Different world of Naruto's sexual life

Chapter 27: Chapter 25 Part 1

A very sweaty Tenten panted and moaned as foreign hands roamed over her body. The pleasure running throughout her body was the best she ever felt but the thing she enjoyed most is the fact that she can't do anything, as her hands were bound, while those female hands did what they wanted to her.

She gasped as the hands traveled up and grabbed both of her breasts and started squeezing them and she felt a breath flow against her ear. "I'm glad you decided to be with us." Tenten whimpered as she heard Sakura's voice and felt her nip at her ear. "You have given the master a chance to truly feel exhausted after a hard day's fuck. Not to mention, he has grown attracted to that sweet mouth of yours. Speaking of which...open your mouth for me sweetie."

Tenten didn't hesitate to open her mouth as Sakura placed a spider gag in her mouth. After Sakura secured the gag around her ears, she moved her hands down to between her legs, causing Tenten to whimper at Sakura's caresses. A second later, the door opened and Tenten's new master stepped in, fully naked and fully hard. Tenten's breaths started coming in short as he approached her, feeling Sakura move her hands up and take ahold of her head.

"Is she ready for me pet?" Naruto asked as he stood in front of the whimpering girl.

Tenten heard chuckles behind her. "Frustrated, gagged, and worked up. She's all ready." Tenten looked up as Sakura adjusted her head, and found Naruto smiling at her and for some reason, she felt safe with him.

Naruto took a step forward and took his dick in his hand, and started to lightly move it against her lips. He smiled as Tenten closed her eyes and saw her tongue shoot out and try to taste him but it stopped short. "You have a beautiful body pet, more beautiful then I ever imagined." He lowered his dick and kissed the tip of her tongue. Tenten moaned and tried to move forward but Sakura stopped her and the brunette growled in frustration, but that growl stopped when Naruto moved forward until he was just barely entering her mouth. "Now darling...fulfill your promise to me. Make me feel good."

With that, Naruto grabbed her head and slammed his cock into her mouth.


Tenten awoke with a sudden start and scream as her body came from that sensational dream she just had. As the pleasure ran and left her body, she collapsed on the bed, her eyes wide open as the sweat glistened on her body.

As she got her senses back, she screamed, not in pleasure, but in anger. "GOD DAMN IT! WHY DO YOU TORMENT ME KAMI? WHY?" After she let out her anger, she paused for a few seconds before she started sobbing. "I'm trying. I'm really trying." She turned around and broke down crying into her pillow.

Every night for the past two weeks, her dreams have been haunted with the images of her with either Naruto, Sakura, or Ino, or even all four of them together, but the one thing common in all of them was that she was the target of all their sexual desires and every time she woke up, her body was having an orgasm. By the fourth day, she gave up wearing anything to bed as it was going to be soiled the next morning.

`I can't take this anymore. These dreams...I can barely stay sane anymore. How can my body know what it feels like having a cock in my mouth? I'm still a virgin for crying out loud. Maybe these dreams are my body telling me to go and fuck them already. Kami...I can't believe how their touch makes my body feel good.' Tenten sighed as she calmed down, turning over so she was laying on her back and looked at the calendar. "(Sigh) Chunnin exam day. Better take a cold shower and hope my body cools down."


When Tenten finished getting ready, she set out to the Academy where the first part of the exams was going to be held. As promised, she would meet her teammates at the Academy. As she approached the school, she came across several Konoha teams and foreign teams. In no time at all, Tenten found her teammates and joined them. They then entered the school and went to room 301.

On the second level, they saw a group of kids being blocked into room `301' but they ignored them and went up to the third level. When they got to the room, they found Gai there to welcome them, saying that he was glad to see all three of them here and that if all three weren't there, he was told to prevent them from entering.

Needless to say, they were glad to hear that and walked forward, opening the doors to the classroom and stepping in.


For the next thirty minutes, teams piled in and took a spot in the room. She kept her eyes open, hoping to see Naruto and his team here as well. Sakura mentioned that they are considering taking the exams but Naruto was having doubts so she wasn't sure if they were going to show up at all.

She was surprised, however, when a team wearing a completely new headband stepped in. It had a musical note as the symbol of their village. It was then Neji shared the rumors of a new village that was recently created and it was called the `Sound' village. Tenten wondered what kind of ninja would come from such village.

As more teams filtered in and the time limit approached, she began to think that they weren't going to show up. That disappointed her.

She wanted to put the beat down on all of them for making her life a living hell.

The doors opened and, to Tenten's delight, stepped in Naruto and the rest of his team. An evil smirk appeared on her face as she dreamed of torturing those three for the sleepless nights she had.

She was going to make them pay.

She kept her eyes on them as their teammates came up and they got caught up with each other. They kept their voices down as per Naruto's advice but someone caught her attention.

Namely Sakura and a purple haired girl.

