Chapter 36: Chapter 30 Part 1
It was bound to happen.
Days upon days of endless torture, endless pleasures, and harsh training finally did it. It was gradual at first, the girl weakening each day. It wasn't physical weakness, it was mental weakness. The girl was being tested in every single way, but despite her best efforts to learn the best way to utilize her new body, she couldn't take it. Naruto was the worst of the three. Because of his experience, he knew the way he wanted to break her. He tortured her with pain, trained her to accept this pain as part of her life. His hands gave her pleasure, his lips exploring her body. She knew that from the constant pleasure her body was feeling, it was only a matter of time before her body becomes addicted to the pleasures, to the point where she wouldn't be able to go a single day without her body burning. Naruto didn't focus on one thing at a time, he alternated, forcing Tenten to adapt and adjust. Sakura helped Naruto train and break Tenten but, unlike Naruto, Sakura focused on teaching Tenten more about their world, in addition to her kind of training, and showing her, in detail, what is out there and what is possible. Ino, however, didn't torture the body. She tortured the mind. When it was Ino's turn, there was never a single bruise or wound on Tenten's body but Ino took delight in showing the benefits of having a Yamanaka for a torturer.
In addition to being raped nearly every single day, Naruto and slaves trained Tenten to be a domme, which they found out that she was a natural at. In fact, that seemed to be the easiest part of her entire training. In addition to that, Naruto knew where the weak spots in her training were and built on that, making sure that she could at least hold her own against enemies that used her weakness. This was constant, from five in the morning to ten at night. Naruto hardly let her rest, only letting her rest when he thought she really needed it. But when Naruto himself trained her, he was extremely harsh, severely punishing her for her failures, but then greatly rewarding her when she did make it through, slicing off all the targets despite the restrictions he placed on her.
The rewards alone provided motivation enough to push through her exhaustion and win his please him.
On those days where Naruto helped train Tenten, the girls themselves did their own training. Ino focused more on improving her own mental abilities while Sakura experimented with better ways to rip the heart out of her most hated female in her life and squeeze that beating organ in her hand, right in front of Ami while she died. Of course, Naruto was fully aware of Sakura's plans for Ami. He didn't need to be a mind reader to know how much Sakura hated her, hated her for making her life such a living hell, destroying her self-esteem. Hell, he was fine with his pet killing her. As long as that girl still existed, Sakura would forever be vulnerable to her usual violent outbursts whenever Ami choose to interrupt.
So Sakura killing Ami? That's fine by him.
As time passed, Naruto wasn't sure when it happened. It's been a long time since he's seen Tenten not doing something. She was never really alone since they stepped up her training and never gave her time to herself, but one day, he wasn't sure what made him thought of it but he decided to give her a day off and the entire family to just relax. It was funny though, the reactions of his pets when he told them about their day off but Ino knew, she knew what he was thinking, so when Sakura pressed further, Ino shut her up with a harsh slap to the back of the head. The instant Naruto was finished with breakfast, he stood up, grabbed both of his pets, regardless of whether or not they were finished, said that Tenten could do what she wanted, ran up to his bedroom, slammed and locked the door. While Sakura looked on in confusion, Naruto unsealed the crystal ball given to him by the Hokage and tuned it to Tenten and set it on the bed and motioned for the pets to gather around and watch. They watched Tenten for the rest of the day, the girls finally realizing Tenten's state of mind. Even Ino, despite her help in training, hasn't been in Tenten's mind in a couple of weeks, finally realized.
Tenten was finally broken.
That realization made Naruto smile. Now Tenten was one step closing to becoming his. She hasn't said `I love you' yet but that was fine. He wasn't one to rush but he knew that she loved him. That light in her eyes when he touched her, that tone in her voice when she spoke to him. Even before he started really torturing her, he knew she loved him but she was unsure, unsure if she should say it. She knows Naruto won't give her his heart during her training. If he opened his heart to her, he would hold back and it would be bad for both of them so that provided motivation to do the best she could possible do.
That wasn't the only reason Naruto was happy. If this was true, then he could at last unlock those metal gates that held his heart and give it to her. It was hard these past couple weeks, seeing Tenten go through the hard masochist training but he was resolved to go through with this. Now, he can reduce her training some and give her some peace.
For Sakura, it was a mixture of happiness and sadness. She was happy that Tenten was finally broken and took another step in becoming a part of this family but she was sad that almost all of her will died. Sakura remembered, quite clearly, how she was when she was finally broken. She was broken, utterly devastated, and completely unable to make choices on her own but thanks to Naruto, it didn't take long to slowly recover to the point she could at least think for herself. For Ino, her reason for being happy was similar to Sakura but she was thankful for being given the chance to experience and study what a broken mind feels like.
"So she's really broken?" Sakura asked, her head resting on her hands.
"It appears so." Naruto answered. "I know that personality all too well."
"It's really too bad. If you weren't a sadist like you are, she wouldn't have to go through this. Her training as a sex slave would've been much gentler." Ino said.
Naruto chuckled. "True, but at least the hard part's over. Now all that's left, is to remind her that I want someone with will, with passion, with spirit. Not someone as docile as she is."
Sakura chuckled as well and turned to Naruto. "Well that wouldn't be too hard. I've been through the same thing and I know what's she is going through. It should be better this time."
Naruto smiled. "I hope so pet...I hope so..."
It was quiet in the building the Uzumaki's call home. The blonde, the pinkette, and the platinum blonde were fast asleep in the bed while the newest addition, the brunette, was sleeping in the cage that was attached to the foot of the bed. The sun was rising and slowly filling the room with its light. Besides the snoring coming from Sakura, it was still.
That is...until the alarm clock went off.
As the annoying, loud, buzzer buzzed, Sakura jerked out of her sleep with a start, her hair flying all around as her head swung around, the buzzer coinciding with a dream she was having. When she realized that she was awake and the buzzing came from the clock, she growled in frustration and slammed the `off' button. She then picked the clock up the clock and looked at the time and frowned when she saw it. "Meh, 6:30 already? I just went to sleep!" She really wanted to smash that traitorous clock for waking her up so early but then Naruto would wake up and he would be in a bad mood and then take it out on her with his fists and go back to bed leaving Sakura with a bloody and bruised face.
Then he would take all of her money out of her checking account as punishment for breaking the clock and losing her temper leaving her broke.
Sakura sighed as she set the clock back down. Naruto was going to sleep in today and let her and Ino deal with Tenten for a while. She moved the covers off of herself and swung her legs over, the girl yawning as she stretched. The arms dropped down as she smacked her lips, moving her hair out of the way, and her eyes went to the cage. `I wonder how she's doing? It's hard...seeing Tenten go through the same experiences I did when he first broke me.' Sakura got on all fours on the bed, slowly crawling her way toward the edge of the bed and peeked over it. Tenten was still asleep, her arms and legs brought up to her body. It was chilly last night and she huddled against herself to warm herself up. Sakura asked Naruto to let Tenten have a blanket but he refused, saying it wasn't that cold.
She stood up, keeping her eyes on Tenten as she went into the bathroom and to the shower. Despite what she went through, Tenten was really trying to help herself. She lost her will when she was broken, she couldn't decide on anything without asking someone what they think she should do. She wouldn't do anything unless she was told. She would sit there for hours, only breathing, just waiting for someone to give her orders. It was gut-wrenching really...just seeing her just sit there, not doing anything, not willing to do anything that would insult her masters. In order to help Tenten recover, they needed to encourage her to make her own decisions, let her decide things. Her personality isn't gone, it was just hidden and she needed to find it again. It's a slow process but results are showing.
Sakura stepped out of the shower, her body refreshed from the shower. A shower always did her good, even on her worst days, a long soak in the tub helped loosen her up. She went to the closet first and got dressed. After that, she went back to the cage and bent down, that peaceful face still on Tenten's face. Sakura opened the cage to the door and reached in, placing her hand on Tenten's shoulder and shook it, rousing Tenten from her slumber. "Hey there..." Sakura said, seeing Tenten's eyes flutter open. "How you doing?"
"I'm fine." Tenten replied in a near monotone voice as she sat up.
"Good good. It's time to get up darling. Hop in the shower and I'll get breakfast started." Tenten nodded and moved out of the cage as Sakura stood by and watched. She waited until Tenten was in the shower until she moved again. The next movement was to give Ino a smack on the head, causing her to wake up. "You have jobs to do don't get to sleep in." She said, walking away as her blonde sister glared at her. Sakura went downstairs to the kitchen and started making breakfast. She knew what Tenten liked and how to make it and she hoped that Tenten would at least compliment her instead of eating silently like she always does.
