Chapter 28: chapter 25 Part 2
`I hope I get the bye. I wouldn't mind fighting but I want to watch and judge their abilities on my potential opponents.' Naruto thought as he and the girls were watching a match. Sasuke was trying but something was slowing him down and his opponent always managed to escape his grip, due to his flexibility.
Finally, Sasuke managed to take him down by basically making him into the knot. Naruto could see that he was visibly relieved that he was down. After Sasuke was declared the winner, Sasuke looked up and smiled before passing out. Kakashi gathered him up and took him away. As the knot man was taken away, the next batch of names were brought up and Shino and Zaku was next to fight. Of course, the arm injuries that Zaku had and the obvious pain he was and the fact that he knew just how powerful Shino was, Naruto knew Shino was going to be the winner.
He looked up at the other side and looked at the Sound team. The other male genin seemed better then the other one but it was the female that caught his eye or rather the bandages that covered her entire skin. He knew Sakura, or rather her clone, interrogated the girl, but he wasn't exactly sure what exactly she did to her so like anyone with a curiosity, he asked. "Sakura..." Said girl looked at him. "What exactly did you do to that poor girl over there?" Now that caught the attention of nearby listeners.
Sakura smiled and leaned against the railing and crossed her arms. "Standard interrogation protocol." Sakura left it at that but with a look from Naruto, she chuckled. "Alright the first thing I did was do the answer or punished tactic. I asked her questions and every time she failed to answer, 10 strikes from the bullwhip. Ten questions in I was running out of room."
She chuckled. "Of course. Anyway, the girl must have had some training against this so I decided to try acid." Sakura let out a shudder at that. "Kami the screams the girl made were so delicious. I almost missed the girl give the answer to the first question. After that she was most forthcoming after I started dripping the acid onto her sweet spots."
"You did all her?" Kiba said, interrupting her.
Sakura turned to face the dog boy. "You be surprised at the things you can learn when you know what to do. Anyway, after I was satisfied with my questions, I chloroformed her, bound her more, and looked for her teammates, which they weren't far, and I literally dumped her on their lap."
There was a sudden snort and everybody, including Sakura looked at Ami who, by the look on her face, didn't believe her. "How do we know you really did that? You may fool everybody else but I know you and you're just a spineless coward."
Naruto was too slow.
Sakura seemed to disappear from view and she reappeared behind Ami, her arms going around her neck and forcing the girl down. "Now you listen to me you fucking little cunt...I have been trained in the art of torture. I made grown adults break down. I made them cry for their mama. Now what makes you think that I won't do the same to you cunt? I'm just waiting for you to give me a reason. I just need one, just one, and I'll break you down piece by piece till you're nothing but a vegetable."
"Sakura!" Sakura looked up at Naruto and she knew what he was going to order her to do. "What did I tell you about intimidation huh?" Naruto pulled out a kunai and quickly placed it right on the side of her cilt causing the prisoner to whimper. "Threats are nothing unless you can back it up." Sakura beamed and nodded, tightening her grip on the girl in her arms.
Finally Ami started apologizing and Sakura, feeling like she had enough for now, let her go and she scampered away. Sakura chuckled as she watched the girl move as far away from her as possible. She thanked Naruto, and they turned back toward the fight, just as Zaku's arms were flying away from his body.
Naruto chuckled as Shino was declared the winner and Zaku's body was taken away. After the body parts were cleaned up, names started flashing through the screen until it settled on two names.
Sabaku no Temari vs. Tsuchi Kin
"Now this...should be interesting." Naruto commented as he watched the contestants face each other.
`Something else is going on here. Naruto-kun has more connections then I originally thought. There's no way he can get away with kidnapping me in the middle of the exams unless he has some pull with the Hokage. All those people that came to check on me...there's no way I can stay secret for long unless there was something deeper hidden here.'
Indeed. All those people that came here to check up on her were mostly ANBU from the I/T division and that doctor, Azumi, she knew more then she was telling her, especially from the questions she asked her while checking on her I/V drip. She left after that, giving Tenten a smile and the words `Believe me when I say Tenten, Naruto has nothing but the best interests for you.'
Tenten snorted at that, thinking that Naruto was just someone who let his lust drive him.
So for the next few hours, Tenten was alone, her thoughts dedicated to the boy and how things could've gone so wrong in such a short amount of time and eventually she decided that she would wait until she got the full story before making a decision about the family. She was close to dozing off and she adjusted herself in the corner so she wouldn't fall in her sleep. `I hope, Naruto-kun, that things will be alright between us. I know Ino-chan told you what I said in my drunken state. Maybe this is your way of telling me you want me.'
With that, she fell asleep.
Hinata opened the door and peeked inside the dungeon room, smiling as she spied the sleeping prisoner in the cage. She stepped into the room and walked toward the cage, food dish in hand. She approached the cage and bent down, slipping the food into the cage. She wanted to do that first before she woke up Tenten. Sitting down, she reached in and patted Tenten's cheek, getting more harsh every few slaps before Tenten finally woke up.
Tenten groaned as she opened her eyes, taking a look at the person who woke her. "Who are you?"
Hinata chuckled. "I'm your caretaker until the master gets home."
As Tenten's mind woke up, she began to realize who this collared girl was. "I know you. Naruto-kun talks about you all the time. You're Hyuuga Hinata right? The girl who was scammed into stealing the Forbidden scroll and got turned into a slave as punishment?"
"You forgot being barred from ninjahood for three years." She said, chuckling. "So how are you doing?"
Tenten sighed. "When is he coming home?"
"Today should be the last day for the second round. If there are prelims, he should be home tonight. Tell me something, have the others before me let you out for some exercise?" Tenten shook her head. "I see. From what I saw from the camera's, you have been behaving yourself so I'll tell you what. With the proper restraints, I'll let you walk in the sun for a while."
Tenten stared at the girl in surprise. "You would do that for me?"
Hinata smirked. "Well I can't have you looking pale when he gets home can I? If you misbehave, I have the authority to punish you as I see fit understand?" Tenten nodded. Hinata stood up, reaching into the cage and disconnected the tube to the needle and closed off the needle. She went to one of the closet and picked out a short length chain, leash, and the black riding crop, as well as a remote.
Going back to the cage, she connected the chain to both of Tenten's boots before unlocking the other locks on the boots. Next she connected the leash to the ring on the collar. Making Tenten swear one final time, she opened the cage and Tenten crawled out, also being helped up.
"Thank you. Are you going to let my arms go?"
She frowned when Hinata smirked. "Oh I don't think so. Now let's go." Hinata tugged on the leash, forcing Tenten forward as Hinata led the bound girl up the stairs. The chain connecting Tenten's two boots together was long enough so she can walk and climb well, but will prevent her from running.
Tenten sighed as her legs were restrained once again. She savored her time outside as she realized that may have been her last. Fortunately she behaved herself and Hinata wasn't forced to punish her. After Hinata was finished, she ordered Tenten up and her back against the cage. Tenten obeyed and Hinata connected the chain to her collar and the I/V tube to the needle.
"I'll check up on you in a while. Keep behaving and I'll put in a good word for you to Naruto-sama."
`Temari is really good. Despite Kin's injuries and avoidance, she's getting closer and closer to ending this match.' Naruto thought as he watched Temari's and Kin's match. `Temari always had the upper hand in this match but Kin is holding her own, although I think her luck just ran out.'