It started out simple enough but it soon escalated to Sakura getting ready to rip out her neck and it looked like she would if Naruto didn't come in between them. After he did, the purple haired girl humped and walked away while Naruto started chastising the girl. For losing control of her anger, Tenten guessed.

As Sakura nodded, Naruto took her hand and gave it a hard slap, resulting in a yelp from the girl.

Tenten chuckled as she saw the pained look on her face. She knew she doesn't like the master's anger, no matter how much of a pain slut she may be. There was a sudden explosion and everybody turned around to see a massive amount of smoke. When it passed, several jounin's were revealed and the `leader' of the group, a large, muscular man, barked orders and everyone quickly followed his orders.

The first round of the chunnin exams was about to start.


`Whoever threw that kunai is going to get the biggest log I can find shoved so far up their ass.' Tenten cursed as she protected herself from the falling glass from the mirrors she placed up there. One of the proctor's thrown kunai somehow cut through the strings holding the mirrors in place and not to mention, a second kunai that was thrown shattered the glass and now she had glass falling down onto her. `And what's worse is that I didn't get all the answers. Now what am I supposed to do?'

As the last of the glass settled to the ground, Tenten uncurled herself and shook off the glass that was on her. She could feel eyes on her and she tried to ignore it and look up to see the remains of her mirror set-up. She looked down when she heard chuckling and found Morino Ibiki chuckling at her. "It's a shame about those. I was a little impressed on how you managed to get that set up." Tenten frowned and brushed small bits of glass out of her hair and looked down at her paper. It was halfway finished and she was sure the proctors were going to be on the lookout for her.

`Tenten, are you alright?' Ino's voice sudden spoke in her head and Tenten resisted the sudden urge to jump in fright.

`Kami Ino...give me a little warning next time. Other then that, I'm fine. A little miffed my cheating got cut short. How's Naruto? I see him shaking over here.' Tenten thought, brushing away the glass on her desk.

`Yeah...he's...not doing well. Sakura told you about his little `fear' of taking tests right? This is not helping. Sakura already finished her test and I got my answers from her. How far did you get?'

`Halfway. I know Neji's got all of his answers but I don't know about Lee.'

`Tenten...how about this? I take over you and write down the rest of the answers and I'll talk to Lee and give him the answers.'

`Why can't you tell Lee?'

`I don't have a line of sight. I'm not skilled enough to talk with someone not in my view so I'll have to take you over and then talk to Lee.'

Tenten thought about this. She really didn't want Ino taking over her body but she needed those answers as well as Lee. `Alright, but keep your hands to yourself. I don't need you embarrassing me in front of everybody.'

Ino didn't respond and Tenten braced herself. She hoped that it wouldn't hurt. She felt something enter her body and then darkness.


Tenten awoke with a start, her hand going to the pouch wrapped around her leg. She looked around as the memories came back to her and settled down but when she saw the clock, she did a double take.

`Ino you fraking bitch. Just how long were you in my body? The first exam is almost over. Ino? Can you hear me? Damn it Ino answer me!' When silence reigned in her mind, she growled. She was certain Ino did something to her body. `I'll get answers one way or another, even if I have to sleep with Naruto-kun! Wait...did I just say that? Kami I need to get laid.'

A few minutes later, Ibiki's voice boomed out and everybody put their pencils down. He then started to go into a speech about the tenth question. She could see several people start to get scared when Ibiki mentioned that if you fail, you won't be able to become chunnin again but if they leave right now, the points will be reduced to zero and they'll fail. That caused a little commotion but when the second rule was put forth, there was a loud uproar but it only caused Tenten to wince slightly.

Interesting enough, out of the corner of her eye, she saw Sakura and Naruto cover their ears as if the sound pained them and when Ibiki's voice boomed out, they seemed to be hurt by that as well.

As people start to leave, she kept her eye on Naruto. She was interested in what kind of choice he would make. During one of their conversations, Naruto mentioned that he had no desire to remain a ninja forever, so she was curious as to what he would choose. As the last of the weak filtered out, Naruto showed no signs of giving up. Even though his back was to her, she can still tell a lot from body movements and he wasn't worried at all.

She looked up when Ibiki spoke again, a smirk on his face. He asked if there was anyone else willing to give up. When no one responded, Ibiki smirked. "Very well...now all of you..." Ibiki paused, letting the suspense build. After Ibiki felt like the suspense was at its peak, he spoke. "Pass."

The silence was deafening.

"WHAT?!?!?!?!" The loudest roar anybody ever heard shot out at that moment and Tenten actually had to cover her ears.


Kami, she was going to go deaf from all this screaming. Curious about her friends, she looked up and saw Naruto and Sakura clutching their ears in pain and she was certain Ino was the same. `They can take screaming in pleasure and pain but they can't take this?'

She turned back to Ibiki when he started explaining. As she looked around, she could see visible signs of relief and some shocked expressions and she even allowed herself a sigh of relief.