"So was your sleep?" Sakura asked as both her and Ino sat across from her, watching the broken girl eat without a word. Despite going through it themselves, it was still strange seeing her like this.
"It was fine." She replied, keeping her eyes downward.
"Any dreams?" Ino asked.
"None worth mentioning." Came the weak answer, causing the girls to sigh. Sometimes it seemed like Tenten didn't want to recover, that she wanted to stay in this broken state forever.
"Any thoughts on what you want to do today?"
Tenten didn't respond, however; she just kept looking at her plate and it didn't look like she had anything she wanted to do today. Sakura sighed. "Tenten, what have we told you about this? You need to think for yourself. What if we died today huh? What would you do then?" Tenten didn't respond, instead looked away. "Tenten, look at me." Sakura said, a commanding tone in her voice. Tenten complied immediately and looked at Sakura who crossed her arms. "Answer this...burial or cold. Considering you hate both, choose one to go through." Tenten still didn't respond, but opted to stare at her sister instead. "Choose or I'll force you to go through both."
" c-can't..." The brunette finally stammered out.
"I can and I will if you don't choose."
Tenten gulped at the hard look in Sakura's eyes. The girl was frightening when she wanted to be and this was one of those times and she knew very well that Sakura can make good on her threat and got to thinking. Burial...Tenten's claustrophobic and being buried alive was one of THE most frightening things on her fear list, but then you have ice and the cold that came with it. She had her times in the freezer and she doesn't like it anymore then Ino does. How could she choose which one to go through? She hates both possibilities and it was hard for her to even think about choosing one to go through.
"You got five seconds to choose slave." Sakura's hard voice was heard.
"I...I can't...I...this..." Tenten was really freaking out. If she chose burial then Sakura would wrap her up in bandages and bury her in that box of dirt Naruto had laying around. Then again, knowing Sakura, she would fill her up with cold water and douse her in water before leaving her in bondage in the freezer. When Sakura started counting down, she panicked. "BURIAL!" She shouted, panting after she shouted but froze when she saw Sakura's smirk.
"Good choice. Don't you just love being in the dirt with nothing to see or hear but the sound of your own heartbeat?"
"I hate it!" Tenten shouted, the old Tenten surfacing for just a moment. "You're all a bunch of freaks!"
Sakura chuckled and took a gulp out of her drink. "So are you pet. So are you." Sakura reached out and tried to get some food off her plate. Key word was `tried' as someone snatched her plate right out from under her. She growled and turned her head but quieted when she saw Naruto kidnapping her food. "Morning master." She whispered, whimpering as Naruto gobbled down her food. "I thought you were going to sleep in?"
"I was." He commented in between bites. "But then I woke up and didn't want to go back to bed. Did I hear right? Does Tenten want to be buried?"
Before Tenten could respond, Sakura answered for her. "Yeah, she does."
Naruto chuckled. "Go ahead. A little fear might help shake her up."
The empty plate clattered as Naruto dropped the plate back where it was, the girl whining at the plate. She wasn't close to being done and now she had to cook her breakfast all over again. Then again, she could just scarf down a can of dog food. That'll do it. "As you wish master..." Sakura got up and grabbed her plate and went to the sink.
Tenten could only watch as the girls started moving. She wanted to say something, anything but it was hard for her. She kept her eyes on Naruto as he went to the fridge and goggled down a couple more food items. She started whimpering when Sakura came back and forced her up and started dragging her away. She kept her eyes fixated on Naruto as she was dragged away, however; just before she turned the corner, she shouted. "MASTER, WAIT!" Everybody paused and turned her way. That was the first time she shouted since she was broken. "I want to go visit my team." She whispered as Sakura let her go.
Naruto closed the fridge and turned to Tenten. "You trying to get out of your burial?"
"I miss my team." She said. "I miss Lee and his hugs. I miss Neji and his stuck up attitude. I miss Gai-sensei and his insanely white teeth. I want to see them."
"You're asking now?" Naruto crossed his arms. "Not once you asked to see your teammates. Not once. To be honest, I was starting to think you absolutely hated them."
Tenten crossed her arms under her breasts and bowed her head, Sakura standing behind her. "I...I thought that you wouldn't let me see them, not after everything that happened."
Naruto kept his eyes on Tenten. So she really wanted to see them but was afraid to ask but this is good. She's talking and asking for stuff. She was slowly getting better and Naruto hoped that she would continue to do this and not be a one time thing. "Alright, you can see your team." Tenten cracked a small smile. " still have to be buried first and before you go, there's another choice you must make. Take her Sakura." Naruto chuckled as Tenten started to struggle as Sakura grabbed her and started dragging her.
"Master?" Naruto turned to face Ino. "Are you sure Tenten being buried is a good idea?"
Naruto smirked and patted the top of her head. "If I know Sakura, she'll find a way to keep Tenten's attention to something else."
"Come on Sakura...please don't do this to me." Tenten begged as Sakura dragged her down the stairs. "You know I don't like being buried. Being buried is your fantasy, not mine."
"Master's orders are master's orders." Sakura responded. "Besides you're the one who chose to be buried."
"That was a hypothetical situation!" Tenten shouted. "You didn't say that you were going to bury me when I chose. You said you were going to bury me if I didn't choose."
"Then master came along and ordered you buried." Sakura finished as they approached a table. With a yelp, Tenten was thrown onto the table. Tenten was about to bolt but with a smack from Sakura, she stayed. "Do not move at all. You're being buried and that's that. Now I'm going to get the supplies...I expect you here when I get back." With one last smack, Sakura left to gather the mummification supplies...minus the brain scoopers.
Tenten was scared of being buried but she was scared of Sakura and Naruto more and so she stayed there, her body shaking like a leaf on the wind, whimpering in fear. She didn't like enclosed spaces, more so then Ino but she hated being on the receiving end of her families anger. She yelped when a box was dropped on the table courtesy of Sakura. "Glad to see you're still here. That's good...that means I don't have to extend your time in the dirt. Now then, since I don't have to clean and enema you because you already did that, it shouldn't take that much time." The first thing Sakura pulled out of her box of supplies was a large vibrator and a large set of anal beads. She lubed up the anal beads a little before inserting them into her. They were large but Tenten was able to handle the size of them. After all of them were in, Sakura inserted the vibrator, the girl letting out a moan at the action but her body was still shaking. "I know you don't like being buried and that's why I'm going to make it pleasurable for you. Usually when we, or himself, is buried, he makes sure that it's torments for us but for you, constant pleasure is better." While Sakura was talking, she attached a pair of egg vibrators to her nipples and taped them, but she noticed Tenten still shaking. Sakura sighed and started to gently caress Tenten's cheek. "You'll be alright darling. Think about this...every single time we have been buried, we are always taken care of. You, yourself, have seen the process and even aided master in burying me. We take precautions when we do something like this. You know this. I would never let anything happen to my sister." It was little but Tenten calmed down some, her words comforting the brunette, causing Sakura to smile. "That's good. Now, just relax. I'm going to make sure your attention is focused on something else. Right now, try to focus on the toys in you and the pleasures you'll feel once they are running."
Sakura took the box and dumped out the rest of the contents, large rolls of wrappings and several small ones. She grabbed one of the small ones and went to the bottom of the table so she could start at her feet. See...the trick is multiple layers. For the limbs and torso, you have to wrap those separately. Starting with her feet, Sakura started to wrap them. One layer wasn't enough, two layers was the minimum at least. Sakura liked at least three layers, gave her the feeling of complete restraints, both on the limbs and body. After Sakura finished wrapping both legs, she repeated the process with Tenten's arms. It was a little difficult with the fingers but it was no problem. Next was her torso. By now, Tenten stopped shaking and her eyes were closed and it looked like she was trying not to think about what she was going through. "Alright that the prep is finish, it's time for the total mummification. I'm going to put a total of three layers of you. It's small enough so that the trauma shears can cut through them easily in case of emergency. Three layers are also enough for you to feel complete enclosure." While she spoke, Sakura grabbed one of the large rolls and put Tenten's feet together and started wrapping them. "Before I wrap your head, I'm going to put a pulse monitor on your neck so I can keep an eye on your heart beat. I'm also going to put a two pronged tube in your mouth so you can breathe." By now, Sakura finished wrapping up to her stomach when the roll went out. She then created a couple of clones as she needed their help in finishing this, but before Sakura continued, both her and the clones gathered some more supplies. One clone got the heart monitor while another one grabbed the breathing tube while the real one, grabbed a drug vial and a syringe.