From the start of the match, Temari had always been one step ahead of the girl. It soon became obvious that Temari was playing with her, letting her think she was getting the upper hand. But now it seems that Temari had enough of this little game and went on the offensive. Twice now, she almost decapitated the long haired black girl and Kin was feeling the pressure trying to avoid Temari's deadly wind attacks until Kin made one slip up and found herself flying due to a sudden meet with the cold metal of Temari's fan.
She crashed against the wall, unmoving and out cold. The proctor waited a few seconds before declaring Temari the winner. As the medics came and retrieved Kin, the Hokage turned to Ibiki and nodded, silently ordering him to further interrogate the girl. Ibiki nodded and left the room.
As Kin was led away, Temari smirked and walked toward the stairs but she suddenly, stopped, looking up at her brother who nodded. She nodded as well and turned around, walking toward the other set of stairs. She climbed the stairs and stopped in front of Naruto.
She crossed her arms as Naruto turned to face her. "You leered at me."
Naruto blinked. "Leered? What are you talking about?"
"I don't take too kindly to being leered at. You know what happened to the last guy who leered at me?"
"He got his head sliced off."
Naruto stared at the girl in confusion. Why was she doing this? It wasn't like...oh. Naruto smirked and crossed his arms. "I see. Tell me something do you know if someone is really leering at you? One might see something that he likes in you and is smiling because he found someone who he might have a chance with."
Temari stared at the small boy for a few seconds before she smiled and held out her hand. "Sabaku no Temari."
Naruto smiled and took her hand with his. "Uzumaki Naruto." Naruto turned around and took his wives around the shoulders. "These are my wives...Uzumaki Sakura and Ino."
Temari raised her eyebrow. "Wives? How did you manage that?"
Naruto chuckled. "Lets just say that lady luck really likes me. So..." Naruto let go of the girls and leaned against the railing, followed by Temari. "I was impressed on how you handled Kin."
The blonde shrugged. "It was easy, even with her wounds. So tell me something...Naruto was it? What did you see in me that you liked?"
Naruto chuckled as he turned around, leaning against the railing. "Your spirit." Seeing Temari look at him, he explained while the next batch of contestants fought below them. "During your match, I saw you smiling. I could tell you enjoyed getting the better of Kin, out smarting her but I can tell what kind of person you are."
"And what kind of personality do I have?" Temari asked, feeling impressed with this boy. He read her better then other people usually do.
"Basically, you don't take shit from others. You prefer to give order rather then take them. You're more outgoing then others and you're not afraid to speak your mind, even if it gets you in trouble."
Temari chuckled. "I'm impressed. You got part of it right. Most people think I'm easy."
Naruto chuckled, eyeing Temari's body. "I can see why. I bet you have fun proving them wrong."
The blonde female chuckled and looked at him. "Immensely."
Naruto turned around when he heard the proctor announce the winner. He looked up at the screen as it flashed through the remaining names. While it flashed through the names, he had a sudden urge to hold the vials around his neck. He did and he felt comfort. However, when the names stopped, the vials slipped from his grip in shock.
Uzumaki Sakura vs. Uzumaki Ino
"Looks like lady luck hates you right now." Temari commented, her chuckles clearly evident from her voice.
Naruto had an irresistible urge to head slap the smirking blonde but held it in...for now.
He turned around and faced the two girls. They were worried, that's for sure. He motioned for them to come and they did. He reached up and took both their collars off. "Now listen to me you of right now, you are not sisters, you are not my wives. You are two of the strongest individuals I know and I expect you to act accordingly." There was hesitation but they hardened up, nodding and walked away. Naruto sighed and secured the collars on his person while he watched the girls face each other.
"You worried they are going to kill each other?" Temari asked him, seeing his worry.
"Yes...yes I am."
" we are."
Sakura stared down her friend, determination written on both their faces. Never once did she thought she would have to fight her sister like this but she won't hesitate and she was sure Ino was the same.
"You heard Naruto-sama. We are not sisters, and we are not his wives. We are just two individuals who need to fight each other."
"So we are." Ino replied. "Same rules here?"
Ino reached into her pouch and withdrew two silver knuckles and put them on, causing Sakura to raise her eyebrow and Ino smirked. "Oh I think you're going to like this." The instant the sickly proctor began the match, Ino disappeared from view and Sakura jumped, just in time to avoid a swing from the blonde. The millisecond Sakura's feet touched the ground, she launched herself toward Ino, intending to knee Ino's back, but Ino, sensing her, spun around, grabbing her leg in the process and spun Sakura around a few times and let go, the girl being thrown toward the wall.
Sakura cried out as she crashed into the wall and Ino smiled, but that smile turned into a frown when the girl poofed out of existence. Ino sniffed, trying to acquire her scent, when she heard Sakura's voice. "You're getting sloppy darling." The blonde's eyes widened and she spun around, only to find a fist on her face. Ino cried out as she was pushed back but stopped short when Sakura reached up and grabbed her shirt and pulled her forward and down to Sakura's rising knee.
The resulting contact with the knee and the forehead caused Ino to stumble back in dizziness. It didn't take long for Ino to recover and her senses came back just in time to find the whole area filled with mist. "Where the hell did you learn this?" Ino demanded.
"Thank the Uchiha." Sakura's voice echoed all around Ino and the blonde couldn't pinpoint her location. "Remember that scroll he gave us? I found the Hidden Mist jutsu in it."
Ino snarled. "Ace up your sleeve huh? I'm hurt Sakura. I thought we tell each other everything."
Chuckles were heard as Ino started to roam. "Hurt huh? How about this?" Ino barely had time to dodge as she heard the distinct sound of a whip traveling through the air. She dodged again and again until she saw an opportunity.
She grabbed the whip.
Smirking, she pulled on it with all her strength and out came Sakura, flying out of the mist, heading toward her. With her free hand, still knuckled, she swung her fist and punched Sakura in the nose, but this punched came with a shocking surprise.
After Sakura screamed and landed on the floor, she looked up at Ino with a surprised look, holding her bloody nose. "What the hell was that?!"
Ino smirked. "I told you you would like that. I took the concept of Asuma's knives and my thunder affinity and applied it to these knuckles." Ino banged the knuckles together and sparks flew from the resulting contact. "Every time I touch you, you're getting shocked." Sakura growled and jumped back into the mist, hiding herself. "That's not the only surprise I have." Ino took off the knuckles and pocketed them, her hands making a series of hand seals. "Take this."
The air suddenly seemed to be charged with the electricity and it only grew due to the moisture in the air. Once Ino was satisfied, she smirked. With a sudden burst of chakra, the entire room was jolted with electricity. There was a high scream, several in fact that can only come from a female, and Ino stopped her jutsu, seeing the air clear of the mist.
Her eyes came upon a pink haired girl, her body twitching and moaning, and she smirked, walking up to her. "You are truly pathetic you know that? From the start, you have always been master's favorite. Always! No matter what I do, you were always the first to try new things, always the one to nap with him, while I was stuck with chores and jobs and all that demeaning work." Ino stopped in front of Sakura, who was weak, and the girl looked up at her. "I love you, I really do but I think it's time for someone else to be the favorite." She smirked when Sakura's eyes widened. "You were always the strongest." Ino reached down and pulled off Sakura's weapons pouched and threw it away and pulled Sakura up, wrapping her arm around Sakura's neck. "But not anymore." Ino tightened her grip on Sakura's neck and Sakura started choking. As Ino choked the girl in her arms, she bent down and whispered in Sakura's ear. "Look who's at the bottom of the slave chain now little crybaby."
Something snapped in Sakura.