Suddenly her senses flared up and her hand shot to the kunai just as a something crashed into the room from the window. The ball seemed to unfurl and four kunai's attached themselves to the ceiling and floor and a woman she would be glad to unknown popped out with the words `Anko Mitarashi - Proctor for Second Exam' in white.

There was silence for a bit as everybody stared at the newcomer. From behind the black fabric, Ibiki came out with a sour look on his face. He was having fun torturing the kids and she came bursting in. "Anko..." He raised his hand and gave her head a hard smack.

"OW...what did I do?"

"You're early."

"Am I?" Anko groaned and rubbed the back of her head, taking a look at the remaining genin. "Impressive. A little more then I thought but still good. Now then brats...my name is Mitarashi Anko, your proctor for the second exam. Lets go!"


"Naruto!" Naruto jerked out of his gaze as Sakura snapped her fingers to snap Naruto out of it.

He looked at his teammates as they looked at him. "What?"

"You've been staring at Tenten for the last ten minutes. It's almost time for us to get to the gate. Is everything alright?"

Naruto chuckled and patted Sakura's head and turned back toward his target. He always loved Tenten, especially since he found out about her desire to be with them. He actually tried to get Tenten a month before but he stopped at the last minute, convincing himself that it wasn't time yet. Watching Tenten and her team disappear into the stall to get their scroll and come back out and went to their gate. After a couple of minutes, Naruto said that it was their turn. They reached the stall and traded their forms for an Earth scroll.

As they walked to their gate number, Sakura kept looking at her master on confusion. She seen the look Naruto had on his face and she knew that look and quite frankly, now wasn't the time for what was running through his mind but she was a little afraid to say that to his face.

Don't get her wrong, she's ecstatic at the fact that Tenten's about to join their little family but during the chunnin exams? How was he going to get away with it? Suddenly, she ran into Naruto who stopped in front of her. She quickly apologized but stopped mid-speech when Naruto grabbed her head.

"Don't think so much Sakura. Just do what I tell you and Tenten will be caught safe and sound."

"But..." Sakura was silenced by Naruto's finger.

"I know what I'm doing." Naruto patted her cheek and continued walking. Sakura looked at Ino who shrugged. They stood by Naruto at their gate and waited. When the time neared its end, the proctor at the gate unlocked the gate and the three children prepared themselves. The time ended and the horn sounded, singling the start of the second round.

Naruto, Sakura, and Ino all shot through the gate and into the forest.


`There you are.' Naruto signaled for a halt and everybody landed on a high branch, cloaked to their targets eyes. `At last, you will finally be mine Tenten.' Naruto turned to his girls and, using sign language, gave orders. "Neutralize Lee and Neji and immobilize Tenten."

"Any preferences?" Sakura signed back, an evil smile forming on her face.

"I don't care as long as Neji and Lee are out of the picture. I don't want Tenten resisting so take out her ability to use chakra. Ino...that's your job."

"Yes sir." Ino signed, a similar smile on her face as Sakura's.

"I don't want any hesitation out of you two. Am I going to have any problems?" Naruto smiled as they shook their heads. "Good. After Ino takes care of Tenten's system, her mobility should be taken out as well. Sakura, do you still have the chloroform in storage?"

"Yes, it's in my leg seal and I already have a cloth presoaked."

"That's my girl. Now go...I'm going to watch from here and judge you. Depending on how you do, I'll decide on how much I'll let you help me train her." Both girls faces brightened at that and they nodded, Sakura's hand going to her knife, but that arm was quickly grabbed and Sakura turned back to Naruto. "Sakura, I don't want you killing them. Lee's my friend and Neji is Hinata's best friend and guardian. She'll kill me if you kill him."

Sakura frowned and signed back. "Master, you should've told me that before I got my hopes up. I've been looking forward to shaving Lee's eyebrow."

That seemed to be the wrong thing to say as Naruto snarled and smacked the back of her head, resulting in a yelp. "Sakura, what have I told you about that? There's only two reasons you kill. Self-defense and my orders. What part of my orders did you think I told you to kill?"

"Neutralize?" Sakura answered, causing Naruto to face palm.

"I need to choose my words better. How about this? Do what you want but don't kill them."

"Can I still hurt them?"


Sakura mentally cheered as she was given permission. She was going to enjoy this. She nodded to Ino and they both dropped down and Naruto, smiling as he laid back, watched the show that was about to unfurl. He took the blood vials hanging around his neck out and gave each of them a kiss.


There was no warning.

Neji was the first to hit the ground with two bloody spots in his back. Not even a second passed before a strangled cry came from Lee and he hit the ground, paralyzed. The instant she realized both of her teammates were down, she bolted from her spot and ran full speed back into the forest. Half a mile into her sprint, her neck ran into something and she was pushed back onto the ground, but before she even hit the ground, she was grabbed and the next second, pain erupted in her body as she was electrocuted for a full two minutes.