They went back and the clone with the tube was first. She ordered Tenten to open her mouth and she complied, allowing Sakura to insert the tube into her mouth and fix it to her head. "Reason I'm doing this now is I want you to get used to this. It'll be hard for you to move your mouth but just remember to keep breathing. The wrap and dirt won't be too tight and you'll be able to breathe fine." Tenten nodded, her scared eyes staring at her sister and tormentor. The clone nodded and another one took its place while the real Sakura continued to wrap Tenten. "It's a weird fetish I know." The new Sakura spoke, attaching something to her neck. "The very idea of being buried makes one think of graveyards. Mummification and burial sometimes go together and is quite a unique fetish." When she was done, both her and Tenten looked at the monitor as it started beeping. "Alrighty're almost ready. Now I need you to do something for me. Take your arms..." Sakura grabbed Tenten's wrapped arms. "And place them across your chest like this." Sakura placed her arms in an X pattern. "Now keep them there. You got a couple more wraps to go."
Tenten looked down as the wrapping started again. Already, she could barely twitch her legs but with this new layer, that ability was quickly being taken away. Sure enough, Sakura reached up and finished wrapping her torso, bounding her arms in the process. She felt weird. She could feel the egg vibrators pressing against her erect nipples, just waiting to be turned on. She could feel the two toys, already teasing her, her pussy lips a little wet already. It wasn't from the wrapping, it was from the stuff inside of her. "Alright Ten..." Sakura spoke after she finish, going into Tenten's sight and placing a hand on her cheek. "In order for me to help you, I'm going to give you a shot." Sakura exited Tenten's sight for just a moment but when Sakura came back, Tenten's eyes widened. Sakura was in the process of filling up a syringe with a clear liquid for a jar. She couldn't tell what it was since the label was away from her. When Sakura was finished, she pushed on it and liquid came squirting out, the girl making sure there weren't any air in it. After she was satisfied, she turned to Tenten. "This is a strong aphrodisiac. It has a ten minute delay which is plenty of time for me to finish and bury you and it lasts for half an hour." Tenten stayed still as Sakura pushed the needle into her neck and pushed, injecting the liquid into her. "Alright, now it's time to apply the final layer and wrap up your head."
Sakura handed the used syringe to her clone and ordered her to dispose of it, also telling her to get the box ready. She nodded and went off to fulfill her order and turned to her other clone. "Start putting on the final layer, I'm doing her head." The clone nodded, grabbed the last large roll and got started while Sakura grabbed the small one and started wrapping her neck, going up to her head. Sakura couldn't help but stare into Tenten's eyes as she worked. She was scared, really scared but at the same time, she trusted her to make sure she stayed alive. "Close your eyes darling." She whispered, the girl closing her eyes as the wraps reached her eyes. "There you go my little minx..." Sakura said as she completely wrapped Tenten's head. "Just stay calm and you'll get through this." Sakura grabbed the last roll and started at the neck once again. "Once the drug kicks in, you won't be thinking about being buried. All you'll think about is your lust."
Finally, after two hours of preparation, Tenten was finally mummified.
"Alright, final checks." The clone nodded and the two of them went over Tenten, making sure things were secured and Tenten's stomach rose up and down. Checking the heart monitor and the breathing tube, they decided that everything was fine and took the chance to look over their wrapped up pet. "She's beautiful isn't she?" Sakura whispered. "There's nothing like being completely restrained, not able to move, completely dependant on the person who put you six feet under."
The cloned chuckled. "This is a good lesson isn't it? Everything in this family is a privilege, not a right. The right to eat, sleep, have sex, all dependant on the master's will."
"She actually resisted. She didn't want to be buried and she tried to stop it, not much mind you, but she made an effort. That's good for her recovery."
"But we still need to bury her first."
"'re right. Is the clone ready?"
"Looks like."
"Well lets get to it. There's only a few minutes left before the drug kicks in and I want her in the ground before that happens." Sakura motioned to the clone to come and she did, Sakura giving her an order to hold onto the monitor while they buried her. The clone taking the stand, the real one and the other clone gently picked her up on both sides. The captive was starting to move and from the sounds of things, she was trying to scream. They took her to a box filled with dirt. The box itself was custom made and had holes for removing dirt and, if needed, collapse the entire thing so they could get to her faster. Reaching it, they set her down, making sure the tube wasn't in the box before they started filling it up. When they were sure, Sakura and a clone grabbed a shovel and started shoveling dirt out of another box and dumping it into the mummy box. The idea here was realism. The sound of the shovel and the sensation of the dirt falling on her added to the role-play that she was being buried. It took no time at all for the girls to fill the box and by the time they were finished, Sakura knew the affects of the drug she gave her already kicked in.
That...and the tube was moaning.
"Alright, thirty minutes starts right now." Sakura grabbed a stopwatch from the table by the chair and started it, the girl sitting down and grabbing the remotes to the toys and thumbed all of them on low. She was going to torment her a little, alternate between speeds every few minutes. She grabbed a magazine and leaned back and started reading.
Sakura hadn't planned on this.
All she wanted to do was sit there and wait out the thirty minutes, reading her magazine, but her eyes kept on looking at the remotes. Her mischievous side coming into play. She soon set down the magazine and started to play with the remotes. She would shut one off and turn another on high or turn all of them off save one on low. With the drug, she reasoned, doing this would heighten the pleasure for Tenten. She knew she was just making up reasons but she didn't care. This was fun...really fun.
But when the stopwatch went off, a frown replaced that smirk and she whined, sighing as she thumbed all of the toys off except for the pussy and ass toys. Those she turned on low. She motioned and the clones started to dig her out, scooping the top dirt into the holes and the dirt going back into the box until the wrapped figure of Tenten came into view. She was struggling if the motions from the figure were any indication. Quite possibly struggles of frustration. Once Tenten was free, Sakura and another picked her up and placed her back where they prepared her. They placed her down and Sakura started unwrapping her head. Soon enough, Sakura had Tenten's face completely free. The girl kept her eyes closed however, and Sakura saw a look of bliss on her face. "Hey still alive?" Sakura asked, gently patting Tenten's cheek while taking off the tube and patch.
Sakura chuckled. "Looks like the aphrodisiac did quite a number on you." Sakura looked down at her clones. They were unwrapping her as quick as they can. "Hang tight darling...we'll have you out in a jiffy."
"Sa...saku..." Sakura looked at Tenten when she spoke. She bent down when Tenten started whispering. "" Apparently speaking was difficult for Tenten. Maybe she misjudge the length of the affects of the aphrodisiac or maybe because she left two vibrators running.
"Come on can do it. Ask for what you want. Don't be afraid that we're going to be mad at you."
Tenten's mouth started moving again, her voice trying to say what her mouth was speaking. "" There it was. "I...want...more."
Sakura smiled at Tenten, gently caressing her cheek. "What do you want? You need to be specific or you're going to get something you don't want."
"H...Hu...hurt me...ple...pleasure me. I your...ha...hand."
Sakura chuckled. "You really have become a masochist freak haven't you? To ask for ask somebody to hurt you...that takes a great deal of courage and will. I will grant your wish..." At that, Tenten let out a loud gasp and a smile came onto her face. "But first you must go visit your team. You wanted to spend the day with them and so you shall. When you come back, I will find out your behavior and determine if you indeed deserve a reward. Only then...will I hurt you." Sakura bent down, capturing Tenten's lips in a blissful kiss. By now the girl were done with wrapping Tenten, the task being much easier with the trauma scissors. "Now go and take a shower. When you earn that reward, I will inject you with the aphrodisiac again and I will do what you want."
"Wow...whatever you did to that girl must have been good. Haven't seen a smile on that pretty face of hers in the longest time." Naruto commented as Sakura and Tenten came into the living room, both fully dressed and ready to go. The instant Naruto set his eyes on Tenten, he saw that smile on her face and felt an aura of confidence emanating from her.
"We had a nice time." Sakura said. "The aphrodisiac did a wonderful job in loosening her up. Afterwards, she practically begged me for more and I promised her that, depending on how well she acts, I'll inject her with another round and put her through a painful session."
"And she asked for this?"
"She did and I intend on delivering on that promise."
Naruto chuckled. "Knowing you, I bet. So, she ready to meet her team?"
"We had a talk and I believe so."
Naruto nodded. "Very well." He then turned toward Tenten and motioned for her to come closer. She did and he stopped her, turning her toward an occupied table. "You have a choice now pet. You remember the switch jutsu don't you?" Tenten nodded, remembering the times he used the pain for pleasure jutsu on her. "Your first choice is the complete set of dildo's and vibrators on your body with that jutsu on you. You will be at the mercy of your sister until such time she decides to stop. The second choice is this..." Naruto removed the top to two boxes, letting Tenten see what was inside them. "Cilice' for your arm and one for your thigh, both coated with a chemical that produces a painful feeling when it comes into contact with your skin and they will both be visible above your clothes. Now...pick your poison."