Sakura moved her hand behind her, reaching into her pants and grabbing her back up weapon. She pulled out a kunai and, without warning to Ino, stabbed Ino's leg, the girl screaming in pain and let go of Sakura who slumped to the ground, but for only a second. Sakura stood up and delivered a powerful spin kick to Ino's stomach, forcing Ino's breath out of her and launched the girl quite a ways out. Ino groaned as she landed, her hands holding onto her stomach as the memories of Naruto's abuse came back to her but she looked up when she heard Sakura spoke.
"Now you listen to me you fucking cunt! No one will EVER, EVER take my place!" The girl started walking up to her, her hand held out grasping the kunai downwards and her face in a snarl. "No one...not you, Hinata, Anko, one will ever take my place as the head slave. I have suffered too much to be at the bottom of the food chain and I will kill anyone who threatens that."
Up in the spectators place, everyone was shocked at the events going on down there. All except Naruto.
"Has Sakura always been like that?" Temari asked, her eyes wide open.
Naruto sighed. "Unfortunately yes. The girl is just as paranoid as I am, if not more."
"Aren't you worried she's going to kill her?"
"I doubt anything I can do right now will have an effect on her."
As Sakura crept up to Ino, the blonde tried to move away but she was scared of her friend. She have never seen her this mad. She must have hit a nerve with her taunting. "Sa-sakura I...I did-didn't me-mean it." She tried to plead but it fell on deaf ears.
"Shut up you little sex toy...your usefulness has run its course. Time for you to die." Sakura backed Ino into a wall (still in full view of everybody) and Sakura reached down, forcing Ino up and slammed her against the wall. "Die you fucking bitch." Sakura pulled her arm back and the kunai shined in the light. Ino whimpered and closed her eyes, preparing for her death. "OPEN YOUR EYES CUNT!" The blonde whimpered again but opened her eyes to face the instrument of her demise. "Say hello to my family when you see them." Sakura swung her fist forward and Ino quickly closed her eyes.
But when she felt no pain, no steel, she opened her eyes to face a smirking Sakura. She looked to the side and saw the kunai beside her head, Sakura still holding onto it. She looked back in confusion.
"Your skills as a manipulator are great but next time, use them on someone who doesn't know how you work, okay pet?"
Ino quickly nodded and Sakura smiled, the girl reaching forward and gave her a deep kiss, but Ino didn't have the chance to enjoy it as she passed out from shock. Sakura let out a loud laugh as she looked down at the girl. Reaching down, she picked up her sister and met the medics halfway. "Take care of her will you? I think I went deep with my kunai." The medics nodded and accepted the girl and they took her away. After they disappeared, Sakura turned on her heels and, with a swagger in her step, walked back up the stairs and rejoined her husband and her shocked audience. " did I do?"
Naruto chuckled and held out her collar. "You got everybody here believing you were going to kill her, even me."
Sakura laughed as she locked the collar around her neck. "I know how Ino works and I knew she was going to do something like that."
"So that...that act when you were stomping up to her..." Temari asked. "Was that all just an act?"
"Oh no...that was all true. I suffered and worked hard to get to the top and I won't let anybody take that away from me."
"Impressive. I had low expectations for Konoha's genin but you and she is really impressive."
Sakura chuckled and gave a little bow. "Thank you. I worked hard to get to this level."
The next matches weren't all that spectacular then the Sakura/Ino fight, however, when it was Gaara's turn to fight, he completely obliterate Dosu, the only thing left was the sound attachment on his arms.
To Naruto's glee, he was given the bye at the end of the matches. After the winners filed down to the floor, the Hokage gave a little speech. Afterwards, they were told how the pairings for the 3rd round was going to be decided. A black box was passed around and everybody picked a number.
After everybody picked a number, Ibiki asked for their numbers and they called them out, the jounin jotting down something on a clipboard. After the last number was called out, Ibiki wrote it down and held it out and everybody could see it was the match-ups for the next fights.
"The next and final stage of the exams is a one-on-one match, just like what we did here but this time you know who your opponent is. You will be given a month's time to prepare. Now then...there will be an ANBU escort waiting for you to lead you through the forest at the entrance. You are now dismissed."
Knock knock knock knock
"Come in." Ino spoke, turning around in her bed, her back facing the door. She knew who it was and she didn't deserve to look at them. The door opened and she heard footsteps. Sure enough, she smelt the familiar smell of her master and sister.
"Hey there...why are you so gloomy?" Came the amused voice of her master.
"I failed." She answered. "I was beaten by someone who manipulated me trying to manipulate her."
"It wasn't your fault Ino." Came the voice of her sister. "We know each other too well to outsmart the other. It was a bad match to start with anyway."
"You were going to kill me!" Ino shouted, turning around to face her sister. " were crazy. I know how much you love your position as the favorite and the head slave but you...kami..." Ino turned back, curling up some, but Sakura wouldn't have that. She walked to the other side of the bed and bent down.
"You remember what we said before the fight? What we agreed on? What happens during the fight stays in the fight?"
"It's the exact same thing as in the dungeon. What is said down there, stays down there."
"I know, I know, but still..." Ino sighed. "Your words cut into me."
She looked up when Sakura cupped her cheek. "It's alright. It helps to think of something positive after the verbal abuse master gives us. How about this? Imagine Tenten withering under you as you torment her mind with terrifying dreams, making her worst nightmares come to life. Make her experience the living hell as you manipulate her into thinking dreams are real and real is dreams."
As Sakura comforted Ino, the blonde closed her eyes and her mind supplied the images from Sakura's words. A smile came onto her face as she imagined Tenten screaming in horror, making her nightmares come to life. "Oh I hope I can do this." She whispered. "Virgins screams so beautifully."
"You'll have the chance dear pet." Naruto said. "I promise. You will have the chance."
Ino smiled. "Thank you master. Thank you so much."
"Hinata-chan...we're home!" Sakura called out as she and the rest of her family entered their home. The instant the door was shut, they started stripping off their sweaty clothes.
When Sakura said `Hinata-chan', he turned to her. "You got her to watch over her?"
"Well her and most of our friends from the I/T division. They agreed to keep her a secret for now but after a week, if Ibiki doesn't know by then, they will tell him." She said as she finished stripping save for the collar.
"I wonder how the girl is doing?" Ino commented as she finished stripping as well.
"She calmed down." Announced Hinata as she came down the stairs. "I get the feeling that she's waiting to hear the entire story and I think she suspects that there is something deeper here."
"Well we'll take it from here. Thanks for looking after her."
Hinata smiled and nodded. "No problem." She walked up to him and handed him a notebook. "Here's my report. I should be going now. I haven't seen my mistress in a while."
Hinata left after that and Naruto turned to Sakura. "After you take a shower, go down and see how she's doing."
Tenten was close to dozing off so she didn't see and hear the door opening. She didn't notice somebody sit down in front of the cage but she did notice the smell of the food. She slowly opened her eyes and her eyes settled on a naked pink haired girl...her friend.
"Mmmph." She tried to speak but was unable to due to the ring gag lodged into her mouth, placed there by Hinata.
"I know you're scared Tenten and that's natural. Who wouldn't be, naked and restrained in a cage but I promise you. You are safe here." She reached up and ripped the piece of paper off of the cage. "Are you hungry?" The brunette nodded as she was hungry. "I will feed you under one condition. You will not speak. If I hear one word out of your mouth, I will put the gag back on and we'll try again during supper. Do you understand me?"