When the two minutes were up, the electrocution stopped and she slumped to the ground, still alive but weak and not in complete control of her body. The pain was like nothing she ever experienced and could only listen as she heard footsteps. One of her arms were picked up and Tenten was dragged back where she came from where she was tossed forward and she landed with a painful grunt. Weakly, she tried to look up but the most she managed was a twitch of the head, but she didn't need to look up.

She was forced up.

A pair of hands grabbed her and brought her to her knees. In the corner of her eyes, she saw something that caused her eyes to widen when her head was suddenly adjusted forward and the sight she saw caused her to be very afraid.

"Well well...I was hoping for more of a show but ehh...what can you do?" Naruto chuckled as he walked up, the bullwhip being caressed by his hands.

"Wha...what are..." Her mouth was closed by Naruto when he approached her and bent down to her level.

"I suggest you be quiet darling. Talking really isn't the best thing for you right now." When he was sure she wasn't going to speak, he let go of her. "You once told Ino that you wished you were kidnapped by me, to remove the choice of deciding." He smirked as her eyes widened. "The time has come. You are now my official and legal slave...and I intend to use you for my sick and twisted pleasure."

Tenten tried to speak but her mouth was suddenly covered by a cloth that had a strange taste to it. She realized too late that it was chloroform before she dropped down unconscious. Naruto reached down and confirmed that she was out before smiling.

He stood up and barked orders to his pets. "Search everybody. Find the scroll." They nodded and Ino went off and searched Neji while Sakura searched Tenten. Naruto looked up and saw Lee struggling. "Sakura, hand me the cloth." Sakura handed him the chloroformed cloth and went up and bent down to face the still awake Lee and smiled. "Sorry about this Lee." Naruto covered Lee's mouth with the cloth and in no time, he was out.

After Lee was out, he searched him but failed to find a scroll. He turned him over so that the next time he woke up, he wouldn't be tasting dirt. He turned around when he heard Sakura cheer and smiled as she found the scroll hidden on her. The blonde master walked back to Tenten as well as Ino.

"Neji still alive Ino?" Ino nodded as she approached them.

"Alive and stable. So what are we going to do with Tenten?"

Naruto smirked and chuckled, turning toward Sakura. He took the heaven scroll from her and tossed it to Ino. He reached up to the zipper on her dress and pulled it down all the way, turning her around as he pulled it off. "Lay down my sweet." Naruto tossed the dress to Ino as Sakura followed his order and laid down on the grass, her stomach on the ground. He placed his hands on her bare back and channeled chakra into the hidden storage seal on her back.

A seal appeared on her back a second before a poof of smoke appeared, revealing a large scroll when it passed. He grabbed the large scroll, with an order to Sakura to stay, and set it on the bare ground, kicking the scroll open and letting it unroll itself to reveal a complicated seal design. With a quick bark to Ino, she helped Naruto pick up the drugged girl and gently placed her onto the paper, placing her arms to her sides. After Naruto was sure she was okay, he preformed the necessary seals and soon Tenten was sealed into the scroll, placed in stasis until she is removed.

After rolling it up and sealing it, Naruto placed it back onto Sakura's back and preformed the same seals, the scroll disappearing and returning to its place. After he was finished, Naruto checked over his work and ordered Sakura up, Ino giving her back her clothes, and she dressed back up.

"I don't think I need to tell you Sakura..." He said, standing in front of her, with a stern look on his face. "That you need to guard her with your life. When we get to the tower, I'll get you an escort back home but until then, cloak yourself and keep yourself hidden."

Sakura nodded and saluted him, before disappearing from view but keeping herself visible to Naruto and Ino. They left the area, leaving the two male teammates behind to be found later.


Unnoticed to the capturers, they were being watched. A lone, single eye watched from the crest of the trees, watching over the events like a hawk eyeing its dinner. The owner of this eye, a couple of miles away, have been following the blonde boy since he saw him. When the show was over, the eye disappeared into a mist of sand and the connection between it and its creator was broken.

A couple of miles away, a redhead opened his eye and spoke. "Temari...since you helped father the most in the office, tell me about the Kyuubi attack thirteen years ago in this village."

Said girl took a seat in front of him while the other remained on guard. "Gaara...why do you want to know?"

Gaara opened his eyes and the girl gulped seeing the cold look in his eyes. "Temari...don't argue with me."

"(Sigh) All I know is that Kyuubi went on a rampage in the Fire Country. It devastated anything and everything in its wake. It didn't take long to reach Konoha and somehow the Hokage at the time managed to defeat it."

"Do we know how?"

Temari shook her head. "No. No matter how many times we ask, they say that they have no idea how he did it. We thought up a few theories but..."

"Was sealing a theory?"