"The cilice's." Came the immediate answer from Tenten causing Naruto to blink. "I want the cilice's."
Naruto crossed his arms and chuckled. "Don't choose so hastily pet. Think about it for a minute."
Tenten shook her head. "No need. I want the cilice's on my body. I love the sensation they bring me."
The blonde master shrugged. "Alright, your choice. I don't want to hear you complain later on." Naruto reached down and grabbed the short cilice while Tenten turned around, letting Naruto have access to her arm. He encircled the metal around her arm and pulled the leather strap through the buckle and in one quick motion, pulled on it, a yelp of pain erupted from Tenten as the metal spikes dug into her skin.
`It hurts...but it feel so good.' Tenten thought as some tears leaked through her eyes as Naruto tightened it and secured it. She grabbed it with her other hand as Naruto let go of it and grabbed the larger, thicker cilice. He encircled it around Tenten's thigh, opposite of the side he put the other one on. He put the strap through the loop and gave it a hard yank, Tenten crying out again as the metal spikes dug into her skin. He secured it and stood up, looking into the pain filled face of his pet. "Th-thank y-you." She whispered. She closed her eyes when Naruto reached out, cupping her cheeks softly.
"You'll be alright pet. I think this will be good for you, seeing friends again and being out in the fresh air and like Sakura behave yourself, she'll do what you want to you." Tenten nodded and started walking when Naruto moved to the side. Sakura followed as she assumed that she'll be tagging along but when Naruto stopped her, she knew otherwise. "Not you pet." He whispered. "You have work to do today. Ino will be watching her instead. I'll be doing work as well so I don't want you slacking off."
Sakura was about to speak but stopped her mouth mid-move, instead opting to sigh and drop her hands down. "Yes sir." She sighed again as Naruto handed her a list. She looked it over and found that it wouldn't take her that long to finish. It was just some basic jobs and the biggest one was cleaning the entirety of downstairs and what was good is that he didn't give her a limit on the number of clones she could use. She looked up as the door opened and Tenten stepped out, praying that Tenten would be okay.
It was strange for Tenten to be out here alone. For the past few weeks, she never been out of the house. She was always doing something in her home and never had the time nor the will to leave so it was nice being out in the open air. She wondered what she would say to her teammates regarding her disappearance. Lee knew that she had a new boyfriend but then Neji is going to assume Naruto's an abusive boyfriend considering her attitude but then when she tells them that they are due to be married, who knows how they will react?
Gai will understand and maybe he'll help draw their attention away from her.
`Maybe it would've been better if I stayed. I'm having doubts about this now. Maybe I should turn back now and keep myself holed up until I'm better.' Tenten stopped and tried to turn around but found herself facing a green wall. At first she thought it was Lee but realized he was too tall for that and looked up and found herself looking at her teacher, Maito Gai. "Gai-sensei?"
"So he finally let you out?" He asked.
Tenten bowed her head, crossing her arms under her breasts, holding back a wince as pain shot through her arm. "Yeah...I asked but I think he wouldn't have let me out before today actually."
"You look well." He said but then his eyes went to her cilice's.
"I am well." Tenten said before he could speak again. "Master has broken me completely and is trying to help me recover." Tenten went silent to allow her teacher digest this new information. "How's the team? Lee doing okay?"
"He misses you, that's for certain. So you're coming to practice?"
"I hope so."
Gai chuckled and patted Tenten's head like a parent would to her child. "Well that's good. Come on...Lee is just dying to see you."
Gai led Tenten to their training area. It was a location within the forest, where there was plenty of trees around, plenty of cover. When they arrived, they found Lee and Neji already there. The instant Tenten stepped in the area, Lee turned and when he saw Tenten, he exclaimed and rushed off, his arms outstretched to take Tenten into his arms. Tenten allowed him to hug her, the pain shooting through her arm as he gathered her in a bear hug. "I missed you too Lee." She gasped out. "Please let me go. You're going to break my spine."
Lee let go of Tenten, the girl gasping for breath as Lee nearly choked her. "Sorry Tenten-chan...I haven't seen you in quite a while. I...what is that?"
Tenten made a questioning sound when Lee asked the question. She followed his line of sight and saw he was looking at the cilice. "It's a cilice Lee. Instrument of torture and used mostly by religious fanatics."
"Why are you wearing it?"
The girl shrugged. "I like it. That's all I'm saying. So how have you been doing?"
As the two got caught up, the third member of the team just stayed silent, keeping his pupil less eyes on the girl. From the first word she said, Neji knew something was different about her. It wasn't the collar or the cilice, it was her manner, her way of existing you could call it. She seemed extremely docile now, extremely timid as well. In fact, she seemed a couple levels above how Hinata was before she became enslaved to that Anko woman. He won't say anything right now, instead just keep an eye on her. He may be seeing things wrong but for now, he'll stay silent.
For the most part, training went badly for Tenten. She tried...really tried but she just couldn't summon up the effort to train like she used to. Add that to the pain in her body due to the cilice's, the pain made her get hot and had a difficult time focusing on training. Gai wanted to pull her out but Tenten refused, saying that she was just having a bad day. Gai, despite his gut, let her keep training, hoping that she would get better. As time passed, she got better a little but not by much. Everybody knew Tenten changed, even Lee and his admiration for her, he knew that she was different. He could tell by the effort she made just by moving, the way she walks, and the bliss on her face whenever he hits the arm containing the cilice.
Neji, however, was suspicious. The instant he activated his eyes, he noticed the glaring changes to her system. Not only were her reserves and capacity immensely increased, the channels themselves were bigger to handle much more chakra and allow her to use more chakra at one time. Not to mention the color, instead of the yellow, it was a combination of red and black, producing a evil aura to Neji, but those weren't the only changes to her. Her body also changed as well.
In fact, Tenten's entire bodily changes were similar to Naruto's wives and Naruto himself was the most severe of the alterations.
`What has he done to them?' Neji thought. `I stayed quiet when I saw them but now Tenten? There's no way this is natural. I need to report this. He's brainwashing all our kuniochi.' Neji kept silent though. He may be jumping the kunai here but still, if Naruto is kidnapping females and brainwashing and changing them, then action needed to be taken.
`What was I thinking? Coming out here. I never should've left the house. They hate me, hate what I've become.' Tenten thought as she sat against a tree alone, her legs brought up against her body and buried her head. `Neji hasn't said one word to me and Lee...I remember those eyes.' Her team left a long time ago but she stayed, regretting that she even asked Naruto to let her go out. She was disappointed with herself. She thought that she would have a good time but as she soon found out, it was a complete disaster. `I should be getting back. I'm never asking to go out, never again. Not until I'm better.' Tenten sighed and stood up, adjusting the cilice's on her body. She moved them when she was on her break so it would be hard for her to get used to the pain. `And it seems like I won't get my reward.'
Tenten kept her hands in her pockets as she walked the streets. It was nearing supper and she didn't want to stay away from home for too long. She kept her head bowed as the people passed her by. She felt out of place here and wanted nothing more to go back home to her master and sisters. During her walk, she thought about Sakura and what she would say about her behavior. Surely Sakura was going to hit her and yell at her. The girl didn't like weakness and neither did the rest of the family. Sakura was going to punish her for her failure in ways she learned was quite possible. Suddenly, the girl yelped as she was suddenly stopped because she walked into something.
She looked up and saw a long line of people, mostly females leading into a bookstore. The female she ran into, however, looked down and gave her a death glare. "Hey, back of the line."
"I-I'm sorry ma'am." Tenten bowed in apology, backing up some. "Umm, if I may ask, what's this line for?"
The woman humped, thinking about whether or not to answer it. "This is the line for Maki Kyoko. She pushed up her release dates and decided to release a set of new books today."
Tenten blinked, she knew that name. "Isn't she that romance and smut writer?"
The woman nodded. "The very same. You read her works?"
Tenten shook her head. "Not me but I know someone who does. She likes the yaoi books."
"Well, it might interest you to know that she release something new in that category."
"Really?" Tenten asked, the realization coming to her. If she gets that book, she can bribe Sakura into canceling her punishment. She never liked being tortured out of anger. It took all the fun out of it and with that book, she just might get out of this with fewer wounds. She immediately checked her wallet and found that she should have plenty of money. Mind made up, she looked at the end of the line. It was too long and was going to take too long to get in and buy it. So there was only one thing to do.
Cloak herself and hope that they still have her books.
