Different world of Naruto's sexual life

Chapter 21: Chapter 21

Anko jumped when the door to the interrogation room slammed open, quirking an eyebrow as Naruto, holding a sleeping girl over his shoulder, came into the room. Her blond protégé headed straight to one of the cages in the room, and depositing the small girl in it.

After that, Naruto walked to her, grabbing an arm and dragging her to the door.

"I need to talk to you Anko."

Anko didn't resist as she was led out the room and to the hallway where the Hokage -a scroll in hand- and Naruto's pets were talking to each other. They quieted when Naruto and Anko approached.

"So why is the girl who stole the scroll in my cage?" She asked.

"It wasn't her fault Anko." Naruto spoke. "Mizuki tricked her into stealing the scroll under the guise of a test. He told her it would help her gain the confidence to talk to me without stuttering, and let her become a genin."

"I've already spoken to Ibiki," Sarutobi added. "He's going to interrogate her and learn what she knows. After I get the report from him and Yamanaka Juro, I will decide what to do with her...but I believe she's the victim in this."

"That's where you come in Anko," Naruto continued. "I already got the approval from the Hokage and her father, with some reluctance."

"What do you want me to do?" She asked, curious to know what he wanted.

"Take her as a pet."

Anko blinked and then a ear splitting grin appeared on her face. Ever since Naruto told her about the Hyuuga girl, she'd been wanting a crack at the girl, to see if she could spice up the timid little thing.

And now...Naruto and Sarutobi were giving her that chance.

"I accept." The Hokage nodded, blowing out some smoke from his pipe, before handing her the scroll.

"I'll get the paperwork started. Ibiki should be starting with her soon."

"Right now, in fact," the scarred jonin said, walking towards the group. He nodded to Naruto and his girls. "Should I pull my punches, Hokage-sama?"

Sarutobi shook his head. "No, Hiashi himself said that she should be given no special treatment," he replied. "Full Interrogation protocol."

Ibiki nodded, pulling out a slightly rusty knife from his dark trench-coat. "Any reason to salvage her clothes?"

Anko shook her head, grinning. "She's going to be my toy from now on," she said, "I'm thinking I'll just keep her naked all the time...save the trouble."

Naruto and the girls nodded, walking towards the exit. He paused as Ibiki walked in, frowning as a sudden shriek filled the dim corridor.

Then he walked out.


After Naruto and his soon to be wives were finished with Anko, they decided to go home, as Naruto just wanted to get on his bed. After the door was shut, Naruto started stripping off his clothes while on the path to his bedroom. His pets followed, also stripping in the process.

When they reached the bedroom, Naruto set his headband on the dresser, soon joined by the other two headbands belonging to the girls. He laid on the bed, going under the covers and letting the girls join him before covering them with it.

They stayed silent for a while, nobody feeling like talking. Naruto just wanted somebody to hold as he thought, his hand moving over the pink haired girls hair as he petted it, the arms of his blonde pet around his stomach as she provided warmth to keep his back warm.

"I was hoping..." Naruto finally spoke, drawing the girls attention to him. "That I could find a good way to help her. I thought that becoming a ninja would raise her confidence when she realized that she did it all by herself. I didn't realize that my proposal to you would affect her so much. Hell, I didn't even realize she was watching us then." He sighed, and Ino started running her fingers through his hair, Sakura joining in soon after. "I was coming up with a plan shortly after the exams...a way to introduce her to Anko in a more civil setting, but now...she's ruined everything."

Naruto fell silent after that, his body curling up some as he realized the level of failure he made with her.

"Are you alright master?" Ino asked from behind Naruto who just sighed.

"I just need to think."

Silence reigned over the group as they laid there. Naruto continuing to pet his pet's hair as he buried his face in it, inhaling her scent as he took a breath. Behind him, Ino ran her hands across her master's stomach, letting him know that she is there to help him if he needs it.

Suddenly, her mind lit up. "Master, I forgot to ask. What was in that letter Kiba gave you?"

Naruto chuckled and turned his head to look at her. "You curious pet?"

"A little." She responded. "Since Sakura had that crazy grin on her face for a while since she read it."

Naruto chuckled once more. "It was from Tsume-chan. She's in heat again and wants my services."

"You going to help?" She asked, causing a grin to appear on Naruto's face.

"Of course my little cosmos...and you're coming with me."

"Me?" Ino asked, surprised.

Ino saw Sakura lift herself up some so she could face her. "Tsume-chan has a thing for young looking people - a shotacon and a lolicon in one lovely package. Master happily allows her to fulfill her desire since she can't really get any dick since her husband died. She's also bi much to my pleasure." Seeing her confused look, she continued. "I fuck her sometimes along with master."

"Wha..." Ino let out, godsmacked. "You fuck her? I thought you were just there for the show."

Sakura smirked. "Why do you think I like the Inuzuka clan slut? They are so good in bed and plus...they like to bite. Not as good as master but good enough." Sakura returned to her position on the bed and Ino turned to Naruto.

"So why now?"

Naruto chuckled. "It took a while to convince her to let you in but she said she'll give you a trial run so you'll come with me when we do her in a couple of days."

"Oh, I see."

Ino watched Naruto as he settled down for the night. She knew that Tsume was his favorite fuck buddy and she knew Sakura went with him but she always assumed that she was watching them, not actually joining in.

And now, it seemed, it was her turn.

But she didn't mind - whatever her master wanted, she'd be happy to do.

"Ino-chan..." Naruto spoke with his back turned toward her. "You know that the only people that I let touch you are the people I absolutely trust the most don't you?"

Ino nodded. "I know master and I know you consider Tsume to be family."

Naruto chuckled. "That's good to hear."

Sighing she settled down on the bed and closed her eyes for the night, her mind going to Hinata and the torture she was going to go through in the morning courtesy of Anko and Naruto.


Hinata jolted awake as she realized two very important things.

One...she was still naked. Last night before her interrogation with Ibiki, her clothes were stripped off -shredded even, her body shivering as she remembered that ugly rusted knife as it sliced right through her panties- and she was left naked...the standard uniform for shinobi and kuniochi prisoners.

After her...disrobing...she was cleaned, a stream of freezing cold water directed at her via a fire hose. After she was dried off, she was strapped a chair, legs spread wide, and was faced with occupied by a strange looking man, though his blond locks identified him as a Yamanaka.

Then the interrogation started. Hinata was glad to tell him what he wanted to know, shuddering as the scarred man who'd stripped her was fiddling with an active forge, smirking at her as he held a glowing rod near her eyes.

After her `session', she was put into a cell and locked in, still naked, and left there for the night until she fell asleep.

The second thing she realized that she wasn't in her cell anymore. Bright lights were shining down upon her, and she had to squint her eyes slightly under their glare. Her previous cell didn't have any lights as far as she knew - the only light had been from that forge and those hot pokers...

She was lying on a bed...more a cot, she realized, as there were no blankets, pillows, or sheets - just a thin mattress on a rickety wire frame. She sat up, and it was then she realized the third thing.

Her wrist was manacled to the bed.

She jumped when a door slammed opened and she turned to face a naked purple haired woman walking towards her. The paled eyed girl backed away in fear when she saw the maniacal grin the woman was wearing. She yelped when she reached the edge of the bed and fell down.