"Number one on the list. Gaara...what are you thinking?" The redhead didn't respond, just staring off into space, in deep thought. Temari reached forward and took his hand into her hands. He jerked for a moment but she didn't jerk away. "Gaara...does he bother you?"

Gaara looked down at his and her hands and placed the other one on top of hers. "I can feel foreign chakra on him and those girls, but him most of all. I believe that he holds the Kyuubi."

"If that is true Gaara, then how do you explain the chakra on the girls?"

Gaara smiled and Temari was a little worried about that smile. "I'm reminded of something I once read."


Not wanting to stay in such a dangerous area with precious cargo, all three high-tailed it to the tower, never resting and never stopping. With their best speed, they made it to the doors of the tower in a couple of hours. They reached the doors and quickly stepped inside, only after the doors shut did they collapse onto the ground, their chests heaving for air.

"Well...we...made it...alive." Ino managed to get out through her pants.

"That's...the longest...sprint...I've ever done." Naruto said, the same as the other two.

"At least...now we...can relax." Sakura panted, getting her breath back.

They stayed there for a while until they recovered their breaths. Naruto looked up and saw the chunnin motto on the wall and he smiled. "Hey Sakura..." Said girl looked at him. Naruto motioned with his head and Sakura followed his line of sight. "Remember when the old man took us here and showed that to us? I remember that day perfectly. We were both a little depressed and he took us here."

Sakura chuckled and took his hand in her hands. "If I remember correctly, you drowned yourself in alcohol the previous night and I had to take care of you and I was depressed that I had no future. For some reason, his words inspired something in me and I truly began to train."

Naruto chuckled and reached over, placing a gentle kiss on Sakura's sweaty and dirty cheek, the girl letting out a giggle as she felt his lips. "Come on. The sooner we get through this, the sooner we can relax in the hot tubs here."

"So what do we do with these scrolls?" Ino finally spoke.

Naruto smirked. "Simple, we open them."

"Wha...but we're not supposed to open them."

Naruto sighed and delivered a love tap to the back of her head. "Who's the master here? Stand up and open the scroll."

Ino sighed and gave a `yes sir' before standing up, followed by Sakura and Naruto. Ino unwrapped her scroll as well as Naruto. When Ino opened her scroll, she immediately recognized the designs as a summoning seal. As it started to smoke, she heard Naruto said `toss it' and she quickly complied, watching as both of the scrolls increased their smoking until a large poof appeared.

When the smoke cleared, Naruto beamed and shot forward, quickly grabbing her into a bear hug. "ANKO-SENSEI! I haven't seen you in a while."

Anko smiled and ran her hand through his hair. "How's it going brat? I'm impressed you got here on the first day. I would've thought you would take your time."

Naruto looked up at the woman. "Yeah, I thought so too but something came up. Speaking of which, I need a big favor."

"What do you need?"

"Sakura-chan is handling precious cargo right now. I need her to go home and take care of it."

Anko raised her eyebrow and looked at the pink hair girl, before her eyes narrowed at the boy. "What, exactly, is this precious cargo?"

"Anko...I would really rather not get into this right now. I just need her to take care of this."

Anko sighed and rubbed her forehead. "Naruto, please don't tell me that you took someone."

"Like I said, I would rather not get into this right now and I would appreciate it if no one knew just yet."

The purple haired woman sighed. "Fine fine. I'm fixing to head back for a bit anyway." She looked up to Sakura. "You keep yourself hidden alright?" Sakura nodded. "Alright. Let's go."


"Alright kid...I'm giving you half an hour. That's how long I'm going to take and that's how long you have. Do what you have to do quickly."

Sakura nodded and Anko left, leaving Sakura alone. She quickly entered her home and went downstairs, stripping off her dress in the process. When she got downstairs, she hung up her dress and quickly made two clones. Ordering one clone to retrieve the scroll from her back, she turned around and let the clone do what it needed.

While the clone was doing that, she spoke to the other clone. "Go to our confidants. Find at least three people that can stop by and check up on Tenten and make sure she's alright. Naruto-sama doesn't need Tenten near death when we get back.

When she felt her clone complete the summoning, she turned around and grabbed the scroll, setting it down and kicking it open to the seal that held Tenten. Making the required seals, a large poof of smoke appeared and vanished to reveal Tenten, still unconscious. She bent down and placed her fingers on Tenten's neck. "Well, you're still alive and that's good. It would be a shame if you died. Now then..." Sakura reached for her knife. "Let us see what you are hiding." A swing of her knife and her shirt and bindings was now useless. Another swing and her pants and panties were thrown away.

She sheathed her knife and pulled off her shoes, followed by her headband and the ties holding up her buns, but Sakura didn't allow herself the pleasure of seeing her with her hair down. She only had 30 minutes and she needed to do her job quickly. Motioning to the clone, she and her grabbed her and took her to the bathroom down there.