Immediately, she cloaked herself in a way that wouldn't draw any attention and walked by the long line. All she had to do was sneak in and uncloak herself and then buy the book but as she found out when she stepped in the store, her plan hit a few snags. The store was absolutely packed. You couldn't walk without bumping shoulders with someone and what's worse, the adult section was getting crowded so she had to act fast. Since she couldn't walk on the ground, she had to take to the ceiling and for Tenten, that wasn't a problem. She walked across the ceiling to the other side and dropped down to an empty spot before it was occupied. She entered the adult section, still cloaked, and quickly looked for the new releases section. She found it and quickly grabbed the book. She couldn't stay here for long lest she be discovered.
Now she planned on buying the book but she realized that it would take at least half an hour to get to the register and it was too long for Tenten so she decided to leave...without paying. To her surprise, Tenten wasn't beat up about her decision as she thought she would be. She quickly exited the store and ran for home, hoping to god that her family wouldn't find out what she just did.
Naruto smirked as he watched his pet run from the store in his crystal ball, clutching the stolen book. "To make the conscience decision to steal...that says a lot about your state of mind pet. Maybe you aren't quite broken as we think you are. Maybe you do deserve a reward after all." Naruto let go of the ball and the globe clouded up, the observer resealing it before standing up and walking the path home.
`I hope Sakura likes my present. If she finds out I stole telling what she's going to do to me.' Tenten thought as she entered the house. She took a deep breath before starting to look for Sakura. She looked on this level first and found no Sakura. She went upstairs and found Sakura tied up in her room, completely clad in leather, her arms and feet chained to the bedpost, a ball gag/blindfold harness on her head as her body slept. She entered the room slowly, her walking feet staying silent as not to wake up her sister. She tucked the book behind her, using her shirt to hide it as she sat down on the bed, facing Sakura. She took off the ball gag first, the action causing Sakura to stir. She undid the rope binding her hands next, causing Sakura to wake up before moving the blindfold off her eyes.
"You're back." She mumbled as she sat up some, using her elbows to help her up. "How did your trip go?"
Tenten sighed. "Not very well I'm afraid. It was a mistake asking master to let me out."
"What happened?"
"It was a disaster from the start. I couldn't focus during training, Lee was asking too many questions that I couldn't answer, and I couldn't find the effort to do anything and Neji...he didn't say one word to me."
"So you had a bad day. Everyone has them."
Tenten shook her head. "Not for me. I never should've gone out. I should've stayed inside until I was better."
"Tenten, you need to go out, interact with people if you want to get better. For me, it helped talking with Ino everyday."
"But Saku..."
"No buts Ten...master's going to force you to go out so you better get used to that." Tenten groaned as Sakura laid back down. "You'll do better next time I bet darling. You always were good at adapting. Now would you mind tying me back up? I would like to go back to sleep."
"Before you do Sakura..." Tenten said quickly. "I have a present for you." Sakura looked at Tenten as she reached behind her and pulled out a book and handed it to her. "You like this author right?"
Sakura eyes widened as she was handed the book, realizing what exactly she had been handed. `This...this is...I thought it came out next week. How'd you?"
"From what I have been told, she pushed up her release dates so I decided to get it for you."
The pinkette smiled. "Thank you so much. How much did it cost?"
"Err...not much really. About the cost of a new book." To be honest, Tenten didn't really look at the prices. She just wanted to get out of there and she had to hold back the urge to gulp as Sakura's eyes flicker to her. "Yeah, the store was packed and I was rushed out of there."
Sakura kept staring at the girl. "I see. Well, thanks anyway. I'll start on it tonight after my nap. Make sure you clean the cilice's when you take them off. Now...would you mind?" Tenten nodded and reattached the ball gag and the blindfold. Sakura put her hands in its previous position so Tenten could tie them back up. When she was done, Sakura tested her binds and nodded, signaling that it was fine. Tenten nodded as well and stood up, leaving the girl as she settled down for her nap once again. Tenten left the room and walked to the stairs. She walked down but then stopped when Naruto started coming up.
She moved to the side to let him pass but he stopped in front of her. "Where's Sakura?"
"In her room." She responded. "Tied up and sleeping."
"Good. Get supper started and you can tell me about your adventures outside."
`What adventures?' She thought with a scoff. "Yes sir." As Naruto passed, she continued walking down.
"One more thing pet..." Naruto said, causing her to stop. "Good job on the book. Considering how you managed to keep yourself hidden despite so many people, you did a good job."
Tenten froze in horror.
She looked back as Naruto disappeared around the corner. `He knew?'
Naruto chuckled as he stepped into Sakura's room. The jobs he assigned her weren't that much and the very last thing on the list was to do whatever she enjoyed until otherwise ordered. Apparently Sakura decided to dress up in leather and to tie herself up and take a nap. She was sleeping right now but he'll soon take care of that. He slowly entered the room and walked toward her bed, taking off his jacket. He reached the bed but he didn't climb onto it, wanting to do this slow. `It's been a while since I smelt her and the leather.' Very slowly, Naruto ran his hands across Sakura's boots, loving the feel of it. He moved up some, the action causing the boy to climb onto the bed. His nose was alive with sensations and his body tingled with excitement. With no obstacles in his nose to block the smell, his body was starting to react like it always does and stimulate the sensation of being high with his sex drive being kicked into action.
By now, because of Naruto's actions, Sakura was awake once again and staring (still blindfolded) at Naruto as he sniffed and touched her body.
"It's too bad that Tenten had such a rough day out." He commented, knowing Sakura was awake. "I told you that I would be working but I lied. I wanted to keep an eye on Tenten myself. Ino was just there to make sure things didn't go wrong. I mean, I was hoping that she would at least have an average day but I think she messed herself up."
Sakura gasped as she felt a very light touch on her pussy by Naruto's nose. It was exciting, being bound like this and clad in her favorite clothing. Her struggles only served to increase her pleasure and the mere touch of a male hand, Naruto's hands, on her skin cause her body to heat up and for her core to start lubricating itself. This is why she liked bondage. She couldn't do anything to protect herself while her master did what he wanted to her, the girl completely vulnerable to the whims of her master. She could do nothing but scream as he rapes her over and over again for his pleasure.
And with her scent already affecting Naruto, she was bound to have an extremely good time at his hands.
"Tell me something Saku..." Naruto asked as he advanced upwards. "You do realize that Ten stole that book don't you?" Sakura whimpered but nodded. "I'm glad of that actually. It showed me that she was thinking at that moment. For whatever reason she thought of, she thought and that's very good." Sakura squealed as Naruto reached around and grabbed her butt cheeks. "For that reason, I believe she deserves the reward you promised her so tomorrow, she's all yours, on one condition, you take her outside for some air. Take her to the hot springs if you want." He smiled when she whimpered again and nodded. Naruto moved up again and started to caress Sakura's stomach, causing the girl to increase her struggles at the ticklish sensations. "You really are such a worthy slave. Your mind and body willing and able to satisfy your master." Sakura arched her back as Naruto started to suckle on her breasts. His mouth would suck on one and a free hand would grope and squeeze the other.
With the addition of breast play, Sakura was nearly about to burst but with months and months of training, Sakura was able to hold back her orgasms and prolong the pleasure for as long as possible. She hasn't been penetrated yet and was going to try and hold herself until he does. "Sakura, your effort is nice and all..." Naruto commented as one hand started traveling down. "But I would rather hear you scream in pleasure." With that, Naruto pinched Sakura's cilt and she screamed as a powerful orgasm ripped through her body, her back arching despite Naruto's weight on her as she clenched her fists. Her eyelids were open and her eyes nearly rolled to the back of her head as Naruto's hand continued to stroke her cilt, prolonging the orgasm. It took a bit but the orgasm finally passed, causing the girl to collapse onto the bed, her chest quickly rising and falling to recover its lost air in the scream. "Now that is are ready for me." He declared, taking his clothes off quickly and tossing them aside, his dick painfully hard and ready for the sweet embrace of Sakura's wet cavern.
He didn't enter her right away, instead he wanted to work himself up a bit. He adjusted himself so that he could enter her when he was ready and give him easy access to the rest of her body. His head came up to her head, a smile on his face as he stared down onto the panting, gagged, face of his pet. He reached out and caressed her cheek. "Scream for me pet...scream as I ravage your body over and over."
Sakura let out a lusty sigh she heard him whisper. Her hands gripped the bars of the bed frame and she whimpered, feeling Naruto rub his cock onto her wet pussy, the act causing waves of electricity running through her body. She loved the way Naruto fore played. He always did it so differently that every time they had sex, she had to wonder what he was going to do next. `Oh I wish my hands were free. It's maddening being forced to do nothing but wait for him to move. Oh gods, I'm so glad I'm bound. The feeling is so exquisite.'