Unfortunately, she didn't stay on the floor long as a hand found its way to her neck and lifted her up, the position of the hand causing her to choke some but allowed the holder to keep her up while allowing air in her.

"Hyuuga Hinata." Her name being called caused her to look up at her captor. She barely gulped at the sight of her face. "I got great news, good news, and bad news. I'll start with the good." The woman tossed the girl back on the bed. "First off, my name is Mitarashi Anko - I'm the second in command of ANBU Interrogation and Torture. Good news is that you have been found innocent of all charges - Mizuki, pansy ass that he is, sang like a lark once we got to him."

"Bad news is that, as part of your punishment for your part in it, you are barred from becoming a ninja for three years." Hinata felt herself sob at that thought...all that work, her new jutsu...wasted.

Anko smirked, raising a hand up to cup the distraught girl's cheek. "And the great news?" she said, crawling onto the bed in a sultry fashion, her tits swaying as she moved towards the girl. Hinata tried to back away, but Anko snagged her foot, keeping her there while she slithered up to her. Hinata was unable to go any further, her lips quivering as as she was forced down by the crazy woman, their tits touching as Anko stared into her frightened white eyes.

"...the great news is that you have officially become my pet."

Hinata's eyes widened after she finished. Pet? What did that mean? "Wh-what do...?"

Hinata fell silent when Anko placed a finger on her lips to silence her before she started to move said finger and trace her lips.

"You have good friends pet. Friends that you don't know you have. Friends that want you to get strong and to help you survive. It's because of said friends that you are in this position, instead of servicing the troups in our private brothel." Hinata whimpered at that. "I', going to train you to be my pet, and eventually a killer kunoichi. I will train you just like I helped train others before you."

Her eyes widened when she finished, her mind screeching to a halt.

"Take a few minutes..." She looked up when Anko started speaking again. "And think about things."

Anko stood up, leaving the bound girl behind as she walked away. The girl looked at her manacled wrist as she tried to release herself. Failing that, she looked at the door as it slammed shut and thought about what she said.

`I have friends? I don't...she said that it was because of them that I'm here. What did she mean by other pets? What is going on here? Why am I here?'

These are the thoughts that ran through her mind for the next thirty minutes. However, when the half hour was up, the door slammed open once again, causing the girl to jump, revealing the same naked woman. The woman took her time walking up to her and Hinata's eyes stared at her body, the breasts bouncing as she walking, the sway of her hips, caused the girl to blush at the sight and look away.

The moment she looked away however, she felt herself being thrown to the ground, her arm being strained as it was still connected to the bed. She looked up to the thing that threw her down and saw Anko standing over her.

`How did she get here so fast?' Hinata asked herself as Anko reached over and unlocked her wrist.

Anko stood over the girl with a face that she could only describe as evil. "Get up." The girl only blinked, causing the woman to snarl. "I said GET UP!" Anko reached down and grabbed Hinata's arm in a tight grip causing the girl to whimper as it started to hurt and lifted her up.

"You're hu-hurt-hurting me." Hinata whimpered out, only to yelp when the woman smacked her across the face. Her eyes widened to their limit as she stared at the woman, who responded by reaching back and smacking her again, this time on the opposite cheek.

This time she didn't stop as she started smacking her on both cheeks. The girl tried to speak but she wasn't able to speak when she was smacked again. Her weak attempts to stop her was stopped by the simple act of smacking.

While Anko was smacking the girl, she started taunting her. Stating that if she wanted her to stop then she should tell her outright to stop but Hinata realized that it was impossible for her at this rate.

One of Anko's smacks forced her head to the side making her see Naruto, leaning against the wall looking at her. She kept her head and eyes focused on him even as the woman kept on smacking her.

She begged him with her eyes to help her, to stop the woman from smacking her cheeks. Time seemed to slow down as he spoke.

"Will you always look for my shadow, Hinata? When I'm not there will you ignore your own desires, wasting time by wondering about me? Wonder about yourself! Think of your own shadow! SHOW YOUR FACE!"

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Anko's hand rear back for another strike. Her mind racing with thoughts as it came closer and closer. Suddenly she screamed. It wasn't a weak or pitiful scream but rather a honest-to-god scream.

Anko stopped mid-strike, staring at the screaming girl as the scream died down. Even though she didn't tell her to stop, screaming still meant stop. She smiled as the girl stopped screaming and the pale eyed girl started crying. She followed Hinata as she collapsed on her knees, taking the girl into her bosom and comforting her while she cried.

"Pl-please he...help me be-become st-strong mis-mistress."

Anko chuckled. "You're mine now pet and I'll help you become strong in mind and body."

Hinata cracked a small smile before darkness overtook her, her body falling sleep in her new mistress's arms.


"And you said the girl was hopeless."

Naruto commented to his pet as they watched the scene between Anko and Hinata unfold before them.

Sakura shrugged. "So I was wrong. It's been known to happen from time to time. I honestly thought the girl would give up."

Naruto chuckled. "Things can change over time Saku. You just need the right motivator."

Sakura chuckled as well. "Isn't that the truth? So are you going to talk to her?" Sakura asked, seeing Anko put the girl on the bed and tie her up, putting her arms behind her and strapping the upper and lower thighs together on one leg and doing the same thing to the other, leaving her fresh core exposed to the world.

"I'll talk to her shortly after she wakes up and I can have my fun but before that..." Naruto said, cupping the girl's chin. "I want to do some anal and then the horse."

Sakura smiled and chuckled. "My body is yours to do with as you please, master."

Naruto smiled an evil smile and raked his fingernails down the side of her face. "And I so enjoy your sweet body, my cherry blossom."


When Hinata woke up, she immediately realized that her body was in a weird position. Her arms were behind her and she couldn't bring them out. Her legs were strapped together but spread apart. She blushed when she realized that her labia was exposed to the world.

Fortunately her mouth and head wasn't bound so she was able to look around. She was in the same room as before and now she was able to take in the contents of the room. First of the objects she noticed was a wooden horse. She knew about the horse in her studies with her father. She knew about the purpose and intent of the object.

That doesn't mean she likes the damn things.

Taking her eyes off, she started to look around some more. She saw various torture devices strewn around as well as sex toys and objects she couldn't identify. Her eyes came across the door just in time for it to open and reveal the last person she expect to see in this place...followed by the second to the last person.

Naruto walked toward her but he wasn't dressed in the same way he always dressed. No shoes, no pants, cherry blossoms boxers, no shirt, only his jacket thrown over his shoulder.

The girl, however, was different. She was naked first of all, including her collar that Naruto gave her but the thing that was much surprising was the welts that covered her body. She watched the girl as she leaned against the wall and crossed her arms.

Her attention went back to Naruto as he sat down on her bed, throwing his jacket over the frame.

"How are you doing Hinata?" He asked.

Hinata started to stammer, seeing her crush wearing nothing but a pair of boxers sitting right beside her bound form. Naruto placed a finger on her lips, silencing the girl.

"I know how much of a shock this might seem to you right now, seeing me here but I'm here for a reason." He turned his head, looking at the pink haired girl. "You see that girl over there?" He said, pointing to the welt ridden wife. Hinata gasped as she got a good look at her.