When they reached it, they shackled Tenten's hands to the manacles hanging down. The good thing about chloroform is that Tenten will stay sleep, even with water going down her body. Both Sakura and her clone got washcloths and soaped it up, each girl taking both the front and the back and being quick with cleaning her but being thorough with her body.

Fifteen minutes later, Tenten was clean enough for Sakura. Shutting the water off, she grabbed a towel and quickly dried her off. Motioning to the clone, she detached Tenten from the manacles and Sakura caught her, dragging her out of the bathroom and back into the room.

"Oh...I wish I had more time with you sweet Tenten." Sakura said as she set Tenten down onto the floor. The clone went off to gather the necessary supplies while Sakura talked to the girl. "To be honest, I was hoping you would come to us willingly but this is fine. Gives me the chance to be much, much more sadistic toward you and sadistic I will be. Ah here it comes..." Sakura's clone came back with the supplies Sakura needed. "Go and open the cage and wait for me."

The clone nodded and went off to follow her orders. "Now then...lets start with your gag shall we?" Sakura grabbed a ring gag from the box and forced Tenten's mouth open and lodged the ring in her mouth and secured it around her ears. "Now darling, it's time for your IV. You're going to be here for three days you know." Looking in the box, she found the IV kit.

Thanks to her studies and her tutoring with Azumi, she knows how to set up an IV drip and she knows how to steady the needle while in the flesh so that if the patient struggles, the needle would remain in the vein. Finding the vein, she inserted the needle and secured it with medical tape. When she put the collar on, she was sure that it wouldn't interfere with the IV's ability to deliver the juice. She would have to wait until Tenten was in the cage before she could finish this set up.

Now for the arms, she was going to do something a little different. Sakura pulled out an arm binder and turned Tenten over. Being very harsh, she forced Tenten's arms into the restraint, pulling it up to her shoulders. Being passed out, Sakura had to maneuver Tenten's fingers into the glove in the binder but it wasn't that hard to do. After that was done, she tightened the straps, making sure they were nice and tight.

Next was the collar. The chakra restraining collar was the most important part of this outfit as this will prevent Tenten from using her chakra. Locking it around her neck, she took the final strap on the top of the arm binder and hooked it to the ring on the back of the collar and tightened it. This will make sure the arm binder stays put. She checked on the needle and was pleased to see it was still there.

She turned Tenten back around and went back to her box of supplies. Pulling out a pair of knee high boots, she started to put them on Tenten. These boots were made for bondage play. Starting from the ankles and separated by a couple of inches were straps and restraints that Sakura can use to bind them together. After putting on the boots, she strapped them together and locked them, meaning if Tenten somehow got free of her arm restraints, she would need to pick the locks on each restraints.

Sakura was getting hot just doing this. She could feel her body heat up and start lubricating itself and she was very tempted to masturbate but she couldn't. She didn't have a lot of time left and she still has a couple of things to do. Reaching into the box once again, she pulled out a catheter and inserted the tube into Tenten's urethra passage and secured it with tape. She didn't want Tenten soiling herself while here.

Reaching into the box again, she pulled out a vibrator. Spreading her legs a little, she inserted in her and Sakura could've sworn she heard a moan. Chuckling, she picked out a seal and placed it on her pussy and sealed it, ensuring that the vibrator and the tube will stay.

Now it was time for the catheter for the butt. Getting the lube from the box, she picked up the tube on the side of the cage and lubed the entrance. Spreading her butt cheeks, Sakura slowly inserted the catheter into Tenten, making sure it was quite a ways in before stopping and securing it. Now was the time to put her in her cage. Getting out the last thing in the box, a five feet length of chain, she grabbed Tenten by the hair and dragged her to the open cage and threw her in the cage, going in and connecting the chain to her collar and the other end to the cage.

"Alright, time to hook up the IV." She turned around to get the IV but found the bag and tube being held out by her clone. "Thanks." She took the bag and placed the bag on the stand and connected it to the needle in her neck and secured everything. After she was done with that, she looked at Tenten's open mouth and the food that was placed in the cage. "Ehh...maybe I shouldn't put the gag on you. Might be hard enough feeding with the collar on you." So Sakura took off the ring gag and tossed it to her clone who put it back.

After that, she went over her work and made sure nothing was loose. After tightening a couple of straps, she got out and closed the door, the cage locking itself. "That was fun." Sakura said, with an evil smile on her face. "Oh wait...there's one more thing." Quickly going to the cabinet, she grabbed a pen and paper and wrote a quick note on it. Grabbing a piece of tape, she taped it to the cage so Tenten will see it when she wakes up. "Now I'm done." The pinkette looked at the clock. "With ten minutes to spare. (Sigh) I supposed I should get ready...however..." The same smirk came back and turned to the clone. "Go upstairs and prepare some ramen for us. Seal that as well as some supplies into a scroll. If I remember Anko right, there should be prelims in a couple of days." The clone saluted and went off, leaving the girl behind. "While I alleviate some of my horniness on the sybian."