Suddenly, with no warning, her passageway expanded as Naruto shoved his dick in her, quickly burying it all in one motion. Muffled screams came from Sakura's gag as Naruto quickly set up a rhythm. Her body was shoved back and forth as Naruto pleasured himself. His hands had a painful grip on her legs but that only served to heighten the pleasure for Sakura as she was quickly drowned in pleasure. Another orgasm was quickly building and Naruto didn't stop, although Sakura knew he couldn't stop even if he wanted to, and the orgasm ripped through her body once again, the walls of her vagina tightening themselves around Naruto's meat stick, trying to coax an orgasm out of the boy, but failing to.
It took a couple more orgasms before Naruto was getting close. Sakura had the sneaking suspicion that he was intentionally holding himself back, whether it was for her benefit or his, she had no idea but he was driving her crazy. This wasn't like the regular sessions, he was doing something extra to her. Maybe he was using his chakra as an aphrodisiac. She knew that Naruto was getting close by the pain shooting through her thighs by Naruto's fingers. "Sa-saku-ra...I'"
However, just as Naruto was about to cum, Ino came into the room and placed her hand on his shoulder. "Master, I need to talk to you."
Outraged at the interruption, Naruto's head swerved around, but the action caused him to pull out of Sakura entirely, just as he had an orgasm, Naruto's seed shooting out and landing on Sakura's stomach and the area above Sakura's slit. Naruto waited to do anything until his orgasm passed. When the rush passed, Naruto turned on Ino, anger written on his face, but the girl was waiting outside the room. He growled and got off the bed, marching toward her, clenching his fists. " better have a damn good reason for interrupting me."
"I do master."
Naruto paused, a little taken back at Ino's confidence. "Well? What is so damn important?"
"The Hokage called. He needs to see you right now and said it was extremely urgent."
"Urgent enough to interrupt me and not let me cum in her? You could've waited two measly minutes." Ino was about to respond but found that she had no answer. "That's what I thought." Naruto groaned and started toward his bedroom with Ino following. "I tell you Ino...when we get back, I'm relieving my frustrations on you."
"I understand." Ino answered, watching Naruto get dressed. He kept on muttering curses as he quickly pulled on his clothes before walking out of the room, walking down the stairs, Ino following, and they both exited the house to go to the Hokage tower where the Hokage summoned them.
Back at the house, in Sakura's room, the girl was in a daze and she faintly wondered why the pleasure suddenly stopped. She heard Ino before screaming started and then nothing. Beside that, her body was left in turmoil. Her body demanded more pleasure and she tried to get out of her binds but the knot Tenten made was just out of her reach. She could get out by using her chakra but she swore to herself that unless Naruto needed her or that her life was in danger, she wouldn't use that ability. So all Sakura could do was struggle and hope she could get free while her body was going through a small withdrawal from the sudden lack of pleasure running through her body.
However, her savior came by a forgotten sister.
Tenten peeked her head in Sakura's room, watching the girl struggle to get out of her binds. She knew Naruto forgot her and she knew that Sakura was suffering right now because her sex was suddenly interrupted. She could do something about it but then she could just ignore her and leave her to suffer. Still undecided, she decided to make herself known right now and walked in the room, catching Sakura's attention and her attempts of begging. She couldn't help but chuckle as she saw Sakura's desperate face stare at her, begging her to do something to her. She went to one of Sakura's drawers and opened it, pulling out a vibrator, and sat down on the edge of the bed. "I suppose I should help you." Tenten spoke, Sakura's muffled screams being heard by the girl. "But then again, you keep telling me to make my own decisions so I'm faced with the dilemma of helping you or not helping you."
Tenten chuckled when Sakura started glaring at her, despite the blindfold. "On the one hand, master left you all alone and you need help." Sakura nodded energetically. "But on the other hand, you're a masochist and loves to suffer so you see my dilemma." Tenten sighed and looked at the object in her hands. "I don't know Sakura. Am I really cut out to be a pet? I mean, in the start it was fine but now, when I'm all broken like this? Can I really be fixed like master wants?" Tenten twisted the end of the toy, turning it on, and shoved it into Sakura, who squealed in appreciation. "Do I really deserve to stay here Sakura? I mean, I know you mean well but is it worth it?"
Despite the vibrations in her, Sakura couldn't help but roll her eyes. Tenten was getting all gloom and doom and it was unnecessary. Tenten will recover, that's a guarantee. How long is just a matter of time and depends entirely on how much Tenten wants this. If she really wants to stay here, then she'll do her best to recover. If not...well, she'll stay this way for the rest of her life. Tenten suddenly removed the ball gag from Sakura's mouth, finally allowing her to speak. "Ten...crack...Ten, I can't tell you the answers to that. Those questions you can only find the answers by yourself." When Tenten didn't respond, Sakura sighed. "Listen to me know I trust you right?" Tenten nodded. "What do you think that trust entails?" Tenten didn't answer but kept an eye on Sakura. "I trust you completely. That trust allows you to do what you want to me, no questions asked. Like right now, I trusted you that whatever you decided, I would be safe. You don't even have to ask my permission to do something to me. I could be sitting down reading a book and you can come up to me, rip the book out of my hands and have your way with me."
"Not even if I wanted to whip you all over?"
"You can do whatever you want to me. I don't care as long as you keep my safety in mind. However, law states that if I say no, you must step away. Master will hand you over to Ibiki if he finds out."
"But what if it is a playful `no' and don't really mean it?"
"That's up to you to decide. We're sisters Ten and we are very close to one other and that means we know what exactly we mean when we say something."
Tenten nodded and sighed. "So if I wanted to drag you to bed and take a nap with you in the middle of the day, I can do that?" Sakura nodded. "So you won't mind if I sleep with you tonight?"
Sakura chuckled. "I would welcome it."
Tenten smiled and Sakura saw it was genuine, one of the rare few nowadays. Sakura laughed as the girl dropped down on her and cuddled up to her. She knew Tenten wasn't going to untie her but with the vibrator running in her, she's fine right now. It felt nice being in Tenten's arms. There was just something about her. Maybe it was because of the fact that they known each for a long time even before her slavery or maybe it was her bisexuality. Anyway, there was no point in debating it now, master and Ino was off to see the Hokage for something and by the time they got back, it would be bedtime.
`Ahh...this is the life.'
The door slammed shut as Naruto entered the house coming from one of the surprising conversations so far in his life. Neji had accused him of kidnapping and brainwashing kuniochi. The claim was, of course, completely unfounded but still, Naruto wondered, why did Neji accuse him? He knew Neji knew that Sakura and Ino were different but maybe he should've realize that the instant Neji saw the changes in Tenten, he would've done something since he knew very well what she looked like inside. "I'm so stupid." He muttered, Ino falling in beside him. "I should've remembered Neji."
"It's not your fault." Ino spoke. "Neji did well keeping his thoughts to himself. When I was near him, I heard not one word about his suspicions."
"Still..." Naruto said, stripping off his jacket. "I've known for a long time that the Hyuuga's were the greatest risk to us. If we haven't befriended Hiashi..."
"Well, we did and it paid off. Because of him, we have many Hyuuga on our side."
The blonde boy sighed as he walked toward the kitchen. "I know. I still remember the help he gave Sakura in..." Naruto suddenly let out a groan, grabbing his head with both hands. "Crap...I completely forgot."
"What?" Ino asked in concern.
"Sakura..." Ino stared at the boy for a minute before she suddenly realized what Naruto was talking about. "I left her the middle of sex. God, she's going to kill me." Naruto turned a one-eighty and shot toward the stairs, his blonde shadow following him, and went to Sakura's bedroom, his mouth open to apologize but stop mid-speech and he smiled, Ino stepping in beside him. "Well will you look at that? Sakura was taken care of after all."
Ino chuckled and placed her hand on his shoulder. "I wonder if Ten did this on her own. Lord knows she can barely do stuff by herself. Maybe Sakura took care of herself and tied herself back up."
Naruto shook his head. "No, Tenten did it. Sakura never uses the chakra locks unless I say or she's about to die."
Ino smiled and ruffled Naruto's hair. "There's one way we can find out." She suggested, speaking of the camera room.
Naruto smiled. "So we can. You're still being tortured tonight. I got an aching that needs taking care of." Naruto stepped into the room and approached the bed. He reached down and pulled the covers over Tenten and Sakura, kissing them both good night. He exited the room, shutting off the lights and shutting the door.