She was more injured then she thought.

"That girl is my official slave."

Hinata snapped her head to look at the smiling boy. Slave? Surely she didn't hear him right...right?

"You heard me right pet. Sakura Uzumaki is nothing more then my masochist sex slave...and my wife." Naruto reached out and petted her hair, but Hinata didn't react to that, still shocked about the revelation that came upon her. Finally she noticed what Naruto was doing to her and looked at him.

"How is that possible?"

Naruto chuckled. "All in due time." Hinata moaned when Naruto's hands left her hair and went down to her face, his fingers caressing her skin. "Hiashi tells me that you know about Kyuubi already."

Hinata whimpered some but nodded, his fingers going to her chin. "I fou-found out some time a-ago."

"I see. That makes it easier on me." Naruto sighed and spoke. "Almost a year ago, something happened to me on my birthday, the anniversary of Kyuubi's death. A mob, composed of saddened and vengeful widows, came after me. They proceeded to beat the crap out of me but the Hokage and Jiraiya were too late as I was an inch from death by the time they arrived."

"My tenant was outraged at what was done to me and used his chakra to take over my body. After that, he killed everybody that laid a hand against me. After he was done with them, he set his sights on the village, getting ready to murder everybody but the Hokage and Jiraiya managed to calm him down and strike a deal with him."

"The deal was that in exchange for Kyuubi not going berserk on everybody, I was to be given a slave to break and train."

"A-A sl-slave?" Hinata gasped out and he nodded. He looked to his side when Sakura walked up to them and she followed, her eyes widening as she saw the wounds.

"After the deal was made, Kyuubi withdrew his control and I was imprinted from his personality. After I was taken to the hospital, ANBU was sent to retrieve Sakura from her home. She was bound, gagged, and blindfolded and taken to the ANBU Interrogation and Torture division and they prepared her while I was being trained myself."

"She's really a slave?" She asked, looking at the girl and boy, shocked as hell. Sakura nodded.

"I am Hinata, although I didn't know it while I was kept in the I/T division. No one would tell me anything. I was scared, afraid that I had done something wrong. I was kept clean and fed while master was learning the duties of a slave master."

"During my training..." Naruto continued. "Ibiki-sensei asked me what I wanted to do with her. He told me that there are two kinds of slaves in this world. A regular slave and a sex slave but before I could make my decision, I was taught things, weird things that I didn't think was possible. Eventually, after everything was laid out for me, I finally decided what I wanted to do with her."

"I wanted to train her as a masochist sex slave."

Hinata's eyes widened at his statement. "Mas-masochist?" She repeated and he nodded.

"Out of all the things he showed me, BDSM was the one that appealed to me the most. I loved the idea the behind it and thanks to the imprinting Kyuubi did to me, my masochism turned into sadism. By the time she and I were reunited, I had the basic idea on how to start training her and I had help." Hinata was silent, trying to process this new information.

It was unbelievable. The fact that Naruto, the love of her life, has a slave and trained said slave to reveal in pain, to face the sting of whips...and love it. She whimpered when Naruto started to use his hand instead of fingers.

"The other part of the deal was that if I find any female in my territory, I have the right to claim her as my slave. This is the case with Ino. She followed Sakura one night and broke into my house and I found her trying to free Sakura in my dungeon. That was about eight months after Sakura became mine. I trained her to be a masochist sex slave like I did with Sakura. The both of them have satisfied my needs and wants to this day."

Hinata's face fell as he finished. As she heard Naruto, she began to realize that she never had a chance with him.

"So I never had a chance with you?" She asked.

Naruto shook his head. "I'm afraid not. I mean..." Naruto struggled to find the right words. "You're cute Hinata that much is true but you don't have the fire I like, the passion. Your problem is your confidence Hinata. You're letting people walk all over you and you can't say no. This is why I convinced Anko to take you as a pet."

"That was you?" She whispered out.

He nodded. "Yes. I've been wanting to help you for a while now and couldn't find a good way until now. Like I discovered training myself and my pets, if you want to truly become strong, you have to train every part of your body, including your sexual side. This is what me and Anko are going to do to you."

Hinata's eyes widened at his statement. "Do...to me?"

Naruto nodded. "I get first crack at you before Anko starts. We're going to switch sometimes. I only have one day before I have to start my career as a ninja but I guarantee you, you'll thank me before the day is done."

Naruto motioned to Sakura and she moved back, retaking her place near the door while Naruto stood up, taking his boxers off in the process. Hinata's eyes widened at her first sight of the fully nude Naruto and his...ahem. A heavy blush appeared on her face when he chuckled.

"Like what you see pet?

Hinata could only nod as her ability to speak was taken when he took off his clothes. She watched him as he sat back down on the bed, this time, adjusting this position so he was hovering over her.

Hinata closed her eyes when Naruto caressed her face, small pants as she could feel his warmth radiating onto her body. She closed her eyes when Naruto lowered his head, placing soft kisses on her face producing mewls from the girl and a sudden gasp when she felt his member grow on her stomach.

Naruto chuckled when he heard her gasp. "You'll feel my gift in due time pet but not now."

Naruto returned to his task of covering her face with kisses, causing the girl to thank the gods that this was happening to her. Her moans became louder when Naruto traveled down to her neck, kissing it and giving light licks causing her to gasp at the new sensation.

Oh kami, why were her hands bound? She wanted nothing more then to touch the boy making her feel so good. Is this why Naruto likes bondage? To be able to do what he wants to a girl and have her unable to resist, to leave her completely in his mercy? She suddenly moaned in disappointment when he stopped, raising his head to look at her.

"You know pet...I have an excellent idea."

He sat up and a poof of smoke appeared, revealing a second Naruto clone. The real Naruto backed off while the clone picked up the girl, although she was upside down and handed her to the real Naruto who sat at the edge of the bed, his cock standing up in pride.

Naruto chuckled as he tightened his grip on the girl in his arms. She was going to love this that's for sure. Looking down, he saw Hinata's core already wet and her smell was delicious. He took a deep breath, taking all of her scent in before exhaling.

Then...he started licking her pussy.

Naruto smirked when he heard a sharp gasp come out of the girl before moans took its place. He could hear her pant and moan while his rough tongued lapped at Hinata's labia.

This continued for a while. Naruto letting the girl in his hands feel the pleasure of having someone lick her when suddenly he gasped and smirked.

Hinata just licked his little friend.

"Oh Hinata-chan..." He chuckled when he heard the girl gasp and he was certain that she was blushing like she never blushed before. "You want to taste me?" He laughed out loud when the girl replied with a meek `yes'. "Alrighty then." Naruto lifted up the girl with one hand and used the other to position his cock at the entrance to her mouth. When she was ready, he gently lowered her down, letting out a shuddering moan as he felt her warmth engulfed his cock.

He let out a breathy sigh as Hinata started to work him over, using her tongue while giving light sucks to the object in her mouth. He smiled and went back to what he was doing while Hinata began to put more of an effort to pleasuring him.


Sakura chuckled seeing what the girl was doing. "Looks like the girl is a pervert like the rest of us."