When Sakura eventually walked out the front door, she found Anko waiting for her, but she was in deep thought and she was holding onto her neck. Sakura called out to her and Anko jerked, getting out of her thinking.

"You done?" She asked and Sakura nodded. "Alright, cloak yourself and let's go."

Sakura nodded and her body vanished from public view. She followed Anko as she jumped onto the rooftop, heading back toward the forest. They dropped down and quickly entered through the gate and took to the trees. As the miles passed by them, they were getting closer to the tower when Anko suddenly stopped and Sakura ran past her. When she realized that Anko stopped, she stopped herself and jumped back. "Anko, are you alright? Anko?" Sakura was worried. Anko was never this distant and her hand was back on her neck, right where the curse seal was and she knew just how sensitive Anko was on the subject of Orochimaru.

"Sakura...keep going to the tower. Find Ibiki and get me some back-up. The guards already know about you so you won't be stopped."

"What about you?"

"I'll be alright. Just go."

Sakura nodded. She knew better then to argue with Anko when she's like this. Turning around, she broke into another sprint while Anko went west. Sakura kept up her sprint, bounding through the trees, but movement in the corner of her eye, caused her to stop on a high branch and look down, a smile forming on her face.

`This might be an interesting opportunity to learn about this new Sound village and what's more, the female is alone taking a piss. Just the fact that she's alone and doesn't have anybody watch means she is naïve or too arrogant. I think she's still a virgin. I'll leave a clone here and have her interrogate the girl.'

A pop later stood a identical version of Sakura. The real Sakura high-fived her before breaking into a sprint, returning to her previous course.

When her creator vanished, Sakura removed her pants and placed her hands on her left thigh and summoned a bullwhip. She replaced her pants and secured the whip on her person before dropping down, sill cloaked. That long, black haired girl was still shitting and was completely unaware of her stalker thinking of different ways to do this. As the girl finished and stood up, she saw something heading toward her face before she blacked out.


"Ugh...what hit me?" Kin muttered as she woke up. She felt a throbbing pain on her cheek and she tried to rub it but as she found out, her hands were bound above her. As her eyes opened, she began to take stock of her situation.

First of all, she was naked.

Second, she found that she was on her knees, her hands tied above her. She tried to use her chakra but for some reason, she couldn't. Suddenly, she heard humming and she looked up to find a red haired girl leaning against a tree, admiring her kunai. "Ah...you're awake." Kin jumped when she heard a female voice from behind her. She looked to the side when she felt someone caress her skin and found herself looking at the same red haired girl from before.

"Who the fuck are you?" She asked, starting to struggle.

The red haired girl smirked. "It is usually customary to introduce yourself before asking another's name."

"Tsuchi Kin."

"Call me Kira." Kira stood up and started walking around Kin. So...I was looking through your weapons and was wondering why you carry so many senbon and bells and then I realized that you are a genjutsu user am I right? You use the bells as a medium."

"What's it to you?"

Kira chuckled. "Just curious. Now Kin, the reason why you are this situation is because I have some questions about this new Sound village that I want answered. It's not much, just some basic stuff, like who founded the village? What do you specialize in (even though I already have an idea)? Who is your Otokage? What is your village strength?"

Kin snarled and started to spew curses at the girl. Kira listened to the girl for a few seconds before she grabbed the bullwhip on her belt and sent it flying toward her cheek, which made contact causing the girl to scream in pain.

"I don't tolerate anything other then answers miss Tsuchi. Do you know what this is? This is a bullwhip and I know how to use it, so..." Kira reached down and lifted Kin's head. "All I'm asking for is basic stuff. Tell me and I'll let you go but if you keep this up, you may end up being food for the maggots. Tell you what, let's do this. For every question you don't answer me, you will receive ten strikes from this bullwhip and don't try to lie to me, I'm a trained torturer and interrogator. I will know if you lie." Kin growled as Kira let go of her, walking away a little before turning around. "Now then...who is your Otokage?"


Kira smirked. "Wrong answer cunt..." With the flick of her wrist, Kira sent the bullwhip flying toward Kin's breast, eliciting a cry of pain from the girl.


"...And that's when she told me to run and find you." Sakura finished speaking to her mentor, Morino Ibiki. When she had gotten back to the tower, she burst through the doors and ran through the halls, almost running into a blonde pigtailed girl in the process, until she found Ibiki and told him what had happened. After she finished, he nodded and went away to find Anko some backup. "Oh, I gave you my notes on Kin's interrogation right?" Ibiki held up her notepad as he disappeared around the corner. "Right...(sigh) now I can relax."