From that day on, Tenten made more of an effort in healing herself. Combined that with help from her family and friends, she was starting to be the girl she was before she was tortured into nothingness. In addition to her recovery, Naruto wanted to make sure that Tenten embraced her prankster side. Reason being is that he wanted her to enjoy herself by playing a good prank now and then, and not to mention improve her evasive skills running away from the ninja's when they came after her. Because of her healing, Naruto was finally convinced that she recovered enough to let her begin her classes at the ANBU Demolition Corps building. Sakura had told Naruto about Tenten's doubts and Naruto took the opportunity to reassure Tenten that they were unfounded, that she was as welcome to the family as the pets were. The days went by and Tenten was getting better everyday. She had more will, more spirit, and much more strength in her daily actions. She had more of a voice in the family and had finally found the strength to say no to them.
But what really helped, Naruto thought, was Tenten's request to be the rapist in a rape session with Sakura. When she first made that request, Naruto looked at her strangely before asking for specifics and it turns out Tenten had thought it through. Tenten wanted both of them to be in bushido classes and she wanted Sakura to be a weak girl, just barely getting by while Tenten was one of the top students. On the more personal details, Tenten wanted to be a bisexual who just got dumped by her boyfriend just as they were about to have sex. She's angry, frustrated, but mostly angry and sets her eyes on the meek little pink haired girl in the back of the class. Sakura, for that session, was supposed to act like a quiet, orphan, girl. Stays in the back of the class, never speaks up, and only responds when talked too. Reasons why Tenten set her eyes on little Sakura is because she's an orphan, no one would miss her and by the time she was done, she would be too afraid to go to the police.
When Naruto told Sakura about Tenten's request, Sakura was really surprised. She never thought that Tenten would be brave enough to ask to rape someone and even more surprised when she learned how Tenten wanted her to act but she agreed to the fantasy. It was set in a couple of days and in that time, they weren't supposed to see each other. When the time came for the rape, the girls had enough time to prepare themselves. As expected from Naruto's pets, they preformed perfectly. Sakura was able to get into the role of the weak, orphan girl and Tenten was able to act like a long time boyfriend just dumped her for someone else. Sakura was literally shaking in Tenten's clutches, her voice soft and stuttering as Tenten advanced on her.
Tenten was perfect in her role. After her boyfriend dumped her in full view of her classmates, she ran out, tears falling out of her eyes. When class ended and Sakura was the last one out, she followed the pink haired girl to her home and waited. When all the lights went off fifteen minutes later, she broke in and started the rape but she didn't just rape her, Tenten spilled her guts to Sakura, crying in the process. Of course when her anger spiked, she took it out on Sakura.
By the end of the night, they were satisfied with the results. Tenten couldn't stop laughing as she untied Sakura, proud of herself on the job she just did while Sakura tried to calm herself down. When she did, she congratulated Tenten on a job well done. Now that Sakura actually went though it, it felt a little...forced. The `storyline' wasn't as fleshed out as it usually is but she did her job and as usual, performed with excellent results.
But hey, it's what Tenten wanted so who was she to say anything else?
A few days passed after the rape fantasy between Tenten and Sakura and things went back to normal. It was almost an over a week until the end of the finals and both Naruto and Sakura were confident they were ready for the finals but then the realization came up that they may eventually have to fight each other. The current mood was immediately shattered as neither one of them wanted to fight each other, especially Sakura.
She would rather die then lay a hand against her master.
Cries of battle filled the training ground as punches and kicks were through by Sakura and Tenten as they sparred against each other. It was intense, despite the bruised and battered bodies, neither had the will to stand down. No jutsu's were used since the start of the spar as per the female's agreements but it was mostly physical combat from the start rather then skills in jutsu use. Weapons were allowed but only the wooden mock ups. One of the laws Naruto had set down is that, unless they had supervision, no sharp weapons were allowed. Naruto didn't want to risk any accidents that might result. Because of this, combat rules had been set that required the participants to remove the use of the part of the body that would've been rendered useless by the blade.
Tenten cried out as Sakura landed a hit on her cheek, the strength behind the punch causing the brunette to skid the ground before crashing into a tree. She got up a millisecond later before Sakura's knee crashed right where she was, Tenten's leg seeking out Sakura's stomach but the girl caught it and swung the girl around and let her go, Tenten once again flying into the ground. The brunette tried to get up but a foot placed itself on her neck, pinning her to the ground. "You're getting sloppy. The punches to the head are getting to you." Sakura said, crossing her arms.
"I can still fight!" Tenten whisper shouted, trying to remove the foot from her neck but the girl put more pressure on her neck.
"No. We're done. We can continue this tomorrow but right now, I'm hungry and I'm tired and I need to check to see if you have a concussion."
Tenten let out a gasp as Sakura moved her foot off of her neck and allowed Tenten to take a deep breath. She coughed as Sakura pulled her up to her feet. "So I'm having a bad day."
The pinkette shook her head. "No, I just got the better of you today. Now gather up the weapons. I want to get some food in my stomach." Tenten nodded and the both of them started to gather up their supplies, the tattered clothes just barely clinging on. Even though the weapons were wooden and dulled, the actions caused by the spar still ripped and shredded the clothes to the point where it was just barely acceptable in public. "So...what do you want to eat?" Sakura asked after they gathered everything up.
"Mmm...well, I do want something to chew on." Tenten answered, standing in front of her sister.
Sakura chuckled. "BBQ it is then."
"You weren't kidding. This is good." Tenten commented as she gobbled down some of the food they picked up. Tenten yelped when Sakura smacked her hand, telling that they will eat when they get home. The girl whined but she removed her hand from the bag and licked her fingers. They continued walking the streets, people passing them by and looking at them. They were dirty, dusty, and bloody. A sure sign that they just came from training and beating the shit out of each other. "Hey Sakura..." Tenten started talking, the girl looking at her as Tenten spoke. "I've been thinking. Both you and master are in the finals right?" Sakura nodded. "Well, if I know you as I think I do, you'll kill Ami in the first round and you'll kill her in a way that'll make sure she stays alive for as long as possible." Sakura chuckled at that, telling Tenten that she was bang on. "Now, assuming that you manage to win the other battles as well as master, it's only a matter of time before both you and master face off against each other."
Sakura stopped in her tracks, Tenten didn't notice at first but when she did, she stopped and turned around to see Sakura having a sad expression on her face. "You don't think I know that?" She whispered, glaring at her sister. "You don't think I realize that I may have to fight him?"
"I know, I know." Tenten quickly said, trying to defend herself. "I was just wondering what you plan on doing at that time."
Sakura continued glaring at her brown haired sister when she sighed, walking forward to join her in their walk. "Sorry. It's been bothering me lately. I really don't know what I'm going to do. If I know master, he'll order me to fight him, to test our skills but I don't know if I can do that. I may just end up forfeiting the match."
"You do realize that once the two of you are alone again, he's going to punish you."
Sakura shook her head and sighed. "I don't really care. I can't fight him. If it's just an act then sure...but for real? Unless I'm about to die, I can't lay a hand against him. Can you honestly say you'll be able to fight him if ordered? I mean, really fight him?"
"Well sure...I mean...uhh..." Tenten trailed off when Sakura gave her a look and she sighed. "You're right. I won't be able too. I'm too loyal for that."
"And that's the problem...when we stand on opposite ends of the battlefield, I'm going to lose my nerve."
"Ehh, it's not your fault's hardwired into our slave training. If we lay a hand against him, we don't deserve to be with him. It's not wrong to have that kind of thinking. No matter how much he orders us, if it's not acting, we simply can't do it. You...Sakura...where you go?" Tenten soon discovered that Sakura wasn't walking beside her anymore. She looked around and found Sakura staring at a bulletin board. "Sakura?" Tenten walked up to her as Sakura continued staring at a piece of paper. "Something wrong?"
"Tell me..." Sakura finally said. "What do you remember of Naruto-sama's opinion on parties?"
"He hates them. He's too paranoid to even enjoy himself. Too worried about security and drugs and all that shit. I was really disappointed when I learned my party life died becoming a slave."
"What's his main concern?"
"What if that wasn't an issue?"
Tenten thought about that for a moment. "Well, he might consider it but I wouldn't hold my breath. What do you have in mind?"
Sakura reached up and ripped a piece of paper off the board and showed it to her. It looked like a notice of a Chunnin exam party in several days. All genin and chunnin were welcome and it was a formal event. "Anko-sensei once told me of these parties that are always held during important events. Security is always tight and with foreign diplomats here, there's bound to be security everywhere you look. Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"
Tenten nodded. "If we pitch the proposal right, we might be able to go."
"And if it goes alright, master might be open to the idea of going to parties with friends." Sakura said with a smile.
"And let us go party by ourselves!" Tenten said with glee but looked at Sakura when she patted her cheek.
"One thing at a time dear pet. Now, lets find Asuma and see what he knows about it."
"How do you know if he knows anything?"
Sakura pointed to a line on the paper. "It says the teachers to the genin are invited as well. He might have an idea on security."
Tenten nodded. "Alright, let's try T.A. 4."