"I told you before..." Sakura looked to her side seeing the (still nude) Anko leaning on the wall beside her. "And I'm telling you again. Everybody's a pervert. All they need is just the right push. Take Ayame for example...if she didn't come here with that ramen delivery, she never would've found the courage to ask him to teach her and she wouldn't be with Iruka-chan."

Sakura chuckled. "But you do have to realize that there are some people that you just can't teach. Remember that female missing nin you tried to train? No matter what you tried, she just wasn't able to be trained and eventually she was put to death."

Anko snorted. "I was off my game. Not going to happen again."

"Ibiki-sensei was helping you." She shot back but Anko just waved her off. Sakura sighed and looked back to the duo. "So what are you going to do to her?"

"I'm going to put her on the horse for one. The screams the girl is going to make will be so delicious."

"So what? You're going to make her into a masochist?"

Anko grinned. "That's my specialty but not as much as the two of you actually. I'm not as much as a sadist as Naruto is."

The two females looked forward when they heard a cry of disappointment. Naruto put the girl down onto the bed, apparently the reason for her anguish. Sakura smirked seeing the trail of cum going down her chin. After she was put on the bed, the girl started begging for him to continue but he only said that he'll be back before patting her cheek and left her.

Naruto's first stop was a mini fridge and pulled out a popsicle, grape to be exact. Taking the wrapper off, he popped it in his mouth before going to one of the many cabinets in the room. After digging through it, he pulled out one ball gag, one vibrator, one butt plug, two egg vibrators and black tape.

Going back to the bed, he set the items down, popsicle still in his mouth. He sat down beside the girl petting her hair as he looked at her.

"You did a good job on your first blowjob. Now you need to survive being alone while you suffer."

After he finished saying that, he took the popsicle in his hand and slammed it in her ass, causing her to scream at the sudden cold but her screams were muffled by the ball gag Naruto was putting on her. After Naruto fastened it to her, he grabbed the dildo and put it in her, hearing the screams change to a mix of pleasure and discomfort. After that, he grabbed the black tap and started making X's on the small oval vibrators. After that was done, he attached them to each of her nipples, ignoring her struggles. Last thing he did was shove the butt plug in her ass, keeping the popsicle in her and the eventually liquid inside her.

He smiled and looked the scared girl below him. This may seem awful to her but it is necessary if Anko and him are going to train the girl in the ways of the body.

"Have fun pet."

With that, he turned one all the vibrators, smirking at the sudden squeal and the attempts to get out of her binds. He stood up and, after giving one last look at the girl, turned around and walked away, very aware of the girl staring at the back of his head.

Sakura watched her master as he walked up to them, smirking all the way. When he reached them, he motioned to Sakura to follow him and she did, leaving Anko behind as she looked down at her shuddering toy.

The purple haired kunoichi smirked, sauntering over to the naked girl, enjoying her struggles and the interesting things they did to her tits

`Damn this little girl is stacked, she thought, almost salivating at the prospect of sucking on the mounds. I can't wait to hook her up to the milker...oh the squeals she'll make!'

She bent down and licked Hinata's tear-stained cheeks. "I can't wait till we get started, pet," she said, "You should thank Naruto for the popsicle...he knows grape is my favorite flavor. I can't wait to...clean you up."

Hinata could only whimper at the thought as the nude woman walked out.


For the next...uhh...how long as she been here? She couldn't tell between the popsicle in her ass and the vibrators on her nipples and cilt. She could feel the drool seeping from her mouth because of her muted screams.

She could feel the flavored ice in her ass slowly melting.

Suddenly, she felt two hands on her cheeks and the blonde boy entered her sight.

He chuckled seeing her distressed face. "How are you doing pet?" Naruto only smirked when muffled sounds came out of the girl. "Time to clean you up so we can play."

Naruto removed himself from her sight and suddenly she squealed when she felt herself being picked up by two sets of hands and found that it was Sakura and Ino while she was being lifted. She was carried then the girls following Naruto to another room in the room. When they reached the room, Hinata saw that it was a bathroom.

"Anko wanted to clean you up but I managed to convince her to let me." Naruto said to the whimpering girl. "Put her up."

The two girls put down the girl in their hands and untied her, keeping a grip on her. When all the straps were off, save for the ball gag, they stood her up and attached each wrist to a manacle. After which, Sakura grabbed a remote and pushed the up button, the girl lifting up until she was off her feet while Ino was attaching her feet to manacles and making them spread apart.

While this was going on, Naruto stripped off the last of his clothes and stepped into the shower, waving the girls back. They did and Naruto walked up to the girl, her eyes fixated on him.

"One thing you should know...you belong to Anko and all fucking rights belong to her. I can't touch you without her permission." Naruto reached to one of the knobs and turned it, cold water spraying down on the girl, causing her to scream at the cold before it warmed up. While the water rained down on her, Naruto reached up and took the gag off.

He turned to the pink haired girl who was standing off to the side along with Ino. "Sakura...enema time."

Sakura nodded. She stepped out of the shower and went to the cabinet, retrieving the materials for the enema wash. After mixing the soap and water, she grabbed the syringe and tube and walked behind Hinata as she was being washed by Naruto.

"Hinata..." She whispered in Hinata's ear. "Do you know how to take an enema?" Hinata's whimpering told her what she needed to know. "When the liquid goes into your rectum, make sure you hold it until I tell you to let it go."

Hinata whimpered when she felt Sakura take the plug out of her ass and shove her fingers inside, stirring the liquid inside her ass before it took ahold of the stick and pulled it out. Suddenly another object entered her ass, not her fingers but rather some sort of...thing.

She soon realized that it was some kind of tube as very warm water forced its way into her butt, filling her ass up to its peak.

"Remember Hinata...don't let it out or we are going to have to do it all over again."

Hinata groaned as she tried to hold it in. It became even harder when Sakura took both sides of her waist and started shaking her body. After a couple of minutes, Sakura said that she could let it go and Hinata didn't waste a second and let it out.

Sakura chuckled seeing the face the girl was making. She was going to hate this next part.

"Alright Hinata...time for round two."

Hinata whimpered when the girl inserted the tube in her ass once again, causing Naruto to smirk and continued rinsing her off.


Hinata stayed awake as she laid on the cot, her body tingling from her bath with Naruto and Sakura. The collar around her throat kept reminding her that she was not a free person any longer - that she belonged to people that revel in pain, torture, and sex.

Naruto, and that strange woman Anko.

In all her life, she never thought that he would be involved in something like this...and have the kind of connections necessary to keep her out of the ANBU brothels despite her stupidity regarding Mizuki's trick.

Of course, knowing what was to come with her new 'mistress', she wasn't sure if that was an act of mercy or not.

A hand found its way to her cheek, moving down to her chin and gently moving it to the other side. She saw her mistress, now clad in leather, looking at her.

Anko smirked. "So what do you think of your new life?"

Hinata sighed. "I hon-honestly don't know. While I'm gr-grateful that Naruto is he-helping me...what you plan for me is fr-freaking me out."