Sakura saw hesitation while Tenten looked at her, shock on her face. Finally, she nodded and Sakura motioned to her to come to her. She obeyed and scooted closer. Sakura reached out behind an ear and undid one of the straps, tugging the ring out of her mouth before reaching to her neck and pulling out the needle. "Remember not speak." Tenten snapped her head up when she said `slave' only for Sakura to shove a piece of food in her mouth. "Now chew and swallow and I'll explain some of why you're here." Tenten kept her eyes on the girl even as she fed her, wanting to know why she was here.
"As you remember, the last thing you remember is Naruto-sama telling you that you belong to him from now on. Now that is true. You are now his legal and official slave. This is because of an agreement between the Kyuubi no Kitsune and the Hokage and the civilian council." Tenten's eyes widened and she was about to speak but she remembered that she wasn't supposed to speak so she opted for a choked sound instead.
"You heard me right Tenten. Kyuubi no Kitsune. What you were taught in school was a lie and the truth is that the Kyuubi was sealed into Naruto-sama just minutes after he was born. Do you understand me slave? Naruto-sama is not the fox but only his prison."
It took a couple of minutes but she nodded, understanding the truth. Sakura smiled and nodded as well. "That is good to hear. Now to the slave part. The deal was that Naruto-sama can legally obtain slaves if done right. I was given to master as a birthday gift as the deal was made on his birthday. Ino was then captured almost eight months later and now you."
As Sakura expected, Tenten started to freak out. She tried to back away but due to the chain on her collar, she stopped short and she burst out crying. Sakura sighed and placed the empty bowl on the ground and stood up, walking to the side of the cage and tugging on the chain, bringing her to the bars and forcing the ring gag back into her mouth and securing it.
After that, she went back to the front of the cage and unlocked it, reaching in and unlocking the chain. She then dragged the girl out of the cage and to a part of the room. She sat her up and secured her legs to the floor. She then grabbed a pole and attached one end to the floor and the other end to the back of her collar, forcing her to sit up.
Sakura went to the front of Tenten and bent down before grabbing the crying girl chin in a hard grip. "Now you listen to me slave. I want you to make good first impression on your new master. If he sees you crying like this, your training will be very harsh and you'll experience master's sadism very early, earlier then is needed." Unfortunately, she didn't stop crying. "SHUT UP!" She shouted and delivered a slap to her face.
That did it as Tenten quieted and stared at her with wide eyes. "That's better cunt. When master comes down here and sits in that chair, you will present yourself in a dignified manner and will not do anything to aggravate him. He has no tolerance for mistakes from a rookie. Do you understand me?" Tenten nodded, out of obedience or fear, she didn't know but she did know one thing. She was in trouble. She stayed silent as Sakura stood up and walked out of her sight. She heard the door close and she waited and thought.
"Master?" Naruto looked up from his bowl when he heard Sakura call out to him. "Tenten has been prepped and is waiting for you. I told her about her situation and about Kyuubi."
"From her body language, she understands. I think she's more upset about the fact that she's a slave."
"I see. Good job." Naruto stood up and walked passed her, naked, and walked toward the downstairs.
"Where's Ino?" She asked before he disappeared.
"She's setting up a meeting with the old man."
"I see." Sakura sighed as Naruto continued walking away until he disappeared in the stairway. She silently prayed for Tenten, in the hopes that she finds the strength to get through this.
Some time later, Tenten heard the door open again and someone else entered her sight. This time, the blonde boy she knew as Uzumaki Naruto. He grabbed a chair and set it down in front of her. He sat down and looked at her. "So my we are at last." Tenten narrowed her eyes at growled at the boy who just smirked. "Now now pet, don't give me any attitude. I know you feel like I betrayed you but I assure you, I have nothing but good intentions for you." She just humped and looked away but was forced back forward by Naruto. "You might not believe me now, but you'll soon find out that I'm speaking the truth."
He let go of the girl. "So Sakura told you about Kyuubi and told me that you understand that I am not him, just his prison." Tenten looked at him and nodded, causing him to smile. It was a relieved smile, Tenten noticed, like he was hoping for her to say that. "Now she told you that I am a slave master and she is right. Both Sakura and Ino are my slaves, have been since the Academy."
`Wait a minute...since the Academy? That means they were taken when they were just civilians. Ninja I can understand but civilians?' Now Tenten was really confused. Out of her lessons about slavery in class, she never heard a single case of a civilian being a slave.
"Now I know what you're thinking Tenten and you're wrong." Tenten blinked. She was wrong? "I don't abuse them and hurt them...well, actually I do but there's a reason for that. You may be wondering how it was possible for Kyuubi to make a deal when he's sealed inside me right? Two years ago, I was nearly killed by a bunch of angry and sad civilians and Kyuubi forced his soul to come out of protect the both of us. I'll tell you the whole story later but after Kyuubi withdrew his control, some parts of him stayed behind. Sadism, the desire to torture and be in control, trickery but mostly sadism."
"I'm a sadist Tenten." He said, seeing her horrified face. "And I take great pride in that fact. I tried my pets to be masochist sex slaves and I follow the BDSM path and that's what I'm going to do to you. Ah don't look at me like that pet..." He said, standing up. "You knew this from the beginning when you realized that I'm the dom and the girls are the sub."
Tenten let out a muffled burst of speaking but because of the gag, Naruto couldn't hear a thing but he didn't need to. She calmed down when Naruto motioned her to since her outburst was mainly about him not telling her that he's a sadist during their talk on his birthday.
Naruto sighed and leaned forward on the chair. "Look pet, I'm not normal. My libido has been thrown into overdrive and is only growing as I grow. I can't help it and I don't want to." Seeing her face, he sighed again. "Let me tell you something, after the rush passed and I was able to think better, I realized that this is a blessing. With Sakura, I can train myself better then I could ever do without her. I train my pets to love pain and I train them to withstand torture at the same time. I train them...I train them to be strong enough to prevent their own rape."
Tenten immediately fell silent at that last sentence. Did she just hear him right? Did he just say that he trains his pets to fight against a possible rape? Naruto internally smirked as he knew what she was thinking.
He heard her make a questioning sound and he guessed. "Yes Tenten, I said that I trained them to be strong enough to escape someone's grasp and to stop their own rape. If they got captured, they will never feel it. I taught them techniques to neutralize the nerves in their bodies so that they can't feel anything. I taught them to remain focused and coherent during sex and pain so they can use chakra. I even taught them ways to get around chakra seals and this is what I intend on doing to you. I will train you to be a masochist and I will make you stronger."
Naruto looked up to the wall where a new voice suddenly sounded out. He sighed and went to the wall where an intercom panel was. He pushed the talk button and spoke. "What is it Sakura?"
"Inoichi is here. He wants to know if he could borrow Ino for a bit."
"We're busy today. Maybe tomorrow. Give him my regards."
"Will do master."
Naruto turned around and went back to Tenten who was in deep thought. She didn't notice when he bent down but she snapped out of it when Naruto snapped his fingers in front of her. "I'll leave you in the cage for the rest of the night to think about things, make some decisions." Tenten didn't resist as Naruto undid the pole keeping her up as well as the leg restraints. He had to drag her to the cage but she didn't scream. She was too deep in her thoughts as she was thrown into the cage. She looked up when Naruto shut the door and leave the room, closing her eyes and let out a whimper.
The next morning, Naruto ordered Sakura and Ino to feed Tenten and to make sure she remembers the previous night events, so they made some pancakes and went downstairs to find Tenten sleeping. They sat down and Sakura slammed a metal rod against the cage, causing the sleeping girl to violently awake. After she calmed down enough, Sakura motioned to her to come forward once again and Tenten obeyed, letting the girl take the gag out of her mouth. She was fed a bite of food and she chewed it, swallowing it. "Sakura..." She said before another piece of food was placed in her mouth. "What were you like before you were a slave?"