Sakura turned on her heels and went for the stairs. She knew where the sleeping quarters and the workout areas were and she knew Naruto would most likely been in the hot tubs there. Going down a couple of levels, she emerged from the stair way and she caught Naruto's scent and saw a door that was steaming. Stopping in front of the door that had steam coming out, she opened the door and smiled. "Hey guys."

"Hey Sakura! Come on in!" Naruto called out from his spot in the hot tub. Ino was beside him, eyes closed and most likely asleep.

"Be right there." Sakura closed the door and started to get undressed. While getting undressed, she walked toward the lockers. Opening one of them, she hung up her dress, placed her shorts on the shelf, her weapons down, her shoes on the bottom, and her collar on the shelf. Shutting the locker, she made her way to the duo and the hot water. "Ahh...that feels so good." Sakura sighed out as she stepped into the tub. "I needed this."

Sakura sighed again as she settled down in the tub, feeling the hot water on her naked body. She laid back and closed her eyes, feeling her sore legs start to get better. She looked to the side when Naruto held her hand in his, smiling as he looked at her. "So...package taken care of?"

"It'll be ready when we get home."

Naruto chuckled. "I see." Naruto turned back around and laid back. "(sigh) I wonder how it will react when it learns the truth."


Anko cried out as she was slammed into the trunk of a tree. She didn't stay there long, however; as she recovered and jumped away before snakes almost got her. She landed on a branch and looked at her attacker.


"I see your skills have improved little Anko."

Anko growled as she led her injured arm in her hand. "Don't call me that you fucking bastard. You gave up that right when you left!"

"Aww...that's a shame." Anko yelped and jumped away when she heard Orochimaru from behind her. "And here I thought being a teacher to such a fine pupil would've soften that hard tongue of yours."

"What are you talking about? I don't have a pupil."

The snake Sannin smirked and Anko was a little afraid of what he knew. "I'm talking about that little blonde slave master of yours...what was his name again? Oh yeah...Uzumaki Naruto...container of the Kyuubi no Kitsune."


A low moan came from the lips of a bound girl in her cage. Brown hair shifted as the body moved, her eyes opening as she moaned again. She tried to move her hands but found them restrained. As Tenten started to wake up, she started to struggle.

As she struggled, she began to scream, tears falling out of her eyes as she realized her predicament. `What is going on? How did I get here?' Tenten then froze, as she realized exactly WHO was responsible for this. `Naruto-kun? He couldn't possibly? He wouldn't do this to me. I know Sakura would but Naruto-kun...?' As she calmed down, her mind was clearing and logic and reason was coming back into her mind. `Naruto-kun is the last person I saw before someone drugged me but...what he said...it had to be him. I can't be...AHHHHHH!'

Tenten was suddenly stopped short and she screamed as a violent rumble shook in her nether regions. She looked down and her eyes widened. She was naked and whoever stripped her placed knee high boots on her and strapped them together. She also saw a tube leading into her pussy, sealed by a tag and she also felt a dildo in her. `Oh kami...where am I? I can't access my chakra or anything.'

It was then she noticed the white piece of paper taped at the edge of the cage. Struggling, she managed to get herself up, now noticing the chain attached to the collar on her neck. She scooted herself closer so she could read the note.

`Dear Tenten -

As you might have realized by now, you have been captured by the Uzumaki family (mainly me). You are in a place that is nearly impossible to escape from so don't try. Your chakra has been sealed and the cage you are in is escape-proof. I'll go ahead and admit that I would've preferred you coming to Naruto-sama on your own. Save you a lot of pain, but this is fine because when master lets me help train you, I...WILL...TORTURE...YOU.

The food there isn't much but it'll keep you alive until we get back. The IV drip in you will keep you hydrated and I arranged for somebody to drop by now and then to keep an eye on you. (Tenten just now noticed the needle in her neck.) You will respond to his/her questions with a nod or a shake of the head. Don't be surprised if it is someone you know.

Anyway I should be going now. Anko is going to kill me if she has to get me and not to mention Naruto-sama will smack my head like there's no tomorrow the next time he sees me and you know how much he likes doing that.

So...hang out and have some fun with the toy in you. I got it set to random, which is another word for torment. Oh...and that tube in you is connected to a urine bag so go ahead and piss if you need to little cunt.

When we get back, master will explain everything to you

Your capturer

Uzumaki Sakura

P.S. - Try not to hate master too much, okay sweetie?'

A tear escaped her eye as Tenten finished the letter. She turned around and laid back, more tears escaping her eyes. `I...I can't believe he would do this. I thought we were friends, best friends. He must have a reason for this. Yeah, that's it. He must have been mistaken when he said I was his official slave. There's no way that's possible. Maybe Ino-chan told him what I said during the reception and he wants me.'

Try as she might defending Naruto's actions, she kept thinking something was going to go horribly wrong. Maybe Naruto wasn't the person she thought he was and he was going to torture her.

Another tear escaped her eyes as she realized that her life just took a turn for the worst...in the worst meaning of the phrase.


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