The leather clad woman chuckled. "That's what they all say when they start. I remember the early days when I helped him train Sakura. In the beginning, after every masochist training session, the girl would curl up in her cage, crying her eyes out, even if he puts her in the cage in binds. I remember one particular day and the level of Naruto's curiosity. The boy wanted to know the different kinds of sounds the girl can make when she felt different kinds of pain with various objects. By then the boy was starting to embrace his sadistic side." Anko chuckled again. "Some of his instruments he used caused the girl incredible pain. By the time he was done, the girl was crying her eyes out, wishing she was dead. However, that time, he stayed with her while she recovered, letting her feel pleasure to help her."

Hinata's eyes widened in horror. Sure she just found out that Naruto was abusive but she always known him as a kind and caring soul, that wouldn't do anything to hurt anybody.

She still hadn't gotten used to the fact that he was a sadist.

"My point is..." Anko said, seeing the girl's eyes. "It may seem that it isn't possible to train someone to love pain, but it is. Sakura, before she became a slave was pathetic, abusive, shy, etc. The Sakura after he trained her became confident, dominant (and submissive at the same time), and all around pain slut. Naruto was able to take that shell of a girl and mold it into something better. Ino was a little easier because Sakura was there to help the girl accept her role as his slave."

Anko reached down, tweaking one of Hinata's dark nipples and drawing a sharp squeak from the naked girl. "You'll be tough to mold but with my guidance, and Naruto's help, you'll do fine."

Anko reached behind her and pulled out a leash, attaching it to the ring on Hinata's collar and detaching the chain. After that, she stood up, tugging on the leash and pulling the girl to her feet. She turned around and started walking away, the leash tugging in her hands and forcing the girl to follow her.

After they exited the room, Anko led her down the hallway, passing several ANBU in the process. They made no attempt at jeering or even just the simple hi, just passed her silently. When the duo finally reached the room, Anko opened it and yanked the girl inside.

When the door was shut, they found that the room was already occupied or rather the bed was occupied.

Laying on top of a naked pink haired female was an equally naked blonde haired boy...who was snoring and apparently drooling on the girl's breast. Beside the bed, leaning against the wall, a female platinum blonde (which Hinata identified as Ino) looked up at the sound of the door closing and looked back down at the bed. She gave the bed a kick and startled the girl awake.

After exchanging a brief insult, Sakura shook the blonde until he murmured and turned around and Sakura had to repeat the process until he woke up. While this was going on, Anko watched with a smirk on her face.

"You want to know something about Naruto pet?" Hinata looked up when Anko mentioned Naruto. "Naruto has a tendency to sleep for the majority of a day. Sometimes he sleeps for an entire day and a half. Naruto actually slept for three days before Sakura had to wake him up one time. Heck, if it wasn't for Sakura waking him up during class, he would've slept until something woke him up."

They turned their attention back to the trio when Naruto woke up with a yelp, his head snapping back into Sakura's nose, causing her to cry out in pain as she tumbled off the bed.

Anko chuckled. "And blondie isn't exactly a 'calm riser'," she added.

Hinata turned back to Naruto when she heard a muted commotion. Naruto was sitting up and Sakura was holding her head up holding her nose. They seemed to be arguing with each other resulting in Naruto smacking the back of her head. He stood up, helping Sakura up in the process, before walking toward the duo.

Anko spoke when he neared her. "You know Naruto...you can take a nap elsewhere."

Naruto chuckled as he reached her. "Nah...I wanted her to get me up. You still want to go solo on this one?"

Anko nodded. "Yeah, you can help me with the next one."

Naruto yawned when Anko finished. "Okay...mind if I use the next room? I promised the girls I would put them through some of the I/T exclusive equipment."

"Sure. Just make sure you clean the equipment when you're done."

Naruto patted Anko's shoulder as he passed her followed by the groaning Sakura.

"Kami, why must master hit my nose every time I wake him?" The pinkette muttered as she passed the females, followed by Ino.

"You know master likes to get physical with you. Don't you remember the times he broke your arms and legs?"

The door closed, leaving the two females alone. Anko chuckled before walking forward when Hinata stopped her.


"You don't want to know," Anko replied.

Hinata lurched forward when Anko tugged on the leash, leading her to something resting on the floor. When the reached it, she was thrown on the ground, facing the ceiling. She looked up at her mistress, gulping at the face she was making.

"Spread your legs for me pet. Nice and wide."

Hinata whimpered but complied, her hands grabbing the back of knees and spreading them apart as per her orders. Her eyes went to her hand when it went behind the woman, before coming back into view holding black tape and what looked to be a small plastic egg.

Anko knelt down in between the girl's legs, tearing off a piece of the tape with her teeth before taping it to the egg and putting the egg right on her clit, earning a squeak of surprise from the girl.

"I think you'll like this pet." She motioned to the strange object next to her, opening it so she could see inside. "Get in, lay on your back, and keep your hands and feet on the ground and spread. Stay in that exact spot, no matter what happens."

Hinata only stared into the inside of the...bag was it? She jumped when her mistress barked at her to get in and she obeyed this time, trembling as she slid into the device, Anko guiding her towards a mouth piece near the center.

She could only wonder what her mistress was going to do to her.

Anko smirked as she sealed the bed. The vacuum bed was one of her favorite toys to use both on herself and others. Making sure the bag was sealed and the mouthpiece in Hinata's mouth, she tapped the button to start the vacuum. She could hear a squeak of surprise come from the girl and she placed a hand on her head to keep her down while the air was sucked in.

When all the air was sucked out, Anko grabbed a remote and pressed a button, causing a set of hooks to lower from the ceiling. After attaching the hooks to rings at the corners of the head, she pressed another button and the chains went in the opposite direction, lifting the bed off the floor. When the bed was where she wanted it, she let go of the button and the bed settled. Before she took the time to admire her, she attached hooks to the opposite side of the bed, to stabilize it.

When that was done, did Anko allow herself to take in the sight of the hanging Hyuuga. The latex was tight against her body, the vacuum keeping her in one place. She could clearly see the egg vibrator she put right on Hinata's cilt.

"I know you can hear me pet so listen up." Anko spoke to the latex wrapped girl. "The bed your in is a vacuum bed. No matter what you do, you won't be able to escape...but that's basically the idea..." Anko continued, despite the occasional squeak coming from the girl. "Don't think the latex will protect you because I guarantee you that it won't. In fact, it'll enhance some of the things I'm going to do to you."

Anko reached out and cupped one of Hinata's breasts, smirking at the girl's sudden, surprised yelp. After giving it a few more gropes, she moved to the other one, this time, poking her nipple with her finger. She smirked at the girl's attempt to struggle but the vacuum was keeping her still.

"It's madding isn't it pet?" She asked the girl inside the bed. "Being unable to move or resist." Anko moved a finger down her stomach to her pussy, pressing harder and massaging it. She smirked again by the slight movements of the body. The girl really wanted to move but she couldn't.

Oh just she wait until she turned on the egg.

Taking the finger off, she went to the mini-fridge. Taking the bucket of ice out, she went back to her previous position. Taking an ice cube in her hands, she approached the girl and thought for a moment where she should start. After a few seconds, she grinned.

Taking the cube, she set it on the underside of Hinata's left breast, chuckling at the squeal coming out of the bed. Even though latex is between the ice and skin, she can still feel it...and it is maddening to the girl as she can do nothing to resist.