"Drink some water first." Sakura said, unscrewing a bottle cap and tipping it into her mouth. "Do you know a genin name Uchiha Sasuke?" Tenten nodded. "Did you know that we used to be two of his most dedicated fangirls?" She shook her head. "Yeah, we're not exactly proud of that fact. That's why we never told you. Now as for us, we were weak. We barely trained, Ino barely got by with her grades but I was the smart one of the class but I was the weakest."
"Because of our obsession with Sasuke, we kept chasing him and chasing him. It wasn't until after I was a slave did I realize I was wrong in chasing him. I take that back. It wasn't the chasing that was wrong; it was the way the chase happened. After master got me, he forced me to train. He punished me if I forgot and I'm a better person because of it."
"He told me that the both of you are masochists. Is that true?" Tenten asked.
Ino spoke this time. "That's true and you should know this already. He trained us to love pain, to long for the sting of the whip. It doesn't matter if you're not a natural masochist, masochism can be taught and you can be as high as a natural one and this is true for sadism."
Tenten gulped. She had thought that Naruto was an evil boy but their words made her think otherwise. "Na...Naruto said..."
"Naruto-sama." Sakura interrupted. "You call him either Naruto-sama or master. Nothing else."
"Naruto-sama..." Tenten said, seeing Sakura nod. "Said that he can train me to prevent my rape. Is it true?"
Sakura smiled and nodded. "Everything he said is true. He taught us ways to help ourselves and if he said he'll train you, he'll train you. That is his way. To always keep his word."
"I see." Tenten leaned against the side of the cage, the girls standing and leaving as they were finished giving her breakfast, leaving her to think about things.
Tenten sighed as she was left alone. Thankfully, Sakura didn't put the ring gag back on but the rest of her restraints were still on her. This had to be the hardest moment in her entire life. She had been thinking about Naruto's words as well as Sakura's. She knew that the girls were subs but she didn't realize exactly how they came to be his pets. She thought it was because of that night when Naruto proposed to them.
Should she relent and let Naruto train her or should she try and fight him in the hopes that he'll let her go. On the one hand, letting him train her should provide excellent results but that means becoming a submissive slave to him. On the other hand, if she fights, she knows that things will become hell for her.
As the minutes passed by, she made her decision.
It was almost two hours before anybody came back downstairs. Tenten looked at the person and saw it was Naruto but he was dressed up, like he was meeting somebody important. Even though he was far, Tenten could still hear him muttering and he sounded angry. He went to a cabinet and opened it, rummaging through it before he cussed and slammed the door. He then made his way out of the room but before he slammed the door, he stopped when he heard his newest slave pet.
Curious, he turned to her. "Did you say something pet?" He blinked when she nodded and took a seat in front of her cage. "Could you hurry it up? I'm going to be late for a meeting."
Tenten gulped but straightened up, confident at what she was about to do. "Naruto-sama, I've...I've been thinking. You said that you trained the girls to be strong. You trained them to help them prevent their own rape."
"I said that and I intend to do just that."
Tenten looked down and Naruto could see that she was embarrassed and Naruto might have an idea why. "Do you think that you can make an extra effort on me?" She whispered.
"Tenten, why are you saying that? I told you...ohh...I see." The girl looked up at Naruto's sudden trail-off and saw a face of realization. "Sakura-chan once told me that you confided in her. You told her that your greatest nightmare is being kidnapped and Konoha won't try and rescue you and you'll be left alone to be raped over and over again and you'll be sold to a whore house."
Tenten let out a whimper as Naruto spelled out her fears like it was nothing but it was still true. "That's...that's true master. No matter what I do, I can never be strong enough."
"So where are you getting at?"
Tenten gulped. "I...I want to make a deal with you."
Naruto blinked and settled himself. Outwardly he was curious but inside, he was cackling maniacally as the fish nipped on the bait. "I'm listening."
"I...I want you to do everything you can to train me. I don't want to be raped. In return, I...I promise you my loyalty and obedience." When Tenten finished, she looked away, scared at what she just did. A gentle touch was felt on her cheek and her head was turned to look at Naruto.
"Is this an impulsive decision pet or did you think about this?"
"I thought about it." Tenten responded, her voice cracking with each word as she sobbed. "And I realized this is the lesser of two evils." At this, she finally broke down crying. Naruto quickly opened the cage and embraced the crying girl, whispering comforting words to her, telling her that he'll train her, that she'll never be raped as long as she is with him.
And you know what...Tenten believed every word that came out of his mouth.
After several minutes and Naruto's comforting, Tenten calmed down so that she wasn't crying anymore but some tears still escape her hold. She looked up at Naruto's smiling face as he spoke to her. "I accept your deal pet. I'll train you and in return, you follow my orders and the orders of my pets as if it comes out of my mouth but keep in mind, my order supersedes theirs."
Tenten nodded and sniffed as she was let go. "I (sniff) understand master and I obey."
Naruto smiled and nodded, closing his eyes and bringing his face closer. Tenten, seeing his intentions, closed her eyes and tilted her head to the side, letting Naruto have easier access to her lips.
When she felt his lips on hers, she felt something. `My first kiss. It feels good. Maybe this boy can really help me. I see how confident his pets are and I know how strong they are. Maybe he can really train me. Gai-sensei always said. `You don't have to be an adult to be a teacher.' She opened her eyes again and smiled while looking at Naruto's face. Judging from his smile, he liked her taste.
"You taste good pet."
Score one for the pet. "I'm glad to hear that master. Didn't you say that you had a meeting today?"
Happiness quickly turned to shock. "Crap! You're right." Naruto quickly exited the cage and shut it and started running but when he got halfway, he suddenly stopped. He took up a thinking pose with his chin resting on his hand. He then turned around to face the girl, still in the thinking pose. He stared at her for a bit, causing the girl to squirm a little. Suddenly, he grinned and made his way back to the cage. He unlocked it and opened it, sitting down in the cage in front of her. "You promised me your loyalty and obedience am I right?"
"I did."
Naruto grinned again, causing the brunette to worry. "Let's put that to the test shall we? The meeting I'm going to today is in front of the Hokage and the council to declare you my slave. I want you to go in my place and declare yourself my slave."
"What?" Tenten asked scared. "I can't go in front of them."
Naruto chuckled. "Why not?"
"'s the Hokage for crying out loud. What am I supposed to say to him? Hi, I'm here to say that Naruto kidnapped me and I'm his slave."
"Yes." Was his blunt answer. "That's exactly what I want you to do. Tell them that and when they ask you how it came to be, tell them the truth."
"But...but..." Tenten tried to argue but Naruto silenced the girl by placing a finger on her lips.
"It'll be alright pet. I trust you."
Tenten's eyes widened as Naruto unbuckled her restraints. First her arm binder and then the boot buckles, but he kept them on, however as they looked good on her. Naruto helped her out and she had some trouble standing up but Naruto helped her stand and walk until she could do it on her own. The last thing he did was remove the seal and the vibrator.
When they reached the top of the stairs, Naruto led her to the living room where both girls were. He cleared his throat and they instantly shot to their feet. "You see how well trained they are pet?" He whispered to Tenten. "When I'm done with you, you WILL do whatever I tell you to do, no matter what it is. You still need to be trained and I will train you."
Tenten whimpered.