The pinkette's eyebrow rose. "T.A. 4? Aren't those littered with land mines?"
"They are but Gai-sensei sometimes talks about his challenges with Kakashi in that training area. He's there sometimes daily."
"Well, lets try that first and then the jounin lounge."
"Can we eat on the way? I'm starving."
Sakura rolled her eyes. "Fine. I suppose I can cook some more stuff when we get home."
Tenten squealed in delight as she dug into the bag again, Sakura rolling her eyes at Tenten's eagerness. Since her enslavement, the girl has been introduced to new and exotic foods and took the time the learn how to cook better. It was one of the easiest parts of Tenten's training actually.
Explosions were heard throughout the training area four as jounin. The land mines scattered about weren't lethal but they were flash bangs on drugs and provided motivation enough to avoid, disarm, or use to their advantage. Sometimes, it was popular to have a vs. thing go on and see how long it takes before someone slips and gets knocked out as was the case today as Kakashi and Kurenai teamed up against Gai and Asuma and so far it has been a stalemate. Neither one making any mistakes and getting flash banged.
However, when two new scents came into Kakashi's nose and he recognized it, his foot slipped one inch and his senses were suddenly blinded.
"AHAH! YOU SLIPPED MY RIVAL! I ONCE AGAIN TAKE THE LEAD!" Gai declared as he and Asuma dropped down to the stumbling nin. Kurenai dropped down as well at his side and grabbed him to steady him.
"It...ow...I slipped. We...we have...guests...ow." Kakashi pointed to a spot several feet in the trees and the nins followed his finger to find both Sakura and Tenten looking down at them.
Kurenai motioned down to them and they jumped from branch to branch until they reached them and jumped down. "What are you doing here? T.A. 4 is off limits to genin."
"I smiled and winked and the guard let me in." Sakura joked. "It's not a problem. I've been in here before and I know how to trend."
Asuma groaned and rubbed his forehead. "Sakura...what are you doing here?"
"Looking for you actually." Sakura handed him the flyer for the party. "What do you know of this?"
"The chunnin party? Big event and has lots stuff to do. Lots of food. A lot of important dignitaries attend it as well." Asuma answered.
"How's security?"
"Why are you so...oh...I know why." Kurenai put on an evil grin. "You want to go to this party don't you. You know that Naruto wouldn't even think about going and you're trying to convince him."
"Master's main problem is security and Anko once said something about these kinds of parties."
Kurenai chuckled and crossed her arms and looked at her fellow jounin. "What do you think? Should we tell her?"
Asuma chuckled. "I see no reason not too. We all know Naruto's non-existent social life."
"Hey! He has a social life..." Sakura defended him.
"He's just concerned for our safety that's all." Tenten finished.
Asuma chuckled again. "Yeah, just keep telling yourself that. Well, I see no reason not to tell you of the plans. Everybody is searched before they go in. No outside food or drink is allowed in and no weapons."
"There are plain clothed officers that will be mingling around the party as well as ANBU." Kurenai added.
"Not to mention, there are food tasters as well." Gai added. "A sample of the food is tasted before it is sent out."
Sakura thought for a few moments. The majority of Naruto's concerns were addressed and it sounds like Naruto, once the right pitch has been delivered, would finally be able to enjoy himself. She turned to Tenten. "What do you think?"
"Sounds like everything is covered but what I'm worried about is his physical reactions. Will he be able to control himself if something happens? How good is his self control?"
Sakura chuckled. "If anything happens, we'll get him out of there before he does something he regrets."
After getting what they needed from the teachers, the girls spent the next couple of hours putting together something to bring to Naruto to, hopefully, convince him to let all of them attend the party. They role played with each other, trying to be like Naruto and try to figure out different ways to counter arguments that may pop up. They really, really wanted to go to this party. Sakura hasn't partied in over seven months for reasons of safety in Naruto's words but she knew he was deathly afraid of what might happen so she didn't press. So after they were sure that were prepared, they went home.
The door creaked open as Sakura peeked her head in, her eyes seeking out her blonde master. Failing to see him, her and Tenten entered the house. She knew how to properly pitch a proposal and it all started with mood. Naruto had to be neutral or happy, preferably happy, to even be approached. The door closed and looked at each other and nodded. If Naruto was the least bit unhappy, the plans were off and they had to wait until the mood was better. They wanted every advantage working for them. They immediately went downstairs but as they passed the kitchen, they found Naruto sitting at the kitchen, snacking on a bowl of ramen.
Sakura took a deep breath and sighed. It was now or never. "Hey master...where's Ino? Haven't seen her today."
Naruto perked up when Sakura spoke to him, noodles hanging from his mouth before slurping them up. "She's running errands. She'll be back later on. Why, do you need her?"
Sakura shook her head. "No, not now. So...any problems today?"
Naruto shrugged. "Not much. I didn't really go out today so I'm fine. You hungry?"
"I'm fixing to make something for the two of us actually." Sakura's eyes flickered to Tenten and back to Naruto. Naruto noticed that movement and thought something was about to happen. "Do you mind if we put forth a proposal?" And there it is.
Naruto set down the chop sticks and interlocked his fingers, setting his head down on them. "Why am I not surprised? If Tenten's with you, then you got something planned so lets have it." Naruto looked down when Sakura placed a piece of paper in front of him. Naruto picked up the piece of paper and looked over it and when he realized what Sakura was planning on asking him, he slammed the paper down onto the table. "Sakura, what have I told you time and time..."
"Master wait!" Sakura interrupted. "I know what you're going to say but this is different."
"How is it exactly `different'?" Naruto growled.
"Because security is really tight. In addition to Konoha nin, there are foreign representatives that attend this party. Everybody is searched extensively before they are allowed in, weapons are strictly forbidden." Naruto paused at that, deciding to hear her out. "There are plain clothed officers at the party. It'll seem like they are having a good time but they are keeping an eye out. Before the food is brought out, a sample is tested by a taster to check for poison. Even though there is alcohol at the party, if anyone gets too rowdy, they are ejected." Sakura paused, letting Naruto digest this information. She took the chance to look at Tenten and she was confident that things were going well.
"So...what kind of stuff goes on in these parties?" He asked, causing the girls to smile. If he asked that, then he was at least, considering it.
"Well, it's just like any other party." Tenten spoke. "Except that the party is funded by the village and is spared no expense. Considering the amount of people last year, a large two story building is rented and used for the party. There will be many things you'll be able to do. Drink, play games, mingle...interact with other people your own age." Tenten added with a chuckle. She knew Naruto needed to have more interaction with his peers.
Tenten looked to the side when Sakura grabbed her arm under the table. "What are you doing?" Sakura whispered harshly. "We're trying to convince him to go, not alienate him from everybody even more."
"That's what I'm trying to do. Show him the positive side of having a party life." Tenten whispered back. "If this works, every weekend, he'll be out getting drunk with friends instead of sulking in here with us like he does."
Sakura let go of Tenten and turned back to Naruto. He was in deep thought and didn't seem to mind that Tenten's comment could be seen as an insult. He seemed to be seriously considering it. "Will...will my friends be there?"
Sakura nodded. "I see no reason why not. Who knows? You may meet some new people there."
"I...maybe I'll think about it." Naruto stood up, his face staring into the piece of paper, and walked up the stairs to his room, shutting the door and locking it.
When Naruto disappeared, a heavy sigh came from the lips of both girls. "Well..." Sakura said. "That went well."
"Well?" Tenten asked. "We're still intact, no bloody noses or black eyes. He didn't get angry or anything. I say that went great."
"In any case, if he does agree, all of us have to be on our best behavior. If we are going to be free, things have to go well or else, he's going to be shut in."
When Ino eventually came home from her errands, her sisters immediately took her to the side and explained what just happened and Ino was left dumbfounded, completely taken by surprise. She asked if Naruto responded but they shook their heads, saying that he was still locked in his room and they don't expect him to come out for the rest of the day so the girls were left alone to hang out, waiting for Naruto's decision. Like Sakura said, Naruto didn't come out of his room, even for supper so Sakura left a tray of food in front of the door and knocked on it, saying there was food there if he wanted and left him alone.
When it was time for bed, Sakura saw that same plate but it was empty.
The next morning, Naruto was still locked in his room but they left him alone, understanding that he needed to think this through. They couldn't force him to go out; it was all his decision so all they could do was wait. Sakura quickly made his breakfast and set them on the tray and took it up to his room. She knocked on the door and said it was breakfast time. She waited but when Naruto didn't answer the door she sighed and set it down. She stuffed her hands in her pockets and walked away but when she heard the sound of a door unlocking, she stopped and served around to see Naruto picking up the tray.