That was the beauty of the vacuum bed. The victim could do nothing at all while the person outside tortured them - it was true helplessness.

After a few minutes of the ice torture, she decided to something different. Putting the ice back in the freezer, she walked over to her collection of whips. Discarding the whips that could cut through the latex, she picked up a single tail whip, she studying it for a few moments before setting it down and picking up a cat.

Her eyes going back and forth between the whips, she finally settled on the one tailed whip. Chuckling at the though of making the girl go through this, she picked up the whip and headed back to the hanging bed.

"Alright pet...time for your first, albeit muted, whipping session."

With that, she swung the whip. For the next fifteen minutes, Anko punished Hinata's body with the whip in her hands. With each strike, Anko could hear sounds come from the girl. Thanks to the latex, there wouldn't be any marks on the girl, but she could still feel the sting the whip, even if it was slightly dulled.

If anything, this would cause the pain to linger a bit longer.

When Anko decided that she had enough, she rolled up the whip and set it back in its spot. Walking back to the girl, she smirked when she heard soft sobbing from behind the latex. She gently put her hands on the stomach, comforting the girl. She moved her hands over the body, making sure she covered the parts of the body she lashed.

Soon enough, the crying ceased and Anko smiled. "I think we're done with pain for now pet," she said, a happy moan coming from her pretty slave. "I have a bit of business to take care of, so I'll keep you here with a present." Anko turned around and walked away, leaving the girl behind while she reached behind her and pulled out a remote. Tapping the high button, she smirked and kept walking, hearing the sudden scream as the egg tapped to her cilt turned on to its highest setting.


The sex slaves were in a predicament.

On one side, Sakura stood hanging with her arms tightly tied above her and her legs tied as well. On her nipples were electric patches that were made to deliver electricity that clamps couldn't go and handle the same amount the clamps can. In her ass, a long metal rod with a wire attached connected to the electric generator and in her pussy, a large metal rod was placed in it.

The same size and power that Naruto used during her final breaking. The one she became afraid of.

The back of her feet was touching the floor the rest of it was lifted above a contact plate and above her feet was several wires that had high electrity running through it. Sakura was forced to try and keep her feet from touching the contact plate or the wire.

The contact plate was wired to the generator for Ino's predicament as well. Her set up was the same as Sakura's and the contact plate under her feet were wired to Sakura's set up.

If the foot touches the plate, the generator attached to the breasts, pussy, ass would send high levels of electricity to the opposite girl.

Now both girls had an extreme phobia of this kind of generator. Even though Ino likes to be shocked...not this much.

And Naruto knows this.

Speaking of Naruto, he was seated in a chair, clones of the two girls on their knees servicing Naruto's cock, their faces is dismay because they knew what their creators were going through, facing the two girls facing each other. He purposely let their mouths ungagged so he can hear their undiluted, delicious screams.

And give the girls the chance to beg to each other, to cry and whimper when the other girl tried to apologize to the other when she knows she's about to touch the plate. Naruto chuckled as he remembered the begging they made when they got shocked and the cries they made afterwards.

In fact...the maximum time that it took one of the girls to hit the plate was three minutes.

But the best part was the begging. They begged and pleaded with him to take them off, to not feel the high of pain that came with the electricity because even though they have been trained to love pain, he has also trained them to fear certain types of pain such as the high level of electricity they're currently going through to make sure they stay in line.

The sound of boots hitting concrete hit Naruto's ears and he turned around to see the leather clad Anko walk toward him. He smirked when he heard screams, this time from both pets as they electrocuted each other.

"Have fun with the girl Anko-chan?"

The maniacal woman known as Anko chuckled. "You know it." Anko motioned to the sobbing girls. "Interesting set up you got. Haven't seen that technique in a long time. I thought blondie was an electric freak?"

Naruto chuckled. "Not this kind." He turned back around. "So what's next for her?"

"Horse." She said. "But not as severe I usually do. Just the cat. Mind if I stay and watch? I want Hinata to suffer a little."

Naruto chuckled. "Sure. Why not?"


Hinata whimpered into the ball gag resting in her mouth. The blind cloth over her eyes is a specially made cloth designed to nullify the Byakugan. Her hands and arms were tied behind her with special emphasizes on her hands. Her legs were tied at the ankles, knees, and thighs. Hinata could feel some kind of rope harness on her torso, the rope squeezing her breasts tightly.

Hinata was left in that bed for an hour, the slightest movement took a huge amount of effort, the egg attached to her cilt tormented her greatly, making her come countless times.

When her mistress came back for her, she was near tears at being unable to move, unable to do anything but stay and take the punishment. She shut off the egg and turned off the vacuum and then dragged the girl out of the bed, depositing her on the floor. After which, she proceeded to tie Hinata up in the position she is now and dragged her by the hair to a cage and threw her in it and left her there.

She didn't know what was going on, who was doing what, or what time it was.

She jerked and jumped when she heard a loud slam. Mostly likely the door opening rather harshly. She started to squirm when she heard footsteps walk toward her and stop. There was no sound after that, just the sound of her own whimpers.

Suddenly, a hand found its way to her arm restraints, grabbed it, and picked her up causing the girl to yelp and struggle when she was dragged along the ground. She started screaming in panic but calmed down a little when she heard Anko's voice.

"You want to know the difference between me and Naruto? I don't beat around the bush. While Naruto takes his time with his pets, I mean really takes his time, I do what needs to be done but in this case, I think slow is better. After all, you belong to me don't you?"

Hinata was lifted up and then let go, causing her to land with a thud and an oof but she wasn't given a chance to recover as a hand grabbed her hair and pulled it up painfully before the blind fold was taken off and she was staring at the object she never wanted to experience.

The wooden horse.

Her eyes widened as she gazed at the horse, faintly aware of Anko's breath on her ear. "I prefer to train my girls the hard way. Torture them hard and slow and make them feel every single second of pain and pleasure."

`Oh kami, not the horse. Anything but the horse.'

She pleaded with any god that would listen to spare her from the pain but it seem that turned a deaf ear to her as she heard a poof of a shadow clone being formed. She was lifted up and her chest was set on the horse while her legs binds were removed and her legs spread apart. She started squirming again when she felt a finger move across her pussy going to her ass before stopping and taking the finger off.

She suddenly squeaked when something pushed against her ass, not a finger but something plastic-like. She started to struggle when the thing started to enter her ass. After it was fully in, another object of similar properties entered the cavern in between her legs.

"Now that the preparations are finished, we can get started with your ride."

Hinata could only squeal as she was turned around so she was in the right position for her ride but before she set her on the edge, she paused and felt the blind fold being taken off. Hinata closed her eyes for a moment as the light shined in her eyes and when she found that it was safe to open her eyes, she did and found Anko looking at her.

"I think that this first ride is going to be...unique."

The clones holding the girl lifted her up off the horse, adjusting the girl's position so she was upright and then let her go. Hinata let out a painful scream as she landed on the horse, her pussy screaming in agony as the sharp edge dug into her. She didn't notice Anko attaching her legs to the horse.

She was too busy screaming in pain.