Naruto chuckled. "Ino, fall in!" In an instant, the blonde was in front of her master. "Take your new sister here and get her cleaned up. She has a meeting to attend with the Hokage. Dress her casually though and see if you can keep the boots on her. They look good on her."
"What about the collar?" Ino questioned.
"Take it off and I want you to place a temporary locating seal on her. I want to know where she is while she's out."
Ino nodded and took ahold of Tenten's arm. "As you wish my master."
`I can't believe I'm doing this. I know I said I would obey him but doing something like this...' Tenten sighed as she waited on the bed, watching Ino go through her closet for some suitable clothes. The first thing she did as give her a hot bath. She needed it. After being caged for four days, she stunk like high hell.
After the shower, Ino forced Tenten onto the bed and drew a seal onto her and activated it. After that, Ino started going through the closet and picking out a few clothes and tossing them onto the bed. After Ino got the clothes, she started to dress her in casual clothes. As Naruto wanted, Ino put boots on the girl.
After Ino looked her over, she smiled and turned her around and led her out of the room, downstairs and stopped at the door and looked at her. "Master trusts you a lot if he's letting you do this. Don't let him down okay?"
Tenten smiled and nodded. "I won't."
Tenten whimpered as she hid in a alleyway. She thought she could face the Hokage but as she neared the building, she lost her nerve and ducked in an alleyway. "I can't do this. Why did he have to trust me with this?" She whimpered again as she drew up her legs and buried her head.
"He trusts you because you are friends and he knows you." Tenten yelped and nearly jumped out of her skin when someone spoke to her. She looked up from her spot on the floor to see Sakura with her arms crossed. "What are you doing here slave? You're supposed to be in front of the Hokage."
"I chickened out." She answered honestly, causing Sakura to raise her eyebrow. "What are you doing here?"
Tenten let out another yelp when Sakura reached down and forced her up. "Master sent me to keep an eye on you. Good thing too. If master finds out you disobeyed him, there will be hell to pay."
"I can't do it Sakura. I thought I could but..."
Tenten cried out as she was bitched slapped by Sakura and then forced against the wall. She kept her eyes on the pink haired girl as she felt the stinging spot on her cheek. "You...will do what master commands." She let out a cry as Sakura tightened her hold on her throat. "He does not tolerate disobedience, especially from newbies. You mess this up, you'll be punished by all three of us."
"I (ack) understand." Sakura stared at the girl for a few seconds before she nodded, loosening her grip on her throat and letting her breath once again. She looked up at the girl. "I thought you were a sub?"
The pinkette smirked. "I am a sub but at the same time, I'm a sadist. Always have been, always will be. Now MARCH!" Sakura jabbed her finger toward the building the meeting was being held. Tenten quickly ran out of the alleyway and entered the building, Sakura following behind her.
"When is Naruto going to show up? He's fifteen minutes late." Homura asked. Naruto had called this meeting and he hasn't bothered to show up.
"Now now old friend, something probably happened and he has to deal with it. It's been known to happen." Sarutobi said to his former teammate but he too was bored. Like all others here, there are things that needed to be done, like try and find that missing kuniochi from team Gai.
Several minutes passed and he was about ready to dismiss everybody when his secretary came in and came up to him. She whispered something in his ear and his eyes widened slightly in surprise before nodded. "Send her in." The secretary nodded and left the room and everybody looked at him and his curious expression. "Well, it appears that we have found our missing kuniochi." Everybody turned toward the door as it opened and everybody stared in confusion as the girl missing from Gai's team stepped in. "We have been looking for you little miss." He said when the girl stopped in the middle of the room.
"Forgive me Hokage-sama but I have been a little...tied up."
Sarutobi raised his eyebrow at that last part. "We were expecting Naruto but you show up, saying that you are here to take his place." There were several murmurs at that.
"That is true sir and I am here for a reason."
"Which is?"
Tenten hesitated, wondering how everybody was going to react. Finally, she just thought `screw this' and spoke. "I am here to declare myself Uzumaki Naruto's legal slave."
The silence was deafening.
"I think, perhaps, you better start from the beginning." The Hokage stated, feeling another headache growing when it comes to Naruto and his pets.
Tenten sighed. "As you wish. It started several months ago. My friendship with Sakura and Ino started with a crash as I literally ran into them. Since then we hung out and became acquaintances. It wasn't until after Naruto-sama proposed to his pets did we become friends. With the urging of Sakura and Ino, I tried to become friends with Naruto but I couldn't really go as far as I did with the girls, mostly because of his dom relationship. When Sakura invited me to his birthday, I refused but Sakura told me that if I wanted to know more about his relationship with them, I should ask him and he'll tell me. After the incident with the spiked drink, I took her up on her offer and when I got the chance, I sat down with him and asked him."
Tenten chuckled as she remembered that conversation. "As I found out, master is quite talkative when it comes to his favorite subject. He talked and talked and talked and I understood him and I learned and it was then I decided that maybe he is friend potential and I held out my hand in friendship and he took it and then I partied like never partied before. Later, Sakura told me that I danced with a woman named Inuzuaka Tsume." Tenten shuddered at that.
Tenten snapped her head up when that was said to see a grinning woman with the traits of the Inuzuka clan. She groaned and face palmed as she felt stupid for blurting that out. "Anyway...the weeks passed and I found that I actually like the boy and the girls and it didn't take long for the like to become a desire. That's about the entire history so far. As for my capture, it took place in the forest of death. We were planning when Lee suddenly keeled over. We took defensive positions but somehow they got to Neji. After he went down, I was the only one left. I tried to bolt but a hand grabbed my neck and I was electrocuted, scrambling my motor functions and chakra usability. Suddenly, I could see both Sakura and Ino holding onto me and forced me down onto my knees. I then saw Naruto walk up to me, holding a bullwhip in his hands, and a maniacal grin on his face, the same kind of grin that one would wear when one finally obtains that which he longs for. The last words I heard out of his mouth is `You're finally mine pet.' and then my mouth was covered with a chloroformed covered cloth and darkness took me. The next time I woke up, I was in a cage and my body completely restrained."
"Quite an interesting story my dear." Sarutobi spoke. "But your presence here raises a few questions. If you are indeed his as you claim, why are you here?"
"Because I made him a promise." She stated. "In return for being trained to resist torture and resist my rape, he has my loyalty and obedience."
There were hushed talked between everybody now and she had an idea why. She was probably the first one to willingly go along with him. "Let me ask this..." The Hokage said, silencing everybody. "Why are you here instead of Naruto?"
She sighed. "Because this is a test. He's testing me to see if I really mean what I said."
"I see. I believe we have all the information we need. You are dismissed from this meeting."
Tenten took a bow and left the room, leaving everybody behind to discuss this situation. When Tenten stepped out of the room, she took a couple steps to the side and sat down beside the door, sobbing at what she just done. She sat there for several minutes, crying her eyes out.
She barely registered someone sit beside her and take her in her embrace. "It's alright pet. You did a good job."
"What have I done?" Tenten wailed out to Sakura as the pinkette comforted the new recruit. "What have I done to myself?"
Sakura allowed her new sister to let out some tears. She remembered her lessons and knew that some relief was good but not too much. After she feels like Tenten let out enough, she decided it was time. "Alright slave, on your feet."
Tenten looked up through teary eyes at Sakura. The first thing she noticed was that her current clothes seemed to be hiding something underneath, if the red leather at some spots were any indication but the very next thing she noticed was that she was holding a black riding crop. "Sa-Sakura?"
