and she developed the skill to go into his mind and analyze him, the duty fell to her. Ino, happily, took the responsibility of being the first line of defense, swearing on the spot, that as long as she lives, Kyuubi will never be free again.
It was with that thought, that Ino made arrangements to have a squad of their most trusted ANBU ready and waiting while she dives down into his mind once again.
Because of their bodily changes, there are times when the family gets extremely lazy. They couldn't really explain it but some days, they just had no energy. It may not even be that harsh, sometimes it would be halfway. They have energy but they couldn't do much. Sometimes, Ino would joke that they were just like Shikamaru, too lazy to do the simplest things.