"Shh my pet." Anko started comforting the girl, bringing her hands to Hinata's cheeks and moving it so she could face her. Hinata continued screaming as the woman tried to talk to her. Soon enough, the girl was able to calm down enough so the woman could talk to her. "Look pet...this is necessary for your training. The horse is standard for torture. If you can take this, you'll be able take more with my training."

"But...it hu-hurts so m-much."

"It's alright pet. This ride will be fun."

The pain was accompanied by a squeal of pleasure when the vibrators inside Hinata turned on at the medium setting, mixing the pleasure with the pain. She looked to the side when a hand cupped her cheek to see a smiling Anko.

"I am going to have so much with you."

Two snakes appeared from behind Anko's back and traveled across her arm to Hinata's shaking body. One snake wrapped itself around her neck while the other wrapped itself around her waist while both heads of the snakes went to each nipples and attached themselves to them and started sucking causing the girl to squeal in fright.

Her other hand, the one holding the cat, lifted up and brought it down hard and fast. Hinata screamed as a fresh round of pain shot through her body, Anko starting a rhythm on her ass and her mid-back, right below her arms.

This continued for a half hour. By the time Anko put down the cat, her ass glowed red, not a single spot was left untouched. Anko chuckled as she tossed the cat back on the table and grabbed an ass cheek with both hands and squeezed really hard causing the girl to scream into the gag but soon those screams turned into half moans/half whimpers as Anko started to massage her red butt, the vibrators helping her take the pain by keeping her pleasure level up.

To Hinata's utmost surprise, her pleasured peaked as she came, her sweet juices flowing down the horse as pain and pleasure racked her body. She didn't know what she came from. The horse, the vibrators, the groping, or something else. She gasped when Anko leaned forward to her ear.

"Confused as to why and how you just came? Trust me pet...by the time I'm done with you, you'll accept pain as pleasure and become my masochist sex slave."


Naruto whistled in awe as Anko helped the panting Hinata off the horse, admiring the red glow coming from the Hyuuga's soft tush.

"That is one well punished behind," he said, while Anko laid the girl down on the cot, before pulling a jar of ointment off a nearby table.

"That's the difference between you and me, kiddo," she replied, "Even after all this time, you're really still just learning how to use the whips. I did all this with just the cat." She patted Hinata's left cheek for emphasis, drawing a distressed moan from the girl. "Total coverage even with multiple lashes to deal with. It's all in the wrist."

"Hey, I am getting better!" Naruto pouted, drawing a chuckle from his 'sensei'. "Remember that Kusa girl last month? The one with that cute little bunny tattoo on her left tit?"

"Oh yeah, her," Anko smirked, dipping her fingers into the jar of ointment and beginning to smear it over her pets sore bottom, causing Hinata to sigh in pleasure as the herbal concoction eased the burning in her ass.

"That's...nice..." the naked girl sighed, drawing chuckles from her 'tormentors'.

"Yeah...what was her name again...Shiori, yeah that's it!" Naruto said, snapping his fingers in remembrance. "I had her swearing loyalty to Konoha every time she heard a whip crack, even if it wasn't on her tits...and damn, did she have some big ones."

"Yeah, that girl could've given Tsunade-sama a run for her money," Anko replied, before smiling at Hinata, who was almost purring as her mistress massaged the ache away from her ass. "Course, give Hinata-chan hear a few years, and she'll probably do the same."

Naruto smirked, walking forward and dipping his fingers into the ointment jar. "Mind if I help out?" he asked, "Sakura and Ino are going to be busy for a while...I got them riding those sybians with the spiked dildo's you had custom designed."

"Ooh, how mean," Anko said, "Sure...in fact, help me get her all oiled up. My next game fore her is much more fun if she's...dirty." She motioned over to the left side of the room.

Naruto looked at the set up...and grinned.


Hinata whimpered as Naruto's clones held her up by her ankles, while the real one secured her feet in the manacles on the bar to the...whatever it was Anko had set up.

She was still tingling from the double massage the pair had given her, and her face was still red from having watched the pair suckle at her tits like a pair of new borne babies, while their fingers made a joint effort of teasing her folds.

"And now you're all set, Hinata-chan!" Naruto laughed, giving her ass a sharp smack.

"OW!" she cried, "Naruto-kun...so mean..."

"Only enough to be kind, Hinata-chan," he replied, reaching between her spread legs to finger her pussy again, drawing a moan from the inverted girl. "Anko and I love this lifestyle, and if you're going to survive, we have to get you liking it too." He looked over at Anko, who was fiddling with some spiggets on the wall. "Are you about set, Anko?"

"Yep, the tubes are all primed," she said, sauntering over to the pair, kneeling down in front of her pet and cupping her chin. "Are you ready for our next game, sweetie?"

Hinata gulped. "W-will...will this one...hurt?"

Anko smirked. "It'll seem more...shocking...than painful," she explained. "Naruto, why don't you start it off?"

The blond boy nodded, as he flipped a switch on the frame Hinata was hung on.

"AH!" the girl squeaked, as a thin jet of water shot out of one of the posts, striking the side of her left tit and causing her to twist in the frame. "COLD!"

"That's the beauty of it," Anko said, standing and flipping another switch, causing another jet of water to shoot out, this one catching Hinata on her back, just above (or below, given her inverted nature at the moment) her ass, while Naruto flipped yet another one, a thinner and faster spray shooting out and hitting her just below her clit.

"AH! AH! OH!" Hinata cried, jerking in her bonds as she tried to free herself from the needle like spray.

"Too cold, Hinata-chan?" Naruto asked, "Here, try this one."

"HOT!" the girl screamed, as a new jet was activated, the water spray hitting her left nipple dead center.

Anko and Naruto watched as the girl 'danced' beneath the sprays, constantly flipping switched on and off, activating different sprays. They shared a good laugh as a hot spray caught her right on her clit, causing her to orgasm and thrash even harder.

"NO MORE!" Hinata cried, as Naruto and Anko began spreading her cheeks for a new jet.

Anko stopped at that, looking down at her. "Are you sure, pet?" she asked, "Naruto and the girls have all gone through this themselves, and they went the whole distance."

Hinata panted, before craning her neck to look up at her mistress. "You...Naruto-kun..."

"To be a good master, I had to know what my pets would endure under my whips," Naruto said, "Anko helped to train me, and she is a hands on teacher, just like I'm a hands on learner." He knelt down, looking Hinata in her eyes. "There is strength in you, Hinata. We can teach you how to use it, but you have to bring it out." He stood up. "Will you do it?"

Anko ran her hands along Hinata's ass, giving it a good grope. "I'm happy just having you as a pet, Hinata-chan," she said, "But I'd rather have a strong pet. You may not be allowed to be a kuniochi for a few years, but wouldn't you like to be a strong one when you can?"

Hinata panted a few more times, before taking a deep breath.

"...More...mistress," she begged.

Naruto grinned. "Good girl, Hinata-chan," he said, spreading her ass cheeks apart as Anko activated another jet.

The room was filled with a mix of moans and chuckles for a while after.


When they finally let Hinata down from her restraints, the girl was so sensitized that the slightest touch seemed like fire to her skin.

"I-it hurts..." she moaned, as Naruto held her up bridal style, while Anko ran a soft towel over her skin, wiping away the remaining water droplets.