"I said...ON YOUR FEET!" Sakura raised her hand and brought the crop down onto her face, causing her to cry out and hold her cheek. She quickly obeyed her and stood up, her hand being forced down. "Now walk." Tenten was forced around and pushed forward, her feet moving with Sakura following behind her.
Their path took them out of the building and on the path toward Naruto's home. At one point, Sakura took a hold of her arm and her grip was tight. When they finally reached the home, they went in and immediately went downstairs. After they went into a room, Tenten found her face touching the floor. Before she could try and get up, she felt a knee press against her back forcing her down.
"You're mine now you little bitch." Tenten heard Sakura say. "I am master's right hand girl. You follow my orders as if they come out of his mouth and now while the master is away training himself, I will start on you. Get her up." The knee was removed and another set of hands grabbed her and forced her up to see Sakura removing her clothes. She was right. Sakura was hiding something under her clothes and it was a leather outfit for bondage play.
"Oh we're going to have so much fun." Tenten heard Ino say from behind her. She knew it was futile to struggle. Ino is holding her and wasn't going to let her go.
"Tell me something my little slut..." Sakura said as she approached her, admiring the crop in her hands. "Did you think that, because of your friendship with master, you would get off easy?" She looked up. "Did you?" Sakura launched a fist into Tenten's stomach, causing her to nearly double over but Ino didn't allow her too.
Sakura smirked. "I didn't think so." The pinkette reached out and caressed her cheek. "The both of us have been trained on breaking females and we are going to use that training." Sakura turned to Ino. "Put her on the bench." Tenten was turned around and was led to something that resembled something that looked like a bench but was modified. Tenten was pushed onto the bench and her legs and arms were placed on `shelves' and was strapped in.
She squeaked when she felt two hands grope her ass and massage it. "Master's loves the female body. He loves everything about it but one of his favorite parts is the ass. Feel free to scream pet." The hands were removed and Tenten dreaded what was about to happen. Suddenly a flat object slammed into her ass and the girl screamed as she was spanked by two objects, spanking paddles most likely. The girls didn't relent with her, just kept spanking and spanking and spanking. Finally, after what seems like several hours has passed, they stopped and Tenten was sure her ass was bright red.
She whimpered and cried as she felt her ass burn. They didn't give her any mercy and she was sure that it was going to be like this from now on. "AHH, DON'T TOUCH IT!" She cried out as someone placed their hands on it and move their hands around. She looked up when she heard a chuckle and saw Sakura bend down to her level.
"You are really something else you know? I thought you knew that you weren't allowed to tell us to stop. You're a slave now and you will be the victim to our desires."
"Please Sakura..." She cried out. "It really hurts."
Sakura just smirked. She grabbed the back of her head and forced it up. Tenten's eyes widened when Sakura reached forward and captured her lips with her own in a rough kiss. `Is she kissing me? Oh kami she is but...she tastes so sweet.' Conscious or not, Tenten began to respond to the kiss, not paying attention to the pain in her rear. Tenten moaned as the pinkette's tongue invaded her mouth and sought out her tongue. It found her and began to dance with and Tenten let her lead.
After a few seconds, Sakura broke the kiss and smiled at her. "Well well...looks like you have some skill with your tongue. Let's practice some more." Tenten made a questioning sound as Sakura stood up and walked out of her sight, only to return with a chair and she sat on it, spreading her legs and shoved her pussy right at Tenten's face. She stared at her body for a second before looking up to her grinning face.
"You know what to do. Let me see just how well you can use your tongue. Lick my cunt...or you will be punished."
Tenten gulped and looked down, giving in and closing her eyes. She stuck out her tongue and gave her silt a long slow lick. Sakura must have liked it as her body shuddered. "Ohhh keep at it darling. You're doing good." Tenten did as she was told and kept on licking, the bitter taste filling her mouth. She didn't like the taste but she had to keep licking.
During the process, she slowed down a little and Sakura noticed. With a flick of her wrist, Ino brought the tail end of a whip down on her ass and she cried out in pain. "Never slow down pet. Unless you're slowing down to tease, you never slow down. Master is a stamina freak and you need to keep up with him. You understand?" Tenten nodded and tried to keep going but Sakura stood up. "Forget it. You'll have the chance to practice more later. Now then...Ino, did you enema her before?"
"I did."
"Good." Sakura walked out of Tenten's sight and wasn't able to look back. Now that she was done with Sakura, the pain in her ass returned and she whimpered. The only sound she heard was soft sounds of talking and the sound of boots walking on the floor. Suddenly, she yelped as she felt a hand on her stinging butt. "I want to see how wide your ass can stretch." Tenten's eyes widened at her statement and she whimpered when she felt Sakura's hands probe her asshole, fingering it and spreading it. Suddenly, something pressed against her rosebud and she whimpered as it started to invade her rectum. "Get ready comes a big one."
Then all at once, something was shoved in her.
She let out a pained squeal as something was shoved inside her ass. Her mouth was then propped open and she saw a different kind of gag, a penis gag, being shoved inside her mouth. Then she felt something move in between her legs.
"Now this is how you're supposed to service a female." Sakura said as she put herself in a position where she can lick Tenten's pussy with ease. After she finished her sentence, she moved her head forward and started working her tongue on Tenten's virgin pussy, showing her the skills she will be taught. Tenten screamed into her gag as she felt Sakura's tongue and the level of skill she had. Is this one of the skills Naruto taught her? The thought of being taught sexually caused her to smile in her gag but that smile turned to a frown when Sakura suddenly stopped. `Oh come on Sakura, don't stop.' She whined but due to the gag, it only came out as whines.
"Take her off the bench Ino and shackle her to the bed in the next room. Master will be back soon and he'll want to taste his prize."
"As you wish mistress." From her position on the bed, she saw Sakura walk out of the room but turned her attention back to this room as Ino reached in and pulled out the object in her ass. Next was the gag in her mouth and Tenten saw Ino place a chain on her collar. She was then grabbed by the hair and thrown onto the ground. She cried out as she crashed onto the ground, but only to scream again as she was dragged from the room and to another. She was dragged to the bed and was lifted up and deposited onto said bed.
As she was shackled to the bed, she saw Sakura in the corner of her eyes, leaning again the wall, a hand rubbing in between her legs. When Ino was done, she motioned to Sakura and moved away when Sakura approached her. Tenten looked at the girl as she straddled her, feeling her hot and wet core on her stomach. "I'm proud of you little slut. Despite what we just did to you, you didn't resist and master will be pleased to hear that. Now, when he comes back, he's going to have his fun with you and you will NOT resist."
Sakura bent down and over to reach under the bed for something. When she came back up, she was holding a suction cup with straps. She attached the cup to her breast and secured it. She repeated the process with her other breast and finally she finished with her cilt. She smirked as she looked upon Tenten's scared face. She walked away to one of the cabinets and pulled out something.
When Sakura came back, she showed the object to her. It looked like a ring gag with a penis sticking outside. She bent down and fixed the gag to her mouth and smirked. "I think you better finish what you started and as for the suction cups? What better way to sensitize your nipples and cilt?"
With that, Sakura flicked a switch.
Immediately, she arched her back as she felt those three spots being sucked on and she knew how they were going to feel a few hours from now. She barely noticed Sakura as she climbed onto the bed and took position over the dildo attached to Tenten's mouth. She moved the dildo into position with her hand and quickly slammed her body down.