"It'll get better, sweetie," Anko said, stroking the girl's tear-stained cheek. "The hardest part of this lifestyle is getting started. Once the initial shocks wear off, you'll find that you come to long for the feel of the lash, and the tightness of the cuffs. You'll crave the sensations of helplessness, as well as the comfort of knowing that no matter what happens, your master or mistress will always care for you."

Naruto nodded, carrying the girl over to the cot. "When you get down to it, there's a shared responsibility between dominant and submissive," he said, "The sub has to be responsible enough to trust the domme with their body, mind, and soul. The Dom has to be responsible enough to care for those, while trusting the sub with their heart and soul."

Hinata looked up at him. "I-is that...how it is with S-sakura-san and Ino-s-san?" she asked, gasping as he started to knead her right tit.

"Yes," he said, "I trust them with every facet of myself, including the darker portions," he said, "And they trust me to take care of them, be it sexually or emotionally." He smiled warmly at her, causing her heart to flutter even as he played with her body. "In time, Anko-chan will trust you with the same, as you will with her."

Anko walked forward, having ditched her leather outfit, and stood bare before the two teens. "You've done very well for your first day, Hinata-chan," she said, laying down on the cot next to the pale girl, reaching up to cup her other tit, kneading it in time to Naruto's motions with the other one. "Things will get both rougher, and gentler, as we spend our days together," she continued, looking into the girl's lavender eyes, "I'll be pushing you to your limits, not just sexually, but as a kuniochi to-be, and as a woman. I will make you strong, sweetie...all I ask is that you trust me to do so."

Hinata moaned, before reaching up to cup Anko's cheek. Naruto watched as she pulled the purple haired woman's face down to hers, the girls coming together in a soft -almost romantic- kiss.

When the two broke apart, Anko looked down at her pet in surprise. "Hinata-chan..." she whispered.

"Anko-sama..." the girl spoke, "...I...I want...I want that strength." She arched her neck, in an ancient gesture of submission. "Please...mistress..."

Naruto smiled, looking at Anko. "I told you...a natural submissive," he said, "She just needs confidence, and you're the best person to give it to her."

Anko smiled brightly at Hinata's gift to her, before smirking at the blond. "I think my pet deserves a reward," she said, "Will you let me give her her fondest wish?"

Naruto smiled. "Does this mean I get you too, sempai?" he asked, sneaking a hand around to pinch Anko's shapely rear.

"Ooh!" she squeaked cutely, before leveling a playful glare at him. "Maybe later, stud. When you can handle me."

Naruto smirked again. "Beautiful, it's you who can't handle me," he said, "I know I could break you."

"Careful, kohai," she said, reaching down and giving his cock a squeeze through his shorts, "I might take you up on that challenge someday."

"Oh, I hope so," he said. He then looked down at Hinata. "Well, sweetie...today, you get to have me." At her blush, he grinned. "However, you're pussy is Anko-chan's. I won't touch that with my cock till after she's claimed it."

"He's right, Hinata-chan," Anko said, reaching down to finger Hinata's soft petals. "He doesn't go here till I've had my fill of it. So...you'll just have to be satisfied with him taking you're back door."

Hinata's eyes widened, before looking over at Naruto as he slipped his shorts down, revealing his hard cock to her. "B-b-b-back door!?!" she whimpered, her ass clenching tightly at the thought of his manhood taking that spot.

"Trust me, Hinata-chan," he said, reaching forward to grab her hands, lifting them up to the head board and locking them in their cuffs, while Anko did the same with her dainty ankles at the foot board. "You'll love it. You'll feel so full, so warm..." he reached around her, slipping his fingers between her ass cheeks and teasing her hole. "And the best part? Once Anko's done in front...she'll take you back there, and I'll go frontside!"

The poor girl could only whimper as Anko slipped on a blue harness, with a bright orange dildo attached. At Naruto's smirk, the snake-mistress actually 'giggled'. "I had it made as a gag gift for your girls," she said, "I figure a 'test run' would be a good idea." She looked down at her pet. "Besides...she's wanted an 'orange spear' for a long time. Now she gets her wish."

Naruto laughed. "Oh Anko-chan...I just love you."

"I know stud...but my pussy is off limits to you."

Naruto smirked. "Dang," he said, a plan forming in his mind.

"Now, get under her and start pounding that soft tush," she said, handing him a jar of lube. "I'm going to get her cunt all warmed up for the main event."

Hinata could only squeal as Anko dived right in, her tongue playing over her pussy, stroking her clit harshly before probing deep into her folds, forcing the girl to shimmy from side to side, desperate to find relief.

"MiSTRES!" she cried, barely noticing as Naruto lifted her up, while sliding underneath her. She DID notice, however, when his cock began laying siege to her ass. "N-nARUTO-KUN!"

"Just relax, Hinata," he whispered into her ear, reaching around to pinch her nipples as the crown of his cock pushed through the resistance. "Let yourself go...trust us to take care of you."

"So...much...big...Naruto-kun!" the girl could only moan in response, whimpering as Anko's ministrations forced her down further onto his cock. It was amazing at how full she felt, and how warm it was.

She felt like she was melting over his dick.

Anko quite enjoyed the taste of her new pet, bringing the girl to a quick orgasm as she savored the girl's flavor. Naruto could only smile at the blissful look his 'sensei' had on her face, as he forced Hinata up and down his cock.

"You're so yummy, Hinata," Anko said, "Calling you sweetie is really appropriate." The woman stood, before angling the dildo at Hinata's wet hole. "Now...I'm going to make you mine. No one else will claim this from you. You'll always be mine."

With a quick thrust, she was buried to the hilt.

Hinata let out a loud scream, as her pussy was spread for the first time. Like many girls in the kuniochi program, her hymen had been broken by the intense physical training. Still, the width and length of the dildo was considerable, and she had never had anything up there before.

Anko and Naruto held her as she sobbed, cooing softly in her ears as they played with her tits, calming her down and allowing her to adjust to this new sensation.

"...mi-mistress..." she moaned, "Will...will it..."

"No, sweetie," Anko said, "This is you're first time. After this, it'll be easier. Getting the initial thrust out of the way will make it easier for you to handle it."

Naruto nodded. "Just relax, Hinata," he said, "We'll take care of everything. This is for you. Right here, right now...it's all about pleasure."

The pair began thrusting in and out of Hinata's holes, bouncing the girl back and forth between them, toying with her tits as she moaned her appreciation as they brought her to climax again and again.

Naruto kept his mind on the prize, as Anko came from the constant vibration of her strap on, quickly making his favorite hand seal and creating a clone. The clone quickly coated his own cock with some lube, before pouncing on the still dazed Anko and pushing deep into her ass.

"OOOH!" the jounin moaned, before leveling a lustful glare at the blond boy beneath her pet.

Naruto merely smirked. "You said your pussy was off limits," he said, "Your ass is fair game...and I do so love your ass."

Anko and Hinata could only moan as the two Naruto's pounded at both their back doors, driving them to another set of orgasms.

Hinata would never forget that night for as long as she lived. When Naruto finally claimed her pussy, she was finally able to be content.

The fact that she got to watch her mistress get ass-pounded for hours after was fun too.

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