Tenten let out a muffled yelp as Sakura started riding her gag, finishing the job that she started. She wanted to close her eyes but for some reason, she couldn't, her eyes fixated on Sakura's blissful face, her bouncing tits. Finally, Sakura screamed in pleasure and slammed her body down all the way and her juices came gushing out. The design of the gag/dildo had a silt around the base so that the juices produced will flow down into the open mouth of the wearer.
Tenten's eyes widened as she felt her liquids flow into her mouth. It was still bitter and she had to force herself to swallow her juices.
"Ahh...that was good." Sakura muttered as she recovered. She looked down at the crying Tenten and smiled. "Next time, try and put more effort in your orders and this won't happen. Now I'll leave you to the suction."
Sakura climbed off the bed and motioned for Ino to follow. They walked out of the room and slammed the door shut, leaving the girl to her torment.
Naruto smiled as he witnessed his newest capture trash around in her restraints. Her voice was going horse from all the screaming. He took the remote and pushed the off button. Tenten's trashes stopped and she started breathing again. He smiled and laid down next to her, his hands taking off all the suction cups.
When the last one was taken off, the girl in restraints looked at the boy with half lidded eyes. "Th-thank y-you."
Naruto smirked. "Oh don't thank me just pet. Like your new sister said before..." Tenten gasped as Naruto grabbed her breast. "I intend on tasting my new property."
Tenten could only stare in horror as Naruto moved down some, his eyes fixated on her nipple. Tenten suddenly gasped as Naruto ran his fingers over her highly sensitive nipple. "Please don't touch them." She whimpered out but Naruto just ignored her, continuing running his fingers over the areola, smiling as he heard her cry in frustration.
"Now then...let us see how you taste."
Naruto scooted down to the most cavern in between her legs. He could see her wet already. He smiled and gave her a quick blow and he chuckled when he heard her cry out. Naruto moved her arms under and around her thighs, getting a tight grip on her. Now he moved in, giving her labia a long and slow lick, savoring the cry of pleasure the girl cried out.
She tasted good and he was sure he was going to grow addicted to her taste.
He looked up for a moment out of concern but when he saw she was fine, he smirked and went back down, giving her the lashing of a lifetime.
For Tenten, this was heaven and hell. For the heaven side, she was feeling pleasure like never before. A small smile was on her face as she trashed about screaming in pleasure, but for the hell part, it was too much. So much that it felt like her body was hurting. However, much to Tenten's horror, Naruto didn't relent, his tongue didn't show any signs of slowing down. The organ brought her to orgasm to orgasm to orgasm. She could tell just how much experience he had and he was putting that experience to good use. The brunette's body seized up one last time in orgasm and her mind shut down, unable to take this pleasure.
When Tenten went silent, Naruto looked up and he smiled, licking his lips. He let go of her and crawled up to look at her face to face. "I only imagined how you would feel in my hands and you didn't disappoint. With the help from your new sisters, you will become an excellent masochist slave."
He then gave her a one-sided kiss, letting his tongue taste her lips before breaking the kiss, smiling at her as he unlocked her restraints. After he did that, he took an arm in his hand and looked at it. Beside the restraint marks, her hand and arm was so smooth. It was amazing just how smooth it was considering that she was a weapon user.
"Now then darling..." He said picking her up. "The day is over but tomorrow a new day dawns." He placed her in a cage, making a quick stop to the mini-fridge, and placed a water bottle in her cage before shutting it. "I'll see you in the morning sweetie."
He gave Tenten an air kiss before turning around and walking out of the room, going to retrieve his pets so they can start supper.
`Oh body.' Tenten thought as she woke up, feeling the pleasures her body was still feeling. `Kami that boy knows how to work a tongue. I wonder if he's going to teach me those skills.' Tenten thought with a smile and a moan.
She froze.
That moan didn't come from her. She cracked open an eye and looked down, her mind instantly waking up upon seeing Sakura running her hands over her body, her nose close to her skin. Now that she was awake, she realized something.
Sakura was sniffing her.
She could clearly heard the distinct sound of somebody smelling something and she watched the girl, not sure what to do as the pinkette smelled her, and from what it looks like, she was working her way up.
"You know one of the advantages of being master's mate?" Sakura asked her, knowing she was awake. "It's the fact that once he marks us, all of our senses get a major upgrade, smell being one of them." Sakura looked up. "We get to truly enjoy the human body." Sakura crawled up to her, an evil smile on her face, and stopped in front of her face. "Anko was right when she said we needed another body. Even with both of us, master is still not satisfied sometimes."
Tenten's eyes widened as she bent down as started sniffed her hair. She was scared of her and she was afraid to move, afraid of what Sakura was going to do to her but something Sakura just said confused her. "Sa-Sakura?"
Tenten gulped. "You sa-said marking? Wha-what is that?"
Sakura stared at Tenten's eyes, the same smile on her face. "You don't need to know right now. For now, just rest." Sakura bent down lower and captured Tenten's lips with hers. Tenten didn't respond at first but relent, closing her eyes and letting Sakura do what she wanted.
`Sakura!' Sakura broke off the kiss with Tenten and sighed when she heard Naruto's voice. `Time for bed.'
She groaned. "Spoilsport." She muttered.
`I heard that! Get your ass up here before I decide to spank it.'
"Yes sir!" Sakura sighed again and sat up. She reached out and grabbed Tenten's collar and forced her up. "Now then..." She said, handing her a bottle of water, letting Tenten drink it. "I have some homework for you before you go to bed." Tenten blinked. Homework? She watched as Sakura reach up and grab something on top of the cage and hand it to her.
It was a book with the title `Rules and Etiquette for sex slaves by Jiraiya.'
"What is this?" Tenten asked, confused.
"Our houseguest, aka Jiraiya aka pervert aka author of the Icha Icha series aka teacher, wrote and published this book. He based this book on our, meaning me and Ino, lives as slaves. There are many different books out there that give the author's opinion on how a slave should live and act and this is no different but this book is the most popular because it draws from experience."
"So what do you want me to do?" Tenten asked, still not sure.
"Read it. Try to get to chapter two at least." Sakura could see some doubt in her. "Listen...every rule, every law is based off of Naruto's wants and needs. He wanted a future slave something to read from. As the days pass, you'll adjust as you learn."
"I...see. Thanks...I guess."
Sakura smiled and gave Tenten a kiss on the lips before crawling out of the cage. She shut it and locked it. "The lights will be on for another hour. After which, they'll shut off. They'll turn back on again at six a.m. and I will set the cage's `alarm clock' five minutes after to make sure you are up. Get a good night's sleep sister. You're going to need it.
"About time. I was just about to send Ino down for you." Naruto commented as Sakura entered the room.
"I was giving our new sister her homework assignment." Sakura took off her collar and set it on the dresser, looking in the mirror at the bed where Naruto and Ino were. "Master, may I make a request?"
Naruto looked up at the girl. "Sure."
"Tenten has been behaving excellently today. From Hinata's report, Tenten didn't resist when she took her out. She's not resisting, she doing what she's ordered, and she's understanding that she's a sex slave, so my request is this. Tomorrow morning, give me and Ino the chance to answer new questions that Tenten may have and you know she's going to have questions. Let her know what to expect in the days to come."
Naruto seemed to think about this request. His training method is to always keep the girl guessing, force the girl, keep her tame, to improvise to survive, but with Tenten...that may not be necessary this time. "Do you think that this is best for Tenten?"
Sakura nodded. "I do."
"Alright. Go ahead."
Sakura smiled and nodded, joining her master in bed. The light was turned off and all three of them settled in for a good nights sleep. For Sakura, she hoped that the next